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Refusal to offer an apology

Dear Editor,

The refusal to offer an apology or at least a withdrawal of the claim in view of proof presented and no sanctions, not even a reprimand from the one in charge of proceedings within the hallowed Chamber, is a clear sign of the level of autocracy the country has descended to.


This does not hold good for unity and cohesion.

Yours faithfully,

Shamshun Mohamed

Replies sorted oldest to newest

What I don’t get, a Black could make such an overt racist remarks and people rush to defend, brush off, explain away.

The racism coming from some in the Afro corner pales in comparison to anything from the worse of Indians.   This is the attitude which makes blacks feel they can do as they please and get away.  This is the attitude from their leaders why the buxton FF felt they could attack Indians with impunity.  And for this reason I will NEVER be critical of BJ for the extraordinary measures he took.    I hope they win in 2020 and any such repeat, he should talk quick and decisive action.  Fight fire with fire!

Now racist Ronan, start another thread with what I just stated!  You shameless racist punk!

Baseman posted:

What I don’t get, a Black could make such an overt racist remarks and people rush to defend, brush off, explain away.

The racism coming from some in the Afro corner pales in comparison to anything from the worse of Indians.   This is the attitude which makes blacks feel they can do as they please and get away.  This is the attitude from their leaders why the buxton FF felt they could attack Indians with impunity.  And for this reason I will NEVER be critical of BJ for the extraordinary measures he took.    I hope they win in 2020 and any such repeat, he should talk quick and decisive action.  Fight fire with fire!

Now racist Ronan, start another thread with what I just stated!  You shameless racist punk!

AMEN!! The ANIMALS in the PNC will forever roam the Jungle!!!


How can people barefacedly talk about social cohesion and then preach hate for those belonging to other races and parties? This woman is a cancer. Excise her now from the flesh of the nation or watch Guyana go down the path of destruction. When I say excise I mean take a firm stand against her racism and do not support her in anyway, shape, or form.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

How can people barefacedly talk about social cohesion and then preach hate for those belonging to other races and parties? This woman is a cancer. Excise her now from the flesh of the nation or watch Guyana go down the path of destruction. When I say excise I mean take a firm stand against her racism and do not support her in anyway, shape, or form.

Ayuh too naive. She is not a cancer in the PNC, she speaks for a group of followers.  You should read some stuff written on FB by PNC supporters.  One even wrote the pre independence Guiana was great until the “invasion by these imbeciles” referring to the PPP but as a surrogate for Indians!

Baseman posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

How can people barefacedly talk about social cohesion and then preach hate for those belonging to other races and parties? This woman is a cancer. Excise her now from the flesh of the nation or watch Guyana go down the path of destruction. When I say excise I mean take a firm stand against her racism and do not support her in anyway, shape, or form.

Ayuh too naive. She is not a cancer in the PNC, she speaks for a group of followers.  You should read some stuff written on FB by PNC supporters.  One even wrote the pre independence Guiana was great until the “invasion by these imbeciles” referring to the PPP but as a surrogate for Indians!

You are  very confusing sometimes. One minute Voila has tarnish Afro, now you are saying she speaks only for a group of followers smfh.

Blacks, including some coolie ( right here on this forum ) have a problem when other races speaks of  their culture and ideology, but its ok for them to speak of their Pride and culture .. poor souls .. The followers on FB may be a few white mouth.. let them talk 

Last edited by Former Member
VishMahabir posted:

Refusal to offer an apology

Dear Editor,

The refusal to offer an apology or at least a withdrawal of the claim in view of proof presented and no sanctions, not even a reprimand from the one in charge of proceedings within the hallowed Chamber, is a clear sign of the level of autocracy the country has descended to.


This does not hold good for unity and cohesion.

Yours faithfully,

Shamshun Mohamed

8th Grade ‘journalism’

what kind of cryptic nonsense is SN publishing here?

not everybody know the Robb St. crocodilian code

Last edited by Former Member
Dave posted:
Baseman posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

How can people barefacedly talk about social cohesion and then preach hate for those belonging to other races and parties? This woman is a cancer. Excise her now from the flesh of the nation or watch Guyana go down the path of destruction. When I say excise I mean take a firm stand against her racism and do not support her in anyway, shape, or form.

Ayuh too naive. She is not a cancer in the PNC, she speaks for a group of followers.  You should read some stuff written on FB by PNC supporters.  One even wrote the pre independence Guiana was great until the “invasion by these imbeciles” referring to the PPP but as a surrogate for Indians!

You are  very confusing sometimes. One minute Voila has tarnish Afro, now you are saying she speaks only for a group of followers smfh.

