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Former Member

The Alliance for Change today announced that Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo and Raphael Trotman have been nominated for the leadership post currently held by Khemraj Ramjattan who will also be running again at the party’s National Conference on Saturday.

Noticeably absent from the list of nominees is Nigel Hughes who had resigned his position as Chairman of the party.

A release from the AFC follows:

The Alliance For Change announces the following nominations for the party’s elections scheduled, as part of the National Conference for Saturday January 28th at the Vreed-en-Hoop Primary School, West Bank Demerara, Region 3.

1. Khemraj Ramjattan – incumbent
2. Moses Nagamootoo
3. Raphael Trotman

1. Moses Nagamootoo – acting incumbent
2. Catherine Hughes
3. Khemraj Ramjattan
4. Raphael Trotman

1. Moses Nagamootoo – incumbent
2. Valerie Garrido-Lowe
3. Catherine Hughes
4. Audwin Rutherford
5. Raphael Trotman

1. David Patterson – incumbent
2. Michael Carrington
3. Alison Mohamed
4. Marlon Williams

In addition there is also keen interest in and competition for the 12 National Executive Committee (NEC) members with a total of 73 nominees.

In addition to the 12 elected members of the NEC each Regional Management Committee and overseas chapter,along with Women For Change and Youth For Change are entitled to send a representative to the NEC meetings.

In addition, the NEC can co-opt up to five members if the need arises for additional representation in particular areas.

The party has an electoral college system comprising of 275 delegates which are allocated as follows:

Region 1 – 10 delegates
Region 2 – 20 delegates
Region 3 – 15 delegates
Region 4 – 75 delegates
Region 5 – 20 delegates
Region 6 – 40 delegates
Region 7 – 10 delegates
Region 8 – 10 delegates
Region 9 – 10 delegates
Region 10 – 20 delegates
Women For Change (WFC) – 10 delegates
Youths For Change (YFC) – 10 delegates
USA Chapter – 9 delegates
Canada Chapter – 6 delegates
Caribbean Chapter – 6 delegates
United Kingdom Chapter – 4 delegates
The Returning Officer for the elections will be Mr. Clayton Hall.

The National Conference will also consider over a dozenMotions and Resolutions on a wide array of matters. The submitted Motions and Resolutions are currently being reviewed by a Special Committee set up by the party’s Management Committee.

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Interesting times ahead. For some. The results of the elections will be a surprise.

It will be Trottman as Leader, Cathy Hughes as Chairperson, Valarie Lowe as Vice Chairperson, and David Patterson as Secretary.

both Ramjattan and Nagamootoo will end up on the NEC.

Zed posted:

Interesting times ahead. For some. The results of the elections will be a surprise.

It will be Trottman as Leader, Cathy Hughes as Chairperson, Valarie Lowe as Vice Chairperson, and David Patterson as Secretary.

both Ramjattan and Nagamootoo will end up on the NEC.

Bai Zed, what happens next election(if there is one)? Will AFC still garner coolie votes(if the election is not rigged for APNU)? Will AFC still be a partner with PNC? Don't count on Nagamootoo, he might not live that long if he is not elected as the leader. The man likes to be  "infront".


I am no expert and I am not part of any political movement. However. I travel extensively over all regions and find that the AFC vote has collapsed, especially in region 5, region 6, region 2, region 3 and pockets of region 4. Not certain about other regions, though there are moaning in Bartica and some other interior locations.

i think that there will be an election in 2020, but am concerned about whether it will be a free and fair. There are ominous signs for the future.

i really think that the APNU or even the PNC might go alone if they think that they have made significant inroads in PPP support among Amerindians, or that they have set up all the pieces for a retention of power. In 2020, the AFC will be a shell if it survives. Maybe, the PNC might retain them for optics.

just my thoughts, might be wrong.TIme will tell.


History has shown that once these riggers are in, they can not be gotten out easily. If Granger continues to bow down to the British and USA, both nations will turn a blind eye to the rigging. 

Zed posted:

Interesting times ahead. For some. The results of the elections will be a surprise.

It will be Trottman as Leader, Cathy Hughes as Chairperson, Valarie Lowe as Vice Chairperson, and David Patterson as Secretary.

both Ramjattan and Nagamootoo will end up on the NEC.

I am just hoping that this happens. Ramjattan and Naga in the trash bin.

They might both resign from the AFC and form the Posey Carrier Party.

Last edited by Former Member

Moses will sell the London Bridge to the AFC he shall never run against Ramjattan. He owes his PM position to Ramjattan.  He will stand down when Ramjattan tells him to and he has.


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