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Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Honest:

Reliable sources claiming the Brigadire ordered the AFC and crew to wear yellow at launching of the APNU-AFC gathering.


1. WTF is a "Brigadire"?


2. Why is this important? What do you mean by "forced"?


Another PPP propagandist.

Ow, me Ayatolla, don't WTF de man so early.

He new here. Me advise he fo he own good.

Originally Posted by Honest:

I owe an apology to the forum - The yellow top is temporary, the 2 chameleons will change again. Plus Moses love handle will take up tooo much space on the bus

Moses looks like a fat cow. He better start exercising before he starts having health issues including a heart attack.


He appears to be a very lazy man (Kor hee).


SN is deleting not editing all my comments from their letter and editorial discussion forum.

Contributions to SN discussion forums:

It is no secret that dictators use their country’s treasury as personal piggy bank. Dictator Hoyte was no exception.  He was an astute student of Dictator LFS Burnham.  Remember him, he was the 5th richest black man of the world as per Time. This was at a time that Guyana move from the PPP’s breadbasket of the Caribbean to the basket case of the Caribbean.  Anything the Kabaka-King/Burnham touched became dark fertilizer as per Dr. Walter Rodney

SN is attempting to create the impression that the AFC is a virgin organization  with newly minted leaders. These chameleons are out casts from the PPP/PNC and that not recently out cast from the PNC,  the UF. SN  is either on an agenda to misinform/disinform/corrupt  our youth or at minimum muddy the water.  The PNC/APNU -AFTis as they say , old wine in new bottles.

Originally Posted by Honest:

SN is deleting not editing all my comments from their letter and editorial discussion forum.

Contributions to SN discussion forums:

It is no secret that dictators use their country’s treasury as personal piggy bank. Dictator Hoyte was no exception.  He was an astute student of Dictator LFS Burnham.  Remember him, he was the 5th richest black man of the world as per Time. This was at a time that Guyana move from the PPP’s breadbasket of the Caribbean to the basket case of the Caribbean.  Anything the Kabaka-King/Burnham touched became dark fertilizer as per Dr. Walter Rodney

SN is attempting to create the impression that the AFC is a virgin organization  with newly minted leaders. These chameleons are out casts from the PPP/PNC and that not recently out cast from the PNC,  the UF. SN  is either on an agenda to misinform/disinform/corrupt  our youth or at minimum muddy the water.  The PNC/APNU -AFTis as they say , old wine in new bottles.

you will be deleted from here as well unless you start naming your "reliable sources"

Originally Posted by RiffRaff:
Originally Posted by Honest:

SN is deleting not editing all my comments from their letter and editorial discussion forum.

Contributions to SN discussion forums:

It is no secret that dictators use their country’s treasury as personal piggy bank. Dictator Hoyte was no exception.  He was an astute student of Dictator LFS Burnham.  Remember him, he was the 5th richest black man of the world as per Time. This was at a time that Guyana move from the PPP’s breadbasket of the Caribbean to the basket case of the Caribbean.  Anything the Kabaka-King/Burnham touched became dark fertilizer as per Dr. Walter Rodney

SN is attempting to create the impression that the AFC is a virgin organization  with newly minted leaders. These chameleons are out casts from the PPP/PNC and that not recently out cast from the PNC,  the UF. SN  is either on an agenda to misinform/disinform/corrupt  our youth or at minimum muddy the water.  The PNC/APNU -AFTis as they say , old wine in new bottles.

you will be deleted from here as well unless you start naming your "reliable sources"

Can he make a statement and use his friends or family in Guyana as "reliable source"? Does he have to source his own experience or opinion?

Last edited by Former Member

Discussion of GHK Lall letter


Mr. GHK Lall is not as innocent as it first appears. KN illegal recording of citizen conversations is solely responsible for  Courtney Crum-Ewing being out in front of AG office protesting. Does Mr. GHK Lall have a recording of Courtney Crum-Ewing? Did Mr. GHK Lall leverage such a recording? Mr. Lall thinks he is NSA/FBI/CIA/KGB and partially Edward Snowden rolled up in one. Mr Luxus put your money where your mouth is. If times is off the essence and your are as concern as you are pontificating put up a substantial reward for the capture of his perpetrators.  Or, are you once again hearing voices again? Or you can out onto the poop deck and blow out your hot air.

I think SN as a stake holder, Fourh Estate and all, with law enforce men, and all stake holders should request, no, demand, that Mr. Lall release all the recordings in his and KN possession. As called for by GHK Lall time is off the essence.

          If there is a Guyanese Snowden in KN news ,  please come forward and be a true hero. The NGOS and civil society will come to your aid if Guyana does not have a witness program.


Eh Ehhh well lookat eyepass hey. Iman been on dis here site like about 50 years now and I neva talk back to nobody (ah lie) and dis bann deh here wuh about one week an he givin we Admin backtalk,


Maybe we havffa do like the ole days when dem people ask for Judas get let out an throw Jesus in his place. We gonna ask for the release of we boy Jalil an throw this banna in, heeehehehe


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