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Obama has beaten up on the Republican Congress this past week. He ain't done yet..........

NY Times - Jun 29, 2012

Congress Approves a $127 Billion Transportation and Student Loan Package


Congress gave final approval on Friday to legislation that combines a two-year transportation measure with bills to extend subsidized student loans and revamp federal flood insurance, wrapping up a bruising session with measures that will be popular on the campaign trail.


The final $127 billion package angered fiscal conservatives and liberal environmentalists alike, but leaders in both parties — along with many rank-and-file lawmakers — wanted to put the issues behind them.

Exhausted members of both parties pointed to the legislation as a tonic for the ailing job market, as well as proof that an unpopular Congress could get something done. The House passed it by 373 to 52, the Senate by 74 to 19. All the no votes were by Republicans.

“When all is said and done, this bill is what it is,” said Representative Nick J. Rahall II, a West Virginia Democrat who was one of the senior negotiators. “It means jobs.”


Representative Jaime Herrera Beutler, a freshman Republican from Washington State, called the measure “a symbol of how Congress is supposed to operate and why we are here.”

The transportation legislation extends federal highway, rail and transit programs for 27 months, authorizing $120 billion in spending, financed by the existing 18.4 cents-a-gallon gasoline tax and the 24.4 cents-a-gallon diesel tax, as well as about $19 billion in transfers from the Treasury, according to Taxpayers for Common Sense, a watchdog group. That was a retreat for many House conservatives, who had vowed to scale back or eliminate those taxes and shift responsibility to the states.

The $6.7 billion student loan provision extends the current 3.4 percent interest rate on Stafford loans for one year, financed by changes in pension laws and a restriction on the length of time students could get those loans. The flood insurance program increases premiums and requires people living near levees to have coverage.

For Republicans, the huge measure violated a number of promises that the new leadership had made to the Tea Party-fueled electorate that brought it to power.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Kari, why these bills have to pass just before election? Obama failed on his promises, and he's playing catching up. Bill Clinton didn't have to fight for a second term; he won it with confidence. Clinton was the only good Democrat we had in the white house for a long time. Obama is late with his domestic promises. It's time for change!

Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

Kari, why these bills have to pass just before election? Obama failed on his promises, and he's playing catching up. Bill Clinton didn't have to fight for a second term; he won it with confidence. Clinton was the only good Democrat we had in the white house for a long time. Obama is late with his domestic promises. It's time for change!

Obama failed to deliver most of what he promised and is celebrating insignificant consolation prizes and the media is making hay of it.  Clearly, the macro issues remain and Obama has failed miserably in these areas.  Clinton has taken exception to the Obama approach but is careful as he want them re-elected.


Obama is being treated with kids gloves by the main steam media as he is the first black president.  I could understand some of this sympathy as he was not treated fairly me certain members of the TEA party.  The Reps are paying the price for this.


In fairness, he did a great job wacking those Islamist terrorists asses, this he deserves full credit.  He definitely is approaching Bush's league here.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

Kari, why these bills have to pass just before election? Obama failed on his promises, and he's playing catching up. Bill Clinton didn't have to fight for a second term; he won it with confidence. Clinton was the only good Democrat we had in the white house for a long time. Obama is late with his domestic promises. It's time for change!

Obama failed to deliver most of what he promised and is celebrating insignificant consolation prizes and the media is making hay of it.  Clearly, the macro issues remain and Obama has failed miserably in these areas.  Clinton has taken exception to the Obama approach but is careful as he want them re-elected.


Obama is being treated with kids gloves by the main steam media as he is the first black president.  I could understand some of this sympathy as he was not treated fairly me certain members of the TEA party.  The Reps are paying the price for this.


In fairness, he did a great job wacking those Islamist terrorists asses, this he deserves full credit.  He definitely is approaching Bush's league here.

Sounds like Baseman's eulogy for the Republican party.


Obama is not approaching Bush league with his fight against terrorism. That would be an insult to Obama. Bush FAILED and miserably.


G-G gave you the right answer as to why only now Congress passed some important Bills. They were DO-NOTHINGs until Obama whacked them on their heads this past week.


Clinton won his 2nd term after Gingrich handed it to him on a platter by shutting down the government. The Republicans in 2012 have not learned that lesson. They shut down government through filibustering in the Senate and do-nothings. Then they caused a downgrade to America's credit rating. Then they held us hostage on the debt obligations. Tjhey're shitting on America and America will remember in November.