Blacks, including some coolie ( right here on this forum ) have a problem when other races speaks of  their culture and ideology, but its ok for them to speak of their Pride and culture .. poor souls .. The followers on FB may be a few white mouth.. let them talk 

I’m not confused nor being positive.  What I’m saying she has her supporter who share her views.  A cancer is one who sticks out and harms the body.  She is part of the body.   Just look at how her remarks are being defended.  As I also said, I read what PNC supporters post on FB.  They don’t criticize her.   They follow the Ronan approach!

ronan posted:
Baseman posted:

Ronan, start another thread with what I just stated!

now, baseman, why would i waste everybody’s time and do something stupid like that when the below dresses you in the PROPER clothes and is way more than adequate


I’m sure you are one of those FB hate posters!

Yes, denying employment based on race is a tool of ethnic cleansing.  And it leads to exactly as I said.   Suck it up!!  It is just that!

VishMahabir posted:

Refusal to offer an apology

Dear Editor,

The refusal to offer an apology or at least a withdrawal of the claim in view of proof presented and no sanctions, not even a reprimand from the one in charge of proceedings within the hallowed Chamber, is a clear sign of the level of autocracy the country has descended to.


This does not hold good for unity and cohesion.

Yours faithfully,

Shamshun Mohamed

This letter writer does not fully explain himself but my guess is that this letter has nothing to do with the Volda fiasco. 

Based on the very little that he said, he’s talking about Minister Patterson accusing the PPP of not doing feasibility studies on several projects. One of the projects he mentioned was the EBD to ECD bypass road project. Irfaan Ali claimed that there was a feasibility study and Patterson said that he would apologize if Ali produced the study. The next day Ali presented the feasibility study to parliament but Patterson refused to apologize, going back on his promise.


Last edited by Mars
Baseman posted:

 I read what PNC supporters post on FB.  They don’t criticize her.   They follow the Ronan approach!

ahmmmm . . . i don’t post on FaceBook

and, if these “PNC” people “followed” me, they would not be posting stuff revealing “them” as watered down mirror versions of rabid, primitive bigots like you

using YOUR neo-KKK calculus, i would daub 1.4 billion Indians on the planet with the racist filth posted by you and your maggot cohorts on GNI

but i don’t play y’all dutty game

‘philosophically’ i am morally and intellectually evolved to inhabit a universe you can only stand up on your cloven-hooved hind legs and peek at . . . it would take a low life, sour-smelling belly crawler like you at least 10 [directed] lifetimes to even be in the same conversation

Last edited by Former Member
cain posted:

Did this woman say something else again or just another thread regurgitating ole story?

Did she not apologize for what she said about giving only PNC peeps work?

she did . . . but it will NEVER be enuf

Stabroek News has penned a 2nd CONSECUTIVE editorial scraping the same sore . . . the latest one peppered with much nonsense ‘reasoning’

and the CALCULATED distortions gain a life of their own . . . amplified by the day

because the crocodilian END GAME is way larger than she

Last edited by Former Member
ronan posted:
Baseman posted:

 I read what PNC supporters post on FB.  They don’t criticize her.   They follow the Ronan approach!

ahmmmm . . . i don’t post on FaceBook

and, if these “PNC” people “followed” me, they would not be posting stuff revealing “them” as watered down mirror versions of rabid, primitive bigots like you

using YOUR neo-KKK calculus, i would daub 1.4 billion Indians on the planet with the racist filth posted by you and your maggot cohorts on GNI

but i don’t play y’all dutty game

‘philosophically’ i am morally and intellectually evolved to inhabit a universe you can only stand up on your cloven-hooved hind legs and peek at . . . it would take a low life, sour-smelling belly crawler like you at least 10 [directed] lifetimes to even be in the same conversation

pardon the mixed metaphors in final para . . . but baseman is all of these, all at once

Last edited by Former Member
Dave posted:

You are  very confusing sometimes. One minute Voila has tarnish Afro, now you are saying she speaks only for a group of followers smfh.

Blacks, including some coolie ( right here on this forum ) have a problem when other races speaks of  their culture and ideology, but its ok for them to speak of their Pride and culture .. poor souls .. The followers on FB may be a few white mouth.. let them talk 

I see so screaming "ahbe pan tap, black man time done", that blacks are ugly, lazy, stupid and useless, is about preserving Indian pride and culture?

Because these are the comments that people object to.  Apparently people like you cannot feel good about yourselves without promoting yourselves as being superior to blacks!

ronan posted:
cain posted:

Did this woman say something else again or just another thread regurgitating ole story?

Did she not apologize for what she said about giving only PNC peeps work?

she did . . . but it will NEVER be enuf


SN was called the "potagee paper" by Hoyte. Maybe he was right.

Volda did apologize and unless she made some other ill advised comment I fail to see why those who celebrate Jagdeo's bigoted "we gun tek back Guyana for US" continue to scream.

Clearly they see Guyana is property owned by Indians and no one else is entitled to advance their interests when Indians attempt to block them.


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