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PPP asks Police Commissioner to prevent “violence and mayhem” on No Confidence debate day


People’s Progressive Party Civic (PPPC) parliamentarian and Opposition Chief Whip, Gail Teixeira.

As Friday nears for debate on the opposition People’s Progressive Party’s (PPP)-sponsored no-confidence motion, that party has formally asked the Guyana Police Force to prevent what it says is a plot to stage disruptions before, during and after the debate.

“We, therefore, call on you to take the necessary interventions to ensure that the rule of law prevails and not only the sitting of the National Assembly on December 21, 2018 will be allowed to proceed peacefully but also the safety of citizens beyond the precincts of the Parliament Buildings and property, life and limb will be protected from any efforts to create violence and mayhem,” Opposition Chief Whip, Gail Teixeira said in a letter to Police Commissioner Leslie James.

She did not name any specific group or opposition. A Guyana government spokesman did not immediately react to the PPP’s concerns. Government has repeatedly expressed confidence that all of its 33 parliamentarians would vote against the motion by the 32-seat opposition.

Teixeira informed him that the “matter of serious proportions relating to public safety and the security of the National Assembly, the Parliament Buildings and all Guyanese citizens” includes an attempt to prevent PPP parliamentarians from entering Parliament Building for the debate and after the vote on the motion tabled by Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo.

Teixeira detailed that the plan includes invading the National Assembly’s Chamber at Parliament Building to disrupt the sitting. “Our information points to some very ominous plans to physically disrupt the sitting by either invading the Chambers, and, or, creating disruption within the Chambers. The intention is to interrupt the debate and the vote on the No Confidence Motion,” she told James.

The Opposition Chief Whip urged the Police Commissioner to also take note of plans to create unrest after the vote by “threatening the safety of citizens going about their business beyond the precincts of the Parliament Buildings.”

Teixeira, a former presidential adviser on governance up to 2015, said the PPP remainedconfident that the Guyana Police Force “will uphold the law and manage any threats to the public safety of the Members of the National Assembly, the Parliament Buildings and the citizens of our country.”

She said she has also brought the PPP’s concerns to the attention of House Speaker, Dr. Barton Scotland.


Replies sorted oldest to newest

VishMahabir posted:

However, my prediction is that if the coalition loses the no confidence vote (I dont see how they can), I predict there will be mayhem on the streets of Georgetown...given the history of Guyana.

Bring. It. On.

Bibi Haniffa
VishMahabir posted:

However, my prediction is that if the coalition loses the no confidence vote (I dont see how they can), I predict there will be mayhem on the streets of Georgetown...given the history of Guyana.

Bai, is who does spearhead the riots, burning, looting and beating up of Indos in GT ?

Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:
VishMahabir posted:

However, my prediction is that if the coalition loses the no confidence vote (I dont see how they can), I predict there will be mayhem on the streets of Georgetown...given the history of Guyana.

Bai, is who does spearhead the riots, burning, looting and beating up of Indos in GT ?

The same kinda people who does blow up boat (initials S C) and bomb UF politician's home killing a few of her children..etc.. I talking bout "Commie trained PYO" 

Last edited by cain
yuji22 posted:

Well, you just expanded the limit to your intelligence. Typical AFC UF PNC supporter. Walk straight na.

Ha Ha !!!

How much of the stuff you ate,  before dabbing the battam house ?

VishMahabir posted:

However, my prediction is that if the coalition loses the no confidence vote (I dont see how they can), I predict there will be mayhem on the streets of Georgetown...given the history of Guyana.

And who/what gives you the right to tell me, or any Indian, how we should respond to the racist bullyism and terrorism.   

I said there are factions of the PNC, many supported the Boxtonians, who are ready to lay waste the Indian communities.  The Indians have to respond as they see fit.

Funny, they had a NC vote against the PPP and there was no violence.  

VishMahabir posted:

However, my prediction is that if the coalition loses the no confidence vote (I dont see how they can), I predict there will be mayhem on the streets of Georgetown...given the history of Guyana.

You notice too heh? You might be ugly, but you learn fast. Who knows? There might be hopes that you will be smarter as time progresses.

skeldon_man posted:
VishMahabir posted:

However, my prediction is that if the coalition loses the no confidence vote (I dont see how they can), I predict there will be mayhem on the streets of Georgetown...given the history of Guyana.

