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Dr. Kirk Meighoo

The People’s Progressive Party Civic’s presidential candidate, Irfaan Ali is being rejected by most party supporters who instead favour Anil Nandlall or Dr. Frank Anthony, according to an opinion poll conducted by the little-known Turkeyen Research and Polling Institute.

TRPI, which is head by United States (US)-based Political Scientist, Dr. Baytoram Ramharack, said the David Granger-led governing A Partnership for National Unity+Alliance For Change (APNU+AFC) coalition would be better off going to the polls with Ali at the helm of the PPP’s campaign.


“Indeed, the polling results seem to suggest that President Granger will have his easiest battle against Ali and toughest against Anthony and Nandlall. In this sense, one of the implications that may come from our final findings is that it may actually be in the APNU+AFC’s favor to call elections quickly, with Ali as the PPP’s Presidential nominee,” states the TRPI in its preliminary findings.

No actual figures were provided to show Guyanese political preferences of Ali, Nandlall, Anthony or Persaud, all of whom were contenders for the presidential candidacy in the PPP’s 35-member Central Committee, the second highest decision-making body in between Congresses.

The polling agency failed to attract top Western diplomats and other stakeholders who were purportedly invited to attend the presentation of the findings at a news briefing.

The briefing came days after Ali lost a Guyana Court of Appeal battle to avoid fraud charges in the Lower Court. Huge question marks also remain over his academic qualifications since he has so far failed to validate the authenticity of one his degrees that he had used to gain entry to a number of foreign universities.


The TPI said said Nandlall was ahead even in Ali’s home-village and in the traditional PPP strongholds in Berbice. “In terms of the PPP’s political support in the upcoming election, the party seems to have made an unpopular decision which may have some bearing on its electoral performance. A significant number of people is critical of the choice of Mr. Irfaan Ali as its Presidential candidate. Swing voters in particular appear to reject him unanimously.

What is notable is that Mr. Ali is rebuffed even by most PPP supporters who appear to prefer the former Attorney General Anil Nandlall, and to a lesser extent, Dr. Frank Anthony in some areas. Mr. Ali’s support is low even in his home town on the West Coast and surrounding areas, while Nandlall corners almost all the support on the Corentyne and is split with Dr. Anthony elsewhere. From what we see so far, on a national basis, Mr. Ali is only ahead of Dr. Vindhya Persaud as the PPP Presidential candidate,” states the preliminary findings.

Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo is on record as saying that he personally campaigned for Ali to be picked as the PPP’s presidential candidate because he has proven himself to be a hard worker while Minister of Housing, Water and Tourism. Jagdeo has given little credence to the potential adverse impact of Ali’s legal and academic troubles on his chances at the next general elections against Granger who is viewed as personally incorruptible.

Poll credibility

Questions were raised about the poll which was conducted under the leadership of Trinidadian political scientist, Dr. Kirk Meighoo. He could not say who funded the poll or trained the more than 12 interviewers.

“We can say that the pollsters acted with utmost integrity and conducted their research in reality. I can guarantee that these are not fake results,” he said.

He debunked suggestions that the poll was tailored to favour East Indo-Guyanese and against Afro-Guyanese, given the fact that Ramharack is a close associate of the virtually defunct Rise Organise and Rebuild (ROAR) political party. “We tried as much as possible to have a mixed set of surveyors and in regions where there was a majority of one race or another, we placed surveyors reflecting that racial composition,” he said.

Meighoo said about 1.400 voting age citizens were interviewed in coastal areas of Guyana, but he could not name the political administrative regions where the poll was conducted. The TPI representative said the sample size was structured to produce a 95 percent confidence level as a three percent error is normal for such a size.


He said the sample was stratified to represent the demographics of the population based on ethnicity (39% Indians, 30% Africans, 20% Mixed, 10% Amerindians, 1% others), gender (approximate 50-50) and regional distribution, with largest component of the sample coming from Region 4. He said there were respondents from the cities or towns and rural areas as well as the hinterlands and came from varied occupational classes and professions and ages as well as business people.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

I have been saying this for a while now, I heard it from PPP supporters across Guyana. 

I ran into BJ recently at Narine Liquor Store ( next to FH) we were all there for a religious function, BJ knew I wanted to say something to him.. but he avoids the conversation. 

I am still hoping better sense will prevail and he will replace Irfan. 


Dave posted:

I have been saying this for a while now, I heard it from PPP supporters across Guyana. 

