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Former Member

The AFC notes with alarm the shameless and illegal campaigns of the Ramotar-led PPP to create ethnic and geographical apartheid in Guyana.
In the County of Berbice, the PPP has been stirring anti-African fears, conjuring up the so-called Black jumbie, to scare Indians and to woo them away from AFC.
Berbice is no longer the fiefdom of the PPP. When they voted AFC in 2011, Berbicians declared their freedom from racist domination. Berbice will not retreat. Never!
Today’s Guyana Times, a pro-PPP rag which also prints Mirror, the PPP’s broadsheet, simply confirmed what we knew all the time: PPP leaders have been talking to AFC supporters in Berbice, and peddling the racist, false and mischievous propaganda that the AFC has joined up with PNC.

In their racist frenzy, the PPP has unleashed its worse character attacks against AFC’s Leader, Khemraj Ramjattan, Regional Parliamentarian Dr. Veerasammy Ramayya and myself, to hide the fact that it is Ramotar and the PPP who are now on their knees, begging Granger to talk or cut a deal with them.
We repeat our position: AFC has not agreed to form a pre-electoral coalition with APNU. But we have decided to work with APNU and all other patriotic political, business, labour, religious, human rights, women, youth and other civil society organizations in a broad front to fight against the PPP minority regime for the restoration of parliamentary democracy in Guyana.
The AFC is a genuine “Alliance” movement, and we favour unity and cooperation to isolate and defeat this wicked and corrupt PPP junta.

The AFC wishes to say that the law is clear: any person or organization that stirs up racial hatred is guilty of a criminal offense, and we call on the Guyana Elections Commission and the Guyana Police Force to mount an investigation into our claims of the PPP’s resort to racism and racial hatred in Berbice.
What is more disturbing, according to the self-annointed “beacon of truth”, is that both the President and the Prime Minister have been involved in partisan activities to re-capture lost votes in Berbice, in much the same way as serfs were sought after in Nikolai Gogol’s epic novel, “Dead Souls”.
It was reported that almost weekly these prime functionaries of State have been talking to AFC supporters to woo them back to the ruling party, obviously a partisan activity at state’s expense. In addition, we have seen the President in repeat jaunts to places like Paramakatoi where the organizers would greet him with PPP as distinct from our National Flags.

This is an abuse of presidential privilege, which must be condemned by the people in much the same way that Roger Luncheon is allowed to hide behind a public service post, to spew party propaganda and to regularly malign opposition parties. All other Government Ministers and Advisors have dominated the state media purely for PPP propaganda effects, to the total exclusion of the opposition parties. This is the only country in the Caribbean and the Commonwealth where opposition parties are not allowed on public media and are even denied paid programme time on state television.
But the “paramountcy of the party” is an adopted Stalinist disease, which the PPP has copied from Burnham. The PPP, however, surpassed Burnham as it has put its stamp not only on the state and crony media, but on the foreign service, permanent secretary and on regional executive positions.
Permanent Secretaries and REOs, such as Hydar Ally, Omar Sharieff, Nigel Dharamlall, Colin Croal and Ronald Harsawak are all sitting PPP Central Committee Members.

The PPP is in a frenzy to re-capture at least two regional seats, and they have chosen Region 6 and Region 8 as their hunting grounds. They are using state resources in an attempt to bribe potential voters, but their bottom house meetings in Essequibo and Berbice have shown that the PPP is despised and rejected, and no amount of bribe, cajoling and co-chaaring, would stop the PPP ship from sinking at coming elections.
AFC warns however that the racist campaign of the PPP would further undermine the social fabric of our nation, and excite racial insecurity and fear throughout Guyana.
Today, Guyana is at the crossroad of definition, whether we are only formally democratic, or descending swiftly into a racist, autocratic, authoritarian state
[Moses Nagamootoo, Alliance for Change, November 27, 2014.]

Replies sorted oldest to newest

There you go, confirmation that the corrupt and undemocratic PPP is using the race weapon to recapture lost votes in Berbice.

PPP functionaries from the highest level downwards are blatantly slandering AFC leaders like Ramjattan, Nagamootoo and Ramayya who incidentally are themselves Berbicians.

