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“I am not Indian” – Nagamootoo

… “worrying” – ACDA;  “unacceptable” – IAC; “hypocritical” – PPP/C


By Michael Younge

Prime Ministerial Candidate for the People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR)-led A Partnership for Unity (APNU) and Alliance for Change (AFC) coalition, Moses Nagamootoo insists that  he is not Indian but rather Guyanese.
Nagamootoo while speaking at a meeting held in New York to raise funds for the Opposition coalition group ahead of the May 11 election invoked a trip he made to India to receive a prestigious award where he claimed to have first made the declaration.

Neaz Suban, IAC Chairman

Neaz Suban, IAC Chairman

He was honoured in 2008 by the Global Organisation of the People of Indian Origin (GOPIO) and presented with a community award which is generally given to “People of Indian Origin” recognised for their work among the Diaspora.

Nagamootoo insisted that that he did not see himself by being defined by his ethnicity but rather geography, explaining that he came to the conclusion after a process of introspection and searching for his identity. The organisation that was honouring him, specifically did so for his “community work as a Person of Indian Origin” and not that he was an “Indian National”. Nagamootoo accepted the award  which is mentioned on every web page established by him, or about him.
On the campaign trail in New York, Nagamootoo once again took pains to point out “I have Indianess in me because of my ancestry but I had been born in Pakistan looking the way I look then I would have been a Pakistani….I wasn’t born in India, I was born in Guyana and I am a Guyanese.”
The statement came at an awakard moment in his speech and appeared unrelated to the theme of his address which dealt with moving Guyana forward and appealing to Guyanese to forget their past which was dominated by riggings, injustices and wrongs committed by the PNC, while it was in office. Most of the members of the audience at Nerissa Place in Queens listening to Nagamootoo were Indian Guyanese.

His statements obviously caused some uneasiness among Guyanese here and abroad who interpreted his declaration as denying his ethnic identity, background and original ancestry.
But when Guyana Times contacted Nagamootoo for a clarification as to why he felt it necessary to make such a statement at the meeting in New York, he declined to comment.

Dr Eric Phillips, ACDA Executive Director

Dr Eric Phillips, ACDA Executive Director

Asked too to offer clarifications on statements he made and whether he saw any potential impact on his promise to deliver Indian votes to the PNC-led APNU/AFC coalition, he declined to comment and hung up the phone.
But the Indian Arrival Committee’s Chairman Neaz Suban said it appeared that the politician was denying his ethnicity and ancestry for political reasons.
“This is unacceptable”, Suban said as he explaining that any move to deny one’s ancestry is similar to demonstrating a lack of respect, appreciation and acceptance of one’s culture.
Suban argued that Guyana is now a multiethnic society made up of six races and there is absolutely nothing wrong with any of the races promoting their cultures, traditions or identity.
“If we fail to accept that we are Indian, African, Amerindian, Portuguese or Chinese, in many ways, we are denying the diversity that makes us strong”, he reasoned while explaining that being Guyanese cannot remove genetics.
Meanwhile, Executive Member of the African Cultural Developmental Association (ACDA), Dr Eric Phillips described Nagamootoo’s statement as “intriguing”.
He said that while it is understandable that politicians while have to address the issues of race and unity as central themes on the campaign trail, there is nothing wrong with demonstrating proudness about one’s ethnicity or nationality.

He said “it would be interesting to understand the context and scope of the comments made”.
“I worry about politicians who are not comfortable with their own culture because if they are not comfortable with their own culture how can they be comfortable with somebody else’s culture. If you love your culture, you will treat it with respect and only then you will be able to entertain others cultures”, Phillips said.
Additionally, Ifraan Ali, Housing and Water Minister, when asked as to whether Moses Nagamootoo, who boasted about “spending 50 years in the PPP/C” was following some principle of the PPP/C when he said he was “not an Indian but a Guyanese” said that this was absolutely not so. “I am a young man who has also been the PPP/C practically all my life. And I must say that in no way, shape or form did Nagamootoo get such a belief from the PPP/C.

The PPP has always maintained that Guyana is a multiethnic nation – and that everyone should be proud of their culture.”

