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Former Member

Businesses speak out against alleged harassment by Food & Drugs Dept

October 25, 2015 11:18 am Category: latest news A+ / A-

container[] – A number of local businesses are complaining about the Food and Drugs Department, alleging that their imports are being deliberately delayed, resulting in their companies losing millions of dollars.

Most entities are hesitant to reveal their identities for fear of further victimization by officials at the Department. One businessman claimed that he had to send home several employees and is now contemplating closing his business.

Frank Sanichara, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Sueria Manufacturing Inc vented on social media about his experience at the government department, noting that he felt “hurt and terrified” to send home ten of his employees.

“I had to make this decision because the food and drugs department in Guyana is being vindictive to my company. Over the past months they have targeted my business because I stand up for my rights, because I challenge their vindictiveness and their incompetence,” the CEO said.

He claims that the department put a ‘hold’ on several of his containers consisting of everyday items.

“I have called them over 100 times; to date they are not giving me any reasons. I am left in the dark and so does my employees. Our products which are perishable and date sensitive are sitting at the wharf and already clear Customs.”

iNews understands that the department constantly changes its requirements for the importation of goods, thus resulting in costly delays to companies. iNews tried several times to make contact with the Head of the Food and Drugs Department but we were told he was not in office.

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Most entities are hesitant to reveal their identities for fear of further victimization by officials atthe Department.  One businessman claimed that he had to send home several employees and is now contemplating closing his business.


This government is supposed to encourage small businesses rather than creating fear and causing them to close their doors and put people out of work. Guyana is seriously going downhill. 





Last edited by Former Member

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