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The reckless adventurism of these two rogue political activists from the ruling PPP are causing chaos and anger amongst the people of Berbice. Hostile talks about these two politicians can be heard from the mouths of people every day. It has become a national obsession to criticize them for siding with the Neo-Burnhamites of APNU who are hell bent on stopping every economic project the gov't undertakes. The AFC is fighting is last fight according to a former member of the party who resigned recently because of the corruption and disgraceful association with the Neo-Burhamites. "The AFC has betrayed the trust of those who voted for them in the last elections. They have become their own worst enemies."According to this former member of the AFC, Moses and Ramjattan, will ultimately realize that the demise of their influence in Berbice is due to their greed and lust for political power at all costs. "The people of the nation can quickly dispel those whose actions run counter to that of the people".


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Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

The reckless adventurism of these two rogue political activists from the ruling PPP are causing chaos and anger amongst the people of Berbice. Hostile talks about these two politicians can be heard from the mouths of people every day. It has become a national obsession to criticize them for siding with the Neo-Burnhamites of APNU who are hell bent on stopping every economic project the gov't undertakes. The AFC is fighting is last fight according to a former member of the party who resigned recently because of the corruption and disgraceful association with the Neo-Burhamites. "The AFC has betrayed the trust of those who voted for them in the last elections. They have become their own worst enemies."According to this former member of the AFC, Moses and Ramjattan, will ultimately realize that the demise of their influence in Berbice is due to their greed and lust for political power at all costs. "The people of the nation can quickly dispel those whose actions run counter to that of the people".


you mean from your stink mouth,them berbicans know how to read the news papers

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

The reckless adventurism of these two rogue political activists from the ruling PPP are causing chaos and anger amongst the people of Berbice. Hostile talks about these two politicians can be heard from the mouths of people every day. It has become a national obsession to criticize them for siding with the Neo-Burnhamites of APNU who are hell bent on stopping every economic project the gov't undertakes. The AFC is fighting is last fight according to a former member of the party who resigned recently because of the corruption and disgraceful association with the Neo-Burhamites. "The AFC has betrayed the trust of those who voted for them in the last elections. They have become their own worst enemies."According to this former member of the AFC, Moses and Ramjattan, will ultimately realize that the demise of their influence in Berbice is due to their greed and lust for political power at all costs. "The people of the nation can quickly dispel those whose actions run counter to that of the people".


Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

The reckless adventurism of these two rogue political activists from the ruling PPP are causing chaos and anger amongst the people of Berbice. Hostile talks about these two politicians can be heard from the mouths of people every day. It has become a national obsession to criticize them for siding with the Neo-Burnhamites of APNU who are hell bent on stopping every economic project the gov't undertakes. The AFC is fighting is last fight according to a former member of the party who resigned recently because of the corruption and disgraceful association with the Neo-Burhamites. "The AFC has betrayed the trust of those who voted for them in the last elections. They have become their own worst enemies."According to this former member of the AFC, Moses and Ramjattan, will ultimately realize that the demise of their influence in Berbice is due to their greed and lust for political power at all costs. "The people of the nation can quickly dispel those whose actions run counter to that of the people".


You do a disservice to your compatriot in the ancient county. You assume they are simpletons and are motivated solely by sensationalized  claims from a PPP fifth column plant in the AFC. You further reduce them to mindless knee benders as  you are who will follow a path of willful ignorance and to miss the gross affects of incompetence, cronyism and naked theft of national resources among other obvious corrupt practices in the administration

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Your words may sound impressive but they failed in defending a bunch of power-hungry and unprincipled rogues who have gone beserk in their quest for revenge and power. The people of Berbice stand to lose if they succeed in their mission.

TRUE DAT.  Yuh gat the Moses Video at Albion???  Keep dah Rass safe fuh Election.