Minister Ali questioned why Nagamootoo would deny his ethnic identity in a meeting introducing the AFC’s new coalition partner, the PNC-led APNU.  “I find it very hypocritical of Nagamootoo to enter a coalition with APNU in which he pointed out his only bargaining chip was “the 11 per cent Indian-Berbician votes” he could deliver and now act as if  there is something  wrong about being “Indian”. The APNU/AFC coalition is now boasting about creating “national unity” because APNU’s predominantly African-Guyanese would be joined by Nagamootoo’s “Indians-Guyanese. So where is Nagamootoo in that “unity”??
When asked that maybe as an old Marxist, Nagamootoo rejects “ethnicity”, Minister Ali was very scoffing. “Let me tell you something comrade. As far back as 1988, on the 150th Anniversary of African Emancipation and the beginning of Indian Indentureship, Cheddi Jagan – in collaboration with the same Nagamootoo, imagine that!! – complimented Dr Walter Rodney for being a “Pan African”.

Moses Nagamootoo, PNC led-APNU/AFC Prime Ministerial Candidate

Moses Nagamootoo, PNC led-APNU/AFC Prime Ministerial Candidate

“On the question of race/ethnicity and class Dr Jagan believed as CLR James did: “The race question is subsidiary to the class question in politics… but to neglect the racial factor as merely incidental is an error only less grave than to make it fundamental.”
Min Ali continued, “And Nagamootoo isn’t even making an “error”. It’s clear he has serious issues with his identity as an “Indian Guyanese”. Maybe he’s trying to curry-favour with his new companions in APNU. But in the same year as Dr Jagan’s compliment to Rodney, the Marxist leader had  also written:
“It is short-sighted to see the “Caribbean man” only as a “black man”, and Caribbean culture as African culture. Apart from the different countries of their origin, both our black slave and Indian indenture ancestors watered the sugar cane with their blood. Through their struggles and sacrifices, they have made valuable contributions to our historical and social development.”

But he should know that all his new friends in APNU have long gone past that complex – especially the two David’s, Granger of the PNC and Hinds of the WPA.  If they can say they are proud to be “African Guyanese” why does Nagamootoo believe they don’t want him to be an “Indian Guyanese”?? Yet he wants to exploit Indian Berbician votes as such. What a hypocrite!”

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Replies sorted oldest to newest

Nagamootoo insists that  he is not Indian but rather Guyanese. Moses is right. He is Guyanese by nationality and Indian by one of the six races of Guyana. However, he is ashamed to accept himself as an Indian in the midst of Congo men.

Originally Posted by Cobra:

Nagamootoo insists that  he is not Indian but rather Guyanese. Moses is right. He is Guyanese by nationality and Indian by one of the six races of Guyana. However, he is ashamed to accept himself as an Indian in the midst of Congo men.

Moses has become a Neemakharam Congo Man.

Originally Posted by Cobra:

Nagamootoo insists that  he is not Indian but rather Guyanese. Moses is right. He is Guyanese by nationality and Indian by one of the six races of Guyana. However, he is ashamed to accept himself as an Indian in the midst of Congo men.


Why Dear God would you call Black people "Congo men"?

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Nagamootoo insists that  he is not Indian but rather Guyanese. Moses is right. He is Guyanese by nationality and Indian by one of the six races of Guyana. However, he is ashamed to accept himself as an Indian in the midst of Congo men.

Moses has become a Neemakharam Congo Man.


That is totally unnecessary and unworthy.


The word "neemakharam" is the most distasteful word in the Indian political vocabulary because it permanently keeps us all in a state of Freedom House diktat.


One thing I admire about Blacks is that they do not use such vile words to describe those who dissent from he majority.


When I hear someone use the word "neemakharam" to me, it does not have the desired effect. All it means to me is low class chammar Hindu speak. Do you know educated Indians laugh at people who use those kinds of words to describe political opponents? It's another sign of Hindu impotence to us.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Nagamootoo insists that  he is not Indian but rather Guyanese. Moses is right. He is Guyanese by nationality and Indian by one of the six races of Guyana. However, he is ashamed to accept himself as an Indian in the midst of Congo men.

Moses has become a Neemakharam Congo Man.


That is totally unnecessary and unworthy.


The word "neemakharam" is the most distasteful word in the Indian political vocabulary because it permanently keeps us all in a state of Freedom House diktat.


One thing I admire about Blacks is that they do not use such vile words to describe those who dissent from he majority.


