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Former Member

Whim is home to 99% Indians and 1% Afro-Guyanese. Remember, Whim is NOT home to 99% Afro-Guyanese and 1% Indians. Folks, think for yourself, believe for yourself. Don't let a neemakaram fool you twice. Their days are numbered as of today.


I agree they receive a massive crowd, but 99% were all Afro-Guyanese. This is how they build the crowd.

Folks, I ask you to look for 99% Indians supporters and you may be lucky to see 1% or so. Why? Look at the people in Green and yellow, they were all Afro-guyanese that were bussed in to show massive support for APNU/AFC to wipe out the shame from their faces. Whim and its neighboring villages are predominantly Indians, NOT Afro-Guyanese.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by Cobra:

Whim is home to 99% Indians and 1% Afro-Guyanese. Remember, Whim is NOT home to 99% Afro-Guyanese and 1% Indians. Folks, think for yourself, believe for yourself. Don't let a neemakaram fool you twice. Their days are numbered as of today.


I agree they receive a massive crowd, but 99% were all Afro-Guyanese. This is how they build the crowd.

Folks, I ask you to look for 99% Indians supporters and you may be lucky to see 1% or so. Why? Look at the people in Green and yellow, they were all Afro-guyanese that were bussed in to show massive support for APNU/AFC to wipe out the shame from their faces. Whim and its neighboring villages are predominantly Indians, NOT Afro-Guyanese.

Moses can only deliver Larwa. The pictures prove it all.


Moses and Rumjattan can only rent an Afro based  PNC crowd. They are useless.


Berbicans are voting 99 Percent PPP.

Originally Posted by Cobra:

Whim is home to 99% Indians and 1% Afro-Guyanese. Remember, Whim is NOT home to 99% Afro-Guyanese and 1% Indians. Folks, think for yourself, believe for yourself. Don't let a neemakaram fool you twice. Their days are numbered as of today.


I agree they receive a massive crowd, but 99% were all Afro-Guyanese. This is how they build the crowd.


Folks, I ask you to look for 99% Indians supporters and you may be lucky to see 1% or so. Why? Look at the people in Green and yellow, they were all Afro-guyanese that were bussed in to show massive support for APNU/AFC to wipe out the shame from their faces. Whim and its neighboring villages are predominantly Indians, NOT Afro-Guyanese.

There are lots of black villages, Eversham, liverpool, Lancaster, Ulverston, Alness, Limlairn,, Nurney, kildonan, Haversham etc around  so why should they not come to the meeting? It was not an Indian only meeting and Whim is a small village with some 500 voters so one does not go there except because it is Moses home place. Did you ask why are so many indos in Kitty? You are such a nitwit.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Cobra:


We're NOT ashamed to show pictures. Eat your heart out.


Cobra bhai


You giving dem PNC boys shytings.

It is clear the PPP will lose region 4 so there is no worry there. Last time they lost by huge margins and this is expected to increase despite how many people attended the Kitty meeting. There are only about a thousand people above and the electorate is some 170K!

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Cobra:


We're NOT ashamed to show pictures. Eat your heart out.


Cobra bhai


You giving dem PNC boys shytings.

It is clear the PPP will lose region 4 so there is no worry there. Last time they lost by huge margins and this is expected to increase despite how many people attended the Kitty meeting. There are only about a thousand people above and the electorate is some 170K!


Keep spinning.


The coalition suffered a major setback today. It will only get worse for them from here on.


Granger was conned by Moses and Ramjattan.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
. Did you ask why are so many indos in Kitty? You are such a nitwit.

Doesn't matter.  The PPP has proven it can win, based on the Indian votes with enough bribery to get enough non Indian votes to win.


The AFC has to prove that it can get some Indian support.   If they don't then the prospects of victory become more challenging.

Originally Posted by Spontaneous emission:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Cobra:


We're NOT ashamed to show pictures. Eat your heart out.


Cobra bhai


You giving dem PNC boys shytings.

This image is a substitute for laxative-It will  only work if you are a PNC goon.


Who are you calling a goon creep? You nitwits are counting your chickens and they are still in an egg. The PPP does not look good in this one however much you scream. As I said, some 25 thousand more voted against them in this region the last time

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
. Did you ask why are so many indos in Kitty? You are such a nitwit.

Doesn't matter.  The PPP has proven it can win, based on the Indian votes with enough bribery to get enough non Indian votes to win.


The AFC has to prove that it can get some Indian support.   If they don't then the prospects of victory become more challenging.


Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
. Did you ask why are so many indos in Kitty? You are such a nitwit.

