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…or eye-pass Eight young, male Indian nationals came into the country “without papers”. They were denied entry. Now If you Google the requirements for Indians desirous of entering Guyana, you’ll see it says “visa on entry for 30 days”…provided you have an invitation from a host. People turned up at the airport and said they’ll “host” the fellas. No go. They were herded like cattle on the Tarmac, then kept in holding cells and served food that violated their religious principles. How do you serve Hindus beef? They were held like this for over two weeks, and finally after a stand off with Insel Air – one of the few airlines with international connections to service – including grounding one of their flights, the men were finally expelled. Even the working girls “I is” Broomes had dragged from Bartica for not having papers weren’t expelled. The young Indian men had travelled through several countries and had return tickets, which the Immigration Dept. – now under the control of Winston “Yes Bannuh” Felix – at first denied. Now what’s going on here? India is an emerging world power that’s been helpful to our development since independence. Scholarships, the stadium, help with rice research, etc. Even before Independence it was a beacon to our independence movement. Burnham and Jagan had flown to India to meet their Prime Minister when the British suspended our constitution in 1953 and threw out the PPP Government. Just last November India gave all Guyanese a “visa on arrival” option into 9 of their major airports. And this is how we treat their nationals? Felix personally intervened into the matter…and gave the young men the bums’ rush. Why’d he do this? Was it the self-contempt that Franz Fanon wrote about so eloquently – and which is projected to folks that look like us? This Eyewitness can’t see Felix doing the same for some young people from, say, Poland. Their blond hair and blue eyes would’ve been their visa. Or was it eye-pass for people from India. India hasn’t quite overcome the “starving guts” image that the west has imprinted on our minds, has it? But this Eyewitness wants to know where the Indian High Commissioner was when all these outrages were committed on their nationals. Even now, we haven’t heard a squeak out of him. Felix would’ve contacted them, wouldn’t he? Surely the “Bannuh” wouldn’t eye-pass that worthy? Or did he “head him off”? Enquiring minds want to know.


…and crime escalation As far as this Eyewitness is concerned, the honeymoon period with the PNC-led APNU/AFC coalition Government is now over. At the country level, how can we be cooing sweet nothings while the economy implodes – and the Government embarks on a $60B withdrawal from commercial banks that’s sure to turn the economy into a black hole? At the personal level, cuss words are all that comes to mind when we’re confronted with the savagery and ubiquity of the crime upsurge. And cuss words aren’t honeymooning words. Now to rub salt into the wound, up comes the commander in chief who says that things are getting better. “Say what??!!” you blurt out. Well he’s correct if you use his measuring stick – the 2002-2008 crime spree following the jailbreak. Well, things ARE getting better in the Middle East – if you compare it with the U.S. carpet bombing during the Gulf War! So let’s get real, fellas. Your Eyewitness hasn’t called any names on this first day after the honeymoon period. But like Baldwin promised, it will be the fire next time!

….or nation time Back in the sixties, blacks in the U.S. used to greet each other with the phrase, “nation time”. Self-determination was the thing. Bulkan just mandated each Region to have its own flag. Is this a signal for “federalism time”?

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Now If you Google the requirements for Indians desirous of entering Guyana, you’ll see it says “visa on entry for 30 days”…provided you have an invitation from a host. People turned up at the airport and said they’ll “host” the fellas. No go. They were herded like cattle on the Tarmac, then kept in holding cells and served food that violated their religious principles. How do you serve Hindus beef?


The young Indian men had travelled through several countries and had return tickets, which the Immigration Dept. – now under the control of Winston “Yes Bannuh” Felix – at first denied.


Where the Indian High Commissioner was when all these outrages were committed on their nationals. Even now, we haven’t heard a squeak out of him. Felix would’ve contacted them, wouldn’t he? Surely the “Bannuh” wouldn’t eye-pass that worthy? Or did he “head him off”? Enquiring minds want to know.


so we do not know if Felix contacted the High Commisioner?


Just last November India gave all Guyanese a “visa on arrival” option into 9 of their major airports. And this is how we treat their nationals? Felix personally intervened into the matter…and gave the young men the bums’ rush. Why’d he do this? Was it the self-contempt that Franz Fanon wrote about so eloquently – and which is projected to folks that look like us? This Eyewitness can’t see Felix doing the same for some young people from, say, Poland.


There is thousands of Chinese National in Guyana now without legal Papers, or with expired papers. There are some in Linden who is about to take away jobs from Lindeners from Bosai


Wonder what Felix is doing about this,

Originally Posted by kp:

Ethnic cleansing. What Africa done for Guyana, nill.???

what's this got to do with Africa bai?


doesn't take much for the racist vomit to rise frothing in yuh throat, eh?


one thing . . . barat and the other PPP gangsters understand well this low morals segment of their hard core support

Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by kp:

Ethnic cleansing. What Africa done for Guyana, nill.???


