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Former Member

Ok folks,

In times of crisis, leaders emerge and provide solutions to problems. Taking the bull by the horns, they lead from the front.

So far, this suicide epidemic has reached proportions which require international assistance.

The AFC/PNC is busy preparing for a big fete while the nations suffer from it's biggest crisis since the Rev. Jim jones committed the biggest act of suicided right under the nose of the PNC.

Time for Leadership.

Where is Moses and Ramjattan ? Anyone, Anyone ?

Hello ! Hello !Unknown-1


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  • Unknown-1

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Bibi Haniffa posted:

The Opposition Leader has issued a statement on his website.  

Jagdeo is a champion and leader.

Unlike the clueless Moses and Ramjattan who are like yard dogs which are only allowed to bark when their master Granger orders them to do so.



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Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:

Ok folks,

In times of crisis, leaders emerge and provide solutions to problems. Taking the bull by the horns, they lead from the front.

So far, this suicide epidemic has reached proportions which require international assistance.

The AFC/PNC is busy preparing for a big fete while the nations suffer from it's biggest crisis since the Rev. Jim jones committed the biggest act of suicided right under the nose of the PNC.

Time for Leadership.

Where is Moses and Ramjattan ? Anyone, Anyone ?

Hello ! Hello !Unknown-1







Yuji, suicide is a serious matter and it need serious and effective mechanism in place via education and other means, throughout the three counties of Guyana to tackle the problem. This is not a problem you can stop completely, but you can make foundations that can save the lives of future youngsters who are facing depression. This should also include parents and relatives to monitor these youths and report it to the appropriate authority. I don't believe the coalition government is acting urgently to confront this problem or a have an effective program in place. 

Cobra posted:

 I don't believe the coalition government is acting urgently to confront this problem or a have an effective program in place. 

This coalition AFC/PNC Military Dictatorship is clueless and incapable of handling this crisis.

First, rigging, economic decline, racism, military takeover, intimidation and now this crisis.

These chaps in the AFC/PNC are a curse, just like Ko Ko Beah.

Nehru posted:
RiffRaff posted:

Maybe some of the blame could also go to the families of these kids committing suicide...


Absolutely BUT 90% with a CLUELESS , INEPT GOvt!!!

how so...they just came in power...suicides being happening for a very long time

maybe the indian culture in Guyana got something to do with it....don't you think?

RiffRaff posted:
Nehru posted:
RiffRaff posted:

Maybe some of the blame could also go to the families of these kids committing suicide...


Absolutely BUT 90% with a CLUELESS , INEPT GOvt!!!

how so...they just came in power...suicides being happening for a very long time

maybe the indian culture in Guyana got something to do with it....don't you think?

They were aware of it, promised the Guyanese People they have Dr Van West Charles to deal with such problems. Now deh Dacta ah wata Boy

RiffRaff posted:
Nehru posted:
RiffRaff posted:

Maybe some of the blame could also go to the families of these kids committing suicide...


Absolutely BUT 90% with a CLUELESS , INEPT GOvt!!!

how so...they just came in power...suicides being happening for a very long time

maybe the indian culture in Guyana got something to do with it....don't you think?

What time line must be given to the government, before they can start take responsibility, 6 months, 1 year, 5 year. Secondly. you can't have a Blackman to solve an Indian Problem, put the House Slave to work they are suicidal ,they have nuff experience.

kp posted:
RiffRaff posted:
Nehru posted:
RiffRaff posted:

Maybe some of the blame could also go to the families of these kids committing suicide...


Absolutely BUT 90% with a CLUELESS , INEPT GOvt!!!

how so...they just came in power...suicides being happening for a very long time

maybe the indian culture in Guyana got something to do with it....don't you think?

What time line must be given to the government, before they can start take responsibility, 6 months, 1 year, 5 year. Secondly. you can't have a Blackman to solve an Indian Problem, put the House Slave to work they are suicidal ,they have nuff experience.

Make up your mind...on one hand, you're saying the black Govt can't solve an Indian problem, then you asking how long they should be given before they solve it

Maybe it's people with your mindset that's causing the problem

RiffRaff posted:
kp posted:
RiffRaff posted:
Nehru posted:
RiffRaff posted:

Maybe some of the blame could also go to the families of these kids committing suicide...


Absolutely BUT 90% with a CLUELESS , INEPT GOvt!!!

how so...they just came in power...suicides being happening for a very long time

maybe the indian culture in Guyana got something to do with it....don't you think?

What time line must be given to the government, before they can start take responsibility, 6 months, 1 year, 5 year. Secondly. you can't have a Blackman to solve an Indian Problem, put the House Slave to work they are suicidal ,they have nuff experience.

