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Moses Nagamootoo has given Guyana his all

Posted By Staff Writer On November 29, 2011 @ 5:04 am In Letters | No Comments

Dear Editor,

As I watched my father, Moses Nagamootoo make his final appearance at the Parade Ground and utter his final words of the campaign to the people of Guyana, I could not help but think that he has given it his all; he has made the choices and decisions he had to make to help secure a better Guyana for all.

He has given 50 years of service and sacrifice for our country and throughout all his struggles and sacrifices we have stood by his side, like any devoted children would. As his children, we want to let him know that whatever the outcome is now, as always, we will support him unconditionally just as we have done all our lives.

We know that whatever he is doing is for the people of Guyana and our country, like any true patriot. We have accepted him for who he is and have, without question, accepted his political endeavours and his unwavering desire to secure a better Guyana not only for his four children but for all the children of Guyana – especially for the children of Guyana since we are now grown and have built a life of our own.

We have watched him fighting injustices under PNC dictatorship and now under PPP Jagdeo misrule. We have lived in the fear of losing him as he struggled for the people of Guyana. This is and will always be the most heart-wrenching fear that his children have to live with.

We are content with who he is as our dad and would like to have him by our sides always and out of Guyana politics, but we realize that this is his passion and his love for our country and our people runs deeper than anyone could imagine, and we respect him for never giving up on an opportunity to help improve the lives of the Guyanese people.

We are forever proud of him for being the dad that any child would be proud off. He is truly the dad of every Guyanese child for wanting to secure a better life for all of them.

I only hope that the Guyanese people have returned that favour to his children and wife who stood relentlessly with him as he fought for a country that as Guyanese we can all be proud of, by taking the initiative and voting for change.

As he called upon the people of Guyana to walk with him and share in the moment of reclaiming the country’s pride, uniting all Guyanese and recreating a country that symbolizes honesty and not corruption, racial unity and not division, equality and not injustice, it was all up to the people of Guyana to make the change.

My father defined not only the moment by his courage and determination to restore Guyana’s pride, but the moment defined him as well, being a son of Guyana who will do whatever it takes to protect the interest of the people and the nation.

Like a true statesman he placed country above self.

It is time for him to sit back and rest. He has done all that he can. Yesterday it was for the people of Guyana to make the change.

Yours faithfully, Maria Nagamootoo

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Originally Posted by KishanB:

Moses Nagamootoo has given Guyana his all

Posted By Staff Writer On November 29, 2011 @ 5:04 am In Letters | No Comments

Dear Editor,

As I watched my father, Moses Nagamootoo make his final appearance at the Parade Ground and utter his final words of the campaign to the people of Guyana, I could not help but think that he has given it his all; he has made the choices and decisions he had to make to help secure a better Guyana for all.

He has given 50 years of service and sacrifice for our country and throughout all his struggles and sacrifices we have stood by his side, like any devoted children would. As his children, we want to let him know that whatever the outcome is now, as always, we will support him unconditionally just as we have done all our lives.

We know that whatever he is doing is for the people of Guyana and our country, like any true patriot. We have accepted him for who he is and have, without question, accepted his political endeavours and his unwavering desire to secure a better Guyana not only for his four children but for all the children of Guyana – especially for the children of Guyana since we are now grown and have built a life of our own.

We have watched him fighting injustices under PNC dictatorship and now under PPP Jagdeo misrule. We have lived in the fear of losing him as he struggled for the people of Guyana. This is and will always be the most heart-wrenching fear that his children have to live with.

We are content with who he is as our dad and would like to have him by our sides always and out of Guyana politics, but we realize that this is his passion and his love for our country and our people runs deeper than anyone could imagine, and we respect him for never giving up on an opportunity to help improve the lives of the Guyanese people.

We are forever proud of him for being the dad that any child would be proud off. He is truly the dad of every Guyanese child for wanting to secure a better life for all of them.

I only hope that the Guyanese people have returned that favour to his children and wife who stood relentlessly with him as he fought for a country that as Guyanese we can all be proud of, by taking the initiative and voting for change.

As he called upon the people of Guyana to walk with him and share in the moment of reclaiming the country’s pride, uniting all Guyanese and recreating a country that symbolizes honesty and not corruption, racial unity and not division, equality and not injustice, it was all up to the people of Guyana to make the change.