It looks like Blatant Racialness by the PNC/AfC GOVERNMENT

Soon come the days of beating drums, throwing spears and eating cassava in calabash.

Originally Posted by kp:
Soon come the days of beating drums, throwing spears and eating cassava in calabash.

uh huh . . . is that why u throwing spear and running around barefoot?


Comments "They (PNC/AFC) should round up all the chinese workers who came to Guyana to work on Chinese contracts that are either completed or suspended indeffinately and send them back to China. The real reason the Chinese at Bosai are trying to lay off workers at Linden is because the Chinese workers at the Marriott and the suspended Airport expansion are out of work and they need to place them somehere before they are sent back to China.
Chinese are one of the most racist people and they don't like black people, they come to Guyana and see how the Indo Guyanese government along with their black counterparts treated the Afro Guyanese people and they just fall in line, this government needs to investigate all the contracts they signed with the pppc government and revise them and hold them in contempt and apply sanctions and demand restitution. Guyanese are tired of being raped by their own and then have to be raped by foreign investors.


Watching the Guyana Government on what seem like Indo Racialness

Originally Posted by asj:

Comments "They (PNC/AFC) should round up all the chinese workers who came to Guyana to work on Chinese contracts that are either completed or suspended indeffinately and send them back to China. The real reason the Chinese at Bosai are trying to lay off workers at Linden is because the Chinese workers at the Marriott and the suspended Airport expansion are out of work and they need to place them somehere before they are sent back to China.
Chinese are one of the most racist people and they don't like black people, they come to Guyana and see how the Indo Guyanese government along with their black counterparts treated the Afro Guyanese people and they just fall in line, this government needs to investigate all the contracts they signed with the pppc government and revise them and hold them in contempt and apply sanctions and demand restitution. Guyanese are tired of being raped by their own and then have to be raped by foreign investors.


Watching the Guyana Government on what seem like Indo Racialness

please source your "comments"


it seems like Guyana Times has found employment for the Chronicle false flag ghost writers (with non-Indo names, of course) to fill their "letters" and "comments" sections


ASJ nods stupidly and plays along . . . puffing out his chest, broadcasting to the fool network that he is a 'free speech' hero

Originally Posted by asj:


…or eye-pass Eight young, male Indian nationals came into the country “without papers”. They were denied entry. Now If you Google the requirements for Indians desirous of entering Guyana, you’ll see it says “visa on entry for 30 days”…provided you have an invitation from a host. People turned up at the airport and said they’ll “host” the fellas. No go. They were herded like cattle on the Tarmac, then kept in holding cells and served food that violated their religious principles. How do you serve Hindus beef? They were held like this for over two weeks, and finally after a stand off with Insel Air – one of the few airlines with international connections to service – including grounding one of their flights, the men were finally expelled. Even the working girls “I is” Broomes had dragged from Bartica for not having papers weren’t expelled. The young Indian men had travelled through several countries and had return tickets, which the Immigration Dept. – now under the control of Winston “Yes Bannuh” Felix – at first denied. Now what’s going on here? India is an emerging world power that’s been helpful to our development since independence. Scholarships, the stadium, help with rice research, etc. Even before Independence it was a beacon to our independence movement. Burnham and Jagan had flown to India to meet their Prime Minister when the British suspended our constitution in 1953 and threw out the PPP Government. Just last November India gave all Guyanese a “visa on arrival” option into 9 of their major airports. And this is how we treat their nationals? Felix personally intervened into the matter…and gave the young men the bums’ rush. Why’d he do this? Was it the self-contempt that Franz Fanon wrote about so eloquently – and which is projected to folks that look like us? This Eyewitness can’t see Felix doing the same for some young people from, say, Poland. Their blond hair and blue eyes would’ve been their visa. Or was it eye-pass for people from India. India hasn’t quite overcome the “starving guts” image that the west has imprinted on our minds, has it? But this Eyewitness wants to know where the Indian High Commissioner was when all these outrages were committed on their nationals. Even now, we haven’t heard a squeak out of him. Felix would’ve contacted them, wouldn’t he? Surely the “Bannuh” wouldn’t eye-pass that worthy? Or did he “head him off”? Enquiring minds want to know.


…and crime escalation As far as this Eyewitness is concerned, the honeymoon period with the PNC-led APNU/AFC coalition Government is now over. At the country level, how can we be cooing sweet nothings while the economy implodes – and the Government embarks on a $60B withdrawal from commercial banks that’s sure to turn the economy into a black hole? At the personal level, cuss words are all that comes to mind when we’re confronted with the savagery and ubiquity of the crime upsurge. And cuss words aren’t honeymooning words. Now to rub salt into the wound, up comes the commander in chief who says that things are getting better. “Say what??!!” you blurt out. Well he’s correct if you use his measuring stick – the 2002-2008 crime spree following the jailbreak. Well, things ARE getting better in the Middle East – if you compare it with the U.S. carpet bombing during the Gulf War! So let’s get real, fellas. Your Eyewitness hasn’t called any names on this first day after the honeymoon period. But like Baldwin promised, it will be the fire next time!

