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Nagamootoo pledges to work with APNU against PPP
Moses Nagamootoo

Nagamootoo pledges to work with APNU against PPP


EXECUTIVE Member of the Alliance For Change (AFC), Mr. Moses Nagamootoo, on Tuesday, made it clear that his party will work with the main parliamentary political Opposition, A Partnership for National Unity (APNU), against the ruling People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) Government.

“We have decided to work with APNU and all other patriotic, political, business, labour, religious, human rights, women, youth…in a broad fight against the PPP minority regime,” Nagamootoo said during a news conference.
Since the 2011 elections campaign, AFC has been working with the APNU when they campaigned in traditional PPP areas to take away votes from the ruling party.
However, a Government official, speaking to this newspaper, pointed out that the AFC did not campaign in APNU-supported Region 10 (Upper Demerara-Upper Berbice) and other areas perceived to be highly supportive of the APNU, but in PPP support areas.
AFC always supported APNU
The official added too that AFC’s intention all along seems to have been to support the APNU, as evidenced in their moves since the 2011 general and regional elections.
Cases in point, according to the Government source, include:
* AFC’s support of APNU to slash the national Budget every year since 2012, effectively denying Guyana and Guyanese of further developments;

Opposition Leader David Granger

Opposition Leader David Granger

* AFC’s support of the APNU to vote down the major transformational projects, such as the Cheddi Jagan International Airport (CJIA) expansion and the Amaila Falls Hydro-power (AFHP) project, the latter being seen as critical to the provision of cheaper energy and the development of a highly productive manufacturing sector;
* AFC working with APNU to block funding for a number of Government programmes including the $1B Amerindian Development Fund (ADF) and $450M for loan subventions to University of Guyana students; and
* AFC and APNU working together to vote down critical pieces of legislations that are important to national development.
These legislations include: the Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism (Amendment) Bill and the Customs Amendment Act. The latter was voted down by the APNU with the support of the AFC.
The Government had re-tabled the Customs (Amendment) Bill which, if passed, would have seen companies both local and foreign paying taxes on non-returnable containers of alcoholic or non-alcoholic items. The defeat of this Act resulted in the Caribbean Court of Justice (CCJ) giving a ruling in which Guyana had to repay Suriname-based beverage company Rudisa, US$6M.
The official added that the other examples of the AFC/APNU ‘partnership’ are clearly documented and are matters of public record.
The most recent example of this was the AFC sponsored no-confidence motion against the current Administration.

Mr. Khemraj Ramjattan, AFC Leader

Mr. Khemraj Ramjattan, AFC Leader

Nagamootoo, in June, indicated that the party was considering the movement of a no-confidence motion against the Government. Nagamootoo, in an article in a Wednesday’s edition of the Stabroek News, under the headline ‘AFC considering no-confidence motion against Government’, said such a move is seriously being contemplated by his party. However, he acknowledged that a no-confidence motion would have to be supported by the main Opposition APNU. A few days after, APNU endorsed this possibility as a serious consideration.
Both parties made it clear that they intended to push ahead with the no-confidence motion on the reconvening of the National Assembly.
Section 106 (6) of the Constitution states that: “The Cabinet and President shall resign if the Government is defeated by the vote of the majority of all Members of the National Assembly on a vote of confidence.”
However, the following paragraph, Section 106 (7) makes clear that: “Notwithstanding its defeat, the Government shall remain in office and shall hold an election within three months, or such longer period as the National Assembly shall by resolution, supported by no less than two-thirds of all elected members of the National Assembly, and shall resign after a new President takes the oath of office following the election.”
“There is no doubt that all along the AFC was colluding with APNU to work against the PPP/C Government,” the Government source concluded.
In addition to the Government official, political pundits have long speculated on a possible alliance between the two parties against the current Administration.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by yuji22:

AFC will not campaign in PNC support areas in an effort to strength the PNC.

The AFC supporting PNC is a smart strategy. The Low breed PPP has to go.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

AFC will not campaign in PNC support areas in an effort to strength the PNC.

A smart and weak man knows that he cannot fight every one, so he conserves his strength for the most dangerous one, which is the PPP.


APNU, as a minority govt, in the unlikely event that this happens, will be quite weak and the AFC knows this. 


And your issue is that Ramjattan and Nagamootoo are filled with the need to avenge their humiliation when they were part of the PPP.


To be effective, APNU and the AFC must make sure that they are not at cross-purposes. APNU should focus on its traditional base and the AFC should campaign elsewhere. In both cases, the message should be identical: PPP Time Up.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Ha Ha !


What a "Massive" crowd. Ow me Gaad, AFC turns Baigan Choka:






Yes Massive Crowd at AFC Rally


Massive Meeting: AFC held successful event at Whim.

A multi-ethnic crowd defied rain, chikungunya mosquitoes and well-timed blackout to attend.

Whim gathering rejected PPP racist campaign.

AFC insisted on working with broad front for regime change!


See Link


Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Ha Ha !