Doesn't matter.  The PPP has proven it can win, based on the Indian votes with enough bribery to get enough non Indian votes to win.


The AFC has to prove that it can get some Indian support.   If they don't then the prospects of victory become more challenging.

THe APNU has a larger percentage of people that did not vote in every region. Despite good turnout of Indians the PPP lost the last time. This time more people are motivated; at least that is what I am told. If t his is so, it maters not what the PPP does if the APNU_AFC hold and improve on their numbers given they have more latitude to do so.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Cobra:


We're NOT ashamed to show pictures. Eat your heart out.


Cobra bhai


You giving dem PNC boys shytings.

It is clear the PPP will lose region 4 !

APNU AFC will not win based on regions 4 and 10 alone.  The PPP lost parliament by 9k votes which can be explained by the 10k PPP Nagamootoo votes which went to the AFC last time.  If the PPP wins back 50% of those voters they win.


So don't get trapped going down a side road. The AFC has to make inroads into the PPP voting bloc.  You know full well that the APNU cannot, and showing that APNU can attract huge black crowds proves little. They did so last time, but got stuck at 40%.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
. Did you ask why are so many indos in Kitty? You are such a nitwit.

Doesn't matter.  The PPP has proven it can win, based on the Indian votes with enough bribery to get enough non Indian votes to win.


The AFC has to prove that it can get some Indian support.   If they don't then the prospects of victory become more challenging.

THe APNU has a larger percentage of people that did not vote in every region. Despite good turnout of Indians the PPP lost the last time. This time more people are motivated; at least that is what I am told. If t his is so, it maters not what the PPP does if the APNU_AFC hold and improve on their numbers given they have more latitude to do so.

So is APNU supposed to do all the work to get the votes, and yet give up 12 seats to the AFC, 40% of the cabinet, and allow the AFC carte blanche in making appointments to the various statutory agencies. 


Human nature suggests that if this happens those APNU MPs who will have to give up their seats will have lots to say about that.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Cobra:


We're NOT ashamed to show pictures. Eat your heart out.


Cobra bhai


You giving dem PNC boys shytings.

It is clear the PPP will lose region 4 !

APNU AFC will not win based on regions 4 and 10 alone.  The PPP lost parliament by 9k votes which can be explained by the 10k PPP Nagamootoo votes which went to the AFC last time.  If the PPP wins back 50% of those voters they win.


So don't get trapped going down a side road. The AFC has to make inroads into the PPP voting bloc.  You know full well that the APNU cannot, and showing that APNU can attract huge black crowds proves little. They did so last time, but got stuck at 40%.

Originally Posted by Spontaneous emission:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Cobra:


We're NOT ashamed to show pictures. Eat your heart out.


Cobra bhai


You giving dem PNC boys shytings.

It is clear the PPP will lose region 4 !

APNU AFC will not win based on regions 4 and 10 alone.  The PPP lost parliament by 9k votes which can be explained by the 10k PPP Nagamootoo votes which went to the AFC last time.  If the PPP wins back 50% of those voters they win.


So don't get trapped going down a side road. The AFC has to make inroads into the PPP voting bloc.  You know full well that the APNU cannot, and showing that APNU can attract huge black crowds proves little. They did so last time, but got stuck at 40%.

Moses and Ramjattan are known rum boogies. They will be headed to the bottle after this election.


Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Cobra:


We're NOT ashamed to show pictures. Eat your heart out.


Cobra bhai


You giving dem PNC boys shytings.

It is clear the PPP will lose region 4 !

APNU AFC will not win based on regions 4 and 10 alone.  The PPP lost parliament by 9k votes which can be explained by the 10k PPP Nagamootoo votes which went to the AFC last time.  If the PPP wins back 50% of those voters they win.


So don't get trapped going down a side road. The AFC has to make inroads into the PPP voting bloc.  You know full well that the APNU cannot, and showing that APNU can attract huge black crowds proves little. They did so last time, but got stuck at 40%.


The Coalition can win is not with a Soviet-style public meeting strategy. That has very limited utility. People who show up at public meetings tend to be loyal party supporters who were gonna vote for you anyway.


The Coalition must go "door to door." It must dispatch a small army of house to house canvassers to get friends, family, and villagers to cast a vote for them.


I know the AFC. They are too important for this kind of "low" mundane party political work.


They would rather feel important by chatting with some clerk at the State Department or "negotiating" with the two major parties.


The AFC does not have the organizational structure nor the organizational culture of a grassroots political party.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Cobra:


We're NOT ashamed to show pictures. Eat your heart out.


Cobra bhai


You giving dem PNC boys shytings.

