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Guyana is ready to drill blocks in Venezuelan front

Guyanese minister confirmed exploration in Esso and Anadarko

Environment Minister Robert Persaud: Everything is ready (Handout photo)
Monday September 30, 2013  12:46 PM
Guyana gets ready for drilling in one of the oil blocks awarded in the projection of Venezuelan delta, as appears from the remarks of Guyana's Minister of Natural Resources and Environment Robert Persaud.

The minister last week told journalists in Georgetown that transnational companies Esso and Anadarko "are taking active part" in oil drilling in the sea area. He revealed that one of the companies is well advanced, to such an extent that "it is almost to make a decision on the movement of a drilling rig" to start up, Guyana's news agency Gina quoted.

The two only concessions of Esso and Anadarko viewed by Guayana of its own are those which coincide with a portion of the Venezuelan Atlantic front and another with the projection of the disputed area. Esso works in partnership with Shell in Block Stabroek, whereas Anadarko is responsible for Block Roraima.

Stabroek is certainly ready for drilling. Preliminary assessment has been conducted since 2008 and 2D and 3D seismic surveys are done.

Last January, Guyana's Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment issued a communiquÉ reporting on contracting by Esso and Shell of company CGG Veritas "to conduct an offshore 3D seismic survey in Guyana." The works must have been completed in mid March.

No answer from the Venezuelan government

Every time journalists query Venezuelan Minister of Foreign Affairs ElÍas Jaua about the exploration, he replicates President NicolÁs Maduro's answer, that is: any disagreement between the countries will be managed through the Good Offices of the UN Secretary General for the dispute settlement.

Thus, no formal protest has been produced for such actions, even though Guyana is using the borderline in an arbitrary manner for the concessions, as the sea area has not been delimited.

Furthermore, Guyana's government craving for marine and submarine areas near the Venezuelan delta could constrain Venezuela's exit to the Atlantic to a narrow space.

In a recent visit of President Maduro to Georgetown, he promised economic and social support to Guyana, yet sovereignty matters were not included in the agenda.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

The Kleptocrats are having their way with the taxpayers’ money

September 3, 2013 | By | Filed Under Letters 

Dear Editor,
All decent minded Guyanese tend to look down on those PPP bicycle riders who in a matter of a few years after becoming ministers and permanent secretaries in the government have built beach front Taj Mahals and Palaces for hundreds of millions of dollars.
One would have expected that they would have some shame or guilt  but that is not the case because they are a shameless group of people. They have also taken over the country’s airwaves for themselves, imposed one of the highest tolls in the world on the Berbice Bridge, β€˜bruck-up’ the sugar industry with the white elephant Skeldon sugar factory, and  allowed foreign contractors to discriminate against Guyanese workers. As if these were not enough, their latest and biggest hoax is the flawed Amalia Falls Hydro Project, given unconditional support by some political quacks to deceive Guyanese once again. Had it not been for APNU, they were going to sell the country’s hydro power to Sithe Global for G$130 billion and still ask the taxpayers to pay the other G$300 billion.
As if bleeding Guyana dry is not enough, they continue to violate the people’s human rights by restricting and controlling what they do and say, impose higher electricity bills and taxes on them thus forcing the masses into perpetual poverty
All of this is happening as the PPP leaders live in luxury; which cannot be explained. These people have and continue to send their children to private schools and to Universities in North America. One former unmarried and childless official boasted that his chandelier in his beach front palace is worth more than G$10 million; an amount that can easily build a comfortable house for a family of four. But they are only interested in  themselves and not in helping the poor and the working class.
In Guyana, the income gap between the rich and poor continues to soar to new heights as these individuals rule with strong doses of hopelessness and despair injected into the tired population.
The kleptocrats have created a system where they can extract huge shares of the country’s wealth for themselves, no matter its impact on the people. They believe that the country belongs to them and they are therefore entitled to its resources, both financial and natural. It is sad to say that their actions have deprived thousands of Guyanese, especially the poor and the working class an opportunity for a better life. Today, many Guyanese have made the streets their homes, some, mostly women have turned to prostitution, and others, especially the youths have turned to crimes to eke out a living and the kleptocrats have turned high way robbery.
When the economic pie of a nation and society is not shared fairly, economic growth stagnates, poverty rises, unemployment increases and crimes escalate and that is exactly why Guyana continues to struggle to grow at a rate to lift all the people up to a higher and better standard of living.
Guyanese deserve the opportunity to look forward to a better and prosperous life but once this Ramotar/Jagdeo cabal is in charge the chance of this happening is zero to nil. It is time for the people to take to the streets and boot this corrupt, uncaring and anti-poor and antiβ€”working class regime out of office, and we proudly say by any, every and all legal means necessary. We call on the opposition, especially APNU to lead the way.
Dr. Asquith Rose and Harish S. Singh.