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Your words may sound impressive but they failed in defending a bunch of power-hungry and unprincipled rogues who have gone beserk in their quest for revenge and power. The people of Berbice stand to lose if they succeed in their mission. The polls will prove that these two rogues sink to the bottom with no hope of revival.

wasted adjectives.  Rogues are the church mice turned fat cats.Unprincipled is expressed at hiring the insubstantial Raj Singh at a hidden salary when he never ran a chicken farm much less a sugar industry that has severe structural not to mention economic problems. Power hungry is on the same case, authority to ignoramuses.


Power exercised well is about competency to move social actors in progressive ways with the interest of the actors not agency of powers being the focus.  The opposite has been the case with the PPP. Information has been by those like yourselves simply to mask their incompetence and excuse their excesses. That is power exercised by ignoramuses who misuse their authority ( the only power they have)

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

One Berbician summed it up this way: "If you have a problem with the party (PPP) work it out with them. Don't use our votes to bring the PNC back into power.".

That is a racist mantra. The PNC is entitled to a fair shake as the PPP. The PPP has misused democracy to enrich themselves and that is the graver sin. The PNC's sin is the sin of all Marxist including the PPP who had no economic pathway had they been in office instead of the PNC.


We know how Marxist address social problems...through social engineering. We also see how stupid people handle Democracy....the PPP way. We are looking for smart this point any change can stimulate progress away from the retrogressive crony capitalism by  communist detritus in the PPP

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:



Are you saying that the PNC is not racist?

Read what I said. I am addressing your racist mantra that the PNC, and by definition black people are the worse of the ethnic lot. To the contrary, both are on a flawed political paradigm. The PPP on the other hand is the administration and were so for 20 years and if they intended progressive nonracial change would have sought mechanisms in the the form of constitution reforms to alleviate that.


However, they said they will not do anything that affects a sure path to their dominance ( and by definition indian ethnic dominance) so they are the ones who are to be blamed for adopting a race based strategy.



When the PNC is in office in a democratic state and they fail to address these failings in our political structure then we can leverage the same racist claims on them.


Listen Paiwari,


It is a fact that the PNC is only political party in Guyana that rigged Elections.

It is a fact that the PNC setup a military, police, and civil service dominated by one ethnic group.

It is a fact that the only English colony in the Caribbean that was under the heels of dictator was Guyana. What does the PNC have to do with it?



Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Listen Paiwari,


It is a fact that the PNC is only political party in Guyana that rigged Elections.

It is a fact that the PNC setup a military, police, and civil service dominated by one ethnic group.

It is a fact that the only English colony in the Caribbean that was under the heels of dictator was Guyana. What does the PNC have to do with it?



Should I address you as dalit? or a bushrum sagiwang?


What the PNC did is irrelevant to what is happening now. Logical individuals assess their circumstance by what is unfolding and the milieu in which it happens.


The PNC did not give away our lands or appropriate it for their friends and family. Indeed they were a stupid lot to diverge to the communist path and had they not done that even as dictators our people's lot would be different.


We have a larcenous lot creating a kleprocratic society under the guise of democracy and th at is the worse of sins. It as disgusting as our priests being pedophiles. There is no excuse for their corrupt friends and family enrichment schemes. That is pure low class greed

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Listen Paiwari,


It is a fact that the PNC is only political party in Guyana that rigged Elections.

It is a fact that the PNC setup a military, police, and civil service dominated by one ethnic group.

It is a fact that the only English colony in the Caribbean that was under the heels of dictator was Guyana. What does the PNC have to do with it?



Should I address you as dalit? or a bushrum sagiwang?


What the PNC did is irrelevant to what is happening now. Logical individuals assess their circumstance by what is unfolding and the milieu in which it happens.


The PNC did not give away our lands or appropriate it for their friends and family. Indeed they were a stupid lot to diverge to the communist path and had they not done that even as dictators our people's lot would be different.


We have a larcenous lot creating a kleprocratic society under the guise of democracy and th at is the worse of sins. It as disgusting as our priests being pedophiles. There is no excuse for their corrupt friends and family enrichment schemes. That is pure low class greed

you realize you trying to enlighten a fool that is drinking the tax payers  blood


You are free to call me a Dalit. I have some Dalit in me.


