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More political machinations in National Assembly – as new APNU MP sworn in


Renita Lolita Williams, of Barima/Waini, Region One, took her place on the benches of the National Assembly, in the midst of the political machinations by her party, A Partnership for National Unity (APNU).


The newest Member of Parliament was sworn in just after an APNU Seat in the House was declared vacant following the resignation of its Region One Representative, Richard Allen, who collapsed in the House on Thursday last.


Speaker of the National Assembly, Raphael Trotman, informed the House that he had been informed by Calvin Benn, the Chief Elections Officer (ag) that the name of Williams was extracted from the list and has been duly declared by Benn as being the properly elected representative for her Region.


Newest Member of Parliament for A Partnership for National Unity and representing Region One [Barima/Waini), Renita Williams being sworn in by the Clerk of the National Assembly Sherlock Isaacs.

Newest Member of Parliament for A Partnership for National Unity and representing Region One (Barima/Waini), Renita Williams being sworn in by the Clerk of the National Assembly Sherlock Isaacs.


The swearing in of MP Williams returned the one-seat majority to the political opposition who immediately used it to overturn the Government’s schedule for the allocation of time and the order for the consideration of the 2013 Estimates and Expenditure in the Committee of Supply.


The Opposition succeeded in delaying the business of the House until Monday, April 15, when the consideration of the allocations will begin in the order and time span prescribed by the parliamentary opposition.


Nevertheless the new MP was accorded unprecedented protocol when no less than six members of the House presented welcome remarks.


Speaker Trotman stated that Region One remains well represented while Opposition Leader David Granger said the seat she has taken is a heavy burden and comes at an unusual and extraordinary time.


The fact that the new MP hails from Moruca was not lost on Foreign Affairs Minister Carolyn Rodrigues-Birkett who listed other Amerindian MPs after Stephen Campbell who also railed from that district, including herself.


Prime Minister Samuel Hinds urged the new MP to look to the swift advances taking place in her region as she goes about her business in the assembly.


Alliance for Change (AFC) Leader Khemraj Ramjattan and APNUs Dr. George Norton were also among those who extended welcome to the new MP.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

It's a shame to have a member of parliament forced to resigned due to illness and make way for another to maintain that one seat majority to vote against the 2013 budget is undemocratic. The budget debate is postponed due to this reshuffling in parliament to facilitate APNU & AFC nasty intentions. The joint opposition is playing personal politics with the Guyanese public. We can expect the same or worst to happen in 2013 than in 2012. Once again the Guyanese people are left out in the cold.

Originally Posted by alena06:

..Anyone knows her credentials?

She is an Amerindian! That's it.


Recall recently an APNU MP called the rupununi the most backward place in the Caribbean ?


APNU was roundly condemned for that remark----so they made amends by choosing an Amerindian MP.



Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

Congratulations to the new MP.


Actions of the PNC/APNU; if MPs get ill, they lose their seats.

Actions of the Rat & Duck Paracites

when they get ole.....

Quickly lose their faculties.......

and Become useless and irrelevant.....

and focus on the.....Actions of the PNC/APNU...

Pee themselves up...

which cause them to see things differently from us....

So they begin to praise and support corruption or thiefing.

Originally Posted by alena06:

She did not sit through the budget hearings so how fair is it for her to vote.  I guess 'do as you are told'...Anyone knows her credentials?

What about De Sweetman Pundit Daughter who was mourning the Death of her Father.....but was dragged in her nitee to make the vote 32-32

Originally Posted by alena06:

She did not sit through the budget hearings so how fair is it for her to vote.  I guess 'do as you are told'...Anyone knows her credentials?

Some PPP members slept thru the debates. How fair is it for them to vote?


The sleeper of parliament are there for years. If when they sleep they know what's going on.  


BTW, I will bet my bottom dollar that she will vote against the budget. Anyone wish to bet with me? 

Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

It's a shame to have a member of parliament forced to resigned due to illness and make way for another to maintain that one seat majority to vote against the 2013 budget is undemocratic. The budget debate is postponed due to this reshuffling in parliament to facilitate APNU & AFC nasty intentions. The joint opposition is playing personal politics with the Guyanese public. We can expect the same or worst to happen in 2013 than in 2012. Once again the Guyanese people are left out in the cold.





It's a shame to have Sam Hinds a member of parliament President forced to resigned due to illness Beinga Blackman and make way for Jagdeo a Indian another to maintain Abee Govt that one seat majority to vote against the 2013 budget is undemocratic.


The budget debate Normal Operations of Guyana Govt is postponed due to this reshuffling in parliament to facilitate APNU & AFC PPP nasty intentions.

Jagdeo & Ramotar The joint opposition is playing personal politics with the Guyanese public.

We can expect the same or worst to happen in 2013 than in 20121999. Once again the Guyanese people are left out in the Ramotar & Jagdeo hold tight to and manipulate  De Burnham Constitution.


Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

The sleeper of parliament are there for years. If when they sleep they know what's going on.  


BTW, I will bet my bottom dollar that she will vote against the budget. Anyone wish to bet with me? 

They will now debate and consider line by line. How much in the budget was allocated to fix the roads in Berbice?

Originally Posted by warrior:

this how the ppp run the country by sleeping

If the PPP can sleep and do what no other man have done before, what you think they will do if they're awake? Do you think the transformation of present day Guyana was an overnight magic?  

Originally Posted by ABIDHA:
Originally Posted by warrior:

this how the ppp run the country by sleeping

If the PPP can sleep and do what no other man have done before, what you think they will do if they're awake? Do you think the transformation of present day Guyana was an overnight magic?  

GT was once known as the Garden City. Since the PPP took over, it has become the Garbage City. How much in the budget is allocated for clean up and not only GT?


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