When I hear someone use the word "neemakharam" to me, it does not have the desired effect. All it means to me is low class chammar Hindu speak. Do you know educated Indians laugh at people who use those kinds of words to describe political opponents? It's another sign of Hindu impotence to us.




The words Neemakharan are from Moses own mouth. He coined the Phrase.




Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Nagamootoo insists that  he is not Indian but rather Guyanese. Moses is right. He is Guyanese by nationality and Indian by one of the six races of Guyana. However, he is ashamed to accept himself as an Indian in the midst of Congo men.

Moses has become a Neemakharam Congo Man.


That is totally unnecessary and unworthy.


The word "neemakharam" is the most distasteful word in the Indian political vocabulary because it permanently keeps us all in a state of Freedom House diktat.


One thing I admire about Blacks is that they do not use such vile words to describe those who dissent from he majority.


When I hear someone use the word "neemakharam" to me, it does not have the desired effect. All it means to me is low class chammar Hindu speak. Do you know educated Indians laugh at people who use those kinds of words to describe political opponents? It's another sign of Hindu impotence to us.




The words Neemakharan are from Moses own mouth. He coined the Phrase.





And it was similarly low class Hindu chammar talk when Moses did it here.


That is all Muslims, Christians, and educated Hindus hear when they hear the word "neemakharam"


Were I you I'd avoid it like the plague. It instantly casts extremely negative aspersions on the background of the speaker.

Originally Posted by Cobra:

Nagamootoo insists that  he is not Indian but rather Guyanese. Moses is right. He is Guyanese by nationality and Indian by one of the six races of Guyana. However, he is ashamed to accept himself as an Indian in the midst of Congo men.

U are a dumb fellow. Ask your cousin for help to explain nation, nationality and nationalism. Moses said he is not an Indian National but a Guyanese. On that account he stand for the people, all people. His culture and creed is not hampered by his nationality.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Nagamootoo insists that  he is not Indian but rather Guyanese. Moses is right. He is Guyanese by nationality and Indian by one of the six races of Guyana. However, he is ashamed to accept himself as an Indian in the midst of Congo men.

Moses has become a Neemakharam Congo Man.


That is totally unnecessary and unworthy.


The word "neemakharam" is the most distasteful word in the Indian political vocabulary because it permanently keeps us all in a state of Freedom House diktat.


One thing I admire about Blacks is that they do not use such vile words to describe those who dissent from he majority.


When I hear someone use the word "neemakharam" to me, it does not have the desired effect. All it means to me is low class chammar Hindu speak. Do you know educated Indians laugh at people who use those kinds of words to describe political opponents? It's another sign of Hindu impotence to us.

What else do you expect from your cousin and the other Chammar?

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

Why Dear God would you call Black people "Congo men"?

A large % of Afro Guyanese, who don't have Bajan or other small island ancestry are of Congo origin.  Nothing wrong with that, unless an Indian despises being called a Bengali.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Nagamootoo insists that  he is not Indian but rather Guyanese. Moses is right. He is Guyanese by nationality and Indian by one of the six races of Guyana. However, he is ashamed to accept himself as an Indian in the midst of Congo men.

Moses has become a Neemakharam Congo Man.


That is totally unnecessary and unworthy.


The word "neemakharam" is the most distasteful word in the Indian political vocabulary because it permanently keeps us all in a state of Freedom House diktat.


One thing I admire about Blacks is that they do not use such vile words to describe those who dissent from he majority.


When I hear someone use the word "neemakharam" to me, it does not have the desired effect. All it means to me is low class chammar Hindu speak. Do you know educated Indians laugh at people who use those kinds of words to describe political opponents? It's another sign of Hindu impotence to us.




The words Neemakharan are from Moses own mouth. He coined the Phrase.





And it was similarly low class Hindu chammar talk when Moses did it here.


That is all Muslims, Christians, and educated Hindus hear when they hear the word "neemakharam"


Were I you I'd avoid it like the plague. It instantly casts extremely negative aspersions on the background of the speaker.

Used in the right sense it has relevance. Ghandi used it in the salt protest. being against the salt protest was against the welfare of the state against oppressors. The metaphor for "his salt" as his jat, or caste was never a consideration.


