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Old Kai: Chronicles of Guyana
Old Kai: Chronicles of Guyana
Moses Nagamootoo

Old Kai: Chronicles of Guyana


- Is there a link between his call for a source to replenish dried-up AFC funds and reports of the USAID ‘Governance project’ providing covert funding to the Opposition parties?THIRTY pieces of silver was the price for which Judas Iscariot betrayed Jesus. We are yet to know at what price are the AFC and APNU willing to sell out Guyana’s sovereignty to the imperial forces behind the USAID ‘Governance project’. Both the AFC and APNU have come out in full support of the project even though the US Ambassador to Guyana has been less than forthcoming to the media about crucial aspects of the project. This is the very opposition which talks all day and night about transparency and accountability. Hence, why are they so keen on supporting this project which is shrouded in mystery?
What we do know is that our Opposition is ready and willing to hand Guyana on a platter to outside forces just to get their hands on power. We saw this recently manifest itself with the New River Triangle Geological and Geophysical Survey, where our Opposition was more concerned about neighbouring Suriname, than Guyana’s territorial integrity and our legitimate stance that the area in question is part of our 83,000 square miles of sovereign territory. Just to attack the Guyana Government, our Opposition was willing to sacrifice part of our territory. But this is nothing new as they have already told the Guyanese people that we are all ‘collateral damage’ in their quest for political power.
It should come as no surprise that once again, they are willing to take instructions from foreign agents even if it means that our people will be the ultimate victims. We have seen this before when the US funded the PNC dictatorship which reduced this country from the most progressive in the Caribbean under the Dr. Cheddi Jagan Government to the second poorest, only ahead of Haiti in 1992. Today, after two decades of hard and unrelenting work under successive PPP/C Governments, Guyana is the most progressive economy in the Caribbean once again. And what happens? The US through USAID has returned with a secretive project to undermine our progress.
Clearly, the US prefers nations which are economically weak and constantly dependent on their loans. There is a telling question which no one has asked to date. Why has the US not seek to implement its ‘Governance project’ in other Caribbean nations which are not doing as well as Guyana, such as Jamaica, St. Lucia, Grenada, Barbados and most recently we read that Trinidad’s economy is not doing so well either. Clearly these underperforming economies need help. Why not help them? Why is the US only obsessed with Guyana, when we have been projected to record the second highest growth rate in 2014?

This revelation gives greater impetus to the claims by the PPP/C Government that the Opposition is on a campaign to sabotage Guyana’s economy. Every major project to further transform Guyana they have opposed and tried to destroy. Even the money laundering legislation which makes it easier to track illegal financing they have opposed. Is the AFC/APNU alliance working for an outside force? If they are, then clearly they must receive payment at some point. With today’s technology and extra scrutiny of the nation’s finances and expenditure, it would make it more difficult to ‘covertly’ fund destabilization campaigns as occurred in the 60’s. So what better way than through a project shrouded in mystery and where the Guyana Government was totally excluded.  Is there a link with their refusal to support the anti-money laundering legislation?
We are left to ponder the Opposition’s staunch criticism targeting the Guyana Government for rejecting the project. Only recently, AFC Member of Parliament Moses Nagamootoo publicly lamented that funds for his party had dried up. At the same time, US officials seem determined to push ahead with the project but are withholding critical information regarding the full details, preventing the average Guyanese from determining whether or not they are indeed providing funds to the Opposition. It seems a strange coincidence. Old Kai is reminded of the quote by George Santayana, which was made famous in Guyana by another US-PNC product, Jim Jones, ‘Those who forget the past are condemned to repeat it.’

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Comrade Moses gave over 40 years of his life to the PPP party and public service in Guyana. History will show that parties in power come and go.  For example, the majority of Southern whites in Southern states voted strictly for the democratic party from the time of reconstruction to the end of the 1950s'.  Today in states such as Alabama, many whites vote Republican; regardless of who is running in the election.  Some whites there would prefer to drink poison rather than vote for the Democratic party.  You can put a braying jackass to run in an Alabama election, as a republican, and he will win.   The shoe can easily be on the other foot some day. We must always keep this in mind when insulting others in a personal way to score political points.


Does a Judas expose race baiting by the PPP?


Is the PPP actions very similar to that of the KLU LUX KLAN - supremacy of the Jugthe-hoe family?



Nagamootoo accuses PPP of race-baiting

Posted By Staff Writer On October 3, 2013 @ 5:23 am In Local News | No Comments

AFC Vice-Chairman Moses Nagamootoo has accused the PPP of stooping to race-based politics to mitigate the falling away of its Indo-Guyanese support base.