To justify your political stance you have been doing the what the opposition is currently doing - exaggerating the level of corruption. Guyanese people earn more today and afford a lot more. Ordinary folks are now proud homeowners. The gov't has succeeded in negotiating with lending institutions in Guyana to give low interest mortgage to the poor. They have lifted the tax threshold on those whose incomes are low. More money are being spent on social services than ever before. The GDP is expanding and per capita income is on the rise. They cannot be said about he PNC. They present themselves as men of magic who will turn Guyana into a Utopia. They have done this before. Remember, House , Clothe, and Feed the nation by 1976.?"

Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

You are free to call me a Dalit. I have some Dalit in me.


To justify your political stance you have been doing the what the opposition is currently doing - exaggerating the level of corruption. Guyanese people earn more today and afford a lot more. Ordinary folks are now proud homeowners. The gov't has succeeded in negotiating with lending institutions in Guyana to give low interest mortgage to the poor. They have lifted the tax threshold on those whose incomes are low. More money are being spent on social services than ever before. The GDP is expanding and per capita income is on the rise. They cannot be said about he PNC. They present themselves as men of magic who will turn Guyana into a Utopia. They have done this before. Remember, House , Clothe, and Feed the nation by 1976.?"

do you know the difference between a free market state from communist,the burham government was living in a communist state so was unable to deliver to the people. hoyte change the ideology of the pnc and the people of guyana start to live a better life especially indian people and because of this the ppp get into when you looking at the pnc donot forget the hoyte goverment 

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

You are free to call me a Dalit. I have some Dalit in me.


To justify your political stance you have been doing the what the opposition is currently doing - exaggerating the level of corruption. Guyanese people earn more today and afford a lot more. Ordinary folks are now proud homeowners. The gov't has succeeded in negotiating with lending institutions in Guyana to give low interest mortgage to the poor. They have lifted the tax threshold on those whose incomes are low. More money are being spent on social services than ever before. The GDP is expanding and per capita income is on the rise. They cannot be said about he PNC. They present themselves as men of magic who will turn Guyana into a Utopia. They have done this before. Remember, House , Clothe, and Feed the nation by 1976.?"

The MAJORITY of Guyanese I know and hear from agrees with you.

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

You are free to call me a Dalit. I have some Dalit in me.


To justify your political stance you have been doing the what the opposition is currently doing - exaggerating the level of corruption. Guyanese people earn more today and afford a lot more. Ordinary folks are now proud homeowners. The gov't has succeeded in negotiating with lending institutions in Guyana to give low interest mortgage to the poor. They have lifted the tax threshold on those whose incomes are low. More money are being spent on social services than ever before. The GDP is expanding and per capita income is on the rise. They cannot be said about he PNC. They present themselves as men of magic who will turn Guyana into a Utopia. They have done this before. Remember, House , Clothe, and Feed the nation by 1976.?"

I do not call you a dalit because I reserve that for those who like to exist in the status of outcasts. You on the other hand cannot resist the notion to pretend your label of piwari or bogus piwari or whatever stupid attempt at the culturally backward "buckness" you aim to attach to me. That is not only a stupid mistake. You get the real me and I am sure  I am sound in by culture and able to stand on the head of any bigoted fool trying to make an ass of themselves. Address the issues before us and we begin on fair footing. Else I think of you no less than the status you place yourself, stunted in dalitdom.


THe PPP is corrupt. Everyone of them moved from chitlings to strak over night. If Obama moved from not owning a bicycle to multiple homes and private jets as taxis overnight we would have his behind on a stake. There is no denying the friends and family inc the PPP has become.


The climate of open lending etc will not disappear if the PNC is in power. Do not claim what is a state affairs in the west today as a skill in the PPP. What would have been a skill is that the spending of 4 times as the PNC and the give away of millions of hectacres of our lands to farmers, miners and lumber people would have brought our poor monumental changes to their status.


Our population is no higher than in PNC times but they are still at similar levels of deprivations. The ostentatious wealth of the newly made rich aristocratic class of friends and family of the PPP do  not mean we are better off.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

You are free to call me a Dalit. I have some Dalit in me.