You notice too heh? You might be ugly, but you learn fast. Who knows? There might be hopes that you will be smarter as time progresses.

Smart guys like you with all the answers should have been able to not just predict this...but more importantly why is it that after so many events of people getting beaten up (mostly Indos) why cant you people create a plan to prevent this?....instead of begging the security forces to be nice and help dem Indos in Georgetown...stop crying and create a plan of action...  

VishMahabir posted:
skeldon_man posted:
VishMahabir posted:

However, my prediction is that if the coalition loses the no confidence vote (I dont see how they can), I predict there will be mayhem on the streets of Georgetown...given the history of Guyana.

You notice too heh? You might be ugly, but you learn fast. Who knows? There might be hopes that you will be smarter as time progresses.

Smart guys like you with all the answers should have been able to not just predict this...but more importantly why is it that after so many events of people getting beaten up (mostly Indos) why cant you people create a plan to prevent this?....instead of begging the security forces to be nice and help dem Indos in Georgetown...stop crying and create a plan of action...  

Them Indians are standing up to the Negro bullies. It's the negro PNC police who take sides to make sure their people are always on top. Have you not seen this shit?  You want them to declare jihad on all the negroes? You said you ain't know shit about Guyana. Here you write and express yourself like a seasoned Guyanese politician. Gwan dah side.

skeldon_man posted:


Them Indians are standing up to the Negro bullies. It's the negro PNC police who take sides to make sure their people are always on top. Have you not seen this shit?  You want them to declare jihad on all the negroes? You said you ain't know shit about Guyana. Here you write and express yourself like a seasoned Guyanese politician. Gwan dah side.

Them Indians are standing up to the Negro bullies.

They are? Where?  If thats true why is the opposition currently crying foul and appealing to the security forces for dem see the writing on de wall?

It's the negro PNC police who take sides to make sure their people are always on top.

So why was this problem not addressed from 1992-2015? 

Banna, you full of is all talk.

VishMahabir posted:
skeldon_man posted:


Them Indians are standing up to the Negro bullies. It's the negro PNC police who take sides to make sure their people are always on top. Have you not seen this shit?  You want them to declare jihad on all the negroes? You said you ain't know shit about Guyana. Here you write and express yourself like a seasoned Guyanese politician. Gwan dah side.

Them Indians are standing up to the Negro bullies.

They are? Where?  If thats true why is the opposition currently crying foul and appealing to the security forces for dem see the writing on de wall?

It's the negro PNC police who take sides to make sure their people are always on top.

So why was this problem not addressed from 1992-2015? 

Banna, you full of is all talk.

You act stupid just to get sympathy, you very well know the politics in Guyana.

Baseman posted:
VishMahabir posted:

However, my prediction is that if the coalition loses the no confidence vote (I dont see how they can), I predict there will be mayhem on the streets of Georgetown...given the history of Guyana.

And who/what gives you the right to tell me, or any Indian, how we should respond to the racist bullyism and terrorism.   

I said there are factions of the PNC, many supported the Boxtonians, who are ready to lay waste the Indian communities.  The Indians have to respond as they see fit.

Funny, they had a NC vote against the PPP and there was no violence.  

And who/what gives you the right to tell me, or any Indian, how we should respond to the racist bullyism and terrorism.   

Because yall only see the fault in others, not in yourselves. Why dont your leaders address the problem when they had the opportunity to do so? 

The Indians have to respond as they see fit.

Suh, everytime there is a problem too big to handle, yall gon call in the drug barons....? 

yuji22 posted:
VishMahabir posted:

However, my prediction is that if the coalition loses the no confidence vote (I dont see how they can), I predict there will be mayhem on the streets of Georgetown...given the history of Guyana.

Bai, is who does spearhead the riots, burning, looting and beating up of Indos in GT ?

Rich Indians who use them as cannon fodder, or collateral damage.

Baseman posted:

Funny, they had a NC vote against the PPP and there was no violence.  

The NC vote hasn't even occurred and here you are predicting violence.  Black people just stayed away from APNU in the last LGE so maybe they just dont care.

Now run off and pretend that Jagdeo didn't deal with people who had connections to Colombian drug cartels.

