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Home > LETTERS > Moses, Ramjattan and anti-Indian violence

Moses, Ramjattan and anti-Indian violence


I HAVE made many urgent appeals to the Guyana Elections Commission to put a stop to the racist incitement being perpetrated by AFC presenters on their programme ‘Alliance on the Move’. Ramayya Charrandass, and Mark Ross have been most vociferous in calling the Indians racists and that they do not want to vote for a blackman to be the president. They have also attributed these statements to PPP /C leaders, which is totally false and misleading. This has caused racial confrontations between Indians and Afro-Guyanese and it is the Indians who have so far received the brunt of these attacks.

Mark Ross on 16th April even called on the AFC+APNU members and supporters to collect the PPP ‘T’ shirts at the Albion Rally and burn them. However, these members and supporters had other plans in place. At Number 51 Village, an estate lorry was attacked by a group of residents from that area. Missiles which include bottles, bricks and what appeared to be containers with sulphuric acid were hurled on the unsuspecting PPP members and supporters. Many persons received injuries and a female minor was burnt on her hand with the acid. Another minor was also injured by the missiles thrown. Luckily the lorry driver did not stop and he drove on to the Skeldon Hospital where the injured persons were treated. This is a dastardly attack on democracy in this country. It could have been worse since the lorry was packed.
I am wondering what will happen when the results of the upcoming election are announced and it indicates a PPP/C victory.
Ramayya claims to be addressing the issue of the people, but this is another issue he will not address since he is the instigator of this racial violence.
A few weeks ago an intensive investigation was carried out at Chesney Village when a corporal from Whim Police Station arrested a group of married men who were playing cards and told them that they do not want a blackman to rule them and that they would normally go to PPP rallies by the truckloads. The residents of Chesney are still awaiting the outcome of this investigation. Ramayya claimed that this was a false allegation against the Police since he is now on the side of the Police after lambasting them for several years. It is anyone’s guess as to why he is defending the Police at this time!
These AFC racists must be condemned in the strongest terms possible. Where are the human rights organisations in this country? Where are the religious organisations? Suddenly, everyone is mum. They have become deaf, dumb and blind. Indians are being targeted once again and the 1960’s are slowly creeping on us; but this time it is wrought by those same people who had condemned the racial strife of the 1961-1964 period, namely, Ramjattan and Moses Nagamootoo. Nagamootoo had not only spoken about the atrocities in the 1960s and during the 28 years of PNC dictatorship, but he has also written extensively on those events. The AFC cannot get the Indian vote so they are willing to get rid of them. This is how the AFC leaders, such as Nagamootoo and Ramjattan, want to extract their pound of Indian flesh since they cannot get their votes. They are willing to let Indian blood flow once again. I cannot imagine that these are the same people who fought against the very thing that they are now practising. They are now leading the PNC band of cut-throats from the front.
This type of thuggery, bullyism, hooliganism, vandalism, and violence carried out by the PNC members and supporters must be stopped before it is too late. The racial violence is slowly coming to life and this time it is fuelled by a group of vengeance-seeking Indians from the AFC.

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Looks like Moses declared that he is not Indian, he joined the violent and racist PNC and failed to condemn attacks on Indos.


Shame on Moses and Ramjattan, both of whom are now Indo traitors.

Last edited by Former Member

perhaps they are waiting for annada police report on the "sulphuric acid" attack, and de fite pan de Guysuco truck, no?


"let Indian blood flow again"!!?? . . . seriously?



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Originally Posted by Nehru:

Not only Moses amd Ramjhaaatan, right here these HYPOCRITES and Robber Barons not only silent on that BUT are abusing women on GNI!!!!




Dem shameless Crabdawgs are willing to sell out Indos for twelve pieces of silver.


Thanks God that they have no support base left.


They have all become Homeless GNI PNC supporters.




"The AFC cannot get the Indian vote so they are willing to get rid of them. This is how the AFC leaders, such as Nagamootoo and Ramjattan, want to extract their pound of Indian flesh since they cannot get their votes. They are willing to let Indian blood flow once again. I cannot imagine that these are the same people who fought against the very thing that they are now practising. They are now leading the PNC band of cut-throats from the front."



