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Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

The PNC cannot rule or govern without the help of the PPP.   They have a bunch of commies who bolted from the PPP.  Let them do the work.

Dude....those presently making up the PPP upper ranks are completely incompatible with the APNU-AFC. No one wants them or their advice. Could you imagine Ashni offering advise on the budget or the AG on the constitution or Priya on education? These people are all as diseased flesh to be excised from the national body politic.

Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

The PNC cannot rule or govern without the help of the PPP.   They have a bunch of commies who bolted from the PPP.  Let them do the work.

Many more who have bolted will continue to bolt..........


It will be interesting to see if the PPP will not take on the role of being the Anti Development, Obstructionist opposition?????


I cannot wait to see this unfold.

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Are you still providing technical advice to the AG?


Or have you resigned from your post as inbox consultant?


Dearest Horsehead Mukraj,


I assure you I'm still an informal advisor to those who welcome my advice and will remain so. Some welcome and act on said advice. Some don't.


I probably don't have a relationship with the former AG anymore because I blame him for the bad advice he tendered to the PPP and told him as much. Since last year, this genius wrongfully focused the party on an issue no one except himself and his lackey Shaun Samaroo seemed to care about...the Rodney CoI.


During this counting process, an injunction was necessary restraining and prohibiting GECOM from declaring the results while a proper recount could be undertaken. This idiot apparently thought differently. He's gonna now spend the next 5 or may 10 years pursuing an Election Petition. All the while sapping the party's energies and focus on a fool's errand.


Absent an injunction before the swearing in of a new government means the issue is lost. That's the point where you pack it in and behave with a little grace and you are pegged as having lost and any further reference to the issue makes you appear as a sore loser.


May I take this opportunity to remind you that the PPP received 49% of the vote on it's own strength as a party. The PPP is not going anywhere.

Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

The PNC cannot rule or govern without the help of the PPP.   They have a bunch of commies who bolted from the PPP.  Let them do the work.


And the delusion continues. It's the morons like you who wrecked the PPP's campaign.


Keep up the good work doing more damage to the PPP than the PNC and the AFC is capable of doing.


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