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Most of the skeletons are falling out from Freedom House

September 15, 2014 | By | Filed Under Letters

Dear Editor,


General Secretary of the People’s Progressive Party (PPP), Clement Rohee, told media operatives that he is willing to expose the wrongs of his former party comrade, Moses Nagamootoo, as a means to ensure the PPP remains in power. So the PPP’s dirty tricks department is once again open for business as it engages in its unethical, slanderous and illegal tactics to diminish the effectiveness of its political opponents. But such tactics can only work if there is a modicum of truth in the allegation, and if the allegations are being made by someone credible. There is too the economic well-being of the people. On all three scores, Mr. Rohee will fail. Firstly, there is little truth in his allegation since it would have been made public since 2011 when Mr. Nagamootoo joined the AFC. This is another Rohee bluff and there are many. T his latest wild and irresponsible outburst from the PPP General Secretary is nothing but petty spite and a vendetta against a champion of the working class, amounting to what we in Guyana would call “grudge” politics. Secondly, Mr. Rohee has no political or administrative credibility. The empirical evidence has proven that in the PPP there are some people who were graduated from petty bicycle operators outside of Metropole Cinema to “F” Grade Ministers and now think they can spew whatever political garbage that comes to their minds. Thirdly, after more than 50 years of PPP and PNC misrule, the economic well-being of the oppressed class in Guyana has moved from bad to worse, and this Jagdeo-Ramotar administration in which Mr Rohee is principal participant, was of no help to the plight of the poor and the working class. So why should the Guyanese people listen to more political drivel when the spokesperson is deceitful and only out to fool the people?  These PPP operators have exposed themselves as being in this game for their personal economic wellbeing, not the people. These people got the audacity to talk about skeletons when most of it is falling out from Freedom House today. So I say to Mr. Rohee, bring it on, or is this another ‘white pigeon’ in his collection of deceptive tools that will once again fly away. Is this another of his usual bluffs like when he pontificated in the Guyana Chronicle in March that the “PPP is ready for elections.” To date, however, the evidence reveals differently. Or is this another of his inventions that the electoral list is full of dead people when it is his ministry that is in charge of providing the evidence to ensure that the names of the dead are removed from the list by way of the General Register Office? I personally challenge Mr. Rohee to bring out these skeletons, since of all the politicians I have met in my life, Moses Nagamootoo is one of the most sincere, honest and genuine persons who deeply cares for the poor and the working class. When I observe Moses Nagamootoo, I observe a man who has compassion for the poor, like his mentor Cheddi Jagan. If given the chance by the people, Moses will heal this nation and provide every single ethnic group with a fair deal; it matters not if they are young or old, Hindu or Muslim or Christian, Amerindian or non-Amerindian. If it was not for the ideologically bankrupt leaders in the PPP, those of us who have studied the economy know that the country can support all the people in a more tangible manner. So haul your tail Rohee, time for you to reveal the skeleton in the closets of those who continue to buy medical supplies from their business buddies at ten times the real market value. Over and out! Sase Singh

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This Jagdeo-Ramotar administration in which Mr Rohee is principal participant, was of no help to theplight of the poor and the working class. So why should the Guyanese people listen to more political drivel when the spokesperson is deceitful and only out to fool the people?


This is a flap up letter.  If I was Rohee I would have run to metropole.


Mr Singh.


"These PPP operators have exposed themselves as being in this game for their personal economic wellbeing, not the people. These people got the audacity to talk about skeletons when most of it is falling out from Freedom House today."


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