Nagamootoo alleged that pamphlets and handbills containing subliminal racial messages are being circulated by the PPP. Efforts to contact Clement Rohee, General Secretary of the PPP, for a comment on the accusation were unsuccessful as repeated calls to his phone went unanswered.

Calls to other high-ranking party members, including Presidential Advisor on Governance and Party Whip Gail Teixeira and Legal Affairs Minister Anil Nandlall, also went unanswered.

Moses Nagamootoo [right) holds up one of the pamphlets allegedly circulated by the PPP

Moses Nagamootoo (right) holds up one of the pamphlets allegedly circulated by the PPP

The accusation was made yesterday afternoon during the AFC’s weekly press conference, where Nagamootoo showed reporters copies of the pamphlets and handbills, which he said were circulated in Enmore, on the East Coast of Demerara recently.

These undertakings, Nagamootoo suggested, may be aimed at bolstering support for the party ahead of its October 5th celebrations to mark its rise to government power in 1992. Nagamootoo, a former member of the PPP said that the party has realised that its Indo-Guyanese support base continues to dwindle as many former supporters either opt to vote for one of the opposition parties or abstain from voting all together.

As a result, he said, the PPP is attempting to stop its traditional supporters from turning their backs on the party, or at the very least, convince them not to vote for the other party options. Nagamootoo charged that the party has gone into a particular community, telling its inhabitants that the people of Linden continue to benefit from almost free electricity, while the AFC has voted down the Amaila Project which would have created better electricity tariffs for “other sections of society.”

Such acts are “divisive and racist,” Nagamootoo exclaimed and he added that the perpetrators are likely aiming to destroy the national unity that has been achieved over the years. He described the current PPP party as “pseudo-PPP,” arguing that the PPP of the late President Cheddi Jagan would never have stooped to such actions.

In this pamphlet, allegedly circulated by the PPP, a caricature of AFC Chairman Nigel Hughes is seen encouraging a bandit to commit crimes

In this pamphlet, allegedly circulated by the PPP, a caricature of AFC Chairman Nigel Hughes is seen encouraging a bandit to commit crimes

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Kishan Bhai, Yugi22 is a congenital racist and a PPP spin doctor.

QUOTE: "Nagamootoo alleged that pamphlets and handbills containing subliminal racial messages are being circulated by the PPP."

yuji22 said he visited Guyana recently. I won't be surprised to hear that yuji22 picked up copies of those pamphlets and handbills.

The substance of his silly posts indicates he is being guided by those subliminal racial messages. Check them out.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Kishan Bhai, Yugi22 is a congenital racist and a PPP spin doctor.

QUOTE: "Nagamootoo alleged that pamphlets and handbills containing subliminal racial messages are being circulated by the PPP."

yuji22 said he visited Guyana recently. I won't be surprised to hear that yuji22 picked up copies of those pamphlets and handbills.

The substance of his silly posts indicates he is being guided by those subliminal racial messages. Check them out.


Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Kishan Bhai, Yugi22 is a congenital racist and a PPP spin doctor.

QUOTE: "Nagamootoo alleged that pamphlets and handbills containing subliminal racial messages are being circulated by the PPP."

yuji22 said he visited Guyana recently. I won't be surprised to hear that yuji22 picked up copies of those pamphlets and handbills.

The substance of his silly posts indicates he is being guided by those subliminal racial messages. Check them out.


yuji22 says he lives in Canada.

On December 27 he wrote: "As for Canadian politics, I have always voted and supported the Conservatives."

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Kishan Bhai, Yugi22 is a congenital racist and a PPP spin doctor.

QUOTE: "Nagamootoo alleged that pamphlets and handbills containing subliminal racial messages are being circulated by the PPP."

yuji22 said he visited Guyana recently. I won't be surprised to hear that yuji22 picked up copies of those pamphlets and handbills.

The substance of his silly posts indicates he is being guided by those subliminal racial messages. Check them out.


He says he lives in Canada.




I was advised that Yugi is a man called Irfaan Ali.


I was told he is obsessed with UG because he failed to complete a UG degree.  Then he bought a degree from a paper mill in India.  Not a real school, but a back room printery.


Can you imagine someone failing to finish a 10th rated University like UG?


They got to be really brite!  What do you think?

Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Kishan Bhai, Yugi22 is a congenital racist and a PPP spin doctor.