The reality is that BOTH the black and Indo elites have their hands bloodied with violence using the rank and file as cannon fodder.

Last edited by Former Member
caribny posted:
Baseman posted:

Funny, they had a NC vote against the PPP and there was no violence.  

The NC vote hasn't even occurred and here you are predicting violence.  Black people just stayed away from APNU in the last LGE so maybe they just dont care.

Now run off and pretend that Jagdeo didn't deal with people who had connections to Colombian drug cartels.

So why are PNC thugs mobilizing to surround Parliament building tomorrow?  To keep the Peace?

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:

So why are PNC thugs mobilizing to surround Parliament building tomorrow?  To keep the Peace?

Why is Jagdeo trying to provoke a situation when elections are a scant 2 years away.

Maybe he wants silly PNC fools to misbehave so he can run around screaming "black man a kill ahbe".

He ought to be going to black communities on bended knees apologizing for how the PPP treated them during the Jagdeo/Ramotar era and trying to win support from them.  You do know that this will be the most effective way to blunt any black anxiety about the return of the PPP.

caribny posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

So why are PNC thugs mobilizing to surround Parliament building tomorrow?  To keep the Peace?

Why is Jagdeo trying to provoke a situation when elections are a scant 2 years away.

Maybe he wants silly PNC fools to misbehave so he can run around screaming "black man a kill ahbe".

He ought to be going to black communities on bended knees apologizing for how the PPP treated them during the Jagdeo/Ramotar era and trying to win support from them.  You do know that this will be the most effective way to blunt any black anxiety about the return of the PPP.

Is that fear I see in your eyes dear comrade?  Democracy is a human right.  Did your people not use the no confidence sword just a few years ago.  What is good for the goose is also good for the gander.

Bibi Haniffa

Accord to Carib, it is democratic when it pleases PNC only. It is quite shameless how they try to whitewash the PNC. 

Exactly, what is good for the goose is good for the gander. 

The PNC allegedly threatened the Two MPs who want to defect with death. That is PNc’s Version of democracy. They murdered  Rodney, Vincent Teekha and others. Murder and assasignations are part of the PNC DNA.

There is fear in Carib eyes. 

Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:

This is called Karma. 

Jagdeo does not need to listen to you. Gwan suh.

Yes.  It has already been established that Jagdeo is working hard to start a race war.  Pity you and many others are too dumb to see this.

Bibi Haniffa posted:

Is that fear I see in your eyes dear comrade?  

Yes fear when YOU start screaming "black man a kill ahbe" if Jagdeo succeeds with his goal of starting a race war. He has his thugs to protect him so he doesn't care.

If the PPP is so confident about winning in 2020 then why dont they just cool their heels and use the time to broaden their base of support. THAT will be rational but you too want to scream "black man a kill ahbe" which is Jagdeo's goal if a segment of the PNC are dumb enough to take his bait.

yuji22 posted:


The PNC allegedly threatened the Two MPs who want to defect with death. 

So why doesnt Jagdeo take this people into protection from the PNC savages. 

Of course you have no proof, but the thing is that both Ravi Dev and Moses Nagamootoo can describe instances of PPP threats and violence when they tried to leave the PPP plantation.  And that Jagdeo/Roger Khan era is filled with the blood of PPP violence. The owner of Kaieteur News is very familiar with it.

caribny posted:
yuji22 posted:


The PNC allegedly threatened the Two MPs who want to defect with death. 

So why doesnt Jagdeo take this people into protection from the PNC savages. 

Of course you have no proof, but the thing is that both Ravi Dev and Moses Nagamootoo can describe instances of PPP threats and violence when they tried to leave the PPP plantation.  And that Jagdeo/Roger Khan era is filled with the blood of PPP violence. The owner of Kaieteur News is very familiar with it.

The Present

caribny posted:
yuji22 posted:


The PNC allegedly threatened the Two MPs who want to defect with death. 

So why doesnt Jagdeo take this people into protection from the PNC savages. 

Of course you have no proof, but the thing is that both Ravi Dev and Moses Nagamootoo can describe instances of PPP threats and violence when they tried to leave the PPP plantation.  And that Jagdeo/Roger Khan era is filled with the blood of PPP violence. The owner of Kaieteur News is very familiar with it.

 President has Indian Blood on his hands.


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