Make up your mind...on one hand, you're saying the black Govt can't solve an Indian problem, then you asking how long they should be given before they solve it

Maybe it's people with your mindset that's causing the problem

All you PNC lovers, the quickest answer is ,"they just got in power" give them time, so I ask of you how long time must be given. You have two PNC INDIANS doing nothing, put them to investigate the Indian Suicide.QUESTION, how long is the probation period for this government??? Taking office is job day ONE,just like taking 50% pay increase on day one, Running the country is not a job for apprentices .

RiffRaff posted:

I see PPP did a great job in 20 years handling the suicide problem...they made Guyana you expect it to be solved in 6 months

The question is what the Govt doing.  Imagine, 3 people got killed in an illegal Operation, one a Sergeant in the Army and the DUNCE Granger says he cannot look into it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nehru posted:
RiffRaff posted:

I see PPP did a great job in 20 years handling the suicide problem...they made Guyana you expect it to be solved in 6 months

The question is what the Govt doing.  Imagine, 3 people got killed in an illegal Operation, one a Sergeant in the Army and the DUNCE Granger says he cannot look into it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

topic is about suicide

RiffRaff posted:
Nehru posted:
RiffRaff posted:

I see PPP did a great job in 20 years handling the suicide problem...they made Guyana you expect it to be solved in 6 months

The question is what the Govt doing.  Imagine, 3 people got killed in an illegal Operation, one a Sergeant in the Army and the DUNCE Granger says he cannot look into it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

topic is about suicide

It is also about INCOMPETENCE, DUMB and STUPID, ALL trademarks of the new Govt.

kp posted:


The government is continuing the procedures set in place by the previous PPP government. It is at the same time investigating a better response than that left behind by the PPP. You can't change overnight the traditions of the East Indians. That includes suicide.

Mr.T posted:
kp posted:


The government is continuing the procedures set in place by the previous PPP government. It is at the same time investigating a better response than that left behind by the PPP. You can't change overnight the traditions of the East Indians. That includes suicide.

Can you change your tradition of Choke and Rob, gat 20 different Child Mothers, Begging for a cigarette on Monday morning??????????????

Nehru posted:
Mr.T posted:
kp posted:


The government is continuing the procedures set in place by the previous PPP government. It is at the same time investigating a better response than that left behind by the PPP. You can't change overnight the traditions of the East Indians. That includes suicide.

Can you change your tradition of Choke and Rob, gat 20 different Child Mothers, Begging for a cigarette on Monday morning??????????????

I am maybe the lucky one then if that is a traditional East Indian pass time from the region you come from. But my family were hard working East Indians who didn't have to murder other East Indians. I leave that to your clan.

skeldon_man posted:
kp posted:


Less votes for the PPP next election. Dem bais lookin ahead.




Come on, Skelly. By the logic of your statement, Indians themselves are giving the PPP less votes via suicides. If they have the PPP's interests uppermost in mind, they won't eliminate themselves.

And, by that same logic, it is in Freedom House's paramount interest to lead the suicide prevention drive among its Indian supporters, bringing its weighty influence to bear.

However, I maintain that the suicide crisis in Guyana is a NATIONAL issue that requires everyone's attention and help. Singling out two Indian ministers and shining a torchlight on them is not helpful. Blaming the coalition or the past PPP regime is not helpful either. 

yuji22 posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

The Opposition Leader has issued a statement on his website.  

Jagdeo is a champion and leader.

Unlike the clueless Moses and Ramjattan who are like yard dogs which are only allowed to bark when their master Granger orders them to do so.


And yet when his party was in power they did NOTHING.  We became aware that Guyanese had the highest propensity to kill themselves, based on 2012 data.  The PPP was in power then.


seignet posted:

By some strange coincidence these suicides are going have the interest of the First World. Soon. Granger's government would come under the microscpoe.

Those interested in this topic have already focused on the fact that it is NOT a phenomenon which began on May 12th 2015.

In fact Granger has spoken more to this issue than did either Ramotar, or Jagdeo.

Mr.T posted:
kp posted:


. You can't change overnight the traditions of the East Indians. That includes suicide.

1.  I don't think that committing suicide is an Indian tradition.  After all the vast majority aren't out killing themselves.

2.  What needs to be examined are the reasons for the gross over representation of Indians as suicide victims.  Maybe it is due to cultural practices, or maybe it isn't. 

Maybe there might exist cultural patterns (not necessarily practices) which are the cause for a disproportionate number of people, who happen to be Indian, losing hope and taking their lives.  Maybe some of these practices are not appropriate for the modern world.  We will not know unless there is an analysis, with people having an OPEN MIND to it.

3.  What has been stated as a problem is the lack of competent mental health out reach programs, and professionals skilled at implementing them. 

What is also apparent is a backward way of thinking by many Guyanese, who still think that the problem is solved by speaking to them, either condescendingly or authoritatively, rather than listening to them and gaining their trust.


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