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Hey hey hey...Petul yuh smart gurl. When yuh tell yuh mattie foh dankey years doan jine army and army wuk na foh abie, dis is what yuh get. Dem one lovers social cohesioners and chuch kneelers showing PPP how foh rig and tief in de court system. Hey hey hey...dem one lover know david granja go get more cuss dan Burnham foh de next 50 years 

@Former Member posted:

All you Indians have blabbermouths. Yelling victory, making up of cabinet, and exhibiting racist norms. When I said that Guyana has a serious racist problem, yall attacked me of being Black and anti-Indian. Yall should shut all you A-hole and don't jump to conclusions prematurely. 

Gurl Petul since NCM yuh cyant come to wan conclusion? Yuh cyant see dat blackman gat real powah and still cry marginal, marginal...coolie tek abie land? Hey hey hey...yuh mek meh haan fall. Like dem bais gat to get yuh two coronas by Sings roti shap and like pumpkin and shrimp and achar? 

@Former Member posted:

Gurl Petul since NCM yuh cyant come to wan conclusion? Yuh cyant see dat blackman gat real powah and still cry marginal, marginal...coolie tek abie land? Hey hey hey...yuh mek meh haan fall. Like dem bais gat to get yuh two coronas by Sings roti shap and like pumpkin and shrimp and achar? 

LOL. Pumpkin an shrimps. AHAHAHAHAHAHA,

@Former Member posted:

All you Indians have blabbermouths. Yelling victory, making up of cabinet, and exhibiting racist norms. When I said that Guyana has a serious racist problem, yall attacked me of being Black and anti-Indian. Yall should shut all you A-hole and don't jump to conclusions prematurely. 

Django can suspend me for this. Why don't you shut you SK**T WTF? Here you go with race-baiting again, yet Django let you get by with it.

@seignet posted:

I find it difficult to understand what is going on. Is it okay yet for the PPP to over?

It is my understanding that Mr. Lowenfield is to make a declaration. It is my opinion that since he is an APNU supporter he may very well rule in favor of the Coalation. I don't know what happens next. There are learned minds here who may offer something more meaningful.

@Former Member posted:

Indians are too peaceful people. Indians in Guyana need to stop thinking the way they do. Dog eat dog.

Is not dat. Abie gat to talk like Nigel Huges de billions of dalla man who does cry marginal, marginal, marginal...Nigel is bright. Me agree...wid Nigel. Let abie split de corn if abie cyant share am. Hey hey hey...

@Sheik101 posted:

It is my understanding that Mr. Lowenfield is to make a declaration. It is my opinion that since he is an APNU supporter he may very well rule in favor of the Coalation. I don't know what happens next. There are learned minds here who may offer something more meaningful.

What do you understand by 'Valid votes'? He has to follow the court's decision.   Jagdeo knows that the PPP will lose if Lowenfield abides with the Court and that's why he appealed to the CCJ, hoping for a miracle.

I always try to be direct.

@Ramakant-P posted:

What do you understand by 'Valid votes'? He has to follow the court's decision.   Jagdeo knows that the PPP will lose if Lowenfield abides with the Court and that's why he appealed to the CCJ, hoping for a miracle.

I always try to be direct.

So what votes were being recounted with international observers present?

@Ramakant-P posted:

What do you understand by 'Valid votes'? He has to follow the court's decision.   Jagdeo knows that the PPP will lose if Lowenfield abides with the Court and that's why he appealed to the CCJ, hoping for a miracle.

I always try to be direct.

Precisely this. But will CCJ hand down a favor? I mean, its like asking The Hague to prevent The United States from declaring an election. No respect for sovereignty. It does not make any logical sense. 

@Rochelle posted:

Precisely this. But will CCJ hand down a favor? I mean, its like asking The Hague to prevent The United States from declaring an election. No respect for sovereignty. It does not make any logical sense. 

Hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey...ayoo want pull out CCJ and CARICOM suh ayoo one lover RACIALIS cyan do de final solution pon Indos? How de Granja plan foh de black run apartheid? 


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