….or nation time Back in the sixties, blacks in the U.S. used to greet each other with the phrase, “nation time”. Self-determination was the thing. Bulkan just mandated each Region to have its own flag. Is this a signal for “federalism time”?

The way this racist administration treats anything or anyone "Indo" scares me.


Shame on PNC/APNU. 


Why is Moses and Ramjattan silent ?

Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by kp:

Ethnic cleansing. What Africa done for Guyana, nill.???


It looks like Blatant Racialness by the PNC/AfC GOVERNMENT

PNC racist pigs are back to haunt Indos.

Originally Posted by asj:

Where the Indian High Commissioner was when all these outrages were committed on their nationals. .


so we do not know if Felix contacted the High Commisioner?

And here you are screaming about how ungrateful the PNC is when even the Indian H/C isn't making an issue of it.


Men arrived in Guyana, and couldn't provide evidence that they had funds to support themselves.  Indians and Africans are being trafficked through the Caribbean.


STORY DONE!  Guyana refused them, so let Curacao deal with them.

Originally Posted by asj:

There is thousands of Chinese National in Guyana now without legal Papers, or with expired papers. There are some in Linden who is about to take away jobs from Lindeners from Bosai


Wonder what Felix is doing about this,

Well chat with your PPP about that.  No one should be in Guyana, unless they have a legal right to be.

Originally Posted by asj:


Watching the Guyana Government on what seem like Indo Racialness

And the Indo KKK clan is in full swing, screaming, crying and howling.


So when the PPP put out those Nigerian medical students, what then.


Didn't hear the PNC, the ACDA or any one howling.

Originally Posted by redux:

ASJ nods stupidly and plays along . . . puffing out his chest, broadcasting to the fool network that he is a 'free speech' hero

Well the man is now a card carrying member of the Indo KKK, so what's new.


Problem with him is if real issues of racial exclusion occur, he would have screamed wolf, wolf, and would have lost all credibility.


Even the Indian H/C isn't involved in this issue, and it is their role to protect their nationals.


Do you really think that if Africans came from Nigeria under the same circumstances, Felix would have deported them? Yes I say that thePNC/AFC Government in Guyana appears to Racial, and I still believe that unless they can prove me wrong.


Problems with Indian Nationals, why not contact the Indian  High Commisioner?


Sending them back was a high handed attitude. There are thousands of Chinese Nationals who are illegal in Guyana......why not Felix of the PNC go and round them up and send them back to China?


Guyana actions today is an eye pass to Indian Nationals. Dealing with a Government that is seemingly Racial, what one can expect.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by asj:


…or eye-pass Eight young, male Indian nationals came into the country “without papers”. They were denied entry. Now If you Google the requirements for Indians desirous of entering Guyana, you’ll see it says “visa on entry for 30 days”…provided you have an invitation from a host. People turned up at the airport and said they’ll “host” the fellas. No go. They were herded like cattle on the Tarmac, then kept in holding cells and served food that violated their religious principles. How do you serve Hindus beef? They were held like this for over two weeks, and finally after a stand off with Insel Air – one of the few airlines with international connections to service – including grounding one of their flights, the men were finally expelled. Even the working girls “I is” Broomes had dragged from Bartica for not having papers weren’t expelled. The young Indian men had travelled through several countries and had return tickets, which the Immigration Dept. – now under the control of Winston “Yes Bannuh” Felix – at first denied. Now what’s going on here? India is an emerging world power that’s been helpful to our development since independence. Scholarships, the stadium, help with rice research, etc. Even before Independence it was a beacon to our independence movement. Burnham and Jagan had flown to India to meet their Prime Minister when the British suspended our constitution in 1953 and threw out the PPP Government. Just last November India gave all Guyanese a “visa on arrival” option into 9 of their major airports. And this is how we treat their nationals? Felix personally intervened into the matter…and gave the young men the bums’ rush. Why’d he do this? Was it the self-contempt that Franz Fanon wrote about so eloquently – and which is projected to folks that look like us? This Eyewitness can’t see Felix doing the same for some young people from, say, Poland. Their blond hair and blue eyes would’ve been their visa. Or was it eye-pass for people from India. India hasn’t quite overcome the “starving guts” image that the west has imprinted on our minds, has it? But this Eyewitness wants to know where the Indian High Commissioner was when all these outrages were committed on their nationals. Even now, we haven’t heard a squeak out of him. Felix would’ve contacted them, wouldn’t he? Surely the “Bannuh” wouldn’t eye-pass that worthy? Or did he “head him off”? Enquiring minds want to know.


