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Chinese operators in talks with Agri Ministry over fishing opportunities

September 26, 2014 | By | Filed Under News 

… Hope to submit proposal soon

By Zena Henry

Chinese operators continue to show great interest in the local economy as they now move toward the country’s

Agriculture Minister Leslie Ramsammy

Agriculture Minister Leslie Ramsammy


lucrative fishing industry. Discussions commenced this week between officials of the Agriculture Ministry and representatives of interested Chinese fishermen, Minister Leslie Ramsammy told this newspaper on Wednesday.
There has so far been no specific proposal, according to the Minister. The foreigners are currently seeking clarification on various aspects of the country’s fishing sector, including local legislation.
“They (Chinese) are seeking clarifications on our laws… we (Ministry) are seeking more information about their interest.”
The last time the Chinese fishing matter came up; members of the local industry had expressed grave concern over those operators entering the sector.  President of the Guyana Association of Trawler Owners and Seafood Processors (GATOSP) Leslie Ramalho at that time, had dispatched a missive to the Minister seeking clarity on alleged reports that several fishing licences were slated for Chinese fishing activities.
When Kaieteur News spoke with Ramalho yesterday, he stated that to date there has been no update on the issue of Chinese operations locally, and he trusts that all remains the same, since the agency was promised by the Agriculture Ministry that any developments in the sector would be related to concerned stakeholders.
“I have had no further updates,” Ramalho said. “However, we have a commitment from the Minister that if ever a proposal is submitted by the Chinese it would be discussed with the relevant stakeholders – that is both industrial and artisanal – before any decision is made. As I have had no reason to doubt the Minister’s word in the past, I do not believe any decision has been made.”
Ramalho explained that he has no reason to believe that decisions that will directly affect the livelihood of local operators would be made without the expressions of concern from local parties.

Local fishermen were initially concerned about purported additions to the fishing industry.

Local fishermen were initially concerned about purported additions to the fishing industry.

“That would be very unwise, as it would no doubt lead to widespread objections from the fishing industry, since what might have been agreed to could have serious implications to the livelihood of the stakeholders and workers in the industry.”
Last year, the GATOSP had expressed unease when allegations surfaced that some 40 fishing licences were being granted to Chinese nationals. The Agriculture Ministry had however, clarified the matter stating that no licences had been granted.
Local fishermen were more concerned about the purported additions to the fishing industry since they claimed that they were being asked to reduce their operations because of depleted resources. They also expressed that the Chinese usually operate with upscale equipment and locals might be no competition for their operations.
The fishermen had requested information on the number of vessels, the type of fishing, the area to be fished, and the type of gear that the Chinese intend to use locally.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by asj:


Will Guyana benifit from this deal? since everything Donald Duck touches truned to shit. That is Guyana ends up with the shitty end of the stick.




The only Guyanese who will benefit from this deal are the crooked PPP tiefmen who are getting the Chinese kickbacks.
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by asj:


Will Guyana benifit from this deal? since everything Donald Duck touches truned to shit. That is Guyana ends up with the shitty end of the stick.




The only Guyanese who will benefit from this deal are the crooked PPP tiefmen who are getting the Chinese kickbacks.

There appears to be so many of these scumbags, hope that someday they will be tried for their crookedness, or made to pay for their ill gotten gains.


There is no end to the grasping rent seeking opportunistic reach of the PPP. Fishing is our only productive enterprise. Bringing the chinese will provide us with no income and only serve to strangle our fishermen who are already plagued with unchecked piracy.


The Chinese will sweep our sea for every living creature since they eat any and everything. We will end up with a continental shelf that is dessicated and withered of all life.  They fish 24-seven and bring their factory ships off shore so they never have to stop until all life is leeched from the sea.

Last edited by Former Member

BTW,,,the chinese will be here. It is a matter of time. The ministry is not negotiating legalism. It is negotiating graft options. As soon as they know tacitly whose pocket the gets the graft the deal is done.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:

There is no end to the grasping rent seeking opportunistic reach of the PPP. Fishing is our only productive enterprise. Bringing the chinese will provide us with no income and only serve to strangle our fishermen who are already plagued with unchecked piracy.