This heinous PPP tactic will boomerang back to Freedom House.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

There you go, confirmation that the corrupt and undemocratic PPP is using the race weapon to recapture lost votes in Berbice.

PPP functionaries from the highest level downwards are blatantly slandering AFC leaders like Ramjattan, Nagamootoo and Ramayya who incidentally are themselves Berbicians.

This heinous PPP tactic will boomerang back to Freedom House.


Moses is Guyana's most racist politician.


This shameless dawg refused to associate with Afro Guyanese when Granger arranged an opposition protest.


Racist Moses should be ashamed of himself.

Originally Posted by Nehru:


The man wants to be Mr. President. He wants somebody to give it to him. Maybe that's why Asj is asking for military coup? Is he in contact with Asj?

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Nehru:


The man wants to be Mr. President. He wants somebody to give it to him. Maybe that's why Asj is asking for military coup? Is he in contact with Asj?

He could be President for Life of his political organization but he will never be the President of Guyana.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Nehru:


The man wants to be Mr. President. He wants somebody to give it to him. Maybe that's why Asj is asking for military coup? Is he in contact with Asj?

He could be President for Life of his political organization but he will never be the President of Guyana.

And you are President of the pampers brigade?


You sit behind a keyboard most of the day and whack off? 


At least moses is trying to make the lives of other human beings in GY better. What are you doing? soiling pamper after pamper? 


Your burnham balls awards sitting in a cardboard box?


"The AFC notes with alarm the shameless and illegal campaigns of the Ramotar-led PPP to create ethnic and geographical apartheid in Guyana.
In the County of Berbice, the PPP has been stirring anti-African fears, conjuring up the so-called Black jumbie, to scare Indians and to woo them away from AFC . . .

Today, Guyana is at the crossroad of definition, whether we are only formally democratic, or descending swiftly into a racist, autocratic, authoritarian state"


[Moses Nagamootoo, Alliance for Change, November 27, 2014.]

the PPP's latest forays seeking nourishment in the fiery bowels of racist evil shock the senses


their spear carrying supporters here on GNI have no shame

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by yuji22:


Moses is Guyana's most racist politician.


This shameless dawg refused to associate with Afro Guyanese when Granger arranged an opposition protest.


Racist Moses should be ashamed of himself.

This is evidence that the PPP is in pure panic.  Pure contradiction and confusion in their messaging.


1.  It screams to Berbicians that the AFC "sell out de country to black man" because the AFC and APNU both coordinate their energies in the MONC.


2.   Then they scream that Nagamootoo is  racist for not speaking in front of black people.  Well black people don't care.  They want Nagamootoo to split the Indian vote to allow the defeat of the PPP.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
The PPP is going everywhere in the drugs plane, call the elections nuh man?

Wah Mek all yuh so scared?

All of a sudden every thing is coming out, and more will happen.


When Granger said that he will jail them if he wins, pure panic broke out at Freedom House. 


What really terrifies them is when farmers in BBP call them "corrupted" while they point to dry canals.  And when EBD residents call them "corrupted" while they point to broken kokers.


This while a plane was trying to bring them their US$620k proceeds from money laundering/drug trafficking.


I mean an emperor can park his plane, load passengers and is above the law?  No wonder the authorities in San Juan searched the plane. They have probably been watching it for a while now.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
The PPP is going everywhere in the drugs plane, call the elections nuh man?

Wah Mek all yuh so scared?

All of a sudden every thing is coming out, and more will happen.


When Granger said that he will jail them if he wins, pure panic broke out at Freedom House. 


What really terrifies them is when farmers in BBP call them "corrupted" while they point to dry canals.  And when EBD residents call them "corrupted" while they point to broken kokers.


This while a plane was trying to bring them their US$620k proceeds from money laundering/drug trafficking.


I mean an emperor can park his plane, load passengers and is above the law?  No wonder the authorities in San Juan searched the plane. They have probably been watching it for a while now.

Granger better live up to that and not be bluffing. These criminals need a special ward not lot 12 that would be too kind to them.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by yuji22:


Moses is Guyana's most racist politician.