"The minister last week told journalists in Georgetown that transnational companies Esso and Anadarko "are taking active part" in oil drilling in the sea area. He revealed that one of the companies is well advanced, to such an extent that "it is almost to make a decision on the movement of a drilling rig" to start up"




This is horrible news, indeed, for the 40% PNC party and the dirty PNC Indians in Guyana.



Originally Posted by Rev:

"The minister last week told journalists in Georgetown that transnational companies Esso and Anadarko "are taking active part" in oil drilling in the sea area. He revealed that one of the companies is well advanced, to such an extent that "it is almost to make a decision on the movement of a drilling rig" to start up"




This is horrible news, indeed, for the 40% PNC party and the dirty PNC Indians in Guyana.



Stupid man, if oil is found and the PPP continue their reckless theft as usual; what has befallen every resource cursed place on the planet is our lot as well. 

Originally Posted by Danyael:

...if oil is found and the PPP continue their reckless theft as usual; what has befallen every resource cursed place on the planet is our lot as well. 

Danny Boy!


Be honest! You would have nightmares if Esso or Andarko were to find oil in commercial quantities.








Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

...if oil is found and the PPP continue their reckless theft as usual; what has befallen every resource cursed place on the planet is our lot as well. 

Danny Boy!


Be honest! You would have nightmares if Esso or Andarko were to find oil in commercial quantities.








I would indeed worry because as one and one equals two, the avaricious appetite for cronyism and theft entrenched in the PPP would mean internal struggles of a violent sort. We are not any different from other places where this process has unfolded. You are a bigot so you think that is a normal process....theft by ones own is excusable!

Originally Posted by Danyael:

I would indeed worry because as one and one equals two...

Danny Boy:


Stop worrying about the tens of millions PPP politicians will pocket if oil were found. With the PPP in charge, you can be assured that some of the profits from any oil discovery, a tiny portion, will flow down to the good people of Guyana.


But if the PNC were in charge---they would hog all the profits, and then bankrupt Guyana like they did during their illegal tenure in office.



Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

I would indeed worry because as one and one equals two...

Danny Boy:


Stop worrying about the tens of millions PPP politicians will pocket if oil were found. With the PPP in charge, you can be assured that some of the profits from any oil discovery, a tiny portion, will flow down to the good people of Guyana.


But if the PNC were in charge---they would hog all the profits, and then bankrupt Guyana like they did during their illegal tenure in office.



Well said Rev. If the PPP took a small percentage, this would be a lot better if the PNC took 100%. Let us not forgeT the days of the CHORES OF THE PNC.


The Amerindians were voiceless and had little rights to their lands during the reign of the PNC. After the PNC was driven from office the Amerindians were the first to benefit from the government drive to give land to the poor in Guyana. The PNC and the AFC have nothing to offer the Amerindian people. Today's battle for power remains between the progressive forces and that of the previous PNC regime. The AFC has done nothing to suggest that as a third force they have acted impartially in the interests of the Guyana. All their actions in parliament and on the streets reflect bitterness and and hunger for power. They want to accomplish this at the expense of the Guyanese people. Tell them that we will not trade democracy for tyrannical rule ever again.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

I would indeed worry because as one and one equals two...