These pitiful dunces here use it in the bastardized sense of "ungrateful", it was never used that way.  It was used in a sense of against the national interest. These racist co opted Our people/our community "apan jat" no less than they co opt this word for their own racist ends. Moses must not be a guyanese. He must be for indians or he is a traitor as though Guyana is the sole possession of Indians.

Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Nagamootoo insists that  he is not Indian but rather Guyanese. Moses is right. He is Guyanese by nationality and Indian by one of the six races of Guyana. However, he is ashamed to accept himself as an Indian in the midst of Congo men.

Moses has become a Neemakharam Congo Man.


That is totally unnecessary and unworthy.


The word "neemakharam" is the most distasteful word in the Indian political vocabulary because it permanently keeps us all in a state of Freedom House diktat.


One thing I admire about Blacks is that they do not use such vile words to describe those who dissent from he majority.


When I hear someone use the word "neemakharam" to me, it does not have the desired effect. All it means to me is low class chammar Hindu speak. Do you know educated Indians laugh at people who use those kinds of words to describe political opponents? It's another sign of Hindu impotence to us.

What else do you expect from your cousin and the other Chammar?


There is no one in my family chap that uses that word. Even amongst our duncest branches we do not use the word "neemakharam." That kind of language Cobra must have picked up in his particular branch or at some rum shap somewhere.


Actually our family routinely make fun of Jaganites and Jagan supporters as some hick Indians.


I honestly didn't know we had a single Jaganite in the family. Cobra is the exception not the rule.


Cobra's is from a family that used to hang the Queen's portrait prominently in their house when the whole of Jaganite Berbice was clamoring for independence.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

One thing I admire about Blacks is that they do not use such vile words to describe those who dissent from he majority.



Not true.  When hard core PNC supporters used to post here I was called "ungrateful" with assertions that I am "crawling up to Indians".  This when I was branded by almost all Indians on GNI as a racist hoping for an Indian Holocaust.



Guyana is a very divided nation, filled with many hurt people who don't even begin to understand that progress will only happen when there is a sense of cross ethnic empathy.


It will be a pity if the PPP wins, because we might end up right back in 1964 by the time the PPP starts beating its drum of vengeance against blacks and "neemakaram" Indians. I was told that the murder of Crum Ewing bears strong resemblance to that of a black PNC supporter in Berbice in 1961.  We all know what happened after that.   This by some one who was a full grown adult at the time, and who expressed fears for Guyana's future.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:

Not true.  When hard core PNC supporters used to post here I was called "ungrateful" with assertions that I am "crawling up to Indians".  This when I was branded by almost all Indians on GNI as a racist hoping for an Indian Holocaust.


I'd give anything to see the day that we can all sit down and speak to each other as mature adults. No hurling of buzz words meant solely to demonize the person or his position. Just an honest frank conversation with a degree of mutual trust and mutual respect.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

I'd give anything to see the day that we can all sit down and speak to each other as mature adults. No hurling of buzz words meant solely to demonize the person or his position. Just an honest frank conversation with a degree of mutual trust and mutual respect.

Guyanese of all races have been hurt. Indians and Africans fight over who was the biggest victim of racism, and the others look on terrified that these two elephants fighting might crush them, and that they are too weak to stop this.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
I have Indianess in me because of my ancestry but [had I] been born in Pakistan looking the way I look then I would have been a Pakistani….I wasn’t born in India, I was born in Guyana and I am a Guyanese.”
- Moses Nagamootoo

so . . . what's the problem again?


i mean, i understand Irfaat and Neaz Suban singing inanely for their supper


what i don't understand is Eric Philly being such a tool

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by redux:

what i don't understand is Eric Philly being such a tool

Eric Phillip understands that the Afro Guyanese community is a distinct community with a distinct set of problems, so attempts to avoid discussions of race undermine his attempts at empowering Afro Guyanese youth.


Nagamootoo misspoke, or was misquoted.  Clearly he is a Guyanese by nationality and an Indian by ethnicity. He wishes to communicate that the fact that he is Indo Guyanese doesn't mean that issues of concern to the remaining 60% aren't of equal priority to him.  He needs to simply say so and not allow the PPP to engage in its usual racial panic.


Obviously there is a difference between being an Indian national, because of birth, or immediate origins in India, and some one who is fundamentally Guyanese of Indian descent, and who is shaped by being descended from people who have lived in Guyana for several generations. 