This shameless dawg refused to associate with Afro Guyanese when Granger arranged an opposition protest.


Racist Moses should be ashamed of himself.

This is evidence that the PPP is in pure panic.  Pure contradiction and confusion in their messaging.


1.  It screams to Berbicians that the AFC "sell out de country to black man" because the AFC and APNU both coordinate their energies in the MONC.


2.   Then they scream that Nagamootoo is  racist for not speaking in front of black people.  Well black people don't care.  They want Nagamootoo to split the Indian vote to allow the defeat of the PPP.

Bai, datt one trick pony done tumble down.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by yuji22:


Moses is Guyana's most racist politician.


This shameless dawg refused to associate with Afro Guyanese when Granger arranged an opposition protest.


Racist Moses should be ashamed of himself.

This is evidence that the PPP is in pure panic.  Pure contradiction and confusion in their messaging.


1.  It screams to Berbicians that the AFC "sell out de country to black man" because the AFC and APNU both coordinate their energies in the MONC.


2.   Then they scream that Nagamootoo is  racist for not speaking in front of black people.  Well black people don't care.  They want Nagamootoo to split the Indian vote to allow the defeat of the PPP.

Bai, datt one trick pony done tumble down.

hey hey hey Carib dey busy pun GNI telling Afro foh vote foh dem race and let dem Indo divide up dem vote. hey hey hey...

Originally Posted by Kapadilla:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by yuji22:


Moses is Guyana's most racist politician.


This shameless dawg refused to associate with Afro Guyanese when Granger arranged an opposition protest.


Racist Moses should be ashamed of himself.

This is evidence that the PPP is in pure panic.  Pure contradiction and confusion in their messaging.


1.  It screams to Berbicians that the AFC "sell out de country to black man" because the AFC and APNU both coordinate their energies in the MONC.


2.   Then they scream that Nagamootoo is  racist for not speaking in front of black people.  Well black people don't care.  They want Nagamootoo to split the Indian vote to allow the defeat of the PPP.

Bai, datt one trick pony done tumble down.

hey hey hey Carib dey busy pun GNI telling Afro foh vote foh dem race and let dem Indo divide up dem vote. hey hey hey...

That has been his DREAM since 1992. He will NOT rest until Guyana is Rule by a NON INDIAN!!!

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Kapadilla:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by yuji22:


Moses is Guyana's most racist politician.


This shameless dawg refused to associate with Afro Guyanese when Granger arranged an opposition protest.


Racist Moses should be ashamed of himself.

This is evidence that the PPP is in pure panic.  Pure contradiction and confusion in their messaging.


1.  It screams to Berbicians that the AFC "sell out de country to black man" because the AFC and APNU both coordinate their energies in the MONC.


2.   Then they scream that Nagamootoo is  racist for not speaking in front of black people.  Well black people don't care.  They want Nagamootoo to split the Indian vote to allow the defeat of the PPP.

Bai, datt one trick pony done tumble down.

hey hey hey Carib dey busy pun GNI telling Afro foh vote foh dem race and let dem Indo divide up dem vote. hey hey hey...

That has been his DREAM since 1992. He will NOT rest until Guyana is Rule by a NON INDIAN!!!

Bai but yu is de same. Yu like yuh Indo ruler once he tief, gee dem peopkle flood and disease and push coke and smuggle gold. Yu a de same bai. 

Originally Posted by Kapadilla:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Kapadilla:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by yuji22:


Moses is Guyana's most racist politician.


This shameless dawg refused to associate with Afro Guyanese when Granger arranged an opposition protest.


Racist Moses should be ashamed of himself.

This is evidence that the PPP is in pure panic.  Pure contradiction and confusion in their messaging.


1.  It screams to Berbicians that the AFC "sell out de country to black man" because the AFC and APNU both coordinate their energies in the MONC.


2.   Then they scream that Nagamootoo is  racist for not speaking in front of black people.  Well black people don't care.  They want Nagamootoo to split the Indian vote to allow the defeat of the PPP.

Bai, datt one trick pony done tumble down.

hey hey hey Carib dey busy pun GNI telling Afro foh vote foh dem race and let dem Indo divide up dem vote. hey hey hey...