QUOTE: "Nagamootoo alleged that pamphlets and handbills containing subliminal racial messages are being circulated by the PPP."

yuji22 said he visited Guyana recently. I won't be surprised to hear that yuji22 picked up copies of those pamphlets and handbills.

The substance of his silly posts indicates he is being guided by those subliminal racial messages. Check them out.


He says he lives in Canada.




I was advised that Yugi is a man called Irfaan Ali.


I was told he is obsessed with UG because he failed to complete a UG degree.  Then he bought a degree from a paper mill in India.  Not a real school, but a back room printery.


Can you imagine someone failing to finish a 10th rated University like UG?


They got to be really brite!  What do you think?



Yugi =UG.  LOL quite creative.

Originally Posted by KishanB:

Does a Judas expose race baiting by the PPP?


Is the PPP actions very similar to that of the KLU LUX KLAN - supremacy of the Jugthe-hoe family?



Nagamootoo accuses PPP of race-baiting

Posted By Staff Writer On October 3, 2013 @ 5:23 am In Local News | No Comments

AFC Vice-Chairman Moses Nagamootoo has accused the PPP of stooping to race-based politics to mitigate the falling away of its Indo-Guyanese support base.

Nagamootoo alleged that pamphlets and handbills containing subliminal racial messages are being circulated by the PPP. Efforts to contact Clement Rohee, General Secretary of the PPP, for a comment on the accusation were unsuccessful as repeated calls to his phone went unanswered.

Calls to other high-ranking party members, including Presidential Advisor on Governance and Party Whip Gail Teixeira and Legal Affairs Minister Anil Nandlall, also went unanswered.

Moses Nagamootoo [right) holds up one of the pamphlets allegedly circulated by the PPP

Moses Nagamootoo (right) holds up one of the pamphlets allegedly circulated by the PPP

The accusation was made yesterday afternoon during the AFC’s weekly press conference, where Nagamootoo showed reporters copies of the pamphlets and handbills, which he said were circulated in Enmore, on the East Coast of Demerara recently.

These undertakings, Nagamootoo suggested, may be aimed at bolstering support for the party ahead of its October 5th celebrations to mark its rise to government power in 1992. Nagamootoo, a former member of the PPP said that the party has realised that its Indo-Guyanese support base continues to dwindle as many former supporters either opt to vote for one of the opposition parties or abstain from voting all together.

As a result, he said, the PPP is attempting to stop its traditional supporters from turning their backs on the party, or at the very least, convince them not to vote for the other party options. Nagamootoo charged that the party has gone into a particular community, telling its inhabitants that the people of Linden continue to benefit from almost free electricity, while the AFC has voted down the Amaila Project which would have created better electricity tariffs for “other sections of society.”

Such acts are “divisive and racist,” Nagamootoo exclaimed and he added that the perpetrators are likely aiming to destroy the national unity that has been achieved over the years. He described the current PPP party as “pseudo-PPP,” arguing that the PPP of the late President Cheddi Jagan would never have stooped to such actions.

In this pamphlet, allegedly circulated by the PPP, a caricature of AFC Chairman Nigel Hughes is seen encouraging a bandit to commit crimes

In this pamphlet, allegedly circulated by the PPP, a caricature of AFC Chairman Nigel Hughes is seen encouraging a bandit to commit crimes



Yuji has no sympathy for alleged terrorists and defenders of criminals. Who vex vex.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

Does a Judas expose race baiting by the PPP?


Is the PPP actions very similar to that of the KLU LUX KLAN - supremacy of the Jugthe-hoe family?



Nagamootoo accuses PPP of race-baiting

Posted By Staff Writer On October 3, 2013 @ 5:23 am In Local News | No Comments

AFC Vice-Chairman Moses Nagamootoo has accused the PPP of stooping to race-based politics to mitigate the falling away of its Indo-Guyanese support base.

Nagamootoo alleged that pamphlets and handbills containing subliminal racial messages are being circulated by the PPP. Efforts to contact Clement Rohee, General Secretary of the PPP, for a comment on the accusation were unsuccessful as repeated calls to his phone went unanswered.

Calls to other high-ranking party members, including Presidential Advisor on Governance and Party Whip Gail Teixeira and Legal Affairs Minister Anil Nandlall, also went unanswered.

Moses Nagamootoo [right) holds up one of the pamphlets allegedly circulated by the PPP

Moses Nagamootoo (right) holds up one of the pamphlets allegedly circulated by the PPP

The accusation was made yesterday afternoon during the AFC’s weekly press conference, where Nagamootoo showed reporters copies of the pamphlets and handbills, which he said were circulated in Enmore, on the East Coast of Demerara recently.