…and crime escalation As far as this Eyewitness is concerned, the honeymoon period with the PNC-led APNU/AFC coalition Government is now over. At the country level, how can we be cooing sweet nothings while the economy implodes – and the Government embarks on a $60B withdrawal from commercial banks that’s sure to turn the economy into a black hole? At the personal level, cuss words are all that comes to mind when we’re confronted with the savagery and ubiquity of the crime upsurge. And cuss words aren’t honeymooning words. Now to rub salt into the wound, up comes the commander in chief who says that things are getting better. “Say what??!!” you blurt out. Well he’s correct if you use his measuring stick – the 2002-2008 crime spree following the jailbreak. Well, things ARE getting better in the Middle East – if you compare it with the U.S. carpet bombing during the Gulf War! So let’s get real, fellas. Your Eyewitness hasn’t called any names on this first day after the honeymoon period. But like Baldwin promised, it will be the fire next time!

….or nation time Back in the sixties, blacks in the U.S. used to greet each other with the phrase, “nation time”. Self-determination was the thing. Bulkan just mandated each Region to have its own flag. Is this a signal for “federalism time”?

The way this racist administration treats anything or anyone "Indo" scares me.


Shame on PNC/APNU. 


Why is Moses and Ramjattan silent ?

They are House Slaves, they only follow instructions

Originally Posted by kp:

Ethnic cleansing. What Africa done for Guyana, nill.???

you fellas acting racist these Indians using guyana as a transshipment point for backtracking when the ppp was in power they will get a free passage because rohee will get his cut to grant them entry Trinidad have a Indian government why they do not go there 

Originally Posted by asj:

Do you really think that if Africans came from Nigeria under the same circumstances, Felix would have deported them?.

Do you know that they would or would not deport?


Why don't you focus on REAL attempts by APNU/AFC to exclude Indo GUYANESE, instead of engaging in your nonsensical criteria.


Are you claiming that the majority BLACK govts of Barbados, Antigua and St Kitts Nevis hate blacks because among the Guyanese who they deport include many of African descent?


A gov't has the right to refuse entry to people who either do not have adequate documentation, or cannot demonstrate an ability to support themselves while in the country.  In fact those who are being trafficked are often detected because they do not show an ability to support themselves.


Do you endorse human trafficking?


Most of you writing on this thread typify the reeking disease of racism you so seem aggrieved about. Not one of you made the case that the PPP government would  have treated these fellows any better. Not one of you commented on the numerous cases of other races and other nationals being summarily dumped into lockups or kicked out.


I write this because I can say that I have, commented on our in-hospitality on numerous occasions because it is obscene especially with respect to commonwealth citizens. Here we are making a horrid racist claim that Indians were kicked out because of race and not commenting on our overall xenophobia unless one can sell visas to poor Chinese which the PPP did routinely.


They yapping about race is ceaseless from you bitche.s it is as though you cannot intellectually grasp any other knowledge niche to comment on but day in day out you chime on the same nasty minded routine.


I wonder what the amerindians are saying when the lot of you do not give a rats piss about them when you are carpetbaggers on their land? Lets be real....our colonialism was not t he same as elsewhere. Slaces were forced to come here and Indians contracted themselves to the plantocracy.


This is not native soil to any of you yet you prate as to your entitlement daily while national unity, symbols for nationhood etc falls by the wayside consumed by the greed of both sides and the original owners of this soil are treated as non persons. Get real.


None of you lost anything by coming to Guyana, you gained a home. It is not an entitlement but a community. Speak to community. Complain that the Guyana times who embarked on a campaign of disinformation against this administration is a leech company that came into existence on corrupt indian to indian parsonage.


If you want credibility, speak to issues because you commented on them before and hold them as sacred rights of a guyanese people. Speak of our need to hold this administration accountable. Indeed people like Felix in charge of immigration is a kick in the gut. That nasty racist fossil should be history. But he is there and so were the PPP because all we do is complain about personal entitlements while Guyana languish and will continue to languish in despair and want.


Make sure you are on Grangers ass for the Chinese rape of our country. Complain of the Indian drug lords on Regent and Rob streets who still ply their trade unfettered. Complain about the lack of any firm plans to date to address our crime rate, suicide rate, unemployment, poverty and lack of justice in genera. But what am I talking abour? In the morning all of you craven bitches will be doing a puja to your racist gods!

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by kp:

Ethnic cleansing. What Africa done for Guyana, nill.???

you fellas acting racist these Indians using guyana as a transshipment point for backtracking when the ppp was in power they will get a free passage because rohee will get his cut to grant them entry Trinidad have a Indian government why they do not go there 



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