Danny Boy:


Stop worrying about the tens of millions PPP politicians will pocket if oil were found. With the PPP in charge, you can be assured that some of the profits from any oil discovery, a tiny portion, will flow down to the good people of Guyana.


But if the PNC were in charge---they would hog all the profits, and then bankrupt Guyana like they did during their illegal tenure in office.



That kind of nihilistic  thinking may be your vision of the proper functioning of things but I do not live in your world. Most of us live in a place where the efficient running of administrations is not contingent on how much is left after the looters are satiated.


I did not say the PNC will be better. I have often said we do not need saints or sinners. We need systems to constrain the excesses of the saint and the sinner.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

I would indeed worry because as one and one equals two...

Danny Boy:


Stop worrying about the tens of millions PPP politicians will pocket if oil were found. With the PPP in charge, you can be assured that some of the profits from any oil discovery, a tiny portion, will flow down to the good people of Guyana.


But if the PNC were in charge---they would hog all the profits, and then bankrupt Guyana like they did during their illegal tenure in office.



Well said Rev. If the PPP took a small percentage, this would be a lot better if the PNC took 100%. Let us not forgeT the days of the CHORES OF THE PNC.

You are as loony as the rev. No one like a thief even if one is himself/herself a thief. Everyone likes security. If thieves of any ilk are in the treasury resentment builds up outside and somebody will be asked to pay. That is part of they syndrome of the resource curse. The deprived think they have a right to seek  justice and this evolves to vengeance. One sees everywhere in the world where leaders lack moral grounding as the PPP has aptly demonstrated. I bet the you would still insist it is those quarrelsome black people who are to be blamed if they call those PPPites to account over the barrel of a gun.

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

The Amerindians were voiceless and had little rights to their lands during the reign of the PNC. After the PNC was driven from office the Amerindians were the first to benefit from the government drive to give land to the poor in Guyana. The PNC and the AFC have nothing to offer the Amerindian people. Today's battle for power remains between the progressive forces and that of the previous PNC regime. The AFC has done nothing to suggest that as a third force they have acted impartially in the interests of the Guyana. All their actions in parliament and on the streets reflect bitterness and and hunger for power. They want to accomplish this at the expense of the Guyanese people. Tell them that we will not trade democracy for tyrannical rule ever again.

Mr. Balgobin:


The Rev finds your posts on GNI to be very informative and edifying. Keep up the good work. Thanks.



Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Reverse linking the finding of Natural resources in Guyana to continued PPP rule is quite a reach. You simply do not have any grasp of how much support the PPP has lost and continues to lose on the ground from the average Guyanese here in Guyana.


You are completely out of touch with reality.

This is what the Rev knows!


As recent as 2011---48.6% of Guyanese voters voted for the PPP.


Your newly beloved PNC pulled their usual 40%---40.83%


And the AFC which is now in serious crisis---they pulled 10.3%


Now, with the disintegration of the AFC---with your newly beloved PNC stuck at 40%----and with the Guyanese people knowing more about Ramotar and trusting him more as their leader----it is highly likely that the PPP will win the next election by a majority.



Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

The Amerindians were voiceless and had little rights to their lands during the reign of the PNC. After the PNC was driven from office the Amerindians were the first to benefit from the government drive to give land to the poor in Guyana. The PNC and the AFC have nothing to offer the Amerindian people. Today's battle for power remains between the progressive forces and that of the previous PNC regime. The AFC has done nothing to suggest that as a third force they have acted impartially in the interests of the Guyana. All their actions in parliament and on the streets reflect bitterness and and hunger for power. They want to accomplish this at the expense of the Guyanese people. Tell them that we will not trade democracy for tyrannical rule ever again.

 As one who is grounded in what unfolded one sees the PPP as of little use than the PPP was to Amerindians. It is the PPP who said they cannot be called indigenous. That is of course to side step the Universal declaration o indigenous rights. If you have competing indeginities the matter is reduced to internecine struggles and not natural patrimony. It is also the PPP who refused to this point to address Amerind claims prior to giving our land grants to others. That is why we have a case in court and why the conundrum of the Chinese woman mining Amerind lands and not accountable to t he village.