These undertakings, Nagamootoo suggested, may be aimed at bolstering support for the party ahead of its October 5th celebrations to mark its rise to government power in 1992. Nagamootoo, a former member of the PPP said that the party has realised that its Indo-Guyanese support base continues to dwindle as many former supporters either opt to vote for one of the opposition parties or abstain from voting all together.

As a result, he said, the PPP is attempting to stop its traditional supporters from turning their backs on the party, or at the very least, convince them not to vote for the other party options. Nagamootoo charged that the party has gone into a particular community, telling its inhabitants that the people of Linden continue to benefit from almost free electricity, while the AFC has voted down the Amaila Project which would have created better electricity tariffs for “other sections of society.”

Such acts are “divisive and racist,” Nagamootoo exclaimed and he added that the perpetrators are likely aiming to destroy the national unity that has been achieved over the years. He described the current PPP party as “pseudo-PPP,” arguing that the PPP of the late President Cheddi Jagan would never have stooped to such actions.

In this pamphlet, allegedly circulated by the PPP, a caricature of AFC Chairman Nigel Hughes is seen encouraging a bandit to commit crimes

In this pamphlet, allegedly circulated by the PPP, a caricature of AFC Chairman Nigel Hughes is seen encouraging a bandit to commit crimes



Yuji has no sympathy for alleged terrorists and defenders of criminals. Who vex vex.

Are you referring to Linden and Agricolla?

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

Does a Judas expose race baiting by the PPP?


Is the PPP actions very similar to that of the KLU LUX KLAN - supremacy of the Jugthe-hoe family?



Nagamootoo accuses PPP of race-baiting

Posted By Staff Writer On October 3, 2013 @ 5:23 am In Local News | No Comments

AFC Vice-Chairman Moses Nagamootoo has accused the PPP of stooping to race-based politics to mitigate the falling away of its Indo-Guyanese support base.

Nagamootoo alleged that pamphlets and handbills containing subliminal racial messages are being circulated by the PPP. Efforts to contact Clement Rohee, General Secretary of the PPP, for a comment on the accusation were unsuccessful as repeated calls to his phone went unanswered.

Calls to other high-ranking party members, including Presidential Advisor on Governance and Party Whip Gail Teixeira and Legal Affairs Minister Anil Nandlall, also went unanswered.

Moses Nagamootoo [right) holds up one of the pamphlets allegedly circulated by the PPP

Moses Nagamootoo (right) holds up one of the pamphlets allegedly circulated by the PPP

The accusation was made yesterday afternoon during the AFC’s weekly press conference, where Nagamootoo showed reporters copies of the pamphlets and handbills, which he said were circulated in Enmore, on the East Coast of Demerara recently.

These undertakings, Nagamootoo suggested, may be aimed at bolstering support for the party ahead of its October 5th celebrations to mark its rise to government power in 1992. Nagamootoo, a former member of the PPP said that the party has realised that its Indo-Guyanese support base continues to dwindle as many former supporters either opt to vote for one of the opposition parties or abstain from voting all together.

As a result, he said, the PPP is attempting to stop its traditional supporters from turning their backs on the party, or at the very least, convince them not to vote for the other party options. Nagamootoo charged that the party has gone into a particular community, telling its inhabitants that the people of Linden continue to benefit from almost free electricity, while the AFC has voted down the Amaila Project which would have created better electricity tariffs for “other sections of society.”

Such acts are “divisive and racist,” Nagamootoo exclaimed and he added that the perpetrators are likely aiming to destroy the national unity that has been achieved over the years. He described the current PPP party as “pseudo-PPP,” arguing that the PPP of the late President Cheddi Jagan would never have stooped to such actions.

In this pamphlet, allegedly circulated by the PPP, a caricature of AFC Chairman Nigel Hughes is seen encouraging a bandit to commit crimes

In this pamphlet, allegedly circulated by the PPP, a caricature of AFC Chairman Nigel Hughes is seen encouraging a bandit to commit crimes



Yuji has no sympathy for alleged terrorists and defenders of criminals. Who vex vex.

Are you referring to Linden and Agricolla?




The defenders of terrorists by the likes of Gil and others in the PNC/AFC is disgraceful. None of them spoke out while Indo Guyanese school girls were molested during the Agricola terrorist attacks in Guyana. Karma will get them when the right time comes.


