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I got bused down by d2 and the other AFC degenerates when I suggested that Apple is made outside of the US.

Map of the day: Apple Inc.'s Asian supply chain

February 16, 2013: 11:24 AM ET


More than 80% of Apple's suppliers are located in East Asia


Source: David Barreda. Click to explore interactive map.

FORTUNE -- Drawing on the list of suppliers Apple (AAPL) posted along with its January Supplier Responsibility Progress Report, ChinaFile's David Barreda has produced aninteractive map that shows who builds Apple's products and where in the world they do it. The map -- which allows you to drill down to the individual addresses of hundreds of suppliers on five continents -- invites exploration. You can get it from either ChinaFile or Tea Leaf Nation.

Thanks for AppleInsider's Kevin Bostic for the tip.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

This revelation flies in the face of the AFC and PNC anti Chinese agenda. Apple is a business and must produce high quality products and it proves that Asia can deliver. Take that AFC and PNC.


I am a proud owner of Apple products. MacBook Pro, Macbook Air, Imac and IPad etc. These are high quality products made in Asia. In the business world you compete or die and Apple must deliver profits so that their shareholders benefit.


AFC and PNC are in a communist mode.


why do you like to lie so much? The thread is located here  on  February 13, 2013 7:30 PM


Let me reiterate. Apple revamped its worker's policy in Asia to bring it on par with US standards. It further said it will be bringing  some of its fab back home. The president noted in the state of the union that, this year, Macs will again be made in the US.


No one said anything beyond that. You are on your usual chest pounding adventure per your habitual self approbation mania.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:

why do you like to lie so much? The thread is located here  on  February 13, 2013 7:30 PM


Let me reiterate. Apple revamped its worker's policy in Asia to bring it on par with US standards. It further said it will be bringing  some of its fab back home. The president noted in the state of the union that, this year, Macs will again be made in the US.


No one said anything beyond that. You are on your usual chest pounding adventure per your habitual self approbation mania.

You were one of the main characters in the buse down followed by the usual suspects of name callers like mitwah and caine.  You tried to claim that the Chinese are incompetent, yet Apple, a most respected American company, uses them to help to make their most successful products. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

why do you like to lie so much? The thread is located here  on  February 13, 2013 7:30 PM


Let me reiterate. Apple revamped its worker's policy in Asia to bring it on par with US standards. It further said it will be bringing  some of its fab back home. The president noted in the state of the union that, this year, Macs will again be made in the US.


No one said anything beyond that. You are on your usual chest pounding adventure per your habitual self approbation mania.

You were one of the main characters in the buse down followed by the usual suspects of name callers like mitwah and caine.  You tried to claim that the Chinese are incompetent, yet Apple, a most respected American company, uses them to help to make their most successful products. 

You are a liar., I never said the Chinese are incompetent, or any thing derogatory about the group in general. I am speaking to the "Chinese" as one speaks when they say the "US" - as policy projections of a national government.


I said Apple strengthen its policy with regard to employment to match what is acceptable here ( China is not reluctant to be shoddy with its environmental practices, worker health, or using prisoners and children in its  labor markets) Apple said it wants permanent workers and that does not include even students in this category.


Apple and Intel etc are in many nations and only recently the national conversation has become attuned to the fact that cheap labor means labor tied to livable wages, environmental practices and safe work environments. One of the largest and most powerful lobbyists in Washington went to jail in part to his facilitating poor worker practices in the south pacific. Sports companies as Wilson, Nike etc had done the same to upgrade the perception that its products made in India are not being made by child laborers. They supposedly have a regimen of inspection to prohibit this. The point being emphasized is competitive manufacturing  cost cannot be  facilitated by poor labor and environmental practices.


As these nations begin to improve the conditions of their workers their advantage in the cost of production goes up. Increasingly many companies are finding it easier to bring their fab home when the cost difference is minimum compared to the benefit of employment, skills development and and sense of being a part of a productive nation  building enterprise.


Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

why do you like to lie so much? The thread is located here  on  February 13, 2013 7:30 PM


Let me reiterate. Apple revamped its worker's policy in Asia to bring it on par with US standards. It further said it will be bringing  some of its fab back home. The president noted in the state of the union that, this year, Macs will again be made in the US.


No one said anything beyond that. You are on your usual chest pounding adventure per your habitual self approbation mania.

You were one of the main characters in the buse down followed by the usual suspects of name callers like mitwah and caine.  You tried to claim that the Chinese are incompetent, yet Apple, a most respected American company, uses them to help to make their most successful products. 

You are a liar., I never said the Chinese are incompetent, or any thing derogatory about the group in general. I am speaking to the "Chinese" as one speaks when they say the "US" - as policy projections of a national government.


I said Apple strengthen its policy with regard to employment to match what is acceptable here ( China is not reluctant to be shoddy with its environmental practices, worker health, or using prisoners and children in its  labor markets) Apple said it wants permanent workers and that does not include even students in this category.


Apple and Intel etc are in many nations and only recently the national conversation has become attuned to the fact that cheap labor means labor tied to livable wages, environmental practices and safe work environments. One of the largest and most powerful lobbyists in Washington went to jail in part to his facilitating poor worker practices in the south pacific. Sports companies as Wilson, Nike etc had done the same to upgrade the perception that its products made in India are not being made by child laborers. They supposedly have a regimen of inspection to prohibit this. The point being emphasized is competitive manufacturing  cost cannot be  facilitated by poor labor and environmental practices.


As these nations begin to improve the conditions of their workers their advantage in the cost of production goes up. Increasingly many companies are finding it easier to bring their fab home when the cost difference is minimum compared to the benefit of employment, skills development and and sense of being a part of a productive nation  building enterprise.


Now you change your tune as you suddenly developed respect for the Chinese, a world power in their own regard. Before you folks claimed that they did shoddy work and their buildings would collapse, until I brought up the Apple example. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

why do you like to lie so much? The thread is located here  on  February 13, 2013 7:30 PM


Let me reiterate. Apple revamped its worker's policy in Asia to bring it on par with US standards. It further said it will be bringing  some of its fab back home. The president noted in the state of the union that, this year, Macs will again be made in the US.


No one said anything beyond that. You are on your usual chest pounding adventure per your habitual self approbation mania.

You were one of the main characters in the buse down followed by the usual suspects of name callers like mitwah and caine.  You tried to claim that the Chinese are incompetent, yet Apple, a most respected American company, uses them to help to make their most successful products. 

You are a liar., I never said the Chinese are incompetent, or any thing derogatory about the group in general. I am speaking to the "Chinese" as one speaks when they say the "US" - as policy projections of a national government.


I said Apple strengthen its policy with regard to employment to match what is acceptable here ( China is not reluctant to be shoddy with its environmental practices, worker health, or using prisoners and children in its  labor markets) Apple said it wants permanent workers and that does not include even students in this category.


Apple and Intel etc are in many nations and only recently the national conversation has become attuned to the fact that cheap labor means labor tied to livable wages, environmental practices and safe work environments. One of the largest and most powerful lobbyists in Washington went to jail in part to his facilitating poor worker practices in the south pacific. Sports companies as Wilson, Nike etc had done the same to upgrade the perception that its products made in India are not being made by child laborers. They supposedly have a regimen of inspection to prohibit this. The point being emphasized is competitive manufacturing  cost cannot be  facilitated by poor labor and environmental practices.


As these nations begin to improve the conditions of their workers their advantage in the cost of production goes up. Increasingly many companies are finding it easier to bring their fab home when the cost difference is minimum compared to the benefit of employment, skills development and and sense of being a part of a productive nation  building enterprise.


Now you change your tune as you suddenly developed respect for the Chinese, a world power in their own regard. Before you folks claimed that they did shoddy work and their buildings would collapse, until I brought up the Apple example. 