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  • Unknown
Last edited by Former Member

Quote in which the PNC incited violence"


"Mark Ross on 16th April even called on the AFC+APNU members and supporters to collect the PPP ‘T’ shirts at the Albion Rally and burn them. However, these members and supporters had other plans in place. At Number 51 Village, an estate lorry was attacked by a group of residents from that area."


Proof that the AFC has now officially endorsed attacks and injustices on PPP supporters:


"A few weeks ago an intensive investigation was carried out at Chesney Village when a corporal from Whim Police Station arrested a group of married men who were playing cards and told them that they do not want a blackman to rule them and that they would normally go to PPP rallies by the truckloads. The residents of Chesney are still awaiting the outcome of this investigation. Ramayya claimed that this was a false allegation against the Police since he is now on the side of the Police after lambasting them for several years. It is anyone’s guess as to why he is defending the Police at this time!"

Originally Posted by yuji22:



"The AFC cannot get the Indian vote so they are willing to get rid of them. This is how the AFC leaders, such as Nagamootoo and Ramjattan, want to extract their pound of Indian flesh since they cannot get their votes. They are willing to let Indian blood flow once again. I cannot imagine that these are the same people who fought against the very thing that they are now practising. They are now leading the PNC band of cut-throats from the front."


do u really think the loud crayon treatment makes your vomit any less sour . . . any less stupid?


AFC now joins PNC racists:


"These AFC racists must be condemned in the strongest terms possible. Where are the human rights organisations in this country? Where are the religious organisations? Suddenly, everyone is mum. They have become deaf, dumb and blind. Indians are being targeted once again and the 1960’s are slowly creeping on us; but this time it is wrought by those same people who had condemned the racial strife of the 1961-1964 period, namely, Ramjattan and Moses Nagamootoo. Nagamootoo had not only spoken about the atrocities in the 1960s and during the 28 years of PNC dictatorship, but he has also written extensively on those events"




Images (1)
  • Unknown-1
Last edited by Former Member

Since Moses tun PNC him blind to attacks on Indians.


* Oh! Wait a minute. PNC man Moses says him not Indian.


* We all know what he is----Moses is a DIRTY INDIAN.


* Karma will deal with him.



Originally Posted by yuji22:

AFC now joins PNC racists . . .

again, do u really think the loud crayon treatment makes your vomit any less sour . . . any less retarded, any less stupid?

Originally Posted by Rev:

Since Moses tun PNC him blind to attacks on Indians.


. . . Moses is a DIRTY INDIAN.


* Karma will deal with him.



you too klown


do u really think the loud crayon treatment makes your vomit any less sour . . . any less retarded, any less stupid?

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Rev:

Since Moses tun PNC him blind to attacks on Indians.


* Oh! Wait a minute. PNC man Moses says him not Indian.


* We all know what he is----Moses is a DIRTY INDIAN.


* Karma will deal with him.






These Dirty Indians have no shame whatsover.


Karma will definitely deal with them on May 11th.


Dirty Indians Moses and Rumjhaat will end up in the political trash bin.


Shame on them for not condemning attacks on Indos in Berbice.

Originally Posted by yuji22:


These Dirty Indians have no shame whatsover . . .

do u really think the loud crayon treatment makes y'all vomit any less sour . . . any less retarded, any less stupid?


Ramjattan is a Berbician and he fails to condemn attacks on his fellow Berbicians.


Ramjattan was quick on his feet to comment on Courtney Crum-Ewing.


Dirty Indians Ramjattan and Moses have no shame.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
 . . . Dirty Indians Ramjattan and Moses have no shame.

do u really think the loud crayon treatment makes your vomit any less sour . . . any less retarded, any less stupid?

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Rev:

Since Moses tun PNC him blind to attacks on Indians.


* Oh! Wait a minute. PNC man Moses says him not Indian.