Nagamootoo merely wishes to communicate that his primary connection is to GUYANA and not INDIA!  Its not obvious that many in the GOPIO have this opinion.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by caribny:

Not true.  When hard core PNC supporters used to post here I was called "ungrateful" with assertions that I am "crawling up to Indians".  This when I was branded by almost all Indians on GNI as a racist hoping for an Indian Holocaust.


Carib J you cannot hide...

you were always a Racist....

who hate Indians.


Please show us which year

on GNI you were not seen

as a Racist....

Always Hate Indians



I'd give anything to see the day that we can all sit down and speak to each other as mature adults.

Shaitan....... J believes he is the Guyana Sharpton - and he speaks for the Blacks in Guyana.


No hurling of buzz words meant solely to demonize the person or his position.

There are certain Blacks

who will never be satisfied....

CaribJ is one of them....


He Questions the Leadership of APNU...

he wants to know why they form an

Alliance with Indians...

Nagamootoo & Ramjattan...


He sees Race and

Cannot see the Removal

of a Corrupt PPP Govt.


Just an honest frank conversation with a degree of mutual trust and mutual respect.


Now that the Blacks in Guyana are Ignoring

All his Goat shit.....


He is totally Rejected....




He now....come up with a New Tune...


CaribJ more ole than all abee

He is a Ole Chap from Hammie School....


Shaitan...he change Gears....

J is de Voice of the Youths



The Youths of Guyana have a Problem

with Granger & Nagamootoo...


SHAITAN can tell us about the Youths....

No Ole "J" ..... or "O J" 


CaribJ ......

Besides you and Hamilton Green


please give us the name of

One other person

 from the PNC Old School

Who Questioning APNU Decision?

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by redux:

what i don't understand is Eric Philly being such a tool

Eric Phillip understands that the Afro Guyanese community is a distinct community with a distinct set of problems, so attempts to avoid discussions of race undermine his attempts at empowering Afro Guyanese youth.


Nagamootoo misspoke, or was misquoted. 

Clearly he is a Guyanese by nationality

and an Indian by ethnicity.

He wishes to communicate that the fact that he is Indo Guyanese doesn't mean that issues of concern to the remaining 60% aren't of equal priority to him.  He needs to simply say so and not allow the PPP to engage in its usual racial panic.


Obviously there is a difference between being an Indian national, because of birth, or immediate origins in India, and some one who is fundamentally Guyanese of Indian descent, and who is shaped by being descended from people who have lived in Guyana for several generations. 


Nagamootoo merely wishes to communicate that his primary connection is to GUYANA and not INDIA!  Its not obvious that many in the GOPIO have this opinion.


Even the Dumbest Jackass....

will understand what Nagamootoo said

There is no Misspoke or Misquoted....

On Election Day Vote for Guyana.....

Vote as a Guyanese.....





his links to Hammie...



Originally Posted by Cobra:

Nagamootoo insists that  he is not Indian but rather Guyanese. Moses is right. He is Guyanese by nationality and Indian by one of the six races of Guyana. However, he is ashamed to accept himself as an Indian in the midst of Congo men.

Do you need to be this blatantly racist?

Originally Posted by KishanB:

I am also not Indian.  I AM GUYANESE.


Which tells me ya'll ain't gettin no Indian votes with that mentality.


I always knew you KFC Spicy Jaganites don't know anything about Indian people.


This is why I personally like Moses but can't support Moses, though I will support David Granger.


Ya'll really no less about Indian people than the PNC. Which is why ya'll won't be gettin no Indian votes outside of the capital and its environs.


Mr. Subhan should try telling an Indian National that he Mr. Subhan is an Indian. He would proudly be told, "No, u r not."


The first time I would meet an Indian National, I was proud to tell the family that I was an Indian from Guyana. I went on and on about how long ago my people left India. They listened. Then replied, they did not know about that history. They never considered me to an Indian even though I had close relationship with the family-being new in Canada. I had nothing in common with them.


Who is an Indian? Not even those who lives on the sub-continent call themselves Indians. They are Punjabi, Bengali, Gujurati and so on and so on.


When CBJ went to India to complain about the British suspension of the Constitution. At the said time, Indian looking people in Burma complained to Nehru about their treatment in that country. Nehru told them, their problems were no matters for India. Jagan was pretty well told the same thing.