 To the contrary, I have no respect for the Chinese ( as it entails the projection of a communist endorced strategy to exploit). Do not beg the coverage of "you folks" statements to say I assert they do shoddy work. The work the did to date in Guyana is shoddy. The derelicts they donated to us as cargo vessels on the river ought to have remained decommission.


And again, they are not "making" apple products. They assemble apple products. Apple as a creative enterprise is wholly from Americans.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:

 To the contrary, I have no respect for the Chinese ( as it entails the projection of a communist endorced strategy to exploit). Do not beg the coverage of "you folks" statements to say I assert they do shoddy work. The work the did to date in Guyana is shoddy. The derelicts they donated to us as cargo vessels on the river ought to have remained decommission.


And again, they are not "making" apple products. They assemble apple products. Apple as a creative enterprise is wholly from Americans.

Apparently with the exception of your stooges, mitwah and cain, the rest of the US disagrees with you. Read and weep as actions speak louder than words. You probably are not aware of all the Chinese products or components in your own home.


he Daily Caller

The US trade deficit with China today is 28 times larger than it was during the Reagan era, according to new figures released by the US Census Bureau. That daunting deficit has grown by 18 percent per year since China first entered the World Trade Organization in 2001.

Census figures now show $103.8 billion in US exports to China during 2011, and $399.3 million in imports, a stunning $295.5 billion difference.

China’s enormous trade advantage, now the largest nation-on-nation trade deficit in the history of the world, has put it in the enviable negotiating position of being able to say “bu” -- that is, “no” -- to most American demands.

America’s political, policy and business leaders aren’t doing much to address the shocking statistics that suggest a real erosion of America’s once-strong manufacturing and technological advantage...

“The Congress and the administration are too afraid to provoke China and do not sufficiently protect the American economy from the negative effects of Chinese economic policies,” Optimal Investing chief investment officer Wojtek Zarzycki told The Daily Caller “They have had several opportunities to officially name China a currency manipulator, but they have not.”
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

 To the contrary, I have no respect for the Chinese ( as it entails the projection of a communist endorced strategy to exploit). Do not beg the coverage of "you folks" statements to say I assert they do shoddy work. The work the did to date in Guyana is shoddy. The derelicts they donated to us as cargo vessels on the river ought to have remained decommission.


And again, they are not "making" apple products. They assemble apple products. Apple as a creative enterprise is wholly from Americans.

Apparently with the exception of your stooges, mitwah and cain, the rest of the US disagrees with you. Read and weep as actions speak louder than words. You probably are not aware of all the Chinese products or components in your own home.


he Daily Caller

The US trade deficit with China today is 28 times larger than it was during the Reagan era, according to new figures released by the US Census Bureau. That daunting deficit has grown by 18 percent per year since China first entered the World Trade Organization in 2001.

Census figures now show $103.8 billion in US exports to China during 2011, and $399.3 million in imports, a stunning $295.5 billion difference.

China’s enormous trade advantage, now the largest nation-on-nation trade deficit in the history of the world, has put it in the enviable negotiating position of being able to say “bu” -- that is, “no” -- to most American demands.

America’s political, policy and business leaders aren’t doing much to address the shocking statistics that suggest a real erosion of America’s once-strong manufacturing and technological advantage...

“The Congress and the administration are too afraid to provoke China and do not sufficiently protect the American economy from the negative effects of Chinese economic policies,” Optimal Investing chief investment officer Wojtek Zarzycki told The Daily Caller “They have had several opportunities to officially name China a currency manipulator, but they have not.”

The US has not only warned China about currency manipulation but sanctioned them and plans further strategy if they do not play fair. Also, the US has begun to look for strategies to reduce its trade deficit by demanding access to Chinese markets on a competitive basis. Us automobiles already are the most demanded vehicles there. Avenues for more market access and for them to cut down on their other underhanded strategy, usurpation of copyrights, patents and obscene counterfeiting.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:

The US has not only warned China about currency manipulation but sanctioned them and plans further strategy if they do not play fair. Also, the US has begun to look for strategies to reduce its trade deficit by demanding access to Chinese markets on a competitive basis. Us automobiles already are the most demanded vehicles there. Avenues for more market access and for them to cut down on their other underhanded strategy, usurpation of copyrights, patents and obscene counterfeiting.