What a "Massive" crowd. Ow me Gaad, AFC turns Baigan Choka:







Yes Massive Crowd at AFC Rally


Massive Meeting: AFC held successful event at Whim.

Kamla Asha Balbachan's photo.

A multi-ethnic crowd defied rain,

Sita does not miss out on Whim events. Been foot by foot with me since 1970 to meetings.

chikungunya mosquitoes and

Section of large AFC meeting at Whim. Whilst Ramjattan was speaking village was blacked out. Nagamootoo & Nigel Hughes defied blackout and the crowd stayed!

well-timed blackout to attend.



Whim gathering rejected PPP racist campaign.

She said it graphically: PPP junta must go!

AFC insisted on working with broad front for regime change!


See Link



Last edited by Former Member

His 100% support pledge will translate to 2% of the population's support. Not enough to satisfy the PNC monster. They want more and they will look to another politician since Moses will be of no value after the next elections.

Billy Ram Balgobin


"AFC’s support of APNU to slash the national Budget every year since 2012, effectively denying Guyana and Guyanese of further developments" - These guys are only in the opposition and are hindering progress, the Guyanese ppl are smart enough to know if they gain power it will be chaos.

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
AFC workibg with APNU is a fantastic thing, Moses and the AFC need to giddy up on this it is of major importance for him to build strong relationships with APNU.

Yea, we know, that's why you kissing up Granger.

Originally Posted by alena06:

It's great to say fantastic but unfortunately the synergies brought about by the two 'working together' thus far has been PROVEN to be detrimental. 

There is no synergies, the PNC just want to piggy-back hoping the AFC split the PPP base and the PNC gain power, then it's the UF scenario all over again.  Their agendas are divergent only sharing to see the PPP out of power, nothing to do with the well being of the Guyanese people.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
AFC workibg with APNU is a fantastic thing, Moses and the AFC need to giddy up on this it is of major importance for him to build strong relationships with APNU.

Yea, we know, that's why you kissing up Granger.

De man doan support Granger bai. De man incite dem peopkle fram Linden foh bruk up PNC congress. Foh mekkin Granger look bad. De man wukkin foh other master. hey hey hey...

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Based on those pictures posted, AFC gone to baigan choka. 


I have been correct all along. The PPP is headed for a 54 percent majority.



Hey hey yu put coke in yuh tari and lota dis marnin. AFC getting 12%. Hey hey hey...

Originally Posted by Kapadilla:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Based on those pictures posted, AFC gone to baigan choka. 


I have been correct all along. The PPP is headed for a 54 percent majority.



Hey hey yu put coke in yuh tari and lota dis marnin. AFC getting 12%. Hey hey hey...


Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by alena06:

It's great to say fantastic but unfortunately the synergies brought about by the two 'working together' thus far has been PROVEN to be detrimental. 

There is no synergies, the PNC just want to piggy-back hoping the AFC split the PPP base and the PNC gain power, then it's the UF scenario all over again.  Their agendas are divergent only sharing to see the PPP out of power, nothing to do with the well being of the Guyanese people.


Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Kapadilla:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Based on those pictures posted, AFC gone to baigan choka. 


I have been correct all along. The PPP is headed for a 54 percent majority.



Hey hey yu put coke in yuh tari and lota dis marnin. AFC getting 12%. Hey hey hey...



Skelly bhai


Let us be a bit generous and round it up to 2 percent for the AFC.


Take a look at pictures form their "massive" meeting recently in Berbice.


AFC Cork Duck.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Kapadilla:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Based on those pictures posted, AFC gone to baigan choka. 


I have been correct all along. The PPP is headed for a 54 percent majority.



Hey hey yu put coke in yuh tari and lota dis marnin. AFC getting 12%. Hey hey hey...



Skelly bhai


Let us be a bit generous and round it up to 2 percent for the AFC.


Take a look at pictures form their "massive" meeting recently in Berbice.


AFC Cork Duck.

Strange! Only Moses is making news? What happen to Kemmo? Is he sidelined by Nigel and Cathy?

Originally Posted by alena06:

 AFC + APNU = Majority of Guyanese Represented in Parliament.


"AFC’s support of APNU to slash the national Budget every year since 2012,

Nothing New or Different. The Budget is Presented & Debated in Parliament.  Those who do not understand why the Budget is Presented in Parliament......need to learn 

The Majority Decides what to Approve & what to Slash.

The Majority has the Scissors to ....Slash the Poke & Bacon.



effectively denying Guyana and Guyanese of further developments" -

Some so call Developments are just Wholesale Thiefing...Like the Skeldon Factory, The Enmore Rice Packaging Plant.

Specialty Hospital & Drainage Pump

Surendra got Jagdeo & Ramotar Pumping




These guys are only in the opposition and are hindering progress,

Is this Progress?

Secret Hanger with Private Jet at Cheddi Jagan Airport




the Guyanese ppl are smart enough to know if they gain power it will be chaos.

Guyanese Majority are not Stupid


Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

His 100% support pledge will translate to 2% of the population's support. Not enough to satisfy the PNC monster. They want more and they will look to another politician since Moses will be of no value after the next elections.