I ran into BJ recently at Narine Liquor Store ( next to FH) we were all there for a religious function, BJ knew I wanted to say something to him.. but he avoids the conversation. 

I am still hoping better sense will prevail and he will replace Irfan. 

My sources telling me AFC will get 2-3 seats per vote count and it could be explained as the Irfy factor.  

The more affluent and educated Indians in GT not onboard with this!  PNC rigging just made easier!

Dave posted:

I have been saying this for a while now, I heard it from PPP supporters across Guyana. 

I ran into BJ recently at Narine Liquor Store ( next to FH) we were all there for a religious function, BJ knew I wanted to say something to him.. but he avoids the conversation. 

I am still hoping better sense will prevail and he will replace Irfan.

Another jine family.

Django posted:
Dave posted:

I have been saying this for a while now, I heard it from PPP supporters across Guyana. 

I ran into BJ recently at Narine Liquor Store ( next to FH) we were all there for a religious function, BJ knew I wanted to say something to him.. but he avoids the conversation. 

I am still hoping better sense will prevail and he will replace Irfan.

Another jine family.

I warned you, you need to watch yuh rass.  One day you will end up at a family occasion and they will say BYOB!!  No drinks!!

Did you not lose that bet with me?

Last edited by Former Member
Baseman posted:
Django posted:
Dave posted:

I have been saying this for a while now, I heard it from PPP supporters across Guyana. 

I ran into BJ recently at Narine Liquor Store ( next to FH) we were all there for a religious function, BJ knew I wanted to say something to him.. but he avoids the conversation. 

I am still hoping better sense will prevail and he will replace Irfan.

Another jine family.

I warned you, you need to watch yuh rass.  One day you will end up at a family occasion and they will say BYOB!!  No drinks!!

Did you not lose that bet with me?

I know, you deh too far, we would have already finish up that winning.

Django posted:
Baseman posted:
Django posted:
Dave posted:

I have been saying this for a while now, I heard it from PPP supporters across Guyana. 

I ran into BJ recently at Narine Liquor Store ( next to FH) we were all there for a religious function, BJ knew I wanted to say something to him.. but he avoids the conversation. 

I am still hoping better sense will prevail and he will replace Irfan.

Another jine family.

I warned you, you need to watch yuh rass.  One day you will end up at a family occasion and they will say BYOB!!  No drinks!!

Did you not lose that bet with me?

I know, you deh too far, we would have already finish up that winning.

When the PPP win, me guh come and kech yuh rass.  

ksazma posted:

Bai Base, why not invest in some more bake and saltfish and invite Jagdeo over and have a lil talk with him that he needs to switch Ali our for Nandlall.

Someone deep in the PPP told me there are concerns and don't be surprised of anything!

Prashad posted:

The President is doing a wonderful job as opposition leader.

I actuaually believe Jagdeo love to be in the spotlight, he wont be any one subordinate in the party. So he realize he cant be presidential head but he is doing whatever it takes to stay champion fuh the coolies in the opposition. 

Baseman posted:

Someone deep in the PPP told me there are concerns and don't be surprised of anything!

Nice to see you and Bibi on speaking terms again. Alyuh chatting as "back to back, belly to belly, ah doant give ah damn ah done dead ahready...." plays softly in the background!

Last edited by Former Member
Iguana posted:
Baseman posted:

Someone deep in the PPP told me there are concerns and don't be surprised of anything!

Nice to see you and Bibi on speaking terms again. Alyuh chatting as "back to back, belly to belly, ah doant give ah damn ah done dead ahready...." plays softly in the background!

You like make trouble! 

I also have contacts deep in the PNC and AFC.  

Baseman posted:
Iguana posted:
Baseman posted:

Someone deep in the PPP told me there are concerns and don't be surprised of anything!

Nice to see you and Bibi on speaking terms again. Alyuh chatting as "back to back, belly to belly, ah doant give ah damn ah done dead ahready...." plays softly in the background!

You like make trouble! 

I also have contacts deep in the PNC and AFC.  

Yuh like James Bond bai. You and yuh sidekick Fatty Galore gat dis whole ting figured out.

Iguana posted:
Baseman posted:
Iguana posted:
Baseman posted:

Someone deep in the PPP told me there are concerns and don't be surprised of anything!

Nice to see you and Bibi on speaking terms again. Alyuh chatting as "back to back, belly to belly, ah doant give ah damn ah done dead ahready...." plays softly in the background!

You like make trouble! 