The Chinese will sweep our sea for every living creature since they eat any and everything. We will end up with a continental shelf that is dessicated and withered of all life.  They fish 27 seven and bring their factory ships off shore so they never have to stop until all life is leeched from the sea.

Seems to be like no end to the Corrupt PPP/C kickback galore. It has now become an addiction to Guyana.


Our Forest

Our Rivers and Sea

Our Roads


Wonder what else?

Last edited by Former Member

Extract from Guyana Times letter by Haji Roshan Khan:

"Licence for fishing: it is said that the Government of Guyana is considering providing this licence. It is one I disagree with. The Government of Guyana is saying the licence is for fishing of certain species of fish that we do not use.

It will be impossible to monitor their factory ships, in large-scale harvesting, and maybe in devastation of the marine creature in the ocean.

I can actually image their ships scooping all living creatures floating, swimming, under the oceans and even resting on the sea beds, and then processing them by freezing and instant canning. The filth and waste is always dumped in the oceans.

They will take the ones we usually use and the ones we do not. They have already proved that they cannot be trusted to keep their word, nor follow protocols established."

Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

There is no end to the grasping rent seeking opportunistic reach of the PPP. Fishing is our only productive enterprise. Bringing the chinese will provide us with no income and only serve to strangle our fishermen who are already plagued with unchecked piracy.


The Chinese will sweep our sea for every living creature since they eat any and everything. We will end up with a continental shelf that is dessicated and withered of all life.  They fish 27 seven and bring their factory ships off shore so they never have to stop until all life is leeched from the sea.

Seems to be like no end to the Corrupt PPP/C kickback galore. It has now become an addiction to Guyana.


Our Forest

Our Rivers and Sea

Our Roads


Wonder what else?

Knowing the Chinese modus operandi, they have probably opened an offshore Shanghai Bank account for Dr SpyEquipmentDenier.

Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

There is no end to the grasping rent seeking opportunistic reach of the PPP. Fishing is our only productive enterprise. Bringing the chinese will provide us with no income and only serve to strangle our fishermen who are already plagued with unchecked piracy.


The Chinese will sweep our sea for every living creature since they eat any and everything. We will end up with a continental shelf that is dessicated and withered of all life.  They fish 27 seven and bring their factory ships off shore so they never have to stop until all life is leeched from the sea.

Seems to be like no end to the Corrupt PPP/C kickback galore. It has now become an addiction to Guyana.


Our Forest

Our Rivers and Sea

Our Roads


Wonder what else?


May be our sovereign lords will demand their right to Droit du seigneur or as the English had it for the Scotts, jus primae noctis or the right of first night. It means that these PPP men of rank and  regal birth has only one claim left to completely humiliate our people with their thievery and crude compulsions; demand to sleep with our women on their wedding night.


These people have to go if we are to see any peace.

Last edited by Former Member

The danger of overfishing in our waters

September 27, 2014 | By | Filed Under Letters 

The Environment Community Health Organization (ECHO) is concerned about an article which appeared in the Kaieteur News of September 26, 2014, captioned: “Chinese operators in talks with Agri Ministry over fishing opportunities”.
Clearly the mood and spirit of nations all over the world is to scale back on the use of natural resources. Globally, there is an urgency to put strict regulations in place to protect biodiversity and the cultures of local communities. In the face of unprecedented environmental events impacting our environment we, in Guyana, must do more to preserve the health of our ecology and protect local communities.

This is a very serious issue, particularly in circumstances where we engage in activities that continue to hurt the environment by polluting rivers and other water sources through mining activities. Recall the cyanide river disaster in 1995 and the pollution of the Arau River in Region 7 (Cuyuni/Mazaruni) in 2008. The continuous negative environmental mining practices are impacting on marine life and other bio-diversities.
Again, there is the tragedy of commons – members in a group using common resources for their own gain and with no regard for others. This can lead to over-exploitation of common resources.
ECHO has a real concern that this contemplated move by the authorities can lead to overfishing.
Overfishing occurs when fishes are being caught faster than they can reproduce and replace themselves.

