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Former Member

Minister of Natural Resources Raphael Trotman on Thursday evening met and interacted with residents from the village of Buxton on the East Coast of Demerara as he addressed their concerns.

The visit served as a continuation of a series of community engagements embarked on by the Government aimed at hearing concerns.

Residents raised issues relating to infrastructure, agriculture, housing, and lights.

The Minister committed to donating 20 streetlights and also towards addressing those issues within his ambit and putting the information to other subject Ministers to do same.

In his remarks to the residents, Minister Trotman said he understands “that all things are not perfect” however, he noted, to “continue development towards perfection, the support of residents is needed.”


A teacher of the Annandale Secondary speaking during the meeting [DPI photo]

The Minister highlighted the recent donation by the Ministry of Natural Resources and the Guyana Geology and Mines Commission (GGMC), of a boat and engine to the community’s farmers to better travel and transport their goods and produce.


He said that while that has been a significant donation, there is more to come and proceeded to announce the upcoming infrastructure works in the community, specifically an all-weather road which will commence in two weeks.

The Natural Resources Minister also spoke on the development of oil in the country.

“We have managed to move oil from discovery to production in four years, under the leadership and discipline of His Excellency, President David Granger, which is great since, for other places, development normally takes ten years.”

“It is your oil. Rest assured you will not be excluded from it.”

He further reminded of the two critical areas that the government will continue to focus – agriculture and education. In continuing to contribute to these areas, everyone will gain.Minister of Natural Resources Raphael Trotman addressing residents of Buxton (DPI photo

“This is a strong and proud village. Do not be disrespected. This village has shaped this country over generations. You must be a part of this development,” he urged.

Before leaving, Minister Trotman donated sporting equipment and seedlings to the residents. (Extracted and modified from Department of Public Information)

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Why all dem schupid Coalition peekple campaigning in Buxton when they already have the Buxton support? Like dem scared to go out of dem comfort zone in the fear that the residents will chase them out. 


Mr Granger did say that any community that so wishes to access government resources should organize themselves and bring a plan to the government. 

The people in the areas that received government benefits do do.

I do believe the sugar workers were given a raw deal, with no safety blanket, but when has the PPP make a proposal for a specific allocation for a specific area? It has not done so simply because the PPP, while being an Indo party, does not want to look like they are representing Indos alone. It is their own fault. Politics is about making demands and following through with it. The people of Mocha and Buxton have been doing so.

On the question of Buxton, the coalition may have Buxton boxed in, but there are still people who will drag their feet and may not vote. The PPP will have the same issue because they have a nincompoop candidate name Fraudster Irfaan. So, lets see if the PPP will avoid campaigning in Corriverton, Enmore, and Port Mourant....

so haul alyou bamsy daside



So when the PPP did developments in non-Indo dominated areas, they were doing it just they don't look like they are representing Indos alone. Good thing the PNC don't have any developments in Indo dominated areas just so they don't look like they are representing Afros alone. They do it because they are racist and don't really care how it looks.

ksazma posted:

Why all dem schupid Coalition peekple campaigning in Buxton when they already have the Buxton support? Like dem scared to go out of dem comfort zone in the fear that the residents will chase them out. 

There is a reason for this continue visit. They promised them the oil money. 

When PPP wins the election and the oil money doesn’t flow down to these people, it’s gonna be war and riots. And these Scrooge in Government will tell them “ if we were in Government, Ayo would get the money” 

This hapless government, has plans to lay-off 20,000 workers - to offset the increased wages, most will be Indians. 

This government is all about the Negros, many people see a civil war in Guyana. 


Sheik101 posted:

What is the position with the street lights that were removed from Bath Settlement. Is Trotty planning a trip there soon?

Recently BV was given street lights. 

Beterverwagting to have LED lights soon - Stabroek News

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Minister within the Ministry of Public Infrastructure, Jaipaul Sharma (right) interacting with the contractor for Thomas Electrical Construction and Manufacturing. (MoPI photo)

The residents of Beterverwagting (BV) on the East Coast of Demerara are to benefit from the installation of 35 light-emitting diode (LED) lights along the Main Access Road.

According to a Ministry of Public Infrastructure (MoPI) release, this development was announced by the Minister within the MoPI, Jaipaul Sharma, yesterday, during a visit to the community to meet with the Neighbourhood Democratic Council (NDC) members and residents.


Last edited by Former Member
alena06 posted:

Street lights in exchange for votes next election.

Just window dressing dear. The PNC doesn't need any votes. They have the rigging machine fully in place. The PNC never won a general elections and they never will without the help of the rigging machine.


If Buxton is a loyal village to the PNC for ages, the Buxtonians deserve the lights that were offered to them. PPP has done lots more for Indians in their strongholds. Light is an essential part of the quality of life. It may bring good returns to a village that is considered bad by Indians. 

Dave posted:
This government is all about the Negros, many people see a civil war in Guyana. man get 20 old street lights and "Dave" (who is he own uncle) see civil war

Dave posted:
ksazma posted:

Why all dem schupid Coalition peekple campaigning in Buxton when they already have the Buxton support? Like dem scared to go out of dem comfort zone in the fear that the residents will chase them out. 

There is a reason for this continue visit. They promised them the oil money. 

When PPP wins the election and the oil money doesn’t flow down to these people, it’s gonna be war and riots. And these Scrooge in Government will tell them “ if we were in Government, Ayo would get the money” 

This hapless government, has plans to lay-off 20,000 workers - to offset the increased wages, most will be Indians. 

This government is all about the Negros, many people see a civil war in Guyana. 


There will be no cash transfer.  Granger said the nation needs development to grow the economy.  Monies will be spent on education, healthcare, nutrition.  Percent goes to the sovereign wealth fund and a significant portion to infrastructure!


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