Nice eulogy though.......the desperation shows through....

Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

Kari, why these bills have to pass just before election? Obama failed on his promises, and he's playing catching up. Bill Clinton didn't have to fight for a second term; he won it with confidence. Clinton was the only good Democrat we had in the white house for a long time. Obama is late with his domestic promises. It's time for change!

Obama failed to deliver most of what he promised and is celebrating insignificant consolation prizes and the media is making hay of it.  Clearly, the macro issues remain and Obama has failed miserably in these areas.  Clinton has taken exception to the Obama approach but is careful as he want them re-elected.


Obama is being treated with kids gloves by the main steam media as he is the first black president.  I could understand some of this sympathy as he was not treated fairly me certain members of the TEA party.  The Reps are paying the price for this.


In fairness, he did a great job wacking those Islamist terrorists asses, this he deserves full credit.  He definitely is approaching Bush's league here.

Sounds like Baseman's eulogy for the Republican party.


Obama is not approaching Bush league with his fight against terrorism. That would be an insult to Obama. Bush FAILED and miserably.


G-G gave you the right answer as to why only now Congress passed some important Bills. They were DO-NOTHINGs until Obama whacked them on their heads this past week.


Clinton won his 2nd term after Gingrich handed it to him on a platter by shutting down the government. The Republicans in 2012 have not learned that lesson. They shut down government through filibustering in the Senate and do-nothings. Then they caused a downgrade to America's credit rating. Then they held us hostage on the debt obligations. Tjhey're shitting on America and America will remember in November.


Nice eulogy though.......the desperation shows through....

As I said many times, the Reps are paying the price for the excesses of the TEA.  In the primary they went so far Right to please the TEA party, now it's coming back to haunt Romney.


Baseman straddles the Clinton, Reagan, Bush political corridor.  This is the best formula for the USA in the longer term.


Hats off to Bill Clinton for being one of the best Presidents we have had. We had record economic growth, the stock market rallied, unemployment was down etc.  Too bad Hillary did not make it to continue the progress.


This year we are stuck with two candidates where we would probably have to toss a coin and decide who to vote for.

Originally Posted by alena06:

Hats off to Bill Clinton for being one of the best Presidents we have had. We had record economic growth, the stock market rallied, unemployment was down etc.  Too bad Hillary did not make it to continue the progress.


This year we are stuck with two candidates where we would probably have to toss a coin and decide who to vote for.

Hillary was THE person.  Unfortunately, racism ensure she did not make it through.  Hillary, and Bill as her side-kick, would have got the country hopping by now.  However, we are stuck with what we have.

Originally Posted by baseman:

Hillary was THE person.  Unfortunately, racism ensure she did not make it through.  Hillary, and Bill as her side-kick, would have got the country hopping by now.  However, we are stuck with what we have.

Wow, that is exactly my thoughts! 

Originally Posted by alena06:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Hillary was THE person.  Unfortunately, racism ensure she did not make it through.  Hillary, and Bill as her side-kick, would have got the country hopping by now.  However, we are stuck with what we have.

Wow, that is exactly my thoughts! 

Girl, we more aligned than you think, except every now and then you get out of hand and I have to slap you up and put you to balay roti.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:

. . . Unfortunately, racism ensure she did not make it through.

Whose "racism" . . . ?



There is a fundamental incoherence in your 'response.'


Your bigotry and primitivism have led you to embrace some 'strange' characters.

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:

. . . Unfortunately, racism ensure she did not make it through.

Whose "racism" . . . ?



There is a fundamental incoherence in your 'response.'


Your bigotry and primitivism have led you to embrace some 'strange' characters.

Hey Reduced, don't shoot the messenger!  It ain't me in that clip.

Originally Posted by alena06:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Hillary was THE person.  Unfortunately, racism ensure she did not make it through.  Hillary, and Bill as her side-kick, would have got the country hopping by now.  However, we are stuck with what we have.

Wow, that is exactly my thoughts! 

It could be Obama-Clinton for the 2012 election.

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:

. . . Unfortunately, racism ensure she did not make it through.

Whose "racism" . . . ?

It wasn't racism. It was Wall Street. They cultivated Obama as a candidate who would absolutely perpetuate George W. Bush's policies, while presenting himself to the public as the candidate of "Change." For this ploy to work, Hillary had to be bullied and threatened to drop out of the race, despite the fact that she was leading in the popular vote.


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