It is clear the PPP will lose region 4 !

APNU AFC will not win based on regions 4 and 10 alone.  The PPP lost parliament by 9k votes which can be explained by the 10k PPP Nagamootoo votes which went to the AFC last time.  If the PPP wins back 50% of those voters they win.


So don't get trapped going down a side road. The AFC has to make inroads into the PPP voting bloc.  You know full well that the APNU cannot, and showing that APNU can attract huge black crowds proves little. They did so last time, but got stuck at 40%.


The Coalition can win is not with a Soviet-style public meeting strategy. That has very limited utility. People who show up at public meetings tend to be loyal party supporters who were gonna vote for you anyway.


The Coalition must go "door to door." It must dispatch a small army of house to house canvassers to get friends, family, and villagers to cast a vote for them.


I know the AFC. They are too important for this kind of "low" mundane party political work.


They would rather feel important by chatting with some clerk at the State Department or "negotiating" with the two major parties.


The AFC does not have the organizational structure nor the organizational culture of a grassroots political party.




You hit the nail on the head. AFC defectors spoke of this elitist attitude of the AFC leadership. The never capitalized on their political shake up of the landscape after the last election.


They allowed their personal agenda of revenge to get the better of them.


I spoke of the PPP using foots soldiers in Berbice for the past year while the AFC dismissed it saying that AFC supporters will remain loyal.


We must not underscore the damage done by major AFC defectors who left the party out of frustration. 


A "rent a crowd" policy will backfire on the AFC. They either deliver or the PNC being a knife and fork party, will dump the lazy and elitist AFC "talk men" members.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
. Did you ask why are so many indos in Kitty? You are such a nitwit.

Doesn't matter.  The PPP has proven it can win, based on the Indian votes with enough bribery to get enough non Indian votes to win.


The AFC has to prove that it can get some Indian support.   If they don't then the prospects of victory become more challenging.

THe APNU has a larger percentage of people that did not vote in every region. Despite good turnout of Indians the PPP lost the last time. This time more people are motivated; at least that is what I am told. If t his is so, it maters not what the PPP does if the APNU_AFC hold and improve on their numbers given they have more latitude to do so.

So is APNU supposed to do all the work to get the votes, and yet give up 12 seats to the AFC, 40% of the cabinet, and allow the AFC carte blanche in making appointments to the various statutory agencies. 


Human nature suggests that if this happens those APNU MPs who will have to give up their seats will have lots to say about that.

You are surely a big ass whiny p****y like that stupid fellow Paul Jairam. Why in the world are we talking about apportionment when we are talking about winning? It matters not who contribute what. It matters that the two together is almost unbeatable.


When I mentioned APNU I did so per the last elections data. Their natural constituency is Africans. between 30 to 40 percent  of them in key areas stayed home the last time.


This time they may come out based on a real potential to win. If they do, the PPP can take all 100 percent of Indians and its 5 percent of Amerindians and its 4 % of Black patronage workers and still lose. The enthusiasm is not  because of APNU but because of the coalition.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:


The Coalition can win is not with a Soviet-style public meeting strategy. That has very limited utility. People who show up at public meetings tend to be loyal party supporters who were gonna vote for you anyway.


The Coalition must go "door to door." It must dispatch a small army of house to house canvassers to get friends, family, and villagers to cast a vote for them.


I know the AFC. They are too important for this kind of "low" mundane party political work.


They would rather feel important by chatting with some clerk at the State Department or "negotiating" with the two major parties.


The AFC does not have the organizational structure nor the organizational culture of a grassroots political party.

A small party with credibility issues has to demonstrate that it has some power. 


It has to do that to reassure those Indians who are inclined to support them, that it has a chance to be part of a winning coalition.  Otherwise they stay home.


It also has to do so to ensure that it has a strong bargaining position with APNU regardless of the results of the election.  If the PPP wins because the AFC was unable to split the Indian vote elements of the PNC will demand that Granger renege on the deal.


If the PNC gets strong turn out in their areas leading to an equivalent of  27 seats, and AFC flops and only delivers an equivalent of 4 seats.  Expect dissent within the ranks when 8 APNU MPs are forced to give up their seats.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
When I mentioned APNU I did so per the last elections data. Their natural constituency is Africans. between 30 to 40 percent  of them in key areas stayed home the last time.


You are under a gross misapprehension if you believe this to be the case.


APNU's vote is not very much affected by abstentions.


You're fooling yourself if you think the key to this election and to APNU's fortunes is some substantial change in Black turnout.


I'm glad APNU does not agree with you. Their strategy shows they don't think they have a Black vote turnout issue.

