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Harry Gill: The truth hurts, and people like Aubrey Gill can’t handle the truth. But this is the truth:
PNC/APNU’s only interest is the development of the one ethnicity that supports them… Guyanese of African descent. They pander to their political base for survival, and thwart any effort made by the Alliance For Change who appears to be aggressively going after that voting block. On the other hand, AFC leaders Khemraj Ramjattan and Moses Nagamootoo are trying desperately to show they’re more Black than Nigel Hughes, whose inflammatory rhetoric, threats and ultimatum are believed to have provoked the “peaceful protest” in Agricola.

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Originally Posted by albert:

Harry Gill: The truth hurts, and people like Aubrey Gill can’t handle the truth. But this is the truth:
PNC/APNU’s only interest is the development of the one ethnicity that supports them… Guyanese of African descent. They pander to their political base for survival, and thwart any effort made by the Alliance For Change who appears to be aggressively going after that voting block. On the other hand, AFC leaders Khemraj Ramjattan and Moses Nagamootoo are trying desperately to show they’re more Black than Nigel Hughes, whose inflammatory rhetoric, threats and ultimatum are believed to have provoked the “peaceful protest” in Agricola.

For AFC survival, they need to show they are more black than the regular negro. Come next election(whenever it is held), they will not get the Indian support. They will need to siphon the negro votes from APNU/PNC. I believe in the end, AFC will suffer the same fate as the UF.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by albert:

Harry Gill: The truth hurts, and people like Aubrey Gill can’t handle the truth. But this is the truth:
PNC/APNU’s only interest is the development of the one ethnicity that supports them… Guyanese of African descent. They pander to their political base for survival, and thwart any effort made by the Alliance For Change who appears to be aggressively going after that voting block. On the other hand, AFC leaders Khemraj Ramjattan and Moses Nagamootoo are trying desperately to show they’re more Black than Nigel Hughes, whose inflammatory rhetoric, threats and ultimatum are believed to have provoked the “peaceful protest” in Agricola.

For AFC survival, they need to show they are more black than the regular negro. Come next election(whenever it is held), they will not get the Indian support. They will need to siphon the negro votes from APNU/PNC. I believe in the end, AFC will suffer the same fate as the UF.

Nigel Hughes' racist rantings certainly isn't helping them and the Afros will simply vote Granger once again

Originally Posted by warrior:

okay albert take a break and go for lunch now,some body with take over your shift until you come back OP DONOT WANT WORK YOU GUYS HARD


Originally Posted by Conscience:

Its clear for all to see, the AFC and the APNU aka PNC are inseparable, the voters that once endorse the AFC thinking is was not an annex for the PNC, now see the light.

If you walk like a duck, talk like a duck; you got to be a duck.


CON when you and the rest of the ppp want to play politics,guyana is burning you think that wise or all that matters is power,after 20 yrs you might think that the ppp will find a solution.maybe they could have if they are not too bussy thiefing  

Originally Posted by warrior:

CON when you and the rest of the ppp want to play politics,guyana is burning you think that wise or all that matters is power,after 20 yrs you might think that the ppp will find a solution.maybe they could have if they are not too bussy thiefing  


How can the PPP stop the burning when all the opposition do is to incite the negroes to burn everything in site. You know who is doing the burning. Do you hear of Indians burning government property?

Originally Posted by albert:

 PNC/APNU’s only interest is the development of the one ethnicity that supports them… Guyanese of African descent.

Assuming that this is true why do you object, given that the PPP totally ignores the African and mixed population?  Or at least this is how these voting blocs see it.


Please do not scream otherwise because APNU got 41% of the votes on the back of the African and mixed voters....this depriving the PPP of control over parliament.


Clearly if these two groups felt that the PPP was not concerned about them as at least 95% supported other parties.



Originally Posted by warrior:

remember when burham was ruling what indian people was fighting for,well guess what the negro people is fighting for.i guess history teach you nothing

You forgot what Burnall did to the Indians. The Indians were fighting for food and survival. The negroes are fighting for power. They want to leech off other people like they did in the 60's, 70's and 80's. Remember when all you need in those days was a PNC membership card? Well dis na lang time.


you right the pnc card is replace with the ppp card,as i say history teach you nothing,what a waste when you fighting over party cards guyana is going backward but people like you is selfish as long as you and your family is living off of the tax payers money to hell with guyana you are content with the standard guyana is living in

Originally Posted by warrior:

you right the pnc card is replace with the ppp card,as i say history teach you nothing,what a waste when you fighting over party cards guyana is going backward but people like you is selfish as long as you and your family is living off of the tax payers money to hell with guyana you are content with the standard guyana is living in

Bai warria, you rite yu no. In Guyana, de bes rum ah free rum. In Amerika, the bes life ah live aff ah tax paya money. Me like all da free money an fuud. You shud no how big dem welfare check can get. You papa chupit yu no.


Originally Posted by albert:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by albert:


Nigel Hughes' racist rantings certainly isn't helping them and the Afros will simply vote Granger once again

What does Nigel Hughes say that is racist?


Saying that the PPP discriminates against blacks is not racist.   Hughes showed exactly how did they did so last year and Luncheon was not able to prove him wrong.


Furthermore Africans and mixed people know what they experience in daily life.  Last year they did NOT support Nigel Hughes, so clearly their opinion of the PPP has nothing to do with him.



Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

You forgot what Burnall did to the Indians. The Indians were fighting for food and survival. The negroes are fighting for power..