Yuh think the PNC gon run to Rohee.

Rohee got Zero Support....

and he Pump Bruk

water canon

The water canon—

A useless piece of equipment

Originally Posted by Nehru:

Some people really obsessed wid the former President, wonder what he did to them??

You rass will get just like them if you follow them.  Come let we knack two shots of Henny. One blasted life to live.

Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Some people really obsessed wid the former President, wonder what he did to them??

You rass will get just like them if you follow them.  Come let we knack two shots of Henny. One blasted life to live.

Craig Sylvester's photo.Same.... Exact.... words Rat say to Kwame

Come leh we knock too...


Originally Posted by Cobra:

BTW, Jagdeo look like a sexy model. Much better than nuff ah them Gyal friend.

senor snake, i am sure de rat appreciates your leer


but keep the hard on under control until u can make THAT visit to de mansion, arite?


neroo out, now his alter ego out . . . pheeew!

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

BTW, Jagdeo look like a sexy model. Much better than nuff ah them Gyal friend.

senor snake, i am sure de rat appreciates your leer


but keep the hard on under control until u can make THAT visit to de mansion, arite?


neroo out, now his alter ego out . . . pheeew!

Nehru gat wan hard on right now, come ova and bend ova leh me show yuh where Barley ah Grow. Meh gun mek yuh Halla Oink Oink again.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

To be effective, APNU and the AFC must make sure that they are not at cross-purposes. APNU should focus on its traditional base and the AFC should campaign elsewhere. In both cases, the message should be identical: PPP Time Up.

And the citizens are going to suffer with such a deal. This limits any new blood in the politics of Guyana.


And the beat goes on. Sad.

Last edited by seignet
Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

To be effective, APNU and the AFC must make sure that they are not at cross-purposes. APNU should focus on its traditional base and the AFC should campaign elsewhere. In both cases, the message should be identical: PPP Time Up.

And the citizens are going to suffer with such a deal. This limits any new blood in the politics of Guyana.


And the eat goes on. Sad.

You have to understand Moses is like any other Politician, he will do anything to survive and be relevant.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

BTW, Jagdeo look like a sexy model. Much better than nuff ah them Gyal friend.

senor snake, i am sure de rat appreciates your leer


but keep the hard on under control until u can make THAT visit to de mansion, arite?


neroo out, now his alter ego out . . . pheeew!

Nehru gat wan hard on right now, come ova and bend ova leh me show yuh where Barley ah Grow. Meh gun mek yuh Halla Oink Oink again.

so crows Nehru, an ole drunken GT antiman who sells his BT for money in Richmond Hill



Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

BTW, Jagdeo look like a sexy model. Much better than nuff ah them Gyal friend.

senor snake, i am sure de rat appreciates your leer


but keep the hard on under control until u can make THAT visit to de mansion, arite?


neroo out, now his alter ego out . . . pheeew!

Nehru gat wan hard on right now, come ova and bend ova leh me show yuh where Barley ah Grow. Meh gun mek yuh Halla Oink Oink again.

so crows Nehru, an ole drunken GT antiman who sells his BT for money in Richmond Hill



Bhai, y yuh following this guy?

Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

BTW, Jagdeo look like a sexy model. Much better than nuff ah them Gyal friend.

senor snake, i am sure de rat appreciates your leer


but keep the hard on under control until u can make THAT visit to de mansion, arite?


neroo out, now his alter ego out . . . pheeew!

Nehru gat wan hard on right now, come ova and bend ova leh me show yuh where Barley ah Grow. Meh gun mek yuh Halla Oink Oink again.

so crows Nehru, an ole drunken GT antiman who sells his BT for money in Richmond Hill



Bhai, y yuh following this guy?

i don't see what he does as benign klowning


he also seeks to pelt and run to the sewers where he thinks he can function with impunity because of the stench


only one thing . . . i am perfectly willing to go anywhere to whip the scales off of his drunken hide

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

BTW, Jagdeo look like a sexy model. Much better than nuff ah them Gyal friend.

senor snake, i am sure de rat appreciates your leer


but keep the hard on under control until u can make THAT visit to de mansion, arite?


neroo out, now his alter ego out . . . pheeew!

Nehru gat wan hard on right now, come ova and bend ova leh me show yuh where Barley ah Grow. Meh gun mek yuh Halla Oink Oink again.

so crows Nehru, an ole drunken GT antiman who sells his BT for money in Richmond Hill



Bhai, y yuh following this guy?

i don't see what he does as benign klowning


he also seeks to pelt and run to the sewers where he thinks he can function with impunity because of the stench


only one thing . . . i am perfectly willing to go anywhere to whip the scales off of his drunken hide

then carry on, smartly.

Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Some people really obsessed wid the former President, wonder what he did to them??

You rass will get just like them if you follow them.  Come let we knack two shots of Henny. One blasted life to live.

Craig Sylvester's photo.Same.... Exact.... words Rat say to Kwame

Come leh we knock too...



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