* We all know what he is----Moses is a DIRTY INDIAN.


* Karma will deal with him.






These Dirty Indians have no shame whatsover.


Karma will definitely deal with them on May 11th.


Dirty Indians Moses and Rumjhaat will end up in the political trash bin.


Shame on them for not condemning attacks on Indos in Berbice.

When you're done masturbating ...errr playing with your crayons, redux want yuh to answer his question.


“I am not Indian” – Nagamootoo

… “worrying” – ACDA;  “unacceptable” – IAC; “hypocritical” – PPP/C


By Michael Younge

Prime Ministerial Candidate for the People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR)-led A Partnership for Unity (APNU) and Alliance for Change (AFC) coalition, Moses Nagamootoo insists that  he is not Indian but rather Guyanese.
Nagamootoo while speaking at a meeting held in New York to raise funds for the Opposition coalition group ahead of the May 11 election invoked a trip he made to India to receive a prestigious award where he claimed to have first made the declaration.

Neaz Suban, IAC Chairman

Neaz Suban, IAC Chairman

He was honoured in 2008 by the Global Organisation of the People of Indian Origin (GOPIO) and presented with a community award which is generally given to “People of Indian Origin” recognised for their work among the Diaspora.

Nagamootoo insisted that that he did not see himself by being defined by his ethnicity but rather geography, explaining that he came to the conclusion after a process of introspection and searching for his identity. The organisation that was honouring him, specifically did so for his “community work as a Person of Indian Origin” and not that he was an “Indian National”. Nagamootoo accepted the award  which is mentioned on every web page established by him, or about him.
On the campaign trail in New York, Nagamootoo once again took pains to point out “I have Indianess in me because of my ancestry but I had been born in Pakistan looking the way I look then I would have been a Pakistani….I wasn’t born in India, I was born in Guyana and I am a Guyanese.”
The statement came at an awakard moment in his speech and appeared unrelated to the theme of his address which dealt with moving Guyana forward and appealing to Guyanese to forget their past which was dominated by riggings, injustices and wrongs committed by the PNC, while it was in office. Most of the members of the audience at Nerissa Place in Queens listening to Nagamootoo were Indian Guyanese.

His statements obviously caused some uneasiness among Guyanese here and abroad who interpreted his declaration as denying his ethnic identity, background and original ancestry.
But when Guyana Times contacted Nagamootoo for a clarification as to why he felt it necessary to make such a statement at the meeting in New York, he declined to comment.

Dr Eric Phillips, ACDA Executive Director

Dr Eric Phillips, ACDA Executive Director

Asked too to offer clarifications on statements he made and whether he saw any potential impact on his promise to deliver Indian votes to the PNC-led APNU/AFC coalition, he declined to comment and hung up the phone.
But the Indian Arrival Committee’s Chairman Neaz Suban said it appeared that the politician was denying his ethnicity and ancestry for political reasons.
“This is unacceptable”, Suban said as he explaining that any move to deny one’s ancestry is similar to demonstrating a lack of respect, appreciation and acceptance of one’s culture.
Suban argued that Guyana is now a multiethnic society made up of six races and there is absolutely nothing wrong with any of the races promoting their cultures, traditions or identity.
“If we fail to accept that we are Indian, African, Amerindian, Portuguese or Chinese, in many ways, we are denying the diversity that makes us strong”, he reasoned while explaining that being Guyanese cannot remove genetics.
Meanwhile, Executive Member of the African Cultural Developmental Association (ACDA), Dr Eric Phillips described Nagamootoo’s statement as “intriguing”.
He said that while it is understandable that politicians while have to address the issues of race and unity as central themes on the campaign trail, there is nothing wrong with demonstrating proudness about one’s ethnicity or nationality.