As usual your ignorance of what the people want is reduced to what the PPP dictate through the agencies of their sell souls in the Amerind ministry. Those are not native people representatives. Those are hand selected agents of the PPP to sell the illusion of addressing native people rights.


That is why maniram can give 99 year leases to waterfront lands in Orella to indian tour companies with national concessions and not facilitate the local people in bootstrapping their own economy. Instead the PPP made them cigar shop indians for visitors to gawk at..."see the naked indigenous" while making an indian company the cigar shop owner. I remember one fellow here saying all he need is a boombox and a flattie to lay any Amerind woman.


That is indeed the attitude of people like you. You open your silly trap and tell us that you give us what you cannot. It never was yours. You are here on our land and what you give back is ours and you get that authority only because of superior numbers. Had that not been the case a Fijian paradigm would be presently in place give the sense of entitlement non indigenous folks have displayed to the detriment of the indigenous peoples. I see the PPP as no less than the old colonizers. Is that not why the Amerind minister asks that we assimilate? Why don't the fool tell Indian people and black people to assimilate. But then we have the taboo of duglarization raising its racist head in your mind quite easily.


Again, you cannot give us what is ours. Whether the PNC or the PPP "give" it is as if we never had it in the first place. PPP or PNC tyranny is embedded in the idea that they can give and not in the idea they are managers of a colonial legacy and giving due respect to the original owners of the land.


Reverse right now in region 7,8 and 9 the PPP is taking away lands from Amerindians and assigning to mining and miners.


So what nonsense you are talking? Reverse this is identical hypocrisy to when the PPP goes out and tries to justify the PNC constitution.


Wake up man when are we going to recognize that this Constitution and these actions are anti Guyanese and Anti Guyana regardless of what party you support or don't support?


Thank you Rev.


Based on how Danyael's views the Amerindian cause in Guyana he should not support any of the political parties including the AFC. Land rights concerning indigineous people have had problems all over the Americas. The PPP understands the historical and social problems of indigenous people of the Americas and they have done more for them than any other country in Latin AMerica. Let D2 point to any country in the Americas, including the U.S. that have done and exceptional job in protecting the right of native peoples and we will compare it to present day Guyana.

Billy Ram Balgobin


Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Reverse right now in region 7,8 and 9 the PPP is taking away lands from Amerindians and assigning to mining and miners.


The Rev doesn't want to hear anything about the CONSTITUTION----the Burnham constitution works just fine for the PPP.




The PPP has to do what is right for all of Guyana---not just Amerindians.


Now, in Guyana today nearly 70% of the Amerindians are happy with the PPP----any noise you hear comes from the 30%----they are free to complain---it's a free country.






But don't be too disillusioned HM_redux---your newly beloved PNC will get their usual 40%----and by the way, all the newspaper writings and propaganda from you wont make a difference in the election result.







Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Rev of course you don't want to hear anything about the Burnham constitution and the PPP dictatorship. 


That is like poison for the soup lickers.

The Burnham constitution is the greatest gift ever bestowed upon the PPP----the PPP must always treasure and preserve the Burnham constitution.


Listen Redux---you can write a million newspaper articles on the corruptness of the Burnham constitution---thankfully---all your propaganda will fall on deaf ears and blind eyes.




You and the PNC deserve each other.



Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Reverse of course you don't want to hear anything about the Burnham constitution and the PPP dictatorship. 

The current constitution indeed need changes.


However, it requires, at least, two-thirds of the member of parliament to effect the changes.


The PPP/C has, for practical purposes, 50% of the votes.


When will the PNC cum AFC make presentations for the changes.

Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Reverse linking the finding of Natural resources in Guyana to continued PPP rule is quite a reach. You simply do not have any grasp of how much support the PPP has lost and continues to lose on the ground from the average Guyanese here in Guyana.


You are completely out of touch with reality.

This is what the Rev knows!


As recent as 2011---48.6% of Guyanese voters voted for the PPP.