That has been his DREAM since 1992. He will NOT rest until Guyana is Rule by a NON INDIAN!!!

Bai but yu is de same. Yu like yuh Indo ruler once he tief, gee dem peopkle flood and disease and push coke and smuggle gold. Yu a de same bai. 

I dont decide who Rule Guyana, the PEOPLE will. However, I will pick the PPP over the PNC everytime. If all you know like Caribj is RACE then you are entitled to that too.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Kapadilla:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Kapadilla:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by yuji22:


Moses is Guyana's most racist politician.


This shameless dawg refused to associate with Afro Guyanese when Granger arranged an opposition protest.


Racist Moses should be ashamed of himself.

This is evidence that the PPP is in pure panic.  Pure contradiction and confusion in their messaging.


1.  It screams to Berbicians that the AFC "sell out de country to black man" because the AFC and APNU both coordinate their energies in the MONC.


2.   Then they scream that Nagamootoo is  racist for not speaking in front of black people.  Well black people don't care.  They want Nagamootoo to split the Indian vote to allow the defeat of the PPP.

Bai, datt one trick pony done tumble down.

hey hey hey Carib dey busy pun GNI telling Afro foh vote foh dem race and let dem Indo divide up dem vote. hey hey hey...

That has been his DREAM since 1992. He will NOT rest until Guyana is Rule by a NON INDIAN!!!

Bai but yu is de same. Yu like yuh Indo ruler once he tief, gee dem peopkle flood and disease and push coke and smuggle gold. Yu a de same bai. 

I dont decide who Rule Guyana, the PEOPLE will. However, I will pick the PPP over the PNC everytime. If all you know like Caribj is RACE then you are entitled to that too.

Bai yu pick de PPP because dem is yuh race. No shittin around yasuh.

Originally Posted by Kapadilla:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Kapadilla:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Kapadilla:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by yuji22:


Moses is Guyana's most racist politician.


This shameless dawg refused to associate with Afro Guyanese when Granger arranged an opposition protest.


Racist Moses should be ashamed of himself.

This is evidence that the PPP is in pure panic.  Pure contradiction and confusion in their messaging.


1.  It screams to Berbicians that the AFC "sell out de country to black man" because the AFC and APNU both coordinate their energies in the MONC.


2.   Then they scream that Nagamootoo is  racist for not speaking in front of black people.  Well black people don't care.  They want Nagamootoo to split the Indian vote to allow the defeat of the PPP.

Bai, datt one trick pony done tumble down.

hey hey hey Carib dey busy pun GNI telling Afro foh vote foh dem race and let dem Indo divide up dem vote. hey hey hey...

That has been his DREAM since 1992. He will NOT rest until Guyana is Rule by a NON INDIAN!!!

Bai but yu is de same. Yu like yuh Indo ruler once he tief, gee dem peopkle flood and disease and push coke and smuggle gold. Yu a de same bai. 

I dont decide who Rule Guyana, the PEOPLE will. However, I will pick the PPP over the PNC everytime. If all you know like Caribj is RACE then you are entitled to that too.

Bai yu pick de PPP because dem is yuh race. No shittin around yasuh.

So you are foolish enough to tell me why I pick the PPP. Anyone with a Pea brain will pick the PPP over the PNC. Want me to explain why?

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Kapadilla:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Kapadilla:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Kapadilla:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by yuji22:


Moses is Guyana's most racist politician.


This shameless dawg refused to associate with Afro Guyanese when Granger arranged an opposition protest.


Racist Moses should be ashamed of himself.

This is evidence that the PPP is in pure panic.  Pure contradiction and confusion in their messaging.


1.  It screams to Berbicians that the AFC "sell out de country to black man" because the AFC and APNU both coordinate their energies in the MONC.


2.   Then they scream that Nagamootoo is  racist for not speaking in front of black people.  Well black people don't care.  They want Nagamootoo to split the Indian vote to allow the defeat of the PPP.

Bai, datt one trick pony done tumble down.

hey hey hey Carib dey busy pun GNI telling Afro foh vote foh dem race and let dem Indo divide up dem vote. hey hey hey...

