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Nagamootoo, Hughes likely to vie for AFC leadership spot

– Congress billed for October 25



AFC Leader Khemraj Ramjattan

AFC Leader Khemraj Ramjattan

Not only is the Alliance For Change (AFC) preparing for a debate in the National Assembly on a no-confidence motion brought against the Peoples Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) Administration, but the party is also preparing for its Biennial Congress during which a candidate will be identified to lead the party into the next elections.

The party’s Congress is set for October 25 and the post of party leader will also be up for voting.

When the AFC was founded in 2005, it included three parliamentarians who had left their respective parties, namely Raphael Trotman of the People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR), Khemraj Ramjattan of the PPP/C and the late Sheila Holder of the Working People’s Alliance (WPA).

Trotman subsequently became the leader of the party and led it at the 2006 parliamentary elections. He made way for Ramjattan in the 2011 polls at which time the party received 10.3 per cent of the votes and gained seven of Guyana’s 65 parliamentary seats, becoming the third largest political party in the National Assembly of Guyana.

The party’s internal Constitution stipulates that the person running for the leadership post and presidential candidacy of any impending elections can only do so once, which is unique to established party Constitutions in Guyana’s political sphere.



AFC Vice Chairman Moses Nagamootoo

AFC Vice Chairman Moses Nagamootoo

Given the party’s current membership, the most likely discernable candidates for the leadership position of the party would be Moses Nagamootoo, who serves as party Vice Chairman and Nigel Hughes, who is the sitting party Chairman.

On Wednesday, this newspaper contacted Chairman of the party, Nigel Hughes who said all questions with respect to the party’s Congress and candidates should be directed to AFC’s General Secretary David Patterson and AFC Leader Ramjattan. However, several attempts made to contact Ramjattan and Patterson proved futile.

Cathy Hughes, AFC Parliamentarian, on the other hand said she was not focused on the upcoming Congress, but rather on impending snap elections debate in the National Assembly when it reconvenes in October. When questioned whether she would be running for any other posts in the party, she said: “I am not even looking at that, we are preparing for the no-confidence motion.”

Meanwhile, Guyana Times spoke to the party’s youth representative Trevor Williams, who said while he is interested in the leadership post of the party, he has not considered running for the top spot at the upcoming congress.

AFC Chairman Nigel Hughes

AFC Chairman Nigel Hughes

“I am definitely thinking about running, it’s an honourable post to run for,” he added. Williams explained that while he is unaware of the possible leadership contestants for the upcoming elections, the party does not lack any candidates for the post, noting that most of its current leaders have the skills to lead the party.


Conflict of interest

Since the 2011, the AFC has been dogged by a series of sandals with several of its top leaders being caught up in conflict of interest situations, include, Mr and Mrs Nigel Hughes and Ramjattan.

In the ensuing period, Region Six Councillor Haseef Yusuf spoke out against many of the internal party hiccups and expressed no confidence in the top leadership.

The AFC subsequently tabled a motion of no confidence against Yusuf. The motion filed on March 14, noted public attacks by Yusuf to discredit the AFC and his declaration of support for another political party. Yusuf has openly challenged the minority Opposition party on issues of transparency and corruption.

Additionally, only recently the Finance and Economics point man of the AFC, Sasenarine Singh tendered his resignation from the party with immediate effect.

In a letter, Singh said he was resigning for “personal” reasons and wished the party well in its future endeavours.

He noted he would become active in local politics.  Before him, in March 2013, AFC Councillor Charrandas Persaud decided to leave the party over “recognition issues”, which were among a long list of his concerns that are yet to be addressed. He had since returned to the party.

Several other members, including Dr Asquith Rose and Tarron Khemraj, had resigned from the party and joined the A Partnership for National Unity (APNU), because of unresolved conflicts and differences on policy issues and decisions taken by the AFC’s current leadership.

Also an AFC Member of the Region Two Regional Democratic Council (RDC), Archie Cordis had parted ways with the party. In August last, its Chairman Nigel Hughes had tendered his resignation, but it was not accepted. Hughes had offered his resignation after it was reported that he was the Company Secretary of Amaila Falls Hydro Inc, a project which his party had blocked Parliamentary support for.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by asj:

Now the Corrupt PPP/C is in some serious shit creek, up to their neck.

In your damn fairy dreams.

A recent check in Berbice shows that the Corrupt PPP/C been scorned whilst the AFC has been pulling new voters in quite a numbers, I would not say as huge as yet.........but soon

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Moses does not have to challenge anyone for leadership or to be the Presidential candidate.


The momentum is behind Moses, Prak knows it, Nigel knows it the PPP knows it the country knows it.


That is why the PPP and Fujiyama is getting shittings here daily.