Originally Posted by Cobra:

Moses failed to deliver the pork and beef to the tribal boss, Granger. Well, there is always next time.

He had shit loads of Black people turning out and if you noted what I commented on above, Moses does not have to deliver 1 Indian vote and the APNU-AFC can win. And he will deliver some 10k again on enthusiasm alone and that is what have the PPP crooks cowering.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:

You are surely a big ass whiny p****y like that stupid fellow Paul Jairam. Why in the world are we talking about apportionment when we are talking about winning? It matters not who contribute what. It matters that the two together is almost unbeatable.


When I mentioned APNU I did so per the last elections data. Their natural constituency is Africans. between 30 to 40 percent  of them in key areas stayed home the last time.


This time they may come out based on a real potential to win. If they do, the PPP can take all 100 percent of Indians and its 5 percent of Amerindians and its 4 % of Black patronage workers and still lose. The enthusiasm is not  because of APNU but because of the coalition.

So APNU gets its folks out and can demonstrate that it got them 27 seats.  AFC flops and can only show that it got an equivalent of 4 seats.  31 seats meaning that the PPP loses.  APNU is capped at 40%, maybe can squeeze a few more but the prospect of them getting more than around 43% is very remote. 


So the AFC will have to do its part.


Do you really think that 8 PNC MPs are going to give up their seats to a party which couldn't deliver enough votes for the PPP to lose?




I also doubt your notion that PNC supporters stayed home last time. Analyze the results and you will see that the net increase in votes in 2011 compared to 2006 was ONLY because of APNU success in getting their voters out.


The PPP lost votes, not only because 10k defected to the AFC, but also because of lower turnout in Regions 2 and 3 where the AFC didn't do that well.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Moses failed to deliver the pork and beef to the tribal boss, Granger. Well, there is always next time.

He had shit loads of Black people turning out and if you noted what I commented on above, Moses does not have to deliver 1 Indian vote and the APNU-AFC can win. And he will deliver some 10k again on enthusiasm alone and that is what have the PPP crooks cowering.


You're wrong old man.


The PPP crooks are cowering because they fear APNU's votes will numerically stay the same while substantial amounts of PPP Indians will just stay home.


APNU's votes combined with 2 to 4 AFC seats worth of votes can beat the PPP, if substantial Indian voters stay home.


I've been told by trusted folks in Guyana that PPP Indians are talking about the PPP losing power and how they don't care. That is a nightmare for the PPP. That many Indians are aware that them staying home will help the Coalition win and they're ok with that.


Surprisingly, Shaitaan represents a good portion of Indians in this election. We just don't care about the PPP losing. We won't help save them. But we also won't help the Coalition. That's good enough to produce a Coalition win.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
We just don't care about the PPP losing. We won't help save them. But we also won't help the Coalition. That's good enough to produce a Coalition win.

If APNU AFC loses Moses is finished.  His role is to deliver Indian votes and if he fails to do so (either by winning their votes and giving them sufficient confidence not to vote PPP) he will be seen as lacking any purpose.


Those who think that black people care one fig for Nagamootoo on his own are fooling themselves.

Originally Posted by caribny:
If APNU AFC loses Moses is finished.  His role is to deliver Indian votes and if he fails to do so (either by winning their votes and giving them sufficient confidence not to vote PPP) he will be seen as lacking any purpose.


Those who think that black people care one fig for Nagamootoo on his own are fooling themselves.

i know that u are not so stupid as to delude yourself [from your NY domicile] that u speak for Black people in Guyana


further, do you have a better alternative (for Black people) than Moses Nagamootoo at this juncture in time?

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Moses failed to deliver the pork and beef to the tribal boss, Granger. Well, there is always next time.

He had shit loads of Black people turning out and if you noted what I commented on above, Moses does not have to deliver 1 Indian vote and the APNU-AFC can win. And he will deliver some 10k again on enthusiasm alone and that is what have the PPP crooks cowering.


You're wrong old man.


The PPP crooks are cowering because they fear APNU's votes will numerically stay the same while substantial amounts of PPP Indians will just stay home.


APNU's votes combined with 2 to 4 AFC seats worth of votes can beat the PPP, if substantial Indian voters stay home.


I've been told by trusted folks in Guyana that PPP Indians are talking about the PPP losing power and how they don't care. That is a nightmare for the PPP. That many Indians are aware that them staying home will help the Coalition win and they're ok with that.


Surprisingly, Shaitaan represents a good portion of Indians in this election. We just don't care about the PPP losing. We won't help save them. But we also won't help the Coalition. That's good enough to produce a Coalition win.