I will always speak the truth. Who Vex Vex.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

Does a Judas expose race baiting by the PPP?


Is the PPP actions very similar to that of the KLU LUX KLAN - supremacy of the Jugthe-hoe family?



Nagamootoo accuses PPP of race-baiting

Posted By Staff Writer On October 3, 2013 @ 5:23 am In Local News | No Comments

AFC Vice-Chairman Moses Nagamootoo has accused the PPP of stooping to race-based politics to mitigate the falling away of its Indo-Guyanese support base.

Nagamootoo alleged that pamphlets and handbills containing subliminal racial messages are being circulated by the PPP. Efforts to contact Clement Rohee, General Secretary of the PPP, for a comment on the accusation were unsuccessful as repeated calls to his phone went unanswered.

Calls to other high-ranking party members, including Presidential Advisor on Governance and Party Whip Gail Teixeira and Legal Affairs Minister Anil Nandlall, also went unanswered.

Moses Nagamootoo [right) holds up one of the pamphlets allegedly circulated by the PPP

Moses Nagamootoo (right) holds up one of the pamphlets allegedly circulated by the PPP

The accusation was made yesterday afternoon during the AFC’s weekly press conference, where Nagamootoo showed reporters copies of the pamphlets and handbills, which he said were circulated in Enmore, on the East Coast of Demerara recently.

These undertakings, Nagamootoo suggested, may be aimed at bolstering support for the party ahead of its October 5th celebrations to mark its rise to government power in 1992. Nagamootoo, a former member of the PPP said that the party has realised that its Indo-Guyanese support base continues to dwindle as many former supporters either opt to vote for one of the opposition parties or abstain from voting all together.

As a result, he said, the PPP is attempting to stop its traditional supporters from turning their backs on the party, or at the very least, convince them not to vote for the other party options. Nagamootoo charged that the party has gone into a particular community, telling its inhabitants that the people of Linden continue to benefit from almost free electricity, while the AFC has voted down the Amaila Project which would have created better electricity tariffs for “other sections of society.”

Such acts are “divisive and racist,” Nagamootoo exclaimed and he added that the perpetrators are likely aiming to destroy the national unity that has been achieved over the years. He described the current PPP party as “pseudo-PPP,” arguing that the PPP of the late President Cheddi Jagan would never have stooped to such actions.

In this pamphlet, allegedly circulated by the PPP, a caricature of AFC Chairman Nigel Hughes is seen encouraging a bandit to commit crimes

In this pamphlet, allegedly circulated by the PPP, a caricature of AFC Chairman Nigel Hughes is seen encouraging a bandit to commit crimes



Yuji has no sympathy for alleged terrorists and defenders of criminals. Who vex vex.

Are you referring to Linden and Agricolla?




The defenders of terrorists by the likes of Gil and others in the PNC/AFC is disgraceful. None of them spoke out while Indo Guyanese school girls were molested during the Agricola terrorist attacks in Guyana. Karma will get them when the right time comes.


I will always speak the truth. Who Vex Vex.

hey low life who molest indian school girls during agricola protest unless you calling yourself a school girl we know you as a ppp *****

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Nehru:




The defenders of terrorists by the likes of Gil and others in the PNC/AFC is disgraceful. None of them spoke out while Indo Guyanese school girls were molested during the Agricola terrorist attacks in Guyana. Karma will get them when the right time comes.


I will always speak the truth. Who Vex Vex.

Rest your simplostic behind!!! You are pushing race buttons again. Of course those degenerate black beastial creatures would be after indian girls to molest them!


The only racist here is you.


BTW Ask the PPP why they so carelessly speak these ills through the voice of and Amerind icon?


And their behind is lucky Christians are not that easily provoked on religious appropriation or ascription with the PPP, a mainly Indian party here  pretending they are the personification of Jesus and a mainly christian black opposition are the Judases with Naga being a black proxy and traitor to the faith.


But why am I talking to you....smarts and you are as oil and water.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Conscience, how much land Irfaat gave you on the East Bank? Did you use or act as  a straw buyer?

Kwame admit.....

Supporting & Practicing Buggery

Has it's benefits under Jagdeo & Ramotar

Why 50% Poke is avoiding the Above...

Come on Councie...stop Hiding


What is worse.....

Supporting & Practicing Buggery

or Supporting the AFC.


Dem Buggery Bhais behaving like

Supporting AFC is Breaking the`laws of Guyana

Last edited by Former Member

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