Overfishing can affect biological diversity. Biodiversity is the diversity of living things, and can be thought of as occurring on three levels: genetic, species, and ecosystem. Genetic diversity is the genetic variability that occurs among members of the same species. Species diversity is the variety of species found in a community or ecosystem. And ecological diversity is the variety of types of biological communities.
An additional means of categorising biological diversity is functional diversity; the variety of biological processes characteristic of a particular ecosystem. These units of diversity are inter-related. In the face of environmental change, the loss of genetic diversity weakens a population’s ability to adapt; the loss of species diversity weakens a community’s ability to adapt; the loss of functional diversity weakens an ecosystem’s ability to adapt; and the loss of ecological diversity weakens the whole biosphere’s ability to adapt.
Because biological and physical processes are interactive, losses of biological diversity may also precipitate further environmental change. This progressively destructive routine results in impoverished biological systems, which are susceptible to collapse when faced with further environmental changes.

Therefore, we, in ECHO, hope that any proposal to add others to this industry will be given really careful attention and strict regulations would be put in place to protect our fishing industry and our natural assets.  We are also asking the competent authority to begin an audit of the various species of fishes; we have in Guyana and their status as it relates to extinction.
Royston King
Executive Director, ECHO


If the Chinese want the fish let them buy it from the local fishing enterprise. The government does not need to give them any kind of fishing rights, they cannot be trusted to be ethical in their use of the resources.


Government permitted Chinese to mine sand in Timehri – Works Minister

September 28, 2014 | By | Filed Under News

Minister of Public Works Robeson Benn has said that Chinese mining company China

The area that was cleared out for sand mining by the Chinese workers.

The area that was cleared out for sand mining by the Chinese workers.


Habours Engineering Company (CHEC) was given permission by the government to mine sand in Timehri North as part of the work being done on the country’s international airport. The Minister told Kaieteur News, last week, that the company was given the go ahead to remove sand from what he described as “two old sand pits located in Timehri North.” Residents of the Timehri North community had made several complaints about the effect of the activity on them, personally and on the community. They were also seeking clarity from the government as to whether the government had given the Chinese permission to mine sand since the residents were not informed of the activity that is now taking place a short distance away from where several homes are located. When the Chinese workers were questioned, they told residents that “your country has given us permission to remove all sand. No problem”. The heavy machinery passes within the heart of the community to enter and leave the current mining space and is also destroying the roads, the residents said. They even demonstrated against the mining activities. Minister Benn stated, however, “The area where the sand is being removed is an old sand pit and was used as a dump site.” He explained, also, that the area was being used as a dump site, but that it is now being cleared to make room for the dumping of ‘pegasse’ soil which is being removed from where the airport runway is being expanded. It was however explained to the Minister that a visit to the Timehri community showed that the area where sand is currently being mined was once an area with trees and vegetation and not a dump site. He stated, ‘Whatever it is, I am saying it is a site for which they (Chinese) have permission and its airport land.” Ron Rahaman, Chief Roads and Bridges Engineer, is also responsible for the Cheddi Jagan International Airport (CJIA) expansion project.  He said he is not aware exactly where the mining is ongoing but he knows that “the company, China Habours Engineering Company was given permission to mine sand in two sand pits.’ “As far as I know they should be using sand from those pits. But I cannot say exactly where the pits are located.” Representatives of the Timehri North Community Development Council (TNCDC) said they were surprised to see CHEC workers using a bulldozer to clear the parapet that interlocks with the Main Access Road, in the Prison Service Area some two weeks ago. A few days later, they said that pieces of heavy duty equipment were being driven along the Main Road. Residents became upset since the workers were further destroying the road which “has never been repaired by this government”. Residents expressed concern about the health issues that could result from the unearthing and transporting of the sand. “Already, the dust issues are plaguing residents, as large and unusual build-up of dust can be seen on the furnishings and other household paraphernalia,” they stated. Kaieteur News was told that residents entered the sand pit which was lately dug and prevented the Chinese operators from mining any sand. They claimed that there was an exchange of words between themselves and the Chinese who they claimed described them as “mad people”. The residents who clashed with the workers- mainly farmers- added that last Wednesday persons claiming to be from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) visited the area and the workers were allegedly prevented from mining the sand. They residents reported, however, that the workers were back at the pit the very next day and this caused the residents to react in protestation.