That has been his DREAM since 1992. He will NOT rest until Guyana is Rule by a NON INDIAN!!!

Bai but yu is de same. Yu like yuh Indo ruler once he tief, gee dem peopkle flood and disease and push coke and smuggle gold. Yu a de same bai. 

I dont decide who Rule Guyana, the PEOPLE will. However, I will pick the PPP over the PNC everytime. If all you know like Caribj is RACE then you are entitled to that too.

Bai yu pick de PPP because dem is yuh race. No shittin around yasuh.

So you are foolish enough to tell me why I pick the PPP. Anyone with a Pea brain will pick the PPP over the PNC. Want me to explain why?

Bai yu a de 3rd biggest racist pun this board. 

Originally Posted by Kapadilla:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Kapadilla:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Kapadilla:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Kapadilla:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by yuji22:


Moses is Guyana's most racist politician.


This shameless dawg refused to associate with Afro Guyanese when Granger arranged an opposition protest.


Racist Moses should be ashamed of himself.

This is evidence that the PPP is in pure panic.  Pure contradiction and confusion in their messaging.


1.  It screams to Berbicians that the AFC "sell out de country to black man" because the AFC and APNU both coordinate their energies in the MONC.


2.   Then they scream that Nagamootoo is  racist for not speaking in front of black people.  Well black people don't care.  They want Nagamootoo to split the Indian vote to allow the defeat of the PPP.

Bai, datt one trick pony done tumble down.

hey hey hey Carib dey busy pun GNI telling Afro foh vote foh dem race and let dem Indo divide up dem vote. hey hey hey...

That has been his DREAM since 1992. He will NOT rest until Guyana is Rule by a NON INDIAN!!!

Bai but yu is de same. Yu like yuh Indo ruler once he tief, gee dem peopkle flood and disease and push coke and smuggle gold. Yu a de same bai. 

I dont decide who Rule Guyana, the PEOPLE will. However, I will pick the PPP over the PNC everytime. If all you know like Caribj is RACE then you are entitled to that too.

Bai yu pick de PPP because dem is yuh race. No shittin around yasuh.

So you are foolish enough to tell me why I pick the PPP. Anyone with a Pea brain will pick the PPP over the PNC. Want me to explain why?

Bai yu a de 3rd biggest racist pun this board. 

Your lack of Education will always make your conclusion irrelevant.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Kapadilla:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Kapadilla:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Kapadilla:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Kapadilla:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by yuji22:


Moses is Guyana's most racist politician.


This shameless dawg refused to associate with Afro Guyanese when Granger arranged an opposition protest.


Racist Moses should be ashamed of himself.

This is evidence that the PPP is in pure panic.  Pure contradiction and confusion in their messaging.


1.  It screams to Berbicians that the AFC "sell out de country to black man" because the AFC and APNU both coordinate their energies in the MONC.


2.   Then they scream that Nagamootoo is  racist for not speaking in front of black people.  Well black people don't care.  They want Nagamootoo to split the Indian vote to allow the defeat of the PPP.

Bai, datt one trick pony done tumble down.

hey hey hey Carib dey busy pun GNI telling Afro foh vote foh dem race and let dem Indo divide up dem vote. hey hey hey...

That has been his DREAM since 1992. He will NOT rest until Guyana is Rule by a NON INDIAN!!!

Bai but yu is de same. Yu like yuh Indo ruler once he tief, gee dem peopkle flood and disease and push coke and smuggle gold. Yu a de same bai. 

I dont decide who Rule Guyana, the PEOPLE will. However, I will pick the PPP over the PNC everytime. If all you know like Caribj is RACE then you are entitled to that too.

Bai yu pick de PPP because dem is yuh race. No shittin around yasuh.

So you are foolish enough to tell me why I pick the PPP. Anyone with a Pea brain will pick the PPP over the PNC. Want me to explain why?

Bai yu a de 3rd biggest racist pun this board. 

Your lack of Education will always make your conclusion irrelevant.

Yu a be banna who went to Lagubagu University? Hey hey hey...