What this really means is that you need to clean up the garbage in your own backyard before wagging your finger at Guyana for engaging the Chinese. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

The US has not only warned China about currency manipulation but sanctioned them and plans further strategy if they do not play fair. Also, the US has begun to look for strategies to reduce its trade deficit by demanding access to Chinese markets on a competitive basis. Us automobiles already are the most demanded vehicles there. Avenues for more market access and for them to cut down on their other underhanded strategy, usurpation of copyrights, patents and obscene counterfeiting.

What this really means is that you need to clean up the garbage in your own backyard before wagging your finger at Guyana for engaging the Chinese. 

Drugb, do you really read the poop you post?

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

The US has not only warned China about currency manipulation but sanctioned them and plans further strategy if they do not play fair. Also, the US has begun to look for strategies to reduce its trade deficit by demanding access to Chinese markets on a competitive basis. Us automobiles already are the most demanded vehicles there. Avenues for more market access and for them to cut down on their other underhanded strategy, usurpation of copyrights, patents and obscene counterfeiting.

What this really means is that you need to clean up the garbage in your own backyard before wagging your finger at Guyana for engaging the Chinese. 

 SIr, the US market is open. China was in the 18th century in 1980. Now it is a global economy on account of the open market policy the US had to it.


Chinese in Guyana is using their advantage in an oppressive way. They are demanding to build with their own labor town to the porters. That is not to our advantage. I suiggest we look to financing elsewhere.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
 SIr, the US market is open. China was in the 18th century in 1980. Now it is a global economy on account of the open market policy the US had to it.


Chinese in Guyana is using their advantage in an oppressive way. They are demanding to build with their own labor town to the porters. That is not to our advantage. I suiggest we look to financing elsewhere.

As is common practice throughout the world, the Chinese use their own labor for efficiency purposes and gives large discounts for the right to do so. In Marriott's case it is 15M USD.  What I resent is the fact that you naysayers continue to assert that this is only happening in Guyana. 



Influx of Chinese labour for UAE construction jobs

by Gavin Davids on Mar 22, 2011 

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Chinese labour is cheap says one analyst, but not everyone is convinced that cheaper is better. Photo: Getty.
Chinese labour is cheap says one analyst, but not everyone is convinced that cheaper is better. Photo: Getty. 

RELATED ARTICLES: China, Iran ink $2bn world's tallest dam deal| China Harbour and Engineering wins Doha port deal | Sino the times

Labourers in the UAE are facing rising competition from an influx of Chinese workers as the country’s construction firms carve out a slice of the Gulf market, analysts said.

Chinese labour is a cheap, abundant alternative to the Gulf’s South Asian workforce with fewer political risks, said Christopher Davidson, professor of Middle East politics at the UK’s Durham University.

“The political advantage of Chinese workers, in that the majority of them don’t speak Arabic and the majority are not Muslim,” he toldConstruction Week’s sister title Arabian Business. “They don’t represent the same kind of liability to the Gulf states, or the UAE in particular, as having a large number of Muslim Pakistanis would, if you see my point.”

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
 SIr, the US market is open. China was in the 18th century in 1980. Now it is a global economy on account of the open market policy the US had to it.


Chinese in Guyana is using their advantage in an oppressive way. They are demanding to build with their own labor town to the porters. That is not to our advantage. I suiggest we look to financing elsewhere.

As is common practice throughout the world, the Chinese use their own labor for efficiency purposes and gives large discounts for the right to do so. In Marriott's case it is 15M USD.  What I resent is the fact that you naysayers continue to assert that this is only happening in Guyana. 



