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D2. If this was written by any student in an essay it will be marked down. And whether you re-edited one letter or a sentence you re-edited. And this is not a cheap shot at all. You have berated many posters here time and again about their use of language. But clearly you are guilty yourself. Why did you re-edit the letter though after you spotted the error? A bit of dishonesty perhaps? Again your original sentence lacks sense.
Originally posted by Alexander:
You can jump ship anytime but sometime you slip and fall in the ocean where the piranhas are.

and that my friend is what differentiate the titans from political dwarfs, cowards and those with self serving agendas . If I may paraphrase the late JFK And [b]..."ask not what your country can do for you - ask what you can do for your country... ask not what guyana will do for you, but what together we can do for peace freedom and justice for all Guyanese

Finally, whatever your political stripes, ask of us the same high standards of strength and sacrifice which we ask of you. With a good conscience our only sure reward, with history the final judge of our deeds, let us go forth to lead the land we love, asking His blessing and His help, but knowing that here on earth God's work must truly be our own..."
This had to be the hardest decision he ever made in his entire life. I feel for man who dedicated his entire life fighting a tyrannical regime and unable to find a proper place in a government that he helped build. This is tough and I'm sure he had good reasons to do it. Staying mum and aloof with no future in the PPP makes no sense at this time in his life and career. He might as well raise his voice and try another avenue to bring those out of line back into sync with what is right and virtuous.

I just hope his departure from the PPP spells not disaster for the people he loved and struggled for. Keep a level head Moses. Take every step with caution and don't be misled into the wrong direction. Time is on your side.
Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally posted by Alexander:
D2. If this was written by any student in an essay it will be marked down. And whether you re-edited one letter or a sentence you re-edited. And this is not a cheap shot at all. You have berated many posters here time and again about their use of language. But clearly you are guilty yourself. Why did you re-edit the letter though after you spotted the error? A bit of dishonesty perhaps? Again your original sentence lacks sense.
Quit yapping and show me what your infinite wisdom has discovered so I can become your student in this instant and apprehend a thing hitherto-fore not understood by me about the English language.

I edited a "p" where a "b" was and acknowledged that. The problem here is your hyperventilation that it was not English and your silly condescension that you have now become the instructor to the error prone child. Get real. You got upset because I accosted you on a disingenuous stance.
Disingenuous? You were the one who went back into what you originally posted and changed a letter to make it look okay so you would look good. That's being dishonest. You did not accost anyone and had no right to do so anyway. You should have left the original document to stay the way you typed it and manfully accept that you made a mistake. But you can't do that because you are the purveyor of perfect language who take a delight in putting others down.
A 'p' and a 'b' has made you into a jelly!
Originally posted by D2:
Originally posted by Alexander:
D2. If this was written by any student in an essay it will be marked down. And whether you re-edited one letter or a sentence you re-edited. And this is not a cheap shot at all. You have berated many posters here time and again about their use of language. But clearly you are guilty yourself. Why did you re-edit the letter though after you spotted the error? A bit of dishonesty perhaps? Again your original sentence lacks sense.
Quit yapping and show me what your infinite wisdom has discovered so I can become your student in this instant and apprehend a thing hitherto-fore not understood by me about the English language.

I edited a "p" where a "b" was and acknowledged that. The problem here is your hyperventilation that it was not English and your silly condescension that you have now become the instructor to the error prone child. Get real. You got upset because I accosted you on a disingenuous stance.

D2, instead of editing your post over and over again to cover up your foolishness, why don’t you save some time and apply some liquid white-out in the center of your head and do the editing there...damnn you masquerading foolishness with such an ease,
Originally posted by Alexander:
Disingenuous? You were the one who went back into what you originally posted and changed a letter to make it look okay so you would look good. That's being dishonest. You did not accost anyone and had no right to do so anyway. You should have left the original document to stay the way you typed it and manfully accept that you made a mistake. But you can't do that because you are the purveyor of perfect language who take a delight in putting others down.
A 'p' and a 'b' has made you into a jelly!
You are acting like a pouting child. I changed a "b" to a "p" after you said the sentence made no sense and I explained that I did. You have the original sentence in your quote which I could not touch so the supposed bad English is preserved. Granted that is in your imagination rather in reality.

I type 110 words a minute and seldom re read a post since this is a forum and incidental spelling or typos do not make the individual an idiot. Further, it is not the central focus but incidental to whatever one is doing at the time.

I actually tried to do the normal thing and bold and increase the type size so you can see I edited it. That is still evident in the post. You are silly if you intend to frame this as being poor practice. In fact it is the established protocol on a forum and one you need to get acquainted with.