My father defined not only the moment by his courage and determination to restore Guyana’s pride, but the moment defined him as well, being a son of Guyana who will do whatever it takes to protect the interest of the people and the nation.

Like a true statesman he placed country above self.

It is time for him to sit back and rest. He has done all that he can. Yesterday it was for the people of Guyana to make the change.

Yours faithfully, Maria Nagamootoo

What else can you expect from one of Moses' children?

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

Moses Nagamootoo has given Guyana his all

Posted By Staff Writer On November 29, 2011 @ 5:04 am In Letters | No Comments

Dear Editor,

As I watched my father, Moses Nagamootoo make his final appearance at the Parade Ground and utter his final words of the campaign to the people of Guyana, I could not help but think that he has given it his all; he has made the choices and decisions he had to make to help secure a better Guyana for all.

He has given 50 years of service and sacrifice for our country and throughout all his struggles and sacrifices we have stood by his side, like any devoted children would. As his children, we want to let him know that whatever the outcome is now, as always, we will support him unconditionally just as we have done all our lives.

We know that whatever he is doing is for the people of Guyana and our country, like any true patriot. We have accepted him for who he is and have, without question, accepted his political endeavours and his unwavering desire to secure a better Guyana not only for his four children but for all the children of Guyana – especially for the children of Guyana since we are now grown and have built a life of our own.

We have watched him fighting injustices under PNC dictatorship and now under PPP Jagdeo misrule. We have lived in the fear of losing him as he struggled for the people of Guyana. This is and will always be the most heart-wrenching fear that his children have to live with.

We are content with who he is as our dad and would like to have him by our sides always and out of Guyana politics, but we realize that this is his passion and his love for our country and our people runs deeper than anyone could imagine, and we respect him for never giving up on an opportunity to help improve the lives of the Guyanese people.

We are forever proud of him for being the dad that any child would be proud off. He is truly the dad of every Guyanese child for wanting to secure a better life for all of them.

I only hope that the Guyanese people have returned that favour to his children and wife who stood relentlessly with him as he fought for a country that as Guyanese we can all be proud of, by taking the initiative and voting for change.

As he called upon the people of Guyana to walk with him and share in the moment of reclaiming the country’s pride, uniting all Guyanese and recreating a country that symbolizes honesty and not corruption, racial unity and not division, equality and not injustice, it was all up to the people of Guyana to make the change.

My father defined not only the moment by his courage and determination to restore Guyana’s pride, but the moment defined him as well, being a son of Guyana who will do whatever it takes to protect the interest of the people and the nation.

Like a true statesman he placed country above self.

It is time for him to sit back and rest. He has done all that he can. Yesterday it was for the people of Guyana to make the change.

Yours faithfully, Maria Nagamootoo

What else can you expect from one of Moses' children?

I gun write wan bout me daadie too since is writing bout daadie week!


Originally Posted by KishanB:

Moses Nagamootoo has given Guyana his all

Posted By Staff Writer On November 29, 2011 @ 5:04 am In Letters | No Comments

Dear Editor,

As I watched my father, Moses Nagamootoo make his final appearance at the Parade Ground and utter his final words of the campaign to the people of Guyana, I could not help but think that he has given it his all; he has made the choices and decisions he had to make to help secure a better Guyana for all.

He has given 50 years of service and sacrifice for our country and throughout all his struggles and sacrifices we have stood by his side, like any devoted children would. As his children, we want to let him know that whatever the outcome is now, as always, we will support him unconditionally just as we have done all our lives.

We know that whatever he is doing is for the people of Guyana and our country, like any true patriot. We have accepted him for who he is and have, without question, accepted his political endeavours and his unwavering desire to secure a better Guyana not only for his four children but for all the children of Guyana – especially for the children of Guyana since we are now grown and have built a life of our own.

We have watched him fighting injustices under PNC dictatorship and now under PPP Jagdeo misrule. We have lived in the fear of losing him as he struggled for the people of Guyana. This is and will always be the most heart-wrenching fear that his children have to live with.

We are content with who he is as our dad and would like to have him by our sides always and out of Guyana politics, but we realize that this is his passion and his love for our country and our people runs deeper than anyone could imagine, and we respect him for never giving up on an opportunity to help improve the lives of the Guyanese people.

We are forever proud of him for being the dad that any child would be proud off. He is truly the dad of every Guyanese child for wanting to secure a better life for all of them.