Your newly beloved PNC pulled their usual 40%---40.83%


And the AFC which is now in serious crisis---they pulled 10.3%


Now, with the disintegration of the AFC---with your newly beloved PNC stuck at 40%----and with the Guyanese people knowing more about Ramotar and trusting him more as their leader----it is highly likely that the PPP will win the next election by a majority.





You screamed that Obama would not get more than 47%.  You then disappeared for many months out of shame.


Rev you screamed that the PPP would win 60% of the votes in 2011 and legions of AfroGuyanese would flock to their side.  You were wrong as many Indians refused to vote (outside of Berbice) or voted AFC in Berbice.  In addition MORE blacks turned up to vote AGAINST the PPP.


Again you disappeared.



I predict that you will be equally wrong again.


Guyanese are changing and many have tired of the political process.  Indeed its likely that the traditional supporters of the PPP are more likely to refuse to vote, as they have lost the hope that the PPP offers anything.  Its likely that PNC supporters might be more likely out of a hope (maybe mistaken) that their lives will improve if the PNC wins.


So Rev think of this.  If 20% FEWER Guyanese vote in the next general election, and most of these are Indians, then why do you think that the PPP will do better than it did in 2011?   The point being that the PNC could confine the PPP to being a minority govt, despite the implosion of the AFC just by ensuring that their supporters vote while the PPPs stay home.



Dem Guy the APNU has been calling for constitutional reform. The PPP is the government of the day. They are not interested in constitutional reform and strengthening the pillars of democracy in Guyana.


The current Attorney general is actually going to court in case you have not noticed to defend the Burnham constitution and he has gone on record on Television several times stating quite clearly that the PPP sees nothing wrong with the current constitution.


My thoughts are that regardless of what political party we support PPP or PNC we should agree that constitutional reform for a better Guyana is required. The PNC collaborated with the PPP to for example prevent post election coalition governments this is wrong and should be reversed.


The PNC with the PPP joined to prevent MP's from crossing the isle this again is another Corbin Jagdeo special. This should be reversed and MP's should be given ridings from which they are elected so they become accountable to the people.


The constitution should be changed so that when the government ignores the constitutional requirements of the country penalties are levied against the minister or the President and or legal implications are enforceable. 


The PNC put in place that a president cannot be charged for any crimes and enjoys immunity for life that is bogus and this should be changed so that like countries such as israel and all other Caribbean countries these men can face the brunt of the law when they commit illegal acts. We should have laws to prevent another Rabbi Washington and another Roger Khan from ever occurring in this land.


The Question is will PPP supporters support and demand their government follow through with these changes or will they join the blame game and continue the dance for another 50 years? We can make a difference by demanding these changes but do we have the courage to do so? Reverse, Dem Guy, Cobra the whole lot of you. Is this something you are willing to advocate for.

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Rev the PPP and the PNC doan really have much difference, Now wid APNU you talking a different dynamic all together, with David Granger you are talking a man who will not take buy out via retainers from the PSC and every other company doing business in GY.


You dig Rev?



The only thing the Rev digs is you have been sorrowfully reduced to promoting, hyping and doing PR work for a proven failure and loser---David Granger.


Listen! The Guyanese voters know that APNU is comprised of the PNC, Guyana Action party, the WPA and national Front Alliance.


The 3 minor parties in that coalition barely pulled 3% in the last election they contested.


And the coalition--APNU---pulled only 40.83% in 2011----that's less than the PNC pulled in 1992.







Originally Posted by Rev:


Now, in Guyana today nearly 70% of the Amerindians are happy with the PPP----any noise you hear comes from the 30%----they are free to complain---it's a free country.





Dont know where you are getting yoiur 70% support using 7.8.9 as evidence.  APNU won in 7, the AFC in 8 and the PPP won 60% of the votes in 9.  I will add that virtually all of the traditional UF votes in 9 went over to APNU.


