The reckless adventurism of these two rogue political activists from the ruling PPP are causing chaos and anger amongst the people of Berbice. Hostile talks about these two politicians can be heard from the mouths of people every day. It has become a national obsession to criticize them for siding with the Neo-Burnhamites of APNU who are hell bent on stopping every economic project the gov't undertakes. The AFC is fighting is last fight according to a former member of the party who resigned recently because of the corruption and disgraceful association with the Neo-Burhamites. "The AFC has betrayed the trust of those who voted for them in the last elections. They have become their own worst enemies."According to this former member of the AFC, Moses and Ramjattan, will ultimately realize that the demise of their influence in Berbice is due to their greed and lust for political power at all costs. "The people of the nation can quickly dispel those whose actions run counter to that of the people".