He said “it would be interesting to understand the context and scope of the comments made”.
“I worry about politicians who are not comfortable with their own culture because if they are not comfortable with their own culture how can they be comfortable with somebody else’s culture. If you love your culture, you will treat it with respect and only then you will be able to entertain others cultures”, Phillips said.
Additionally, Ifraan Ali, Housing and Water Minister, when asked as to whether Moses Nagamootoo, who boasted about “spending 50 years in the PPP/C” was following some principle of the PPP/C when he said he was “not an Indian but a Guyanese” said that this was absolutely not so. “I am a young man who has also been the PPP/C practically all my life. And I must say that in no way, shape or form did Nagamootoo get such a belief from the PPP/C.

The PPP has always maintained that Guyana is a multiethnic nation – and that everyone should be proud of their culture.”

Minister Ali questioned why Nagamootoo would deny his ethnic identity in a meeting introducing the AFC’s new coalition partner, the PNC-led APNU.  “I find it very hypocritical of Nagamootoo to enter a coalition with APNU in which he pointed out his only bargaining chip was “the 11 per cent Indian-Berbician votes” he could deliver and now act as if  there is something  wrong about being “Indian”. The APNU/AFC coalition is now boasting about creating “national unity” because APNU’s predominantly African-Guyanese would be joined by Nagamootoo’s “Indians-Guyanese. So where is Nagamootoo in that “unity”??
When asked that maybe as an old Marxist, Nagamootoo rejects “ethnicity”, Minister Ali was very scoffing. “Let me tell you something comrade. As far back as 1988, on the 150th Anniversary of African Emancipation and the beginning of Indian Indentureship, Cheddi Jagan – in collaboration with the same Nagamootoo, imagine that!! – complimented Dr Walter Rodney for being a “Pan African”.

Moses Nagamootoo, PNC led-APNU/AFC Prime Ministerial Candidate

Moses Nagamootoo, PNC led-APNU/AFC Prime Ministerial Candidate

“On the question of race/ethnicity and class Dr Jagan believed as CLR James did: “The race question is subsidiary to the class question in politics… but to neglect the racial factor as merely incidental is an error only less grave than to make it fundamental.”
Min Ali continued, “And Nagamootoo isn’t even making an “error”. It’s clear he has serious issues with his identity as an “Indian Guyanese”. Maybe he’s trying to curry-favour with his new companions in APNU. But in the same year as Dr Jagan’s compliment to Rodney, the Marxist leader had  also written:
“It is short-sighted to see the “Caribbean man” only as a “black man”, and Caribbean culture as African culture. Apart from the different countries of their origin, both our black slave and Indian indenture ancestors watered the sugar cane with their blood. Through their struggles and sacrifices, they have made valuable contributions to our historical and social development.”

But he should know that all his new friends in APNU have long gone past that complex – especially the two David’s, Granger of the PNC and Hinds of the WPA.  If they can say they are proud to be “African Guyanese” why does Nagamootoo believe they don’t want him to be an “Indian Guyanese”?? Yet he wants to exploit Indian Berbician votes as such. What a hypocrite!”

Originally Posted by Nehru:

Moses has a RIGHT to feel shame to be an Indian.  Everyone has that RIGHT . I rather state CLEARLY AND LOUDLY""  I AM PROUD TO BE AN INDIAN, DAMN PROUD!!!!!!


Yes brother.


Everyone should be proud of his or her own identity. 


PNC must NEVER tell you to shred your identity.


Always be proud and confident of who you are.

Home > TOP STORY > APNU+AFC Manifesto lacks imagination –Dr Jagdeo says it’s ad hoc, with no strategic clarity
Former President Dr Bharrat Jagdeo
Former President Dr Bharrat Jagdeo 

APNU+AFC Manifesto lacks imagination –Dr Jagdeo says it’s ad hoc, with no strategic clarity


DEVIATING from the tradition of past years, the alliance of A Partnership for National Unity and the Alliance For Change (APNU+AFC) late last night made its Manifesto public via the Internet.And in a statement, former president Dr Bharrat Jagdeo dismantled the details of the 46-page pact that the alliance seeks to make with the Guyanese people.

