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Originally Posted by Kari:

I must confess that I did not know BOSAI was generatingelectricity. Indeed when I was at Tumatumari once and saw the electricity was free from the small hydro there (back in the 70s) I thought of  that being isolated. If Linden is on the national grid, irrespective of the source (BONSAI or imported fuel) then this is moot. The BONSAI savings is global and not specific like the Tumat example. If BONSAI is like Tumat, that is, a direct supplier of electricity to Linden then invoicing cannot be handled by GPL and thus it also is moot. So what gives with BONSAI? Is it their cheapo electricity that the Government is suddenly taxing to bring it on par with electricity pricing of the rest of the nation?

There is a lot that we do not know.  Chris Ram did a whole analysis in the SN.  It appears that none of us subscribe  to SN, but on Nuffs site there are many postings of his thoughts.. 


Given that every one has an axe to grind I will not automatically assume  he is telling the truth.  I will say that I await a response from the govt on his claims.  We have yet to hear this, which causes me to think that he is telling the truth and exposing GPL for the extremely inefficient organization which we know it to be.  various letter writers from Linden also provided evidence to support his claims...again they have a point of view.


If his claims are correct and BOSAI is providing cheap electricity to Linden it is then a subsidy from Linden if they are asked to pay more. 


The question is are BOSAI's profitable generation of electricity due only because they produce it cheaply OR is the govt providing BOSAi with a subsidy?  If it is then why are we only talking about Lindeners being subsidized when a huge Chinese company benefits.


This is what we should ask rather than accepting what the PPP is saying.  We are fully aware that the PPP blames AfroGuyanese in places like Linden and Buxton, where they THINK they helped them, for their current inability to control parliament.  We heard the screams about "ungrateful black people" after their loss of full majority control, and after their boasts about gaining a large black vote turned out not to be true.  Did they try something, which backfired because people in Linden dont accept the abuse that many coast dwellers do?


Linden doesnt appear to be on the national grid as two Linden based companies buy their power from BOSAi for distribution. Do they provide 100% of the power?  I dont know.  


The question is whether there is a deliberate lie being told to ensure that people in G/twon...suffering from paying high electricity bills, then vent against Lindeners who arent.



So the discussion might well evolve into a question from Guyanese OUTSIDE of Linden about why GPL is extorting money from them to cover bills not paid by certain govt agencies and "protected" businesses, theft and leakages from the lines, and maybe corruption. 



Originally Posted by kidmost:

The media has posted opinions of the electric rate of Guyanese of various racial backgrounds and majority concur level rates for the entire country. .

Here is the deal.  If you ask G/twn people, who are hard pressed to pay their light bills, about Linden people being subsidized to pay much less of course they will say this.


If it turns out that Lindeners pay much less because BOSAI generates electricity cheaper the question they will then ask is why doesnt BOSAI generate for the entire country given that GPL cant do so efficiently.


We are hearing that GPL does NOT provide electricity to Linden so do not los e$$$ by charging low rates.  We are also hearing that BOSAi makes money in generating electricity.  So either Lindeners are lucky than an efficient company supplies them or a Chinese company is making money off the govt which is paying them too much.


The truth will come out at some point, but as of now it is making GPL look to good.

Originally Posted by kidmost:

. I  saw with my own eyes when Hammie Green put House Of Israel Goons in Police Uniform to blend with the police to beat and injure protestors in Water Street when Rodney was released from jail.

And there are those who make the same claims that the PPP  pays criminals to infiltrate crowds of protesters so as they can then claim that the protests are violent and so have no validity.



Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by kidmost:

. I  saw with my own eyes when Hammie Green put House Of Israel Goons in Police Uniform to blend with the police to beat and injure protestors in Water Street when Rodney was released from jail.

And there are those who make the same claims that the PPP  pays criminals to infiltrate crowds of protesters so as they can then claim that the protests are violent and so have no validity.

Ohhh Caribj, how deep up your rectum did you reach to haul out that crap.  Now go back to the latrine and take your time, come up with something better.


Ohhh Caribj, how deep up your rectum did you reach to haul out that crap.  Now go back to the latrine and take your time, come up with something better.

Baseman I see that you have run out of arguments and now resort to posting the same illiterate filth that we now expect from Nehru.


A sure sign that one ha slost an argument is when one resorts to vulgarity.

Originally Posted by caribny:

Ohhh Caribj, how deep up your rectum did you reach to haul out that crap.  Now go back to the latrine and take your time, come up with something better.

Baseman I see that you have run out of arguments and now resort to posting the same illiterate filth that we now expect from Nehru.


A sure sign that one ha slost an argument is when one resorts to vulgarity.

It's useless to discuss, let's have the report of the inquiry.  All else is personal takes and conjecture.  Aug 2nd is not that far off.


It's useless to discuss, let's have the report of the inquiry.  All else is personal takes and conjecture.  Aug 2nd is not that far off.

What inquiry?  You PPP racists are too busy justifying your MURDER of black people.  yes you will assemble some BS group of people that you all select. 






BTW what happened to the Commission INquiry into the slaughter of innocent black people at Lindo Creek?


It does seem to me that the PPP likes killing blacks even moreso than Burnham loved killing Indians.


The whole world is seeing what a murderously racist regime the PPP is.

Originally Posted by caribny:

It's useless to discuss, let's have the report of the inquiry.  All else is personal takes and conjecture.  Aug 2nd is not that far off.

What inquiry?  You PPP racists are too busy justifying your MURDER of black people.  yes you will assemble some BS group of people that you all select. 






BTW what happened to the Commission INquiry into the slaughter of innocent black people at Lindo Creek?


It does seem to me that the PPP likes killing blacks even moreso than Burnham loved killing Indians.


The whole world is seeing what a murderously racist regime the PPP is.

You seem very scared of the independent report.


You seem very scared of the independent report.

Who is appointing people to prepare this report. WE DONT KNOW.  Yet you claim it to be independent.


You know you and your fellow black haters are preparing a "report" so you can disguise your evil natures.  Dont worry we already know this will go nowhere just like the Lindo Creek fiasco.


Now what happened to THAT report?

Originally Posted by caribny:

You seem very scared of the independent report.

Who is appointing people to prepare this report. WE DONT KNOW.  Yet you claim it to be independent.


You know you and your fellow black haters are preparing a "report" so you can disguise your evil natures.  Dont worry we already know this will go nowhere just like the Lindo Creek fiasco.


Now what happened to THAT report?

Who is WE?  The PNC has agreed to the process.  It's the AFC who has reservation not the PNC who are the true representative of the people of Linden.


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