I only hope that the Guyanese people have returned that favour to his children and wife who stood relentlessly with him as he fought for a country that as Guyanese we can all be proud of, by taking the initiative and voting for change.

As he called upon the people of Guyana to walk with him and share in the moment of reclaiming the country’s pride, uniting all Guyanese and recreating a country that symbolizes honesty and not corruption, racial unity and not division, equality and not injustice, it was all up to the people of Guyana to make the change.

My father defined not only the moment by his courage and determination to restore Guyana’s pride, but the moment defined him as well, being a son of Guyana who will do whatever it takes to protect the interest of the people and the nation.

Like a true statesman he placed country above self.

It is time for him to sit back and rest. He has done all that he can. Yesterday it was for the people of Guyana to make the change.

Yours faithfully, Maria Nagamootoo

Moses always placed Guyana above / before himself.


Jagdeo, Ashni Singh pawn the future of Guyana – Moses Nagamootoo

February 10, 2013 | By | Filed Under News 

Guyana’s total public debt may be heading for a Parliamentary debate after revelations that last year, it was a staggering US$1.7B. It does not include the Amaila Falls hydro project loan which would be more than US$800M or the US$130M for a new international airport at Timehri.

AFC’s MP, Moses Nagamootoo

Former President, Bharrat Jagdeo

Finance Minister, Dr. Ashni Singh

It also does not take into account the planned, Indian-built Specialty Hospital which is to be constructed with an Indian line of credit worth US$17M, Twenty years ago, in 1992, when the ruling People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) took power, it inherited a debt of US$2B. The exchange rate at the time was $126 to the United States dollar. This translated into some $263 billion in local currency. Over the years, Guyana managed to have almost three-quarters of this debt written off from overseas bilateral financial institutions, the Paris Club and other lenders. According to Vice Chairman of the Alliance For Change (AFC), Moses Nagamootoo, whose party has seven seats in the National Assembly, claims by Finance Minister, Dr. Ashni Singh, during his budget presentation last year that Guyana’s debt is at its lowest now in 20 years, may be totally misleading. As a matter of fact, Nagamootoo, a former senior executive of the PPP/C, is examining the possibilities of raising the issue in the National Assembly for a possible debate. The debt at the time was $378 billion, including a $40 billion debt from local entities. He believes that the debt rate is rising too quickly and unless checked, could prove threatening to Guyana’s future generations who will be saddled with the huge burden of repayments. Responding to questions from Nagamootoo on the debt, the Finance Minister on Thursday said that as at September 30, 1992, it was US$2,087.99 M (US$2.09B). At that time the exchange rate for the US dollar was G$126. The debt was equivalent to G$263,086M. This contrasted to March 31, 2012 when total public debt stood at US$1.743B at an exchange rate of G$204 to US$1. This was equivalent to G$355,580M. According to Minister Singh, the total public debt stock at March 31, 2010 stood at $312,180.26M at an exchange rate of $203.50 for US$1. As at December 31, 2010, the total public debt stock stood at $350,574.81M…at an exchange rate of $203 to US$1. The figures would suggest that Guyana has been borrowing more. In addition to several road projects, Government is also paying back for the Skeldon Factory and a host of other initiatives. Nagamootoo made it clear that the recent disclosure by Dr. Singh only reinforced that the fact that the country’s debt is at its highest. β€œDr. Singh and (former President Bharrat) Jagdeo are pawning the future of the country,” he said. However, yesterday, during a press conference at the NCN studios, Minister Singh, insisted that his government has responsibly utilized the monies borrowed, as is evidenced from the many infrastructure projects, including schools and roads. He pointed out that the debt figures had been a feature published every year in the national budget report and would also appear in the Bank of Guyana reports, in detail. The US$1.7B last year is less than the $2B the government had inherited. In terms of amount, that is an accomplishment, he said. Back in 1992, the country had nothing to show… the Treasury was empty and international reserves were almost zero. This was coupled with poor infrastructure…poor roads and facilities that were literally collapsing. But a spokesman for the former government pointed to the various roads among the Soesdyke/Linden Highway, the West Demerara Highway, the Corentyne Highway, the Bank of Guyana building, the Timehri International Airport, the Harbour Bridge and many of the hinterland roads. The PPP/C government had not only to rebuild the country, but raise Guyana’s creditworthiness, to prove to lenders that there is a framework of integrity in place, Dr Singh argued. Twenty years later now, Guyana can say it has an improved country, with new schools, hospitals and roads, he added. The country’s international reserves are its highest at US$800M-plus. β€œThis is what is different from 1992. We owe less but we have more to show. We have used responsibly the monies that we borrowed.”

