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Danyael posted:

Baseman and Cobra are truly a couple of ignars.  Trump is being opportunistic and acting against our interest. His nativism is almost fascistic and the worse kind of politics we can participate in.

This fellow was clearly afflicted with serious mental problems. He hated women, gay people and other religions. There is little to show he was faith conscious with Islam ans that is consequential of  this evil act.

If someone says  his congregation were anti west and his Imam was anti west I would then and only then say it is and example of one of those abhorrent interpretations of Islam that is being expressed.


The Imam said do gays a favor, kill them!!

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Kari posted:

Trump is trying to cash in on this tragedy and hopes for more - just like the casino bankruptcies that he caused illegally and lost millions for investors.

Wrong sir.  What transpired in Orlando proves that Trump was right.  We are too soft on terrorists.  It is a problem that has been ignored for too long.  America opens its doors to people who go there to cause destruction.  Trump was right from day one.

proves that Trump was right

The bar is very low for being proven right.

any 10 year old could say there will be more terrorist shooting in America - domestic (Newton, Connecticut and once a week in America), lone wolf (all American born) who had no ties or contacts with Al Qaeda or ISIS but claims to be inspired by them, and ....oh, shucks.......there were no Syrian refugees who shot up a load of Americans, or FOREIGN Muslims who did likewise.

What is he right about anyway?

Kari posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Kari posted:

Trump is trying to cash in on this tragedy and hopes for more - just like the casino bankruptcies that he caused illegally and lost millions for investors.

Wrong sir.  What transpired in Orlando proves that Trump was right.  We are too soft on terrorists.  It is a problem that has been ignored for too long.  America opens its doors to people who go there to cause destruction.  Trump was right from day one.

proves that Trump was right

The bar is very low for being proven right.

any 10 year old could say there will be more terrorist shooting in America - domestic (Newton, Connecticut and once a week in America), lone wolf (all American born) who had no ties or contacts with Al Qaeda or ISIS but claims to be inspired by them, and ....oh, shucks.......there were no Syrian refugees who shot up a load of Americans, or FOREIGN Muslims who did likewise.

What is he right about anyway?

Any 10 year old can see we have a weak leader!


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