Originally Posted by RiffRaff:

time to overthrow this Govt

It is very easy to remove the PPP government. And in very short notice. So far, we only comfortable behind the computer. When the people who are writing volumes about the wrongs and complete disregard for the citizens decides to put their words into actions. Then that day will be the end of ALL poor goverance in Guyana. The PPP does what it wants because they know the public is not interested in goverance. The die was cast 60 years ago when the PPP  told that generation(perhaps the majority die out by now) they will look after the interests of the poor. Since that time no body ever question them. 


Chinese eye Guyana’s fishing zone, to approach Govt

September 30, 2014 | By | Filed Under News 

Agriculture Minister Dr. Leslie Ramsammy says that it is possible that Chinese fishing operators on a visit to Guyana will make a proposal to operate in the local sector. He said that interested Chinese operators are still in the country.

Agriculture Minister Leslie Ramsammy

Agriculture Minister Leslie Ramsammy

While the Minister is unable to say when the Chinese would leave, he has confirmed their interest in the local fishing industry, so much so, that the foreigners hope to make their proposal to the government soon.
Dr. Ramsammy told Kaieteur News that there has been no discourse on the type of equipment, or boats to be used. When asked about the type of vessels and equipment being proposed, he said, “We are not there yet.”
The Minister said, however, that the Chinese team has conveyed interest in fishing and processing. The Minister has noted however, that as part of the discussions that commenced some time last week, he has provided the Chinese with all the laws and regulations that pertain to the industry.
The Minister had told Kaieteur News last week that discussions had commenced with Chinese nationals who are here scouting the local fishing industry. He said, “They want to submit a proposal before they leave.”
This is not the first time that the Chinese are expressing interest in the sector. Stakeholders who say that the country should exercise caution when dealing with the fishing resources, panicked when it was alleged that several licences were being given out to Chinese fishing operators whose vessels and equipment scare local operators, particularly in the area of competition.
Minister Ramsammy said, yesterday, that he has already met with some fishing groups and should be meeting with others.
President of the Guyana Association of Trawler Owners and Seafood Processors (GATOSP) Leslie Romalho, said that he expects to meet with the Minister soon. Last week Friday he received correspondence for a meeting with the Ministry, but given the hour, he could not gather all the representatives at the time.
Romalho said that he is anxiously awaiting the meeting so that the organization could be up-to-date with any developments. He added, “We have a commitment from the Minister that if ever a proposal is submitted by the Chinese it would be discussed with the relevant stakeholders – that is both industrial and artisanal – before any decision is made.”
The last time local Chinese fishing came up, GATOSP immediately dispatched a letter to the Agriculture Ministry seeking clarity on some 40 licences allegedly being issued to the foreigners. The Minister quickly clarified that no licences were slated for the Chinese and declared that it was a “false alarm”. He said the Chinese were merely making enquires about the local industry.
Local fishermen were concerned that they were being asked to reduce boats and catches because of depleting resources, while reports were that Chinese nationals were being added to the industry. Outside of that, local operators fear that they would not be able to compete with the Chinese operators whose boats are sometimes as long as 130 feet, while local operators maneuver with 70-foot long vessels. Operators also spoke of fish processing vessels that have extensive on-board facilities for processing and freezing fish.
The Agriculture Ministry clamped down on the number of fishing trawlers and it was said that licences are no longer being issued. The newspaper was told that to prevent overfishing no more than 100 vessels were being allowed in this regard.
It was denied that Chinese vessels would operate in waters either in the 12-mile Guyana territorial limit or in the 200-mile Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ).
Locals are concerned also about job opportunities if licences are granted to the Chinese. The low Guyanese employment in local Chinese contracted projects has been evident.


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