Eric Philips must know the history of Afroes in Guyana. The slaves from Congo were not.  treated the same as the slaves from West Africa. They had different customs. And even though they pooled their money to buy Buxton, there were special conditions made for the people with Congo linage in terms of burial customs.

Originally Posted by seignet:

Mr. Subhan should try telling an Indian National that he Mr. Subhan is an Indian. He would proudly be told, "No, u r not."


The first time I would meet an Indian National, I was proud to tell the family that I was an Indian from Guyana. I went on and on about how long ago my people left India. They listened. Then replied, they did not know about that history. They never considered me to an Indian even though I had close relationship with the family-being new in Canada. I had nothing in common with them.


Who is an Indian? Not even those who lives on the sub-continent call themselves Indians. They are Punjabi, Bengali, Gujurati and so on and so on.


When CBJ went to India to complain about the British suspension of the Constitution. At the said time, Indian looking people in Burma complained to Nehru about their treatment in that country. Nehru told them, their problems were no matters for India. Jagan was pretty well told the same thing.


Eric Philips must know the history of Afroes in Guyana. The slaves from Congo were not.  treated the same as the slaves from West Africa. They had different customs. And even though they pooled their money to buy Buxton, there were special conditions made for the people with Congo linage in terms of burial customs.


We are not Indian citizens nor Indian nationals. We have an Indian identity forged in Guyana. That we call ourselves Indian is a matter of our self-description. No friggin chammar daag from India can tell me that I'm not Indian. Same as no African can tell an Afro-Guyanese that he ain't African.


We are entitled to use the word "Indian" because we seh so. Story done!


In actuality we have more of a highly developed and sophisticated identity as an Indian people than India does. We are light years ahead of India in forging an "Indian" people.


Similarly if a dougla tells me that they are "Indian", then guess what? As far as I'm concerned they're Indian.

Originally Posted by seignet:

Mr. Subhan should try telling an Indian National that he Mr. Subhan is an Indian. He would proudly be told, "No, u r not."


The first time I would meet an Indian National, I was proud to tell the family that I was an Indian from Guyana. I went on and on about how long ago my people left India. They listened. Then replied, they did not know about that history. They never considered me to an Indian even though I had close relationship with the family-being new in Canada. I had nothing in common with them.


Who is an Indian? Not even those who lives on the sub-continent call themselves Indians. They are Punjabi, Bengali, Gujurati and so on and so on.


When CBJ went to India to complain about the British suspension of the Constitution. At the said time, Indian looking people in Burma complained to Nehru about their treatment in that country. Nehru told them, their problems were no matters for India. Jagan was pretty well told the same thing.


Eric Philips must know the history of Afroes in Guyana. The slaves from Congo were not.  treated the same as the slaves from West Africa. They had different customs. And even though they pooled their money to buy Buxton, there were special conditions made for the people with Congo linage in terms of burial customs.

Mr Shubhan beats his wife and married a putagee woman but he wants to lecture people about Indianness.


Is it Indian to beat one's wife because his little willy cannot satisfy the putagee woman so she have to take extra man?


Yuh young and still wet behind the ears. I telling yuh, yuh doan even know wah caste yuh come from. Muchless which region yuh people from. And Indians who look at us would think we were slaves on the plantations.


Caste is big big thing for Indian Nationals-not matter where they live.

Originally Posted by seignet:

Yuh young and still wet behind the ears. I telling yuh, yuh doan even know wah caste yuh come from. Muchless which region yuh people from. And Indians who look at us would think we were slaves on the plantations.


Caste is big big thing for Indian Nationals-not matter where they live.


That you personally let other people define who you are is not really a problem for the rest of us chap.


You define you. No one gave the dalits + some Brahmins of India the patent on the word "Indian"


I claim it as my genetic and cultural birthright. And yes, I do know which caste and which village and which steamer my ancestors came from. Though I don't have personally have a "caste" as I'm not a pure anything (proudly so).

Originally Posted by seignet:

Yuh young and still wet behind the ears. I telling yuh, yuh doan even know wah caste yuh come from. Muchless which region yuh people from. And Indians who look at us would think we were slaves on the plantations.


Caste is big big thing for Indian Nationals-not matter where they live.