Originally Posted by Kapadilla:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Kapadilla:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Kapadilla:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Kapadilla:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Kapadilla:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by yuji22:


Moses is Guyana's most racist politician.


This shameless dawg refused to associate with Afro Guyanese when Granger arranged an opposition protest.


Racist Moses should be ashamed of himself.

This is evidence that the PPP is in pure panic.  Pure contradiction and confusion in their messaging.


1.  It screams to Berbicians that the AFC "sell out de country to black man" because the AFC and APNU both coordinate their energies in the MONC.


2.   Then they scream that Nagamootoo is  racist for not speaking in front of black people.  Well black people don't care.  They want Nagamootoo to split the Indian vote to allow the defeat of the PPP.

Bai, datt one trick pony done tumble down.

hey hey hey Carib dey busy pun GNI telling Afro foh vote foh dem race and let dem Indo divide up dem vote. hey hey hey...

That has been his DREAM since 1992. He will NOT rest until Guyana is Rule by a NON INDIAN!!!

Bai but yu is de same. Yu like yuh Indo ruler once he tief, gee dem peopkle flood and disease and push coke and smuggle gold. Yu a de same bai. 

I dont decide who Rule Guyana, the PEOPLE will. However, I will pick the PPP over the PNC everytime. If all you know like Caribj is RACE then you are entitled to that too.

Bai yu pick de PPP because dem is yuh race. No shittin around yasuh.

So you are foolish enough to tell me why I pick the PPP. Anyone with a Pea brain will pick the PPP over the PNC. Want me to explain why?

Bai yu a de 3rd biggest racist pun this board. 

Your lack of Education will always make your conclusion irrelevant.

Yu a be banna who went to Lagubagu University? Hey hey hey...

You look like you went to Hubu Backdam Elementary scholl but was not able to finish.

Originally Posted by Kapadilla:

hey hey hey Carib dey busy pun GNI telling Afro foh vote foh dem race and let dem Indo divide up dem vote. hey hey hey...

Indo is voting Indo because I told you that there is now Indo party 1 (PPP) and Indo party II (AFC).   Look at it this way Indos have a choice, and blacks don't.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Kapadilla:

hey hey hey Carib dey busy pun GNI telling Afro foh vote foh dem race and let dem Indo divide up dem vote. hey hey hey...

Indo is voting Indo because I told you that there is now Indo party 1 (PPP) and Indo party II (AFC).   Look at it this way Indos have a choice, and blacks don't.

Blackd dont have a choice?? Are Blacks chained by the PNC?? Laad Ah Mercy  You are only exposing your RACIST way.

Originally Posted by Nehru:

That has been his DREAM since 1992. He will NOT rest until Guyana is Rule by a NON INDIAN!!!

Is there some ordained right that Indians (40% of the population) have the sole right to lead Guyana?

Originally Posted by Nehru:

Blackd dont have a choice?? Are Blacks chained by the PNC?? Laad Ah Mercy  You are only exposing your RACIST way.

See Indians are better off. They have a choice of Ramotar and Nagamootoo so they can still vote race w/o feeling chained.


The PPP hates blacks, and according to you, so does Nagamootoo, so why should blacks vote for people who hate them?

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

That has been his DREAM since 1992. He will NOT rest until Guyana is Rule by a NON INDIAN!!!

Is there some ordained right that Indians (40% of the population) have the sole right to lead Guyana?

NO Party has the RIGHT to Lead Guyana, THE PEOPLE Of GUYANA give that RIGHT.. This is basic, why I have to explain???

Originally Posted by Nehru:

NO Party has the RIGHT to Lead Guyana, THE PEOPLE Of GUYANA give that RIGHT.. This is basic, why I have to explain???

Do you know that MOST people did NOT vote for the PPP. So why do you think that it isn't a sign of dictatorship for Ramotar to prevent the 51% who voted AGAINST them in parliament from being represented?


Do you know that but for the Burnham constitution there would have been a post election alliance and Ramotar would have become leader of the OPPOSITION!


So why does the PPP feel so entitled to lead Guyana when 51% of the voters said that they shouldn't?

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

NO Party has the RIGHT to Lead Guyana, THE PEOPLE Of GUYANA give that RIGHT.. This is basic, why I have to explain???

