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Government permitted Chinese to mine sand in Timehri – Works Minister

September 28, 2014 | By | Filed Under News

Minister of Public Works Robeson Benn has said that Chinese mining company China

The area that was cleared out for sand mining by the Chinese workers.

The area that was cleared out for sand mining by the Chinese workers.


Habours Engineering Company (CHEC) was given permission by the government to mine sand in Timehri North as part of the work being done on the country’s international airport. The Minister told Kaieteur News, last week, that the company was given the go ahead to remove sand from what he described as “two old sand pits located in Timehri North.” Residents of the Timehri North community had made several complaints about the effect of the activity on them, personally and on the community. They were also seeking clarity from the government as to whether the government had given the Chinese permission to mine sand since the residents were not informed of the activity that is now taking place a short distance away from where several homes are located. When the Chinese workers were questioned, they told residents that “your country has given us permission to remove all sand. No problem”. The heavy machinery passes within the heart of the community to enter and leave the current mining space and is also destroying the roads, the residents said. They even demonstrated against the mining activities. Minister Benn stated, however, “The area where the sand is being removed is an old sand pit and was used as a dump site.” He explained, also, that the area was being used as a dump site, but that it is now being cleared to make room for the dumping of ‘pegasse’ soil which is being removed from where the airport runway is being expanded. It was however explained to the Minister that a visit to the Timehri community showed that the area where sand is currently being mined was once an area with trees and vegetation and not a dump site. He stated, ‘Whatever it is, I am saying it is a site for which they (Chinese) have permission and its airport land.” Ron Rahaman, Chief Roads and Bridges Engineer, is also responsible for the Cheddi Jagan International Airport (CJIA) expansion project.  He said he is not aware exactly where the mining is ongoing but he knows that “the company, China Habours Engineering Company was given permission to mine sand in two sand pits.’ “As far as I know they should be using sand from those pits. But I cannot say exactly where the pits are located.” Representatives of the Timehri North Community Development Council (TNCDC) said they were surprised to see CHEC workers using a bulldozer to clear the parapet that interlocks with the Main Access Road, in the Prison Service Area some two weeks ago. A few days later, they said that pieces of heavy duty equipment were being driven along the Main Road. Residents became upset since the workers were further destroying the road which “has never been repaired by this government”. Residents expressed concern about the health issues that could result from the unearthing and transporting of the sand. “Already, the dust issues are plaguing residents, as large and unusual build-up of dust can be seen on the furnishings and other household paraphernalia,” they stated. Kaieteur News was told that residents entered the sand pit which was lately dug and prevented the Chinese operators from mining any sand. They claimed that there was an exchange of words between themselves and the Chinese who they claimed described them as “mad people”. The residents who clashed with the workers- mainly farmers- added that last Wednesday persons claiming to be from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) visited the area and the workers were allegedly prevented from mining the sand. They residents reported, however, that the workers were back at the pit the very next day and this caused the residents to react in protestation.

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