Indians from India don't even care for the Indians who migrated from Uganda to the US. They scorn anyone who is not from India or within their caste.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by seignet:

Yuh young and still wet behind the ears. I telling yuh, yuh doan even know wah caste yuh come from. Muchless which region yuh people from. And Indians who look at us would think we were slaves on the plantations.


Caste is big big thing for Indian Nationals-not matter where they live.

Indians from India don't even care for the Indians who migrated from Uganda to the US. They scorn anyone who is not from India or within their caste.


Solution: F em!


We is Indian and we say it is so so it is so!


Have you ever seen a uglier Person than Moses? Moses spent his life as a politician chastising black people and not he is sleeping with his enemies.

The alliance will lose because of him.


Elizabeth harper will be the next Prime Minister.  Blacks are proud of her and will vote tremendously for the PPP because of her.

Originally Posted by seignet:

Yuh young and still wet behind the ears. I telling yuh, yuh doan even know wah caste yuh come from. Muchless which region yuh people from. And Indians who look at us would think we were slaves on the plantations.


Caste is big big thing for Indian Nationals-not matter where they live.

WELL F-you and your caste system.


I am Guyanese.

Originally Posted by KishanB:

Anybody with any sense will know Guyana has no Brahmin.  Brahmins did not travel on that boat.  All them Pandits are frauds.


That is just pure nonsense. My father's Indian ancestors were Brahmins and my mother's maternal great-grandfather from India was a Brahmin.


We of course have no Brahmin today because everyone is 10% everything and mostly chammar.


But re-writing history is just ridiculous.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

Anybody with any sense will know Guyana has no Brahmin.  Brahmins did not travel on that boat.  All them Pandits are frauds.


That is just pure nonsense. My father's Indian ancestors were Brahmins and my mother's maternal great-grandfather from India was a Brahmin.


We of course have no Brahmin today because everyone is 10% everything and mostly chammar.


But re-writing history is just ridiculous.

You continue to smoke the cow shyte

Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

Anybody with any sense will know Guyana has no Brahmin.  Brahmins did not travel on that boat.  All them Pandits are frauds.


That is just pure nonsense. My father's Indian ancestors were Brahmins and my mother's maternal great-grandfather from India was a Brahmin.


We of course have no Brahmin today because everyone is 10% everything and mostly chammar.


But re-writing history is just ridiculous.

You continue to smoke the cow shyte


What erudition! Tell us more oh Wise One

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by seignet:

Yuh young and still wet behind the ears. I telling yuh, yuh doan even know wah caste yuh come from. Muchless which region yuh people from. And Indians who look at us would think we were slaves on the plantations.


Caste is big big thing for Indian Nationals-not matter where they live.

Indians from India don't even care for the Indians who migrated from Uganda to the US. They scorn anyone who is not from India or within their caste.


Solution: F em!


We is Indian and we say it is so so it is so!

I worked with a number of Indians. Some of them who worked in places like Saudi Arabia, Indonesia, Singapore and other ME/SE Asian countries were ok and did not openly display any scorn after knowing where I was from. However, the ones fresh off the boat behaved like they were from a royal family. Some white Americans noticed this and I had to explain to them the culture of these uncivilsed bastards. I said too F**K 'em.


I-man wake up late dis marning and dis is de fust thread dat rile me up.

WTF is dis all about?

Moses born in India?

The honorable gentleman put it in picturesque terms last night at Whim and I will paraphrase here. A member of Pakistan's cricket team looks like an Indian but he is no Indian; he is Pakistani. A cricketer on the Bangladesh team looks like an Indian but he is no Indian; he is Bangladeshi. A Sri Lankan cricketer looks like an Indian but he is no Indian; he is Sri Lankan. Moses Nagamootoo looks like an Indian but he is not Indian; he is Guyanese.

As for me personally, since I was a young adult I have always described myself as a proud Guyana coolie. The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines COOLIE as "an unskilled laborer or porter usually in or from the Far East hired for low or subsistence wages." My great grandfather L. Singh was hired as a coolie in India to be a wage-slave in Demerara. All my life I have been a wage-slave, even in Canada where big corporations extracted my labour and gave me subsistence pay.

Coming back to Moses' analogy. I dare yuji to go to Karachi and tell a haji that the man is Indian. I say with ease that yuji will not live to see sundown. Yuh all tek yuh eye and pass Moses.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

I-man wake up late dis marning and dis is de fust thread dat rile me up.

WTF is dis all about?