Do you know that MOST people did NOT vote for the PPP. So why do you think that it isn't a sign of dictatorship for Ramotar to prevent the 51% who voted AGAINST them in parliament from being represented?


Do you know that but for the Burnham constitution there would have been a post election alliance and Ramotar would have become leader of the OPPOSITION!


So why does the PPP feel so entitled to lead Guyana when 51% of the voters said that they shouldn't?

You lack basic knowledge of the Power of the Office of the President and the Constitution.  Last time I looked,  THE HONORABLE DONALD RAMOTAR IS THE PRESIDENT OF GUYANA.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Do you know that but for the Burnham constitution there would have been a post election alliance and Ramotar would have become leader of the OPPOSITION!

Has the PNC, in particular since 1992, made any transparent initiatives to effect the needed changes?

Originally Posted by Nehru:

And Burnham was also president of Guyana as well.  Your point?  Or do you continues to scream and rant that Ramotar should have the same dictatorial rights that Burnham rigged elections to get?

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Do you know that but for the Burnham constitution there would have been a post election alliance and Ramotar would have become leader of the OPPOSITION!

Has the PNC, in particular since 1992, made any transparent initiatives to effect the needed changes?

Given that it was the PNC constitution shouldn't the onus not have been on the PPP which prior to 1992 considered it to be illegal? 


After all if the constitution was indeed illegal then the PPP should have made sure that they didn't govern on the basis of it.


But as some one hear said.  "Burnham constitution bad until "collie" get a chance to rule by it, then it good". 


This what you and the rest of you PPP frauds and hypocrites do when you claim that you operate with regard to this ILLEGAL constitution.


It turns out that the PPP is very intent to benefit from the dictatorial provisions as set out by the Burnham ILLEGAL constitution.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Kapadilla:

hey hey hey Carib dey busy pun GNI telling Afro foh vote foh dem race and let dem Indo divide up dem vote. hey hey hey...

Indo is voting Indo because I told you that there is now Indo party 1 (PPP) and Indo party II (AFC).   Look at it this way Indos have a choice, and blacks don't.

Oh so de PNC party woh gee them wite keera mout is dem choice.

Originally Posted by Kapadilla:

Oh so de PNC party woh gee them wite keera mout is dem choice.

They are no better off under the PPP, so why should they vote for them?


The AFC doesn't want their vote or the presidential candidate would be speaking to them, and listening to their concerns.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Kapadilla:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by yuji22:


Moses is Guyana's most racist politician.


This shameless dawg refused to associate with Afro Guyanese when Granger arranged an opposition protest.


Racist Moses should be ashamed of himself.

This is evidence that the PPP is in pure panic.  Pure contradiction and confusion in their messaging.


1.  It screams to Berbicians that the AFC "sell out de country to black man" because the AFC and APNU both coordinate their energies in the MONC.


2.   Then they scream that Nagamootoo is  racist for not speaking in front of black people.  Well black people don't care.  They want Nagamootoo to split the Indian vote to allow the defeat of the PPP.

Bai, datt one trick pony done tumble down.

hey hey hey Carib dey busy pun GNI telling Afro foh vote foh dem race and let dem Indo divide up dem vote. hey hey hey...

That has been his DREAM since 1992. He will NOT rest until Guyana is Rule by a NON INDIAN!!!

It should not be an Indian/Non-Indian thing.  Guyana should be run by the right Govt which has the interest of all and the nation first and foremost.  It's clear that many still harbor the dreams of Afro-supremacy over Guyana.

Originally Posted by baseman:

It should not be an Indian/Non-Indian thing.  Guyana should be run by the right Govt which has the interest of all and the nation first and foremost.  It's clear that many still harbor the dreams of Afro-supremacy over Guyana.

I note as usual your racist need to blame blacks for all that ails Guyana? Do you think that it is only blacks who vote race?  And that there aren't many Indians who support the PPP ONLY for reasons of race.  People like YOU for instance who in 2011 saw the evil of the PPP, and now have fled back to them only for reasons of Indo supremacy!


The PPP is even WORSE now than they were then!


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