Originally Posted by Conscience:



Nandalall mother-in-law got caught with

5Kg Coke-in-de-Poke at JFK Airport....


Councie is that an abuse of De Poke?????


Nandalall Drink Former AG Ramson Pi$$

at the Everest Cricket Club

Do you think Guyanese believe 

anything coming out this chap mouth...


Councie yuh think Hon. AG Ramson mek

Nandalall mouth .... a 50% Poke too....


Therefore According to Hon AG Ramson....

Nandalall Mouth = Kwame Poke = Councie BT


Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

Jagdeo, Ashni Singh pawn the future of Guyana – Moses Nagamootoo

February 10, 2013 | By | Filed Under News 


AFC’s MP, Moses Nagamootoo

Blah, blah, blah ..... blah, hot air.

Mr Nagamootoo said the truth. Why do you behave like a juvenile? 

Wonderful statement to yourself while admiring your "qualities" in front of the mirror.

Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

Jagdeo, Ashni Singh pawn the future of Guyana – Moses Nagamootoo

February 10, 2013 | By | Filed Under News 


AFC’s MP, Moses Nagamootoo

Blah, blah, blah ..... blah, hot air.


Supporting and Practicing Buggery

is Cooooooooooooool Air.

Like Limacol

"De Freshness of a Breeze in a Bottle"

and....If de PNC Hydro Engineer say so

ee feel we must is so.



Procurement Commission remains key to passage of Anti-Money Laundering amendments

Procurement Commission remains key to passage of Anti-Money Laundering amendments

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  • The Guyana government on Thursday announced that it was moving to amend the Procurement Act to ensure that Cabinet retains an oversight role in the award of contracts but this is not expected to win the Alliance For Change’s (AFC) support for amendments to the financial crimes legislation.

Cabinet Secretary Dr. Roger Luncheon told a news conference that government would introduce an amendment to the PPC Act at the next sitting of the 65-member House and later proceed to name its nominees.

Presidential Advisor on Governance, Gail Teixeira told Demerara Waves Online News ( said the Attorney General’s chambers was busy drafting the amendments to address a conflict of provisions in the Procurement Commission Act.

The conflict is between Section 54(1) and 54(6). 54 (1) states that the Cabinet shall have the right to review all procurements the value of which exceeds fifteen million Guyana dollars. The Cabinet shall conduct its review on the basis of a streamlined tender evaluation report to be adopted by the authority mentioned in section 17 (2). The Cabinet and, upon its establishment, the Public Procurement Commission, shall review

annually the Cabinet’s threshold for review of procurements, with the objective of increasing that threshold over time so as to promote the goal of progressively phasing out Cabinet involvement and decentralising the procurement process. 54(2) states that Cabinet’s involvement under this section shall cease upon the constitution of the Public Procurement Commission except in relation to those matters referred to in subsection (1) which are pending.

AFC Leader Khemraj Ramjattan, however, vowed not to support entrenching Cabinet’s role in offering its no-objection to contracts approved by the commission whenever it is constituted. β€œWe are not supporting that at all,” he said.

Ramjattan insisted that his seven-seat party would only support amendments to the Anti Money Laundering and Countering of Financing of Terrorism Act if the Procurement Commission is first set up and operationalized. β€œIf they do not set it up and get it running, I will not support the Anti Money Laundering Law when it comes to the Parliament,” he said.

With the AFC and A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) having submitted the names of their nominees to the Public Accounts Committee, it is now left to the government to do likewise.

After that is done and the PAC reaches consensus on the composition of the five-member commission, the names would be sent to the House for a two-thirds approval.

Despite outcries from several private sector organisations and lobbying by key Western diplomats here, the opposition up to Wednesday appeared hell-bent in opposing amendments to the AML/CFT. The private sector and government have warned that if the amendments are not approved in early November, Guyanese businesses and ordinary persons could experience long delays and other difficulties in incoming and outgoing financial transactions.

The opposition parties have accused government of attempting to ram the amendments through the House by not allowing their full involvement in the Select Committee. In the absence of opposition members, the government members wrapped up the committee’s work and decided to dispatch a report to the House for consideration.

For its part, the government has argued that it has given the opposition sufficient time to participate in the work of the select committee.


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