The cover of the 44-page joint 2015 plan from APNU+AFC

The cover of the 44-page joint 2015 plan from APNU+AFC

“The APNU+AFC manifesto is unimaginative, perfunctory, has no strategic clarity and it is sometimes contradictory in its policy prescriptions,” he said, adding: “Some of their promises are outright preposterous, and an insult to the intelligence of the Guyanese people.”
The APNU+AFC plan has as its central themes: Healing and reconciliation; Governance; Constitutional Reform; Public Safety and Security; Women and Gender Equality; Youth Policy; Education; Health and Nutrition; Housing Policy; Sports and Recreation; Cultural Policy; Natural Resources and the Environment; Agriculture; Hinterland Development; Tourism; Information & Communication Technology; Income Distribution; and Foreign Relations.
The highlights of the promises made are: The reduction of several forms of taxation, including the Value Added Tax (VAT); an eventual increase of the personal income tax threshold to $100,000; a 10 per cent increase to all public servants as a means to entice labour unions back into the collective bargaining arrangement; and a seven per cent rate of annual economic growth.
The alliance is also proposing that: All new public servants will be trained and pass examination of competence before being retained; constitutional reform that outlines new measures under which persons are elected to the executive and how power is shared; and a dedicated policy for Region 10, with Linden touted as a “secondary administrative” centre of Guyana.

Home > NEWS > Jagdeo: 25,000 jobs to be created in next five years –greater attention to be paid wooing new investors –expanding emerging industries, building small and micro enterprises
Former President Bharrat Jagdeo addressing the gathering at Success on Wednesday evening
Former President Bharrat Jagdeo addressing the gathering at Success on Wednesday evening 

Jagdeo: 25,000 jobs to be created in next five years –greater attention to be paid wooing new investors –expanding emerging industries, building small and micro enterprises


FORMER President Bharrat Jagdeo said the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) Government will create some 25,000 jobs in the next five years once re-elected to office with a majority government.Addressing hundreds of supporters at Success, East Coast Demerara on Wednesday evening, the former President said attention will be placed on wooing new investors to realise this goal.

He said the Government has recognised the opportunities in tourism, the call centre and Information Communication Technology industries and small and micro enterprises and will be focusing on further developing and expanding these sectors.
If the party regains the majority in the National Assembly, he said the Amaila Falls Project will come on stream, bringing down the cost of electricity and spring-boarding development in the manufacturing sector.
This, he said, will result in the creation of thousands of jobs, raising the standard of living of Guyanese, who will be many ordinary Guyanese.

A section of the gathering at the public meeting at Success on Wednesday evening

A section of the gathering at the public meeting at Success on Wednesday evening

The discovery of oil and gas, he also said, will position Guyana on a path to greater prosperity, creating opportunities for high-paying jobs, and enabling a brighter future for all Guyanese.
This, he noted, is the vision of the ruling party as it tries to consolidate on the gains made and build on the successes achieved.
On that note, he said, May 11 is a significant day in the history of Guyana and urged supporters to come out in their full numbers and vote, contending that their vote is not just about showing support for the PPP/C.

He explained that it is absolutely necessary to ensure the future of their children and that Guyana is secured, stressing that they shouldn’t trust the A Partnership for National Unity + Alliance For Change (APNU+AFC) Alliance.
The Alliance, he said, is a cover for the old People’s National Congress Reform (PNC).
And the PNC when in power killed, brutalised and muzzled the populace through threats and intimidation, and sinking the country into a state of bankruptcy.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Based on the above, it is no surprise that Moses has failed to condemn attacks on Indos in Berbice.

memo to the infantile: . . . stupidness posted in crayon does not make it any less stupid


Fight them with your ballots

Former President Bharrat Jagdeo

Former President Bharrat Jagdeo

Jagdeo tells PPP/C’s Success rally:




Former President and People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) Executive, Bharrat Jagdeo on Wednesday evening urged over 3000 Guyanese present at the Party’s meeting at Success, East Coast Demerara to fight the Opposition coalition with their ballots as he warned them against complacency ahead of the May 11 General and Regional Elections this year.

