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 The nation’s most inexperienced Government is being regularly outmaneuvered by the most corrupt regime in the post-independence history of Guyana and the English-speaking Caribbean.This is Dr. David Hind’s view of the situation that the APNU+AFC Coalition finds itself in at the hands of the PPPC.

In his recent writings, the columnist and Executive Member of the Working People’s Alliance (WPA), said that serious political observers have begun to ask the inevitable question—how did this happen? How has the PPP, with all its recent political baggage, been able to pull off what is in effect a great scam?

Dr. Hinds said that one major reason for this development lies in the very nature of the PPP, whose leadership has an enormous capacity to convince itself that it is incapable of wrongdoing. The political activist said that this thinking is grounded in a belief in the party’s divine right to govern Guyana and in its chief opponent’s cultural disqualification from holding power.

He recalled that the PPP, from the first days of the new government, launched a race-driven “ethnic cleansing” campaign against the government and has kept it going up to this day. Hinds said that what is revealing is that neither the government nor its constituent parties have been able to effectively beat back this PPP campaign.

WPA Executive Member, Dr. David Hinds

“The PPP took that line of action because it knew that the current leadership of the parties in the Coalition are cowards when it comes to addressing race in the public sphere. The PPP knows the political psyche of the Coalition’s leadership. They know that the African Guyanese middle-class leadership of the Coalition would never speak publicly and sensibly about race. For them, race does not exist because in many respects they are not directly affected by it.

“The PPP also knows that while sections of the African Guyanese leadership of the PNC are much more literate about race and racism, they have always skirted around the issue in their public discourse. In other words, except for a handful of leaders, they have been opportunistic when it comes to the issue of race—they acknowledge and rail against racism in private, but run for cover when they are publicly confronted with it.”

So, in effect, Dr. Hinds said that the PPP has taken advantage of the government’s clumsiness on the issue of race.Turning his attention to the forensic audits, Dr. Hinds reminded that never before has the evidence of official corruption been so vivid. He said that what the audits uncovered is what many Guyanese already knew.

“The PPP was so confident that it could not lose power that it did not hide its transgressions. So when a government has all that evidence and does nothing about it and justifies its inaction by hiding behind legalities, it inevitably loses the high ground and cedes space to the accused.”Dr. Hinds said that the PPP has been allowed to tout its innocence by the failure of the government to make and prosecute its case. The political activist said that now, the PPP has gone further. He said that the Opposition has all but turned the tables on the government—a case of the accused accusing the accuser of the crime.

“The PPP knows that this government is not corrupt and does not promote corruption. But the government has made the error of messing with some of the very elements who played games with the PPP.”
Dr. Hinds said that corruption is ignited not just by government officials, but also by moneyed interests who seek to buy influence from government. He said that the government does not have to necessarily play the game; the mere fact that it is caught kissing these moneyed interests is enough to compromise itself.  Once again, Dr. Hinds said that the PPP has again exploited the government’s clumsiness “to get itself out of jail.”

“In the final analysis, this government has shot itself in the mouth by unnecessarily relinquishing political space to its opponents. These things do not just happen. Such actions by governments arise out of their own political dynamics…The very make-up of the government is a big contributory factor to its behavior. Many of the Ministers mean well, but this is the most politically inexperienced government in our post-independence history,” said the WPA Executive Member.
In the end, Hinds said that the nation is left with a government that is trying its best, but collectively has little sense of its historical significance and responsibility to the historical moment it functions in. In the meantime, the political activist said that the PPP has mercilessly taken advantage of this weakness.

“I am ready to say that to my mind the PPP has outmaneuvered the government,” Hinds noted

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This is Dr. David Hind’s view of the situation that the APNU+AFC Coalition finds itself in at the hands of the PPPC.

Is this nigro aware of the fact that the PNC emptied the treasury during their rule? Is he aware that PNC made Guyana worse than Haiti? Is he aware of the current crop of drug dealers in the administration?



Hinds is nothing but a FOOL. He termed the PPP most Corrupt to satisfy his empty head rather than confronting the brainless, clueless PNC . He will be singing a different song tomorrow should Harmon offer him the position of Vice Chancellor of UG.  People like HInds make Prostitution seems like it is a branch of Computer Science.


"The nation’s most inexperienced Government is being regularly outmaneuvered by the most corrupt regime in the post-independence history of Guyana and the English-speaking Caribbean.This is Dr. David Hind’s view of the situation that the APNU+AFC Coalition finds itself in at the hands of the PPPC."


The PPP knows that this government is not corrupt and does not promote corruption. But the government has made the error of messing with some of the very elements who played games with the PPP.”

seignet posted:

Hinds should resurrect the WPA, they are the only match for the PPP. Certain they will be more honest than Granger's crooks.

You think this Chap cain capable of thinking for himself???

Nehru posted:
seignet posted:

Hinds should resurrect the WPA, they are the only match for the PPP. Certain they will be more honest than Granger's crooks.

You think this Chap cain capable of thinking for himself???

By asking such a question only proves the're not.

Last edited by cain

Hinds is looking comical and making the PNC look like fools.  They are stuck in mud and coming out with the outrageous claims of PPP corruption which they seem helpless to do anything.

