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More youths express support for the PPP/C


Sarah Brown
Sarah Brown


SEVERAL new persons have recently indicated their support for the People’s Progressive Party Civic (PPP/C), and yesterday shared their views explaining why, at a press conference held at Freedom House. It was highlighted during this press conference by Olive Gopaul that persons who chose to align themselves with the PPP/C have come under severe criticism.


“It is a democratic right to choose a party to be aligned with and we chose the PPP/C,” she stressed and urged persons to respect the choice of others and let us “work together to move this country forward.”



Roshini Boodhoo


Speaking as a part of the youth make-up of party supporters, Roshini Boodhoo emphasised that it is “My right my choice and I think I should not be judged for choosing the PPP/C.” She explained that she is very pleased to be on the list of candidates for the PPP/C.

“I am embracing progress and joining forces with this party to move Guyana forward in every respect. Indeed the list has approximately 40% of its make-up from youths, and it is common knowledge that the youths will rule tomorrow, the youths are the future of Guyana. The PPP/C is definitely paving the pathway for the youths in Guyana,” she stressed.

Boodhoo explained that persons should respect the choices others make: “I believe I have my choice and I am free to choose which party I would like to align myself with and I chose to align myself with the PPP/C.” She noted that the PPP/C is genuinely working to facilitate a better life for all in Guyana. “We [the youths] have resolved that the PPP/C is the only party capable of securing a prosperous Guyana,” she noted.

Sarah Brown, a teacher by profession, explained why she chose the PPP/C: “I have not heard about progress from anyone, I have lived this progress as a young woman growing up in the interior; I have seen this progress first-hand."




Brown noted that “I am a living example of this progress, with the educational opportunities I was given and as a young person I am very thankful for that.” She continued to explain that under the PPP/C Government progress is spread across the length and breadth of Guyana and it is not concentrated centrally. “Our leadership in the PPP/C believes that Georgetown alone does not represent Guyana, my party believes regardless of where you reside you must have equal opportunities,” she stressed. This is why I choose to support the party.

Dr Peter Ramsaroop, during his remarks also alluded to the fact that the PPP/C Government has made tremendous, positive strides towards the betterment of youths in Guyana. He noted also that under the watchful eye of this Government the country has achieved universal primary education and is on its way to achieving universal secondary education. The Government, he related, is also investing in technical education allowing youths to have choices.

When faced with the question of many young Guyanese claiming “lack of opportunities,” Gopaul replied that exploiting available opportunities are up to the youths themselves. She explained that the opportunities are abundantly available; the youths need guidance from their homes, schools and communities that will shape their minds to go out there, grasp those opportunities and make full use of them.

Boodhoo also answering the question, “why should youths choose the PPP/C?” explained: “The answer is simple, if you want to see Guyana continue to progress and fulfil the dreams of the youths then the only party is the PPP/C.”

The AFC had no youth Movement or grass root support.  There is no hope for the AFC and ill timed coalition.  The Man whom Uncle Forbes called a 'loud Mouth brat' is now a Leader in the PNC coalition.


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