Influx of Chinese labour for UAE construction jobs

by Gavin Davids on Mar 22, 2011 

RSS Feeds Print this page


Chinese labour is cheap says one analyst, but not everyone is convinced that cheaper is better. Photo: Getty.
Chinese labour is cheap says one analyst, but not everyone is convinced that cheaper is better. Photo: Getty. 

RELATED ARTICLES: China, Iran ink $2bn world's tallest dam deal| China Harbour and Engineering wins Doha port deal | Sino the times

Labourers in the UAE are facing rising competition from an influx of Chinese workers as the country’s construction firms carve out a slice of the Gulf market, analysts said.

Chinese labour is a cheap, abundant alternative to the Gulf’s South Asian workforce with fewer political risks, said Christopher Davidson, professor of Middle East politics at the UK’s Durham University.

“The political advantage of Chinese workers, in that the majority of them don’t speak Arabic and the majority are not Muslim,” he toldConstruction Week’s sister title Arabian Business. “They don’t represent the same kind of liability to the Gulf states, or the UAE in particular, as having a large number of Muslim Pakistanis would, if you see my point.”

The Danes and the Swedes are building Dubai How comes they do not take a 1000 of their own? We have over 500 Chinese at the Marriott. Meanwhile, they are calling your own substandard and lazy as they under cut local business and run them into the ground. Cheers.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:

The Danes and the Swedes are building Dubai How comes they do not take a 1000 of their own? We have over 500 Chinese at the Marriott. Meanwhile, they are calling your own substandard and lazy as they under cut local business and run them into the ground. Cheers.

You keep making my rebuttals for me, the Danes and Swedes are hiring Chinese workers, it is not about hiring your own but rather hiring the most efficient and cheapest. 

My point about the laziness and thieving attitude of the Guyanese workers is not a new revelation. most on this forum who had interaction with Guyanese workers in Guyana will testify to this. You yourself gave an example of Guyanese thiefishness when you revealed that your mother was robbed after your own family set her up. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:

More than 80% of Apple's customers are located outside of the US.

Liar, Apple earned 156B of which 36B was outside the US. Typical AFC/PNC misinformation. hahahahaha

I understand it's not earnings for top-line but, the disproportionate US profits may be attributable to transfer-pricing.  Ex-US business likely account for much more than 20% profits though it may be accounted for under US tax jurisdiction.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

The Danes and the Swedes are building Dubai How comes they do not take a 1000 of their own? We have over 500 Chinese at the Marriott. Meanwhile, they are calling your own substandard and lazy as they under cut local business and run them into the ground. Cheers.

You keep making my rebuttals for me, the Danes and Swedes are hiring Chinese workers, it is not about hiring your own but rather hiring the most efficient and cheapest. 

My point about the laziness and thieving attitude of the Guyanese workers is not a new revelation. most on this forum who had interaction with Guyanese workers in Guyana will testify to this. You yourself gave an example of Guyanese thiefishness when you revealed that your mother was robbed after your own family set her up. 

In your twisted world you may think I make your point. Our people are  poor and in need of work and can do much of what these imported laborers do so the idea we lack the skill to pour concrete or to read an architecture map or to lay re-bars or craft a stair case is pure bullshit. There is nothing in the way modern building is fashioned that demands workers on the line be university graduates.


I am in seer despair that after 20 years of the PPP you are telling me that culturally we are evolved into reprobates.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:

In your twisted world you may think I make your point. Our people are  poor and in need of work and can do much of what these imported laborers do so the idea we lack the skill to pour concrete or to read an architecture map or to lay re-bars or craft a stair case is pure bullshit. There is nothing in the way modern building is fashioned that demands workers on the line be university graduates.


I am in seer despair that after 20 years of the PPP you are telling me that culturally we are evolved into reprobates.