To justify your political stance you have been doing the what the opposition is currently doing - exaggerating the level of corruption. Guyanese people earn more today and afford a lot more. Ordinary folks are now proud homeowners. The gov't has succeeded in negotiating with lending institutions in Guyana to give low interest mortgage to the poor. They have lifted the tax threshold on those whose incomes are low. More money are being spent on social services than ever before. The GDP is expanding and per capita income is on the rise. They cannot be said about he PNC. They present themselves as men of magic who will turn Guyana into a Utopia. They have done this before. Remember, House , Clothe, and Feed the nation by 1976.?"

The MAJORITY of Guyanese I know and hear from agrees with you.

i guess you donot know much guyanese because the ppp is a minority 

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Take the best and make it better. The PPP is still the best.

There is nothing wholesome or rehabilitative in that morally decaying corpse that is the PPP. One tries to rehabilitate that which can be resuscitated. For all intents and purposes they are long past the  time for a necessary cremation  least they corrupt the living.

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

The reckless adventurism of these two rogue political activists from the ruling PPP are causing chaos and anger amongst the people of Berbice. Hostile talks about these two politicians can be heard from the mouths of people every day.


This is a blatant lie.  My family in Central Corentyne who did not vote in 2011 tell me many from their villages will vote for the AFC if Moses Nagamootoo is the Candidate since they give up on the PPP.

Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

The reckless adventurism of these two rogue political activists from the ruling PPP are causing chaos and anger amongst the people of Berbice. Hostile talks about these two politicians can be heard from the mouths of people every day.


This is a blatant lie.  My family in Central Corentyne who did not vote in 2011 tell me many from their villages will vote for the AFC if Moses Nagamootoo is the Candidate since they give up on the PPP.


AFC is in a soup. Nigel is the supreme leader and boss of the AFC and will the presidential candidate.


Your family like others in the AFC will vote race thus they will support Moses because he is East Indian. Berbicians will Never accept Nigel as a Presidential candidate for the AFC.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

The reckless adventurism of these two rogue political activists from the ruling PPP are causing chaos and anger amongst the people of Berbice. Hostile talks about these two politicians can be heard from the mouths of people every day. It has become a national obsession to criticize them for siding with the Neo-Burnhamites of APNU who are hell bent on stopping every economic project the gov't undertakes. The AFC is fighting is last fight according to a former member of the party who resigned recently because of the corruption and disgraceful association with the Neo-Burhamites. "The AFC has betrayed the trust of those who voted for them in the last elections. They have become their own worst enemies."According to this former member of the AFC, Moses and Ramjattan, will ultimately realize that the demise of their influence in Berbice is due to their greed and lust for political power at all costs. "The people of the nation can quickly dispel those whose actions run counter to that of the people".



One Berbician told me that they are storing up Ghanda eggs for Moses and Ramjattan the next time they show up in Berbice.


Most Berbicians see the AFC as an arm of the PNC.

Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

The reckless adventurism of these two rogue political activists from the ruling PPP are causing chaos and anger amongst the people of Berbice. Hostile talks about these two politicians can be heard from the mouths of people every day.


This is a blatant lie.  My family in Central Corentyne who did not vote in 2011 tell me many from their villages will vote for the AFC if Moses Nagamootoo is the Candidate since they give up on the PPP.

Bai dat is truth there. Dem PPP bais will get wan good 46% surprise this time.

Originally Posted by Kapadilla:
Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

The reckless adventurism of these two rogue political activists from the ruling PPP are causing chaos and anger amongst the people of Berbice. Hostile talks about these two politicians can be heard from the mouths of people every day.


This is a blatant lie.  My family in Central Corentyne who did not vote in 2011 tell me many from their villages will vote for the AFC if Moses Nagamootoo is the Candidate since they give up on the PPP.

Bai dat is truth there. Dem PPP bais will get wan good 46% surprise this time.

 46 or 56 percent, either way, PPP for another five years.


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