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Trotman lacks the testicular fortitude to maintain law and order   
Written by NEIL ADAMS
Sunday, 11 November 2012 21:47

LAST week's session in Parliament ended in an uproar due to the sick, unprofessional and lawless behaviour of the opposition.

They, in concert with their continuous heckling and banging on the desks prevented the Home Affairs Minister from presenting his bill before the House.         


This disorderly conduct is symptomatic of the opposition whenever they want Parliament to pay attention to what they deem as important; whenever they want to have their way. The objective behind all of this is to have Minister Rohee ejected from the Assembly (something that is not going to happen) and they are going about it in the most degraded way possible.         


The Speaker instead of restoring order in the house calmly adjourned Parliament for a November 22 meet. Like the lame duck Speaker that he is, Trotman instead of slapping a suspension on the misfits he in turn did the silliest thing imaginable, that is, adjourning the noble Assembly. This came in the wake of sound legal advice which indicated to the learned Speaker that the minister in question must be allowed to present his bill uninterrupted. In essence, what the advisers were telling Trotman was to rein in the opposition. The business of the Assembly should not be disrupted by a bunch of losers.         


If they want the minister's resignation there are legal avenues to do so, but to descend to such low levels of behaviour is totally unacceptable. Certainly, what the opposition was doing was unconstitutional as Standing Order 47 is clear on this. Therefore, a sanction by way of a suspension of the offending members of parliament should have been issued forthrightly to stop the nonsense. A violation of the standing order required that form of punishment but, the speaker who is either plain stupid or just a yard fowl like his comrades chose to allow the foolishness. When a standing order could be so flagrantly disregarded the speaker should have been more assertive and taken firm action.         


But as I said, Trotman by his weak, jellyfish action has allowed the opposition yet again to bring parliament into disrepute. For someone holding such high office Trotman lacks the testicular fortitude in maintaining law and order or to see to it that parliament functions in a decent and civilised way. He needs to be removed from the office of speaker.

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