They are all getting shittings, maybe they will need to borrow Jagdow batty plug.


quote "Having mishandled power and corrupted it, the post-Jagan PPP is afraid of all elections. They squirm at the power of the vote, after the 2011 elections. We saw how even internal party selection processes have been manipulated to oust their own credible leaders such as Moses Nagamootoo and Ralph Ramkarran, which rigging has both impugned and tarnished the credibility of the PPP.


Mr Duck your time is up.



Moses Nagamootoo for president


To my mind Moses would be the best shot for the PPP and the people of Guyana. He is a political thoroughbred steeled and seasoned in the process of working-class struggle under the watchful eye of Dr Cheddi Jagan, and is the most influential politician and leader within the PPP and Guyana as a whole.

Moses Nagamootoo always stood tall as a tower in Guyana’s struggle for independence and democracy. He would not hesitate to go into areas hostile to the PPP, where stones and rotten eggs were pelted and where his comrades would not go to address public meetings. Moses always spoke on the same platform with Dr Cheddi Jagan on the unity and struggle of the working class in every town and village throughout the length and breadth of Guyana. Moses is loved by the Guyanese and the Guyanese diaspora.

Moses knows and understands Guyana’s political situation and the kind of decision that Dr Cheddi Jagan would make. He is the best candidate to walk in the footsteps of Dr Cheddi Jagan and would keep Dr Jagan’s legacy alive.  Moses has the kind of charisma a president would need to bring the PPP and all opposition forces together to work for the development of Guyana. Guyana needs a President like Moses Nagamootoo more than Moses may need the presidency.

Yours faithfully, Ravindra Swaroop



Originally Posted by asj:

Nagamootoo, Hughes likely to vie for AFC leadership spot

– Congress billed for October 25

Let us start by identifying who is reporting this Story....

Guyana Times Jagdeo Personal Paper

Guyana Times Promote & Protect Buggery & Corruption.



AFC Leader Khemraj Ramjattan

AFC Leader Khemraj Ramjattan

Not only is the Alliance For Change (AFC) preparing for a debate in the National Assembly on a no-confidence motion brought against the Peoples Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) Administration, but the party is also preparing for its Biennial Congress during which a candidate will be identified to lead the party into the next elections.

The party’s Congress is set for October 25 and the post of party leader will also be up for voting.

When the AFC was founded in 2005, it included three parliamentarians who had left their respective parties, namely Raphael Trotman of the People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR), Khemraj Ramjattan of the PPP/C and the late Sheila Holder of the Working People’s Alliance (WPA).

Trotman subsequently became the leader of the party and led it at the 2006 parliamentary elections. He made way for Ramjattan in the 2011 polls at which time the party received 10.3 per cent of the votes and gained seven of Guyana’s 65 parliamentary seats, becoming the third largest political party in the National Assembly of Guyana.

The party’s internal Constitution stipulates that the person running for the leadership post and presidential candidacy of any impending elections can only do so once, which is unique to established party Constitutions in Guyana’s political sphere.



AFC Vice Chairman Moses Nagamootoo

AFC Vice Chairman Moses Nagamootoo

Given the party’s current membership, the most likely discernable candidates for the leadership position of the party would be Moses Nagamootoo, who serves as party Vice Chairman and Nigel Hughes, who is the sitting party Chairman.

On Wednesday, this newspaper contacted Chairman of the party, Nigel Hughes who said all questions with respect to the party’s Congress and candidates should be directed to AFC’s General Secretary David Patterson and AFC Leader Ramjattan. However, several attempts made to contact Ramjattan and Patterson proved futile.No news was given to Guyana Times by AFC LEADERSHIP.

Cathy Hughes, AFC Parliamentarian, on the other hand said she was not focused on the upcoming Congress, but rather on impending snap elections debate in the National Assembly when it reconvenes in October. When questioned whether she would be running for any other posts in the party, she said: “I am not even looking at that, we are preparing for the no-confidence motion.”

Everyone tell....  Jagdeo, Ramroop & Guyana Times.... Haul dem Ass

Meanwhile, Guyana Times spoke to the party’s youth representative Trevor Williams, who said while he is interested in the leadership post of the party, he has not considered running for the top spot at the upcoming congress.

Dis is where the Lies and Auntyman-ness starts.....Trevor already in de leadership of AFC....and he had no discussion with any Buggerbatty from Guyana Times....

AFC Chairman Nigel Hughes

AFC Chairman Nigel Hughes

“I am definitely thinking about running,(If trevor said he was Running why Dem Guyana Times Bugger Boys did not say so in the Headline????) it’s an honourable post to run for,” he added. Williams explained that while he is unaware of the possible leadership contestants for the upcoming elections, the party does not lack any candidates for the post, noting that most of its current leaders have the skills to lead the party.