And now the blacks are fighting for food while the PPP tries to ensure that they do not get it.


Same shoe on a different foot and buttocks.


Now I know you think :"ahbe pan tap" and you scream that blacks, who were not born when Burnham was still alive, need to meekly accept this.  They cant.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

You forgot what Burnall did to the Indians. The Indians were fighting for food and survival. The negroes are fighting for power..

And now the blacks are fighting for food while the PPP tries to ensure that they do not get it.


Same shoe on a different foot and buttocks.


Now I know you think :"ahbe pan tap" and you scream that blacks, who were not born when Burnham was still alive, need to meekly accept this.  They cant.

You got it Brudda. Do fuh do na obeah. It's the culture, like religion.


boy karma can be a bitch,i hate when honest indian people get rob and low life like you can preach hate,maybe some day some ******s will stick a gun in your face and then you will know which foot wearing which shoes

Originally Posted by warrior:

boy karma can be a bitch,i hate when honest indian people get rob and low life like you can preach hate,maybe some day some ******s will stick a gun in your face and then you will know which foot wearing which shoes

Violence is in your gene. It's inherited. At least Indians are not doing the killing and robbing. I do not entertain hate for the negroes or any other race. I just call it as I see it.


That is very true, the AFC's Ramjattan, Ramsaroop and Nagamootoo are indeed trying to be more Black than Cuffy, much less Nigel Hughes who is from a line of upper class Black professionals. 


you is a ass if you think indians is not killing and robbing,go down to camp st and see who is the most people on death row,what about the panday family a lady put black people to rob her own child and grandchildren but i guess you hiding behind all them tax payers money you thiefing this is the kind of socity the ppp is building

Originally Posted by warrior:

you is a ass if you think indians is not killing and robbing,go down to camp st and see who is the most people on death row,what about the panday family a lady put black people to rob her own child and grandchildren but i guess you hiding behind all them tax payers money you thiefing this is the kind of socity the ppp is building

Do you ever hear Indians creating disturbance in Guyana? I don't want to hear about moles implanted in negro groups.

Originally Posted by warrior:

you is a ass if you think indians is not killing and robbing,go down to camp st and see who is the most people on death row,what about the panday family a lady put black people to rob her own child and grandchildren but i guess you hiding behind all them tax payers money you thiefing this is the kind of socity the ppp is building

Sure Indians are the killers in Guyanese society and Blacks are saints who are marginalized.  Everyone knows that Blacks in Guyana under the tutelage of the AFC/PNC bandits have been endowed with a sense of entitlement and expect to be supported and fed by govt else they are marginalized. 

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by warrior:

you is a ass if you think indians is not killing and robbing,go down to camp st and see who is the most people on death row,what about the panday family a lady put black people to rob her own child and grandchildren but i guess you hiding behind all them tax payers money you thiefing this is the kind of socity the ppp is building

Do you ever hear Indians creating disturbance in Guyana? I don't want to hear about moles implanted in negro groups.


I hate to say this. You ARE an ass and also you are functionally illiterate. Indians ARE killing and robbing. They do not engage in mass destruction of personal property.

Originally Posted by albert:

Harry Gill: The truth hurts, and people like Aubrey Gill can’t handle the truth. But this is the truth:
PNC/APNU’s only interest is the development of the one ethnicity that supports them… Guyanese of African descent. They pander to their political base for survival, and thwart any effort made by the Alliance For Change who appears to be aggressively going after that voting block. On the other hand, AFC leaders Khemraj Ramjattan and Moses Nagamootoo are trying desperately to show they’re more Black than Nigel Hughes, whose inflammatory rhetoric, threats and ultimatum are believed to have provoked the “peaceful protest” in Agricola.

 This is an example of the PPP and its malevolent shills being completely ignorant to the point of oblivion of the injury in their action. To be more black implies that is something wrong with less black. But of course Mr Gill is simply pressing Race buttons. The implication that one has to pander to blackness to massage symptoms of oppressions by itself admits to some pervasive underclass in the African society. This PPP is populated with stupid racist people. Worse, the believe their control of the government permits them total control of the sociopolitical ethos and on that is the measure of all things. I suggest the ignoramus Harry Gill gets some sensitivity/diversity training if he is concerned with making sense.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

You forgot what Burnall did to the Indians. The Indians were fighting for food and survival. The negroes are fighting for power..

And now the blacks are fighting for food while the PPP tries to ensure that they do not get it.


Same shoe on a different foot and buttocks.


Now I know you think :"ahbe pan tap" and you scream that blacks, who were not born when Burnham was still alive, need to meekly accept this.  They cant.

You got it Brudda. Do fuh do na obeah. It's the culture, like religion.

Glad that you admit that the PPP is as racist to blacks as the PPP was to Indians.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

Do you ever hear Indians creating disturbance in Guyana?

Yes Roger Khan,  Brahma, and company.  To you they are heroes.  To others they are criminals.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
 At least Indians are not doing the killing and robbing.

The Berbice fishermen will be shocked to hear that Long Hair and other pirates werent Indians.


The blacker the black man the better the next man! Who said that?? The Fugees. In this scenario however, Ramjattan and Nagamootoo are misguided into thinking that the Blacks will reciprocate at the polls. This will not happen as we see, when Blacks beat Indians, they don't ask which party they support. It is peter pay for paul and paul pay for all. ahahhaha


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