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More exposure of PNC's incompetence and racism will be exposed as Indo Guyanese are becoming very depressed, distressed and worried over this new PNC policy of ethnic cleansing.



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August 1, 2015 11:15 AM

Govt pilloried over ethnic, gender imbalance

Outrage over composition of State Boards

The David Granger-led Administration has been trenchantly criticised for alleged ethnic and gender imbalance in the composition of the recently announced State Boards. The A Partnership for National Unity/Alliance For Change (APNU/AFC) Administration has also been criticised for failing to consult adequately with the main Opposition People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C), breaching an agreement brokered by the late Opposition Leader Desmond Hoyte and then President Bharrat Jagdeo back in 2003.

Joseph Harmon

Joseph Harmon

Over the past few days, views have been expressed on the paltry number of women selected on these boards, as well as those appointed to chair them. Additionally, persons have expressed dismay at the ethic imbalance reflected in the new appointees, stating that only a meagre number of Indo-Guyanese were included.  On Wednesday, the Guyana Human Rights Association (GHRA) flayed the APNU/AFC Administration’s actions, deeming it an affront to women, referring to the unbalanced representation of females on the State Boards. “All Government functionaries responsible should feel ashamed over today’s announcement that only three (9.4 per cent) of the new Chairs of the 32 State Boards in the Finance Sector are females,” the organisation said in a release. According to the GHRA, while the full membership of only 20 out of the 32 boards were disclosed so far, only 18 per cent are females, that is, 22 persons out of a possible 125 as it relates to Boards in the Finance Sector with only one woman named a member on three boards and another woman on two boards.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

This topic is being widely discussed in the Indo Guyanese community as the fears of Past PNC Ethnic Cleansing policy has been implemented again by the current PNC Part Two.


Many are calling for UN intervention before it is tool late.

Its a pity that Indians didn't address ethnic cleansing of blacks during the PPP rule. Not only did 99% of them deny it, but they attacked as racist any one did mentioned it.


Sorry no credibility now. until the address the fact that the reason why most of those heads who have been dismissed were Indians is because almost all of those appointed were Indians.


They can go and scream for the UN to "save we from blackman".

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

This topic is being widely discussed in the Indo Guyanese community as the fears of Past PNC Ethnic Cleansing policy has been implemented again by the current PNC Part Two.


Many are calling for UN intervention before it is tool late.

Looks like this "ethnic cleansing" tune is more popular than Sohani Raat, bai.

Check the UN website and read its definition of "ethnic cleansing." Guyana ent qualify fo dat.

Come on let them scream "blackman gun kill ahbe".  Don't bother with the fact that blacks, Brazilians, and Amerindians are also being shot and killed by criminals.   And that some of those doing the killing are Indians.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Itaname:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Time for UN intervention in Guyana.

Yes, let's get to the bottom of that lil matter of "ethnic cleansing" of Sat Sawh and his family. A certain someone said they know who the killers are so maybe we see a UN tribunal to put them away, eh?

Indians are allowed to order the killing of other Indians. Especially when that Indian is a strongly connected to the PPP.


Don't you know this.  The Indo KKK even blames black people when Indians kill their own relatives!

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Who will protect Indo Guyanese now ?

Regret that you all didn't join the police because "dat is blackman wuk?"   Now its the same blacks who will have to protect you against those other blacks who the PPP foolishly armed. 


Yes PPP money run out, and those guys now have to making a living elsewhere.  Maybe the Phantom idea wasn't so good after all.  Its been a long time since we heard of all of these House of Israel people who the PPP brought in.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

100s silently forced to resign – Opposition Leader Jagdeo

Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo

APNU/AFC Govt “witch hunt”

Less than six months after the A Partnership for National Unity/Alliance For Change (APNU/AFC) coalition took office, hundreds of people are being “quietly terminated”, because of their ethnicity and/or their perceived political affiliation, Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo claimed.

A large number of officials who served under the previous regime have already had their employment terminated.

The former President told Guyana Times on Friday evening, “Those who are not being terminated because of these, their job environment is being made so uncomfortable that they are being forced to resign. So that is a silent number we don’t see who are forced to resign because of workplace discrimination…and what we have replacing them are people who are unqualified, who are pure politicians, like in the case of Berbice with Mr [Veerasammy] Ramayya.” He was referring to Ramaya who was dubbed “quasi political” by Minister of the Presidency Joseph Harmon.

They were terminated because of cronyism. They got into office on that account. If the PPP wins in 2020 everyone who is hired today is also gone.


It is pure bull crap to call Ramayya unqualified. Minus his PhD he has multiple degrees from accredited schools.

Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

Nagamootoo is the prime minister. 

He is supposed to head any team. 

How stupid are you people?. 

 Rama....Na Ness up Nehru


Dem Bannas did not expect a House Slave to be head of any Team!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now....Look... Jagdeo ...

begging Granger

 fuh be a House Slave...





Bhaaa..Rat is a.....

Soviet Trained

Expert Economist....


Rat promise Granger

to help Moses & Ramjattan

 Recover...and Lock up

all them PPP Thieves...


who ....Stole Billions


from Guyana Govt


in the last 23 Years...





Ratting out everyone.... in Freedom House



Starting with these 3

Nuff files..Nuff Thiefing

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Crabwood Creek home invasion

Out-of-control crime spirals 


Armed bandits rob, terrorise family


A Crabwood Creek, Berbice family was left traumatised on Sunday after five gunmen invaded their home and carted off an undisclosed sum of money and jewellery.

According to information received, the five armed men gained entry into the home of Krishnadatt Jettoo of Crabwood Creek, Corentyne through a window in the lower flat of the building which they pierced open. After gaining entry, they reportedly went to the upper flat of the house.

Guyana Times understands that upon hearing footsteps in the house about 02:30h, Jettoo and his wife thought it was one of their children. As they got up to check, they were reportedly confronted by the bandits who held them at gunpoint and demanded cash and jewellery.

The couple were reluctant to cooperate at first, but the gunmen reportedly threatened to kill Jettoo. As two of the men held them at gunpoint, the others ransacked the home where they found a quantity of US and Guyanese currency. They also found a quantity of jewellery. It was not clear where the children were at the time of the robbery.

The men then tied the couple up and ordered them not to raise an alarm as they made good their escape. A Police rank disclosed that the men escaped in a white Carina 212 motor car, according to reports. The men, based on information received, are known to law enforcement. The Police have since visited the home of the owner of the car, but he was not at home.

The investigation continues. Criminal activity continues to surge in Guyana. On Friday morning, three armed men invaded the home of Georgetown Town Clerk Royston King and carted off an undisclosed sum of money, mobile phone and other items. As Police responded to the scene, three men who were travelling on foot in the area at the time were arrested and were assisting with the investigation.

At the time of their apprehension, one of the men had a mobile phone similar to the one that was taken from King’s home. The investigation into the incident is ongoing.



– admits to “setting it up”

By Andrew Carmichael

Police have arrested the husband involved in Sunday’s Crabwood Creek, Berbice robbery, and he has told investigators that he had planned the robbery.

Reports are that Krishnadatt Jettoo and his wife were beaten by five gunmen who invaded the couple’s Crabwood Creek home and took away in excess of $5 million in cash and jewellery.

Police in conducting their investigation interviewed the Jettoos and received conflicting reports.

Information reaching Guyana Times indicated that Jettoo told the Police that the men had a long gun, but his nine-year-old son corrected him saying that it was a short gun.

Investigators became interested and started treating Jettoo as a person of interest.

They held him as a suspect after learning that the intruders gained entry from the bathroom window which was the only window in the house where the grill was secured with screws.

This was something that only family members would have knew. Also the door to the upper flat was left open when the couple retired to bed.

Jettoo was arrested on Tuesday and taken into custody and later provided investigators with information on the robbery.

Acting Commander of B Division (Berbice), Senior Superintendent Errol Watts, speaking of the investigation, said it was revealed that the couple were going through a divorce and the husband set the criminals on his wife.

“But he never expected that they would have beaten him like that. He was beaten severely, but he was hoping that he would have received a couple slaps so that it would not look as though he set it up. He told us that he never expected the boys to be so ruthless.”

This, the Senior Superintendent noted, was said in the presence of Jettoo’s lawyer.

Watts said the Police were going to investigate all robberies. “We will not take anything for granted and ensure that the robbery is not planned internally.”

Originally Posted by yuji22:

In less than 100 days Hundreds are being ethnically cleansed by the PNC Part Two.

PPP fanatic dictionary for the term Ethnic Cleansing - knackin off coolie teefmen.

Generally accepted meaning of Ethnic Cleansing - the mass expulsion or killing of members of an unwanted ethnic or religious group in a society.

Originally Posted by antabanta:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

In less than 100 days Hundreds are being ethnically cleansed by the PNC Part Two.

PPP fanatic dictionary for the term Ethnic Cleansing - knackin off coolie teefmen.

Generally accepted meaning of Ethnic Cleansing - the mass expulsion or killing of members of an unwanted ethnic or religious group in a society.



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