Moses born in India?

The honorable gentleman put it in picturesque terms last night at Whim and I will paraphrase here. A member of Pakistan's cricket team looks like an Indian but he is no Indian; he is Pakistani. A cricketer on the Bangladesh team looks like an Indian but he is no Indian; he is Bangladeshi. A Sri Lankan cricketer looks like an Indian but he is no Indian; he is Sri Lankan. Moses Nagamootoo looks like an Indian but he is not Indian; he is Guyanese.

As for me personally, since I was a young adult I have always described myself as a proud Guyana coolie. The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines COOLIE as "an unskilled laborer or porter usually in or from the Far East hired for low or subsistence wages." My great grandfather L. Singh was hired as a coolie in India to be a wage-slave in Demerara. All my life I have been a wage-slave, even in Canada where big corporations extracted my labour and gave me subsistence pay.

Coming back to Moses' analogy. I dare yuji to go to Karachi and tell a haji that the man is Indian. I say with ease that yuji will not live to see sundown. Yuh all tek yuh eye and pass Moses.


God you Jaganites are too schupid fuh ayuh own good.


Go and tell all dem self-described "Indian" voters that ayuh nah Indian in the middle of a General Election. And then offer them some lang belly story about India and Pakistan.


Easy test, go to Buxton and tell them Buxtonians that you ain't Indian.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

I-man wake up late dis marning and dis is de fust thread dat rile me up.

WTF is dis all about?

Moses born in India?

The honorable gentleman put it in picturesque terms last night at Whim and I will paraphrase here. A member of Pakistan's cricket team looks like an Indian but he is no Indian; he is Pakistani. A cricketer on the Bangladesh team looks like an Indian but he is no Indian; he is Bangladeshi. A Sri Lankan cricketer looks like an Indian but he is no Indian; he is Sri Lankan. Moses Nagamootoo looks like an Indian but he is not Indian; he is Guyanese.

As for me personally, since I was a young adult I have always described myself as a proud Guyana coolie. The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines COOLIE as "an unskilled laborer or porter usually in or from the Far East hired for low or subsistence wages." My great grandfather L. Singh was hired as a coolie in India to be a wage-slave in Demerara. All my life I have been a wage-slave, even in Canada where big corporations extracted my labour and gave me subsistence pay.

Coming back to Moses' analogy. I dare yuji to go to Karachi and tell a haji that the man is Indian. I say with ease that yuji will not live to see sundown. Yuh all tek yuh eye and pass Moses.


Eh Eh Gil,


The PPP shook down the AFC and now you are displaying your anger and frustration on yuji ?


Listen, just for additional amusement, I will be attending the AFC meeting in Toronto to have a good laugh at these Jokers and Coconut Heads.


Cool it Bhai, it is not good for your health at your tender retirement age.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

I-man wake up late dis marning and dis is de fust thread dat rile me up.

WTF is dis all about?

Moses born in India?

The honorable gentleman put it in picturesque terms last night at Whim and I will paraphrase here. A member of Pakistan's cricket team looks like an Indian but he is no Indian; he is Pakistani. A cricketer on the Bangladesh team looks like an Indian but he is no Indian; he is Bangladeshi. A Sri Lankan cricketer looks like an Indian but he is no Indian; he is Sri Lankan. Moses Nagamootoo looks like an Indian but he is not Indian; he is Guyanese.

As for me personally, since I was a young adult I have always described myself as a proud Guyana coolie. The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines COOLIE as "an unskilled laborer or porter usually in or from the Far East hired for low or subsistence wages." My great grandfather L. Singh was hired as a coolie in India to be a wage-slave in Demerara. All my life I have been a wage-slave, even in Canada where big corporations extracted my labour and gave me subsistence pay.

Coming back to Moses' analogy. I dare yuji to go to Karachi and tell a haji that the man is Indian. I say with ease that yuji will not live to see sundown. Yuh all tek yuh eye and pass Moses.


Eh Eh Gil,


The PPP shook down the AFC and now you are displaying your anger and frustration on yuji ?


Listen, just for additional amusement, I will be attending the AFC meeting in Toronto to have a good laugh at these Jokers and Coconut Heads.


Cool it Bhai, it is not good for your health at your tender retirement age.

Me go tek Donald advice and put one slap pon yuh. Yuh stupid.


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