You continue to show your estrangement from Guyana by your foolish statements about "poor people" in need of work. Most of these "poor" folks only interested in hitting the bottle and awaiting their western union check. If you were Guyanese you would know this, but a white man only knows what he can scrape off the internet.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

In your twisted world you may think I make your point. Our people are  poor and in need of work and can do much of what these imported laborers do so the idea we lack the skill to pour concrete or to read an architecture map or to lay re-bars or craft a stair case is pure bullshit. There is nothing in the way modern building is fashioned that demands workers on the line be university graduates.


I am in seer despair that after 20 years of the PPP you are telling me that culturally we are evolved into reprobates.

You continue to show your estrangement from Guyana by your foolish statements about "poor people" in need of work. Most of these "poor" folks only interested in hitting the bottle and awaiting their western union check. If you were Guyanese you would know this, but a white man only knows what he can scrape off the internet.

The idea that all of our people are indolent drunks is silly as you can get. That you believe this is a quintessential  truth about the society that the  PPP came to know and on that realization vended the job opportunities available to them for 14 million to the Chinese!


Keep imagining I am a white man if it pleases you. It is as stupid a conclusion as all Guyanese are lazy drunks so even their government does not trust they can work.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

In your twisted world you may think I make your point. Our people are  poor and in need of work and can do much of what these imported laborers do so the idea we lack the skill to pour concrete or to read an architecture map or to lay re-bars or craft a stair case is pure bullshit. There is nothing in the way modern building is fashioned that demands workers on the line be university graduates.


I am in seer despair that after 20 years of the PPP you are telling me that culturally we are evolved into reprobates.

You continue to show your estrangement from Guyana by your foolish statements about "poor people" in need of work. Most of these "poor" folks only interested in hitting the bottle and awaiting their western union check. If you were Guyanese you would know this, but a white man only knows what he can scrape off the internet.

The idea that all of our people are indolent drunks is silly as you can get. That you believe this is a quintessential  truth about the society that the  PPP came to know and on that realization vended the job opportunities available to them for 14 million to the Chinese!


Keep imagining I am a white man if it pleases you. It is as stupid a conclusion as all Guyanese are lazy drunks so even their government does not trust they can work.

Not all, but the afc/pnc supporters who folks fooled into believing that they are an entitled people. But the fact remains that when Guyanese are hired in Guyana to do a job, their first action is to discover loopholes on how to steal from their employers. Most of the gold miners now have to resort to hiring Brazilians for the interior work as it is less likely they would be set up on the trail when bringing out gold. In fact my relative hire many Amerindians for their gold operations as they perceive them to be more "honest". 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

In your twisted world you may think I make your point. Our people are  poor and in need of work and can do much of what these imported laborers do so the idea we lack the skill to pour concrete or to read an architecture map or to lay re-bars or craft a stair case is pure bullshit. There is nothing in the way modern building is fashioned that demands workers on the line be university graduates.


I am in seer despair that after 20 years of the PPP you are telling me that culturally we are evolved into reprobates.

You continue to show your estrangement from Guyana by your foolish statements about "poor people" in need of work. Most of these "poor" folks only interested in hitting the bottle and awaiting their western union check. If you were Guyanese you would know this, but a white man only knows what he can scrape off the internet.

The idea that all of our people are indolent drunks is silly as you can get. That you believe this is a quintessential  truth about the society that the  PPP came to know and on that realization vended the job opportunities available to them for 14 million to the Chinese!


Keep imagining I am a white man if it pleases you. It is as stupid a conclusion as all Guyanese are lazy drunks so even their government does not trust they can work.

Not all, but the afc/pnc supporters who folks fooled into believing that they are an entitled people. But the fact remains that when Guyanese are hired in Guyana to do a job, their first action is to discover loopholes on how to steal from their employers. Most of the gold miners now have to resort to hiring Brazilians for the interior work as it is less likely they would be set up on the trail when bringing out gold. In fact my relative hire many Amerindians for their gold operations as they perceive them to be more "honest". 

Now we know why your family would not hire you to help in the operation but rather leave you at your grave digging job. Like you say, they only hire those that they perceive as being honest. Don't give up the food coupons.


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