Also I am sure that you will find that voter turnout in these regions is very low as most have no respect or regard for the babblings of any coastlander,PPP, AFC, or APNU, as they know that ALL will dismiss as :stupid buckman" behind their backs.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by caribny:
The point being that the PNC could confine the PPP to being a minority govt, despite the implosion of the AFC just by ensuring that their supporters vote while the PPPs stay home.

How will the PNC ensure that the PPP's supporters stay away from the elections?

The PNC need to nothing to confine the PPP supporters to stay home.  The PPP is doing an excellent jobwith all the nepotism and corruption and incomepetence, and the growing divide between PPP cronies and the rest of the population.


So if the PNC gets out most of their supporters, and the bulk of a decline in voter turn out falls on the PPP then the PPP remains a minority govt.


Oh yes the PPP will scream about "bad black man" to terrify Indians.  Problem though is that fewer Indians listen to that nonsense and there are fewer Indians left in Guyana anyway, given the heavier migration of Indians relative to others, which will eventually translate into a decline of Indians as a % of voting age people.  This as the mixed and Amerindians (who are the youngest groups) age.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by caribny:
If 20% FEWER Guyanese vote in the next general election, and most of these are Indians, then why do you think that the PPP will do better than it did in 2011?


Last election I forecasted that the PPP would win 49% of the votes while you screamed that it would win 60%.  You wailed "specualtion" then.


It might be that my speculations are more accurate than yours.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by caribny:
The point being that the PNC could confine the PPP to being a minority govt, despite the implosion of the AFC just by ensuring that their supporters vote while the PPPs stay home.

How will the PNC ensure that the PPP's supporters stay away from the elections?

The PNC need to nothing to confine the PPP supporters to stay home.  The PPP is doing an excellent jobwith all the nepotism and corruption and incomepetence, and the growing divide between PPP cronies and the rest of the population.


So if the PNC gets out most of their supporters, and the bulk of a decline in voter turn out falls on the PPP then the PPP remains a minority govt.


Oh yes the PPP will scream about "bad black man" to terrify Indians.  Problem though is that fewer Indians listen to that nonsense and there are fewer Indians left in Guyana anyway, given the heavier migration of Indians relative to others, which will eventually translate into a decline of Indians as a % of voting age people.  This as the mixed and Amerindians (who are the youngest groups) age.

And your point is ...... ??

Originally Posted by caribny:

Dont know where you are getting your 70% support using 7.8.9 as evidence.  APNU won in 7, the AFC in 8 and the PPP won 60% of the votes in 9.  I will add that virtually all of the traditional UF votes in 9 went over to APNU.

I said overall the PPP pulled nearly 70% of the Amerindian votes in 2011----it's probably closer to 67%


Anyway, there were only 2570 votes cast in region 8---the AFC(995) won that region---the PPP got 29%---The AFC got 254 more votes than the PPP.


There were 5808 votes cast in region 7----the PNC(2843) won that region----the received 467 more votes than the PPP.


You can go check region 9 which the PPP won with 57%





The PPP will easily regain the majority.



Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by caribny:

Dont know where you are getting your 70% support using 7.8.9 as evidence.  APNU won in 7, the AFC in 8 and the PPP won 60% of the votes in 9.  I will add that virtually all of the traditional UF votes in 9 went over to APNU.

I said overall the PPP pulled nearly 70% of the Amerindian votes in 2011----it's probably closer to 67%


Anyway, there were only 2570 votes cast in region 8---the AFC(995) won that region---the PPP got 29%---The AFC got 254 more votes than the PPP.


There were 5808 votes cast in region 7----the PNC(2843) won that region----the received 467 more votes than the PPP.


You can go check region 9 which the PPP won with 57%





The PPP will easily regain the majority.



Rev Subraj, this is all meaningless. You are an idiot.


TK was looking for a change so he joined the AFC.

He did not find the change he was looking for so he joined APNU.

APNU has a program that chains those who come from outside seeking change inside the Burnhamist party.

TK is bravely wearing these shackles like Houdini in his straight-jacket.

We are all anxiously waiting to see how he will break free and become a hero.

Heroism is tempting for many, but the price is sometimes too high.


Billy Ram Balgobin

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