All the big mouth they had, including the AFC, now they are left flat-footed and being encircled by BJ on every move, they are running helter-skelter!  Truth is, there was as much corruption under the PPP as there was WMD under Sadaam Hussain.

cain posted:
Nehru posted:
seignet posted:

Hinds should resurrect the WPA, they are the only match for the PPP. Certain they will be more honest than Granger's crooks.

You think this Chap cain capable of thinking for himself???

By asking such a question only proves the're not.

Cain Bhai, gwan suh, this thing way above your head.


Over 30 years of ABSOLUTE CORRUPTION, INTIMIDATION, VIOLENCE and still you dont get it. As I said before I was wrong is not just SHIT in Al YUh head the problem, it is WORST than that.

cain posted:

So says the guy who backed the idiot Trump until he blew up.

Now, why don't you go argue with Hinds.

Trump's core ideas are superior to Hillary's however, he does have a personality flaw.  True baseman backed Trump but got wary after the convention due to the lack of a pivot.  He talks a lot of crap but I don't think he does or you would have an army of accusers coming out.

If I were to write down where I stand on policy and the policies being advocated by both, I check off more on Trump than Hillary.  I have not yet decided if to vote Trump or stay away.  I will decide based on the weather that day!

ba$eman posted:
cain posted:

So says the guy who backed the idiot Trump until he blew up.

Now, why don't you go argue with Hinds.


Why would I argue with him? I agree with most of what he said, including my original post.

"The nation’s most inexperienced Government is being regularly outmaneuvered by the most corrupt regime in the post-independence history of Guyana and the English-speaking Caribbean.This is Dr. David Hind’s view of the situation that the APNU+AFC Coalition finds itself in at the hands of the PPPC."


About the APNU/AFC govt not being corrupt, well, that is debatable.


cain posted:
ba$eman posted:
cain posted:

So says the guy who backed the idiot Trump until he blew up.

Now, why don't you go argue with Hinds.


Why would I argue with him? I agree with most of what he said, including my original post.

"The nation’s most inexperienced Government is being regularly outmaneuvered by the most corrupt regime in the post-independence history of Guyana and the English-speaking Caribbean.This is Dr. David Hind’s view of the situation that the APNU+AFC Coalition finds itself in at the hands of the PPPC."


About the APNU/AFC govt not being corrupt, well, that is debatable.


Well, then you agree that the PNC are inept and incompetent!!  Slice and dice it whichever way, that's what he is saying!!

ba$eman posted:
cain posted:
ba$eman posted:
cain posted:

So says the guy who backed the idiot Trump until he blew up.

Now, why don't you go argue with Hinds.


Why would I argue with him? I agree with most of what he said, including my original post.

"The nation’s most inexperienced Government is being regularly outmaneuvered by the most corrupt regime in the post-independence history of Guyana and the English-speaking Caribbean.This is Dr. David Hind’s view of the situation that the APNU+AFC Coalition finds itself in at the hands of the PPPC."


About the APNU/AFC govt not being corrupt, well, that is debatable.


Well, then you agree that the PNC are inept and incompetent!!  Slice and dice it whichever way, that's what he is saying!!

You don't seem able to accept the fact when someone (Trump) or a govt (PPP) has done wrong. Yes I agree the APNU/AFC govt is incompetent in some areas but I also agree with the hilted part above...but not you, you see no wrong in those you stand behind and that is the difference between those who stand with the APNU/AFC and those standing with the PPP/C. Even the PPP guys who see the wrong done by the PPP say " yeah they tief lil bit but this govt tiefin more" they try to make it is aright fo tief lil bit nuh baie?

Last edited by cain
cain posted:
ba$eman posted:
cain posted:
ba$eman posted:
cain posted:

So says the guy who backed the idiot Trump until he blew up.

Now, why don't you go argue with Hinds.


Why would I argue with him? I agree with most of what he said, including my original post.

"The nation’s most inexperienced Government is being regularly outmaneuvered by the most corrupt regime in the post-independence history of Guyana and the English-speaking Caribbean.This is Dr. David Hind’s view of the situation that the APNU+AFC Coalition finds itself in at the hands of the PPPC."


About the APNU/AFC govt not being corrupt, well, that is debatable.


Well, then you agree that the PNC are inept and incompetent!!  Slice and dice it whichever way, that's what he is saying!!

You don't seem able to accept the fact when someone (Trump) or a govt (PPP) has done wrong. Yes I agree the APNU/AFC govt is incompetent in some areas but I also agree with the hilted part above...but not you, you see no wrong in those you stand behind and that is the difference between those who stand with the APNU/AFC and those standing with the PPP/C. Even the PPP guys who see the wrong done by the PPP say " yeah they tief lil bit but this govt tiefin more" they try to make it is aright fo tief lil bit nuh baie?

Listen banna, I don't agree with what Trump said about women nor do I agree with everything he says.  All-in-all, I do agree with much of his overall stance on the economy, immigration and terrorism!  Those are separate from his foolish ramblings.

On the PPP, same, I don't agree with everything, but overall they were the better choice.  After 23 years, people begin to forget the PNC reign of terror, oppression and destruction.  People took things for granted, even the PPP, and now everyone will pay.  But that is good, it reminds us that the bottom could fall out!


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