Jagdeo, in his 45-minute presentation, told Guyanese, who were paying rapt attention, that they have to join the struggle and fight to protect their freedom and the notions of democracy and development, if they wanted a more secure and prosperous future.

He reminded them of the struggles of their foreparents and the elders in their community for freedom from the dark rule of the People’s National Congress and the injustices of the State then, telling Guyanese that it was the PPP/C that brought change and caused the complete democratization of the state to take place following the 1992 elections.

“One generation paid the price for freedom in the past. Are you willing to pay the price to maintain that freedom?” he asked an emotionally charged crowd which responded with a resounding “yes”.

He warned that the same persons who were successful for many years in rigging elections, terrorising innocent Guyanese and implementing bad socio-economic policies were thirsty to rule Guyana again.

But he urged that “this generation of young and old men, particularly the young men, must rise to the challenge to maintain freedom” by playing their role and ensuring that they take a stance against all forms of intimidation that could see a low turnout of PPP/C supporters at the May 11 polls.

Jagdeo urged the residents of Success to turn out in their numbers early to cast their ballots, explaining that they must ensure that they motivate their peers to also do the same and to observe the process.

“All of you have to help…we have to put people on our backs…if you have a vehicle you have to help…you have to go to your neighbour’s house and go to the neighbouring communities…,” he said, as he underscored the importance of securing a landslide victory.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Home > NEWS > Jagdeo: 25,000 jobs to be created in next five years –greater attention to be paid wooing new investors –expanding emerging industries, building small and micro enterprises . . .

yugee playing fantasy PPP souljah warrior pan GNI



Last edited by Former Member

Kaieteur News reporter sacked

Sacked Kaieteur News reporter Leon Suseran

Sacked Kaieteur News reporter Leon Suseran

…after objecting to editor ‘twisting’ his story’


Leon Jameson Suseran, a reporter attached to the Kaieteur News media outlet, was sacked by the company after he voiced his concern over the newspaper’s distorted version of an article he had written about the People’s Progressive Party Civic (PPP/C) Albion Rally on Sunday.

Taking to social media to express his outrage over the situation, the reporter explained that the Kaieteur News’ headline article in its Monday, April 20 edition was titled “Jagdeo spreads fear at Albion to win back Berbice” and the story took a completely different angle from what he had originally written.

Suseran furiously related in his Facebook post that his entire story was altered to inject what he termed as “feelings of discord, hate and anger” against former President Bharrat Jagdeo into the reading populace.

Upset about the twist in the article on Monday, Suseran explained that he called the editor on duty the night of the rally, Michael Jordan and related his concerns over the matter.

Subsequently, the reporter received a call from the Editor-in-Chief Adam Harris who told then allegedly informed him of his suspension/dismissal. “…the Editor-in-Chief of the Kaieteur News telephoned me to verify certain pieces of information in the article and said that I should not fear anyone since what the article mentioned was nothing but the truth.

He then went on to say that nevertheless, as the paper had agreed, they will “ease you (me) off” and “will talk to you (me)” again after the elections.


AFC KN fire a youth. That is the king of respect they will give the young. They trying to prevent him from writing the truth about the past. Be strong young man, the truth will set you free.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Kaieteur News reporter sacked

Sacked Kaieteur News reporter Leon Suseran

Sacked Kaieteur News reporter Leon Suseran

…after objecting to editor ‘twisting’ his story’


Leon Jameson Suseran, a reporter attached to the Kaieteur News media outlet, was sacked by the company after he voiced his concern over the newspaper’s distorted version of an article he had written about the People’s Progressive Party Civic (PPP/C) Albion Rally on Sunday.

Taking to social media to express his outrage over the situation, the reporter explained that the Kaieteur News’ headline article in its Monday, April 20 edition was titled “Jagdeo spreads fear at Albion to win back Berbice” and the story took a completely different angle from what he had originally written.

Suseran furiously related in his Facebook post that his entire story was altered to inject what he termed as “feelings of discord, hate and anger” against former President Bharrat Jagdeo into the reading populace.