Conflict of interest

Since the 2011, the AFC has been dogged by a series of sandals with several of its top leaders being caught up in conflict of interest situations, include, Mr and Mrs Nigel Hughes and Ramjattan.(If this is Conflict of Interest ...What will De Bugger Boys at Guyana Times say about Donald Ramotar being on the Omai & Guysuco Boards????)

In the ensuing period, Region Six Councillor Haseef Yusuf spoke out against many of the internal party hiccups and expressed no confidence in the top leadership.

The AFC subsequently tabled a motion of no confidence against Yusuf. The motion filed on March 14, noted public attacks by Yusuf to discredit the AFC and his declaration of support for another political party. Yusuf has openly challenged the minority Opposition party on issues of transparency and corruption.(Bullshit from de Buggery Boys at Guyana Times)

Additionally, only recently the Finance and Economics point man of the AFC, Sasenarine Singh tendered his resignation from the party with immediate effect.

In a letter, Singh said he was resigning for “personal” reasons and wished the party well in its future endeavours.(MORE....Bullshit from de Buggery Boys at Guyana Times)

He noted he would become active in local politics.  Before him, in March 2013, AFC Councillor Charrandas Persaud decided to leave the party over “recognition issues”, which were among a long list of his concerns that are yet to be addressed. He had since returned to the party.(Dem de Buggery Boys at Guyana Times with more lies)

Several other members, including Dr Asquith Rose and Tarron Khemraj, had resigned from the party and joined the A Partnership for National Unity (APNU), because of unresolved conflicts and differences on policy issues and decisions taken by the AFC’s current leadership.( More lies from de Buggery Boys at Guyana Times.....Dr Rose Never Joined APNU ......And PNC members called Tarron a political Grasshopper.....and we are told he has since left Granger & PNC in Shame )

Also an AFC Member of the Region Two Regional Democratic Council (RDC), Archie Cordis had parted ways with the party. In August last, its Chairman Nigel Hughes had tendered his resignation, but it was not accepted. Hughes had offered his resignation after it was reported that he was the Company Secretary of Amaila Falls Hydro Inc, a project which his party had blocked Parliamentary support for. (Is Jagdeo Paper now telling us Amailia Falls Hydro was a Fraud...and Nigel was part of the Fraud....Time for de Bugger Batty Boys to stop lieing)

Why Jagabat and these Buggery Boys like lie so much????



Guyana Times is full of Jagdeo-Ramroop-bullshit.

Nigel Hughes will not challenge Moses Nagamootoo.

I am reliably informed that Moses Nagamootoo will be the AFC Presidential Candidate and Nigel's wife Cathy Hughes will be the Prime Ministerial Candidate.

Not for nothing was I hinting all along that a lovely Afro-Guyanese woman will be Nagamootoo's running mate.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Guyana Times is full of Jagdeo-Ramroop-bullshit.

Nigel Hughes will not challenge Moses Nagamootoo.

I am reliably informed that Moses Nagamootoo will be the AFC Presidential Candidate and Nigel's wife Cathy Hughes will be the Prime Ministerial Candidate.

Not for nothing was I hinting all along that a lovely Afro-Guyanese woman will be Nagamootoo's running mate.

So essentially Hughes is part of the team because he has far more appeal with the black grass roots electorate than any one else in the AFC. He will clearly help out his wife, and will no doubt have lots of influence in the extremely unlikely event that the AFC wins.


I can assure you Naga isn't getting on votes among the grass roots blacks, and not that much even among the urban middle class.  He is definitely a country man.

Last edited by Former Member have to reconfiger the situation again.....

You have to build again from the Bottom up.....

PPP are doing Poorly.....

they are losing supporters Left, Right and Center,

The PPP will be lucky if the get 30% support in a Fair Election.


You admit too........the PNC is bleeding.....

there will be a scramble between the PPP & PNC to Max 60% voteTotal.


Moses will Deliver the Blow to PPP....

And Nigel & Cathy will make mincemeat of the PNC....

The other will enjoy the Fireworks Show put on by Moses & Cathy.


Yuh know what is worrying Freedom House.....

They all will move from Robb Street to Camp Street.

Ministers will be in Prison Uniform Cleaning the Streets.

There is no turning Back.....

The Clock has ran out.


Kwambe,Ashni, Lamumba, Robert Persaud, Gilbert,Gail, Anil, Bynoe, Prya, Hamilton, Benn, Nascimento, Rat, McClean, Duck, Brassington, Ramroop, Jerry and all them who full dem pocket.....will be in prison uniform cleaning de Cemetry and all them Clogged Drains in Georgetown.



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