With Indians voting APNU+AFC, will give them a resounding victory. And at the said time the PPP will have been dashed. This is the opportunity to rid the party of the thieves.  


Please tell ur people that.

Last edited by seignet
Originally Posted by redux:

i know that u are not so stupid as to delude yourself [from your NY domicile] that u speak for Black people in Guyana


further, do you have a better alternative (for Black people) than Moses Nagamootoo at this juncture in time?

I can by for their past behavior.  A scant 3 years ago.  They voted PNC.  Nagamootoo ran last time and FEWER voted AFC than when Trotman was the candidate.


Now on what basis do you have to argue differently?   What you WANT THEM TO DO?

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by redux:

i know that u are not so stupid as to delude yourself [from your NY domicile] that u speak for Black people in Guyana


further, do you have a better alternative (for Black people) than Moses Nagamootoo at this juncture in time?

I can by for their past behavior.  A scant 3 years ago.  They voted PNC.  Nagamootoo ran last time and FEWER voted AFC than when Trotman was the candidate.


Now on what basis do you have to argue differently?   What you WANT THEM TO DO?

you didn't answer my question

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by redux:

i know that u are not so stupid as to delude yourself [from your NY domicile] that u speak for Black people in Guyana


further, do you have a better alternative (for Black people) than Moses Nagamootoo at this juncture in time?

I can by for their past behavior.  A scant 3 years ago.  They voted PNC.  Nagamootoo ran last time and FEWER voted AFC than when Trotman was the candidate.


Now on what basis do you have to argue differently?   What you WANT THEM TO DO?

you didn't answer my question

I was not aware that most blacks who planned to vote were doing so because of Nagamootoo.  They voted for Granger in 2011, so why your screams that now they are all for Moses.


Your question is stupid.  The leaders are those who want to lead and people make their choices from who is available, 


Nagamootoo and Granger both ran in 2011.  Nagamootoo lost a large part of the votes in 2011 in regions 4 and 10 that Trotman won in 2007.


As far as most black people are concerned they are voting for Granger.  Just as they did 3 years ago.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
We just don't care about the PPP losing. We won't help save them. But we also won't help the Coalition. That's good enough to produce a Coalition win.

If APNU AFC loses Moses is finished.  His role is to deliver Indian votes and if he fails to do so (either by winning their votes and giving them sufficient confidence not to vote PPP) he will be seen as lacking any purpose.


Those who think that black people care one fig for Nagamootoo on his own are fooling themselves.


And those who think that Indian people care one fig for Nagamootoo on his own are fooling themselves. Let's not be fooled by the Jaganite Amen Crowd who really really love Moses. Moses is no more special than any other former PPP Minister no longer with the PPP. And he actually has less potential because he never commanded a great ministry or did some great services to Indians. He's not the greatest thing since sliced dhall phurri.


Nagamootoo has to fight for every single Indian vote he gets from Day 1. The problem is that I am of the belief that you have to have a structure and some core infantry troops first before you can commence the fighting. We are about 5 weeks out from Election Day. It's too late now unless they had some real political talent in their ranks who had the authority to run the campaign to respond the immediate issues. I see they went full on British and appointed a Committee to run the Coalition campaign. And a Committee staffed by Ministers and MPs in waiting. Even the British don't do this anymore. They should have let the young hungry talented political strategists run the campaign with a free hand.


It seems that the AFC is fighting with only General officers and no privates and corporals and sergeants.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by redux:

i know that u are not so stupid as to delude yourself [from your NY domicile] that u speak for Black people in Guyana


further, do you have a better alternative (for Black people) than Moses Nagamootoo at this juncture in time?

I can by for their past behavior.  A scant 3 years ago.  They voted PNC.  Nagamootoo ran last time and FEWER voted AFC than when Trotman was the candidate.


Now on what basis do you have to argue differently?   What you WANT THEM TO DO?

you didn't answer my question

I was not aware that most blacks who planned to vote were doing so because of Nagamootoo.  They voted for Granger in 2011, so why your screams that now they are all for Moses.


Your question is stupid.  The leaders are those who want to lead and people make their choices from who is available, 


Nagamootoo and Granger both ran in 2011.  Nagamootoo lost a large part of the votes in 2011 in regions 4 and 10 that Trotman won in 2007.


As far as most black people are concerned they are voting for Granger.  Just as they did 3 years ago.

me nah scream bai . . .  there may be some kind of echo in your head; please check


now, when i speak of "Nagamootoo," i am asking whether there is a better alternative (to win) than running with him as a partner


reasonably smart people understand; but u playing stupid


please answer the question


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