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2 killed execution style after leaving “cockfight”
January 3, 2017148
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Two men were killed in an apparent hit, moments after leaving a “cockfight” in Friendship, East Bank Demerara (EBD) on New Year’s night. The shooting occurred about 19:00h.


Dead: Desmond David Singh
Dead: Desmond David Singh
Dead are Desmond David Singh, called “Fix Up”, 34, of Lot A 1 Orange Walk, Bourda, Georgetown and Azrudeen Hussain, 24, of Little Biabu Mahaica Creek, East Coast Demerara (ECD).

Singh’s body was riddled with bullets and he died instantly, while Hussain was shot to his neck and was pronounced dead on arrival at the Georgetown Public Hospital.

Reports are the two men were at a “game cock fight” at Humphrey Street, Friendship, EBD, which ended in a draw. Soon after the fight, Singh left and was reportedly walking towards the public road as Hussain drove out of the street.

With less than two meters to reach the public road, Singh stopped Hussain to chat and it was during this time, two armed and masked men emerged from the southern side of the street and opened fire in Singh’s direction, but one of the bullets eventually struck Hussain.


Dead: Azrudeen Hussain
Dead: Azrudeen Hussain
After Singh dropped to the ground, the men allegedly stood over him and riddled his body with bullets. The gunmen then escaped in a waiting motor car.

At the time of the shooting, Hussain’s brother, nephew and two friends were in the car. After they realised the final-year pharmacy student at the University of Guyana was shot to the neck, his brother took over the wheel and drove to the Georgetown Public Hospital.

The Police were summoned and the area was cordoned off, as detectives began their investigations. Guyana Times understands that two men of North Ruimveldt, Georgetown were later arrested.

A Division (Georgetown and East Bank Demerara) Commander Clifton Hicken told this publication that two men were in custody, but they were not being treated as suspects. “They are just assisting with the investigations,” he reiterated.

Meanwhile, when Guyana Times visited the home of the now dead man at Orange Walk, his sister, Denise Singh, said that she was at home when she received the news of the shooting.

“Somebody call me and tell me that “Fix Up” get shoot so I travelled up to the scene and when I reach there, his body was in the middle of the street in pool of blood… He had bullet holes all over he body, but the one bullet to the head is what really kill he,” she added.

She explained that her brother would normally participate in “game cock fights”, describing him as a lover of the sport. In addition, she related that her now dead brother did not drive to Friendship since the fitness of his vehicle had expired and, as such, he went up with a friend.

The grieving sister explained that since their parents died, they took over the business, noting that her brother had no issues with anyone.

At the siblings’ business place, persons were heard offering condolences to his sister, describing the father of six as a pleasant man.

One woman, who sells across the road from the business, recalled speaking to the now dead man on Saturday evening as they made rough jokes. Another noted that Singh and his sister managed to keep the family business afloat following the death of their parents.

Meanwhile, Azad Hussain, father of the second dead man, told Guyana Times that his son left home about 15:30h claiming that he was going to Friendship to “watch cockfighting”.

“He left with meh other son, meh grandson and he collect two other friends from Mahaica. I was at home when I get the call that he get shoot and dead, but I didn’t go see he…” the devastated father recalled.

Based on what was related to him by the occupants of the car, the elder Hussain said his now dead son had stopped to chat with Singh when the men attacked. From all indications, Singh was the target, but it was a stray bullet that caught his son in the neck, he stated.

“After he get shoot, he head throw back and he foot stepped on the escalator and rev the car…so meh other son think the car fastened so he come out to push and then is when he realise that the sound was real gunshots and not squibs… all the time, he thought was people firing off squibs,” the man related.

The father said that his son would regularly accompany his cousin, who took part in the cockfights. Hussain leaves to mourn his parents and four siblings. The Police are continuing their investigations. (Bhisham Mohamed)


Images (2)
  • Singh-300x300
  • Hussain-300x225

Replies sorted oldest to newest

That's right Bibi. Guyana is now a free range shooting centre. 

Guyana gone for channa. Ramjattan was opening his big mouth about crime under the PPP and now the criminals have taken over Guyana under his watch.

There has been a substantial increase of Indo Guyanese returning to Guyana for funerals of murdered relatives.

Last edited by Former Member

Yuji, this story is more that two days old. There are current news with more deaths. Folks, why Indians are always the victim in Guyana? Do you realize that half of the Indian population can be wiped out in the next three years?

Cobra posted:

Yuji, this story is more that two days old. There are current news with more deaths. Folks, why Indians are always the victim in Guyana? Do you realize that half of the Indian population can be wiped out in the next three years?

Cobra Bhai. I honestly did not know that the story is two days old.

The rate of extermination of Indo Guyanese is very troubling and all of this under the watch of a Neemakharam traitor Indo, Rumjhaat.

The PPP will have to come to the rescue once again. We need a brave man like Brother Gajraj to tackle and terminate the extermination of Indo Guyanese.

I posted a thread where a speeding cop killed an Indo labourer. This rate of slaughter of Indos is very troubling.

kp posted:

What ever happen to them two Coolie PNC Ministers, Rumjaat{Mits Family} and Nigmootoo{non Indian} I wonder if Granja lock them up at Brickdam.

Grain jaw has them doing toilet cleaning duties at Brickdam.


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