However, the content of the sentence was about a human failing despite the mistype of a letter and communicated in precise English a human failing to recognize deceptiveness and dishonesty and that itself is dishonest. There is not a damn thing wrong with changing a mistyped letter according to forum protocol.

Further, you and a thousand like you cannot make me jelly. Further, I am quite confident in my intellect and my ability to be completely literate in three languages inclusive of the English language. And indeed I delight in that competency so chew on that.
Originally posted by D2:
Originally posted by Alexander:
Disingenuous? You were the one who went back into what you originally posted and changed a letter to make it look okay so you would look good. That's being dishonest. You did not accost anyone and had no right to do so anyway. You should have left the original document to stay the way you typed it and manfully accept that you made a mistake. But you can't do that because you are the purveyor of perfect language who take a delight in putting others down.
A 'p' and a 'b' has made you into a jelly!
YOu are acting like a pouting child. I changed a b to a p after you said the sentence made no sense and I explained. You have the original sentence in your quote which I could not touch so the supposed bad English is preserved. I type 110 words a minute and seldom re read the post since this is a forum and incidental spelling or typos do not make the individual an idiot.

If ever they should have a carnival for stupidity, I’m sure D2 will be the Grand Marshal with these garbage he pile up here every day
Originally posted by Dave Matrix:
Originally posted by D2:
Originally posted by Alexander:
Disingenuous? You were the one who went back into what you originally posted and changed a letter to make it look okay so you would look good. That's being dishonest. You did not accost anyone and had no right to do so anyway. You should have left the original document to stay the way you typed it and manfully accept that you made a mistake. But you can't do that because you are the purveyor of perfect language who take a delight in putting others down.
A 'p' and a 'b' has made you into a jelly!
YOu are acting like a pouting child. I changed a b to a p after you said the sentence made no sense and I explained. You have the original sentence in your quote which I could not touch so the supposed bad English is preserved. I type 110 words a minute and seldom re read the post since this is a forum and incidental spelling or typos do not make the individual an idiot.

If ever they should have a carnival for stupidity, I’m sure D2 will be the Grand Marshal with these garbage he pile up here every day
I guess you are circus master there so you are intimately acquainted with these things.
Originally posted by Alexander:
Thanks, let the others read, digest and judge. Good night.
What will they find that a "b" instead of a "p" makes the sentence semantically flawed? It still conveyed the message that you were taking the wrong stance to ignore the personal statements of a man detailing his experience in a corrupt organization.
Originally posted by D2:
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Alexander:
Thanks, let the others read, digest and judge. Good night.
What will they find that a "b" instead of a "p" makes the sentence semantically flawed? It still conveyed the message that you were taking the wrong stance to ignore the personal statements of a man detailing his experience in a corrupt organization.

D2 or double dummy as Mike often labeled you, your petty arguments lack substance and are just an attempt to whine your way out of a debate round that you’re losing. I’ll suggest that given the denseness of your brain the admin should assign an ip address to it so that we can ping it and try rebooting it every time we come online... but then again, your brain has no intelligenceâ€Ķlol cheers
Originally posted by Dave Matrix:
Originally posted by D2:
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Alexander:
Thanks, let the others read, digest and judge. Good night.
What will they find that a "b" instead of a "p" makes the sentence semantically flawed? It still conveyed the message that you were taking the wrong stance to ignore the personal statements of a man detailing his experience in a corrupt organization.

D2 or double dummy as Mike often labeled you, your petty arguments lack substance and are just an attempt to whine your way out of a debate round that you’re losing. I’ll suggest that given the denseness of your brain the admin should assign it an ip address to it so that we can ping it and try rebooting it every time we come online...
They would lack substance to an idiot. I presume that that crafting idiotic analogies is the highlight of you day. Alas it may give you especial glee but it will not make you bright.
You guys trying to piss off D2 but it aint wuking ( see my words ) we deh in a Guyanese site so is ok.
I and many others here understand what the man meant in his post, it's only those who's intent to make him look like one of you duncified goats that wouldn't try to comprehend what's being delivered.

If Iman was D2, I'd tell yall to, Biss off.
Then go back and fix it, even make it bold with a "P" where the "B" stood.
Originally posted by Alexander:
Moses' political timing is off the radar. He got some bad advice from Churchill, Jalil and the others. Moses can't function well in the AFC. What position will they give him? He can't function well in APNU. What will he get? Moses will have to be on the sidelines mouthing the ills of the PPP. Who will really listen? Guyanese are not stupid.

Alex you do not Qualify to be on the same team with Moses.
Stick with Jagdeo/Ramotar and the House of Isreal & PNC Thugs Alliance.

Try to contain de dribbleing until after the elections......
The PPP is now trying to call off the elections.

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