Upset about the twist in the article on Monday, Suseran explained that he called the editor on duty the night of the rally, Michael Jordan and related his concerns over the matter.

Subsequently, the reporter received a call from the Editor-in-Chief Adam Harris who told then allegedly informed him of his suspension/dismissal. “…the Editor-in-Chief of the Kaieteur News telephoned me to verify certain pieces of information in the article and said that I should not fear anyone since what the article mentioned was nothing but the truth.

He then went on to say that nevertheless, as the paper had agreed, they will “ease you (me) off” and “will talk to you (me)” again after the elections.

free speech toilet paper style!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Kaieteur News reporter sacked

Sacked Kaieteur News reporter Leon Suseran

Sacked Kaieteur News reporter Leon Suseran

…after objecting to editor ‘twisting’ his story . . .

Leon Suseran is a reporter, not a columinist last i checked


perhaps someone needs to clue him in on the expansive powers of an editor as the publisher's representative at the newspaper


further, mr Suseran should let us know, beyond nebulous charges of "twisting," what exactly were the cold "FACTS" of the story that were misrepresented/altered . . . the headline doesn't count!


Adam Harris is an experienced editor; i will check for his response before i comment further on what seems (to my jaded/cynical eye) the price of entry for a career move to the Guyana Times/Chronicle axis of evil


Leon, i have no doubt that Glen Lall will welcome u back when the PPP loses the election


for now, good luck on the dark side

Last edited by Former Member

I have known Minister Ramsaran to have the utmost respect for women


Dear Editor,

In the midst of having a peaceful discourse with Minister of Health, Dr. Bheri Ramsaran at the corner of the road adjacent the Whim Police Station and Magistrate’s Court, Guyana Times journalist, Nafeeza Yayah and myself were interrupted by a young lady who butted in while Ramsaran was speaking about the court matter involving former President, Bharrat Jagdeo which had just concluded in the court there. “Who is this woman,” I thought? “And what is her damn problem butting in our conversation?” which was being recorded, by the way. I had noticed her earlier with Attorney-at-Law in the Jagdeo court case, popular anti- government, just-turned politician, Christopher Ram, but never gave the lady much thought.


I would later learn that the woman was women rights activist Sherlina Nageer, Facebook name, ‘Lina Free.’ I would later learn, too, that she had messaged me earlier in the year complimenting me on my bold stance on coming out as gay in the press two years ago in the Stabroek News and my views on the LGBT community and such like issues in Guyana. I also learnt that Nageer was also involved in a similar confrontation with police and law enforcement officials at the opening of the Guyana Marriott Hotel last week. It is my view that it is her raison d’etre to have these public confrontations- like episodes, especially whenever media are present.

Earlier today (Tuesday), I saw a new purpose and a whole new meaning to the entire Bheri Ramsaran-Sherlina Nageer incident. Social media and the local Guyana (opposition) media were flooded by the events that transpired.


Overarching the entire matter were the insults hurled by Ramsaran to the woman. I began to engage posts on Facebook and other Social Media forums and while I did not condone or defend Ramsaran’s actions or remarks, I mentioned how the bigger picture was overlooked in the entire matter; that this was planned to go the way it did and yield the results it yielded—in the end—a Minister of the Government was ‘exposed’ in public for ‘derogatory’ remarks he made to a woman—an activist nonetheless.

It was shameful. Not only the Minister’s heat-of-the-moment- remarks, but the political mileage by this individual to get the official fired up, baiting him as it were to hurl such nasty insults. He did apologize earlier yesterday afternoon. But this is certainly the example whereby any and everything is being used during this election season to turn events into opportunities for gains. I know Minister Ramsaran at a personal level and I end by saying that I have known him to have the utmost respect for women, and he is a strong defender of the health policies he has been instrumental in shaping in Guyana over the years.


Notwithstanding, and while Ramsaran’s remarks to her should be condemned, so too should we (condemn) Sherlina Nageer’s well- thought out ploy. During the entire confrontation one of her friends was busy taking photographs. It was well planned.


Yours faithfully,
Leon Suseran

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