I also have contacts deep in the PNC and AFC.  

Yuh like James Bond bai. You and yuh sidekick Fatty Galore gat dis whole ting figured out.

Is a lil country bai.  Somebody have to figure things out!

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Base working on a second vote of no confidence. 

I think Jagdeo now end up with a No Confidence scenario of his own with his Prezzy pick!  Let dem try deh.  

Monkey mek e’ pickney till e’ spile am!!  Ah Suh deh seh!


Bets are high that Ali will win. Jagdeo is rewarding Ali for the Cheap house lot deals and hoping when Ali becomes president the 19 charges against him will drop and he given immunity. Pushing for an early election is pushing Ali faster into office and as you can see his lawyers are pulling a Basil , that is appeal and extend the trial. Delay, Delay.

kp posted:

Bets are high that Ali will win. Jagdeo is rewarding Ali for the Cheap house lot deals and hoping when Ali becomes president the 19 charges against him will drop and he given immunity. Pushing for an early election is pushing Ali faster into office and as you can see his lawyers are pulling a Basil , that is appeal and extend the trial. Delay, Delay.

Who's betting here banna, a few of your neighbours? Not those I have contact with in T.O. they say their families are turned off by BJ and his bullying ways.

Last edited by cain
Baseman posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Base working on a second vote of no confidence. 

I think Jagdeo now end up with a No Confidence scenario of his own with his Prezzy pick!  Let dem try deh.  

Monkey mek e’ pickney till e’ spile am!!  Ah Suh deh seh!

I am highly suspicious of this woman, Claudette Singh.  Why would Jagdeo agree to have her as chairperson of GECOM when this same woman try to sabotage the results of a free election many years ago?  This is mind-boggling.  

Billy Ram Balgobin
cain posted:
ksazma posted:

Jagdeo is a forgiving person.

Yeh, he does like for givin' away nuff stuff belonging to the country to friends, is so I hear.

Bai, giving is good. 😀

Dave posted:

I have been saying this for a while now, I heard it from PPP supporters across Guyana. 

I ran into BJ recently at Narine Liquor Store ( next to FH) we were all there for a religious function, BJ knew I wanted to say something to him.. but he avoids the conversation. 

I am still hoping better sense will prevail and he will replace Irfan. 


and I said long ago that had they chosen Anthony they would have won some crossover votes from the many who are disillusioned with Granger.  Not only is he seen as being honest as a Guyanese politician can ever be, but he isn't known as an anti black racist.  To many blacks Alli iis a face mask pulled over Jagdeo's head, and Jagdeo is strongly disliked by most blacks.

So now the election will be between Irfaan and Granger, neither of whom excite the base, though at least Granger isn't seen as being very corrupt.  just very boring and aloof.

caribny posted:
Dave posted:

I have been saying this for a while now, I heard it from PPP supporters across Guyana. 

I ran into BJ recently at Narine Liquor Store ( next to FH) we were all there for a religious function, BJ knew I wanted to say something to him.. but he avoids the conversation. 

I am still hoping better sense will prevail and he will replace Irfan. 


and I said long ago that had they chosen Anthony they would have won some crossover votes from the many who are disillusioned with Granger.  Not only is he seen as being honest as a Guyanese politician can ever be, but he isn't known as an anti black racist.  To many blacks Alli iis a face mask pulled over Jagdeo's head, and Jagdeo is strongly disliked by most blacks.

So now the election will be between Irfaan and Granger, neither of whom excite the base, though at least Granger isn't seen as being very corrupt.  just very boring and aloof.

You need to join the PPP!  You wasting time with that geriatric crew!!


Caribj hates President Jagdeo because he is a Guyanese East Indian. People such as Caribj thinks that the East Indians of Guyana are racially inferior to them. President Jagdeo will win between 12 to 15 percent of the Afro Guyanese vote in any election.

Prashad posted:

Caribj hates President Jagdeo because he is a Guyanese East Indian. People such as Caribj thinks that the East Indians of Guyana are racially inferior to them. President Jagdeo will win between 12 to 15 percent of the Afro Guyanese vote in any election.

I have nothing but contempt for the kleptocrat. He is an odium, a shit stain, a prurient infective agent in our society.  One does not need race here as a mediating agency to detest fellow...not to say it could not be and added ingredient for Caribj

Baseman posted:

You need to join the PPP!  You wasting time with that geriatric crew!!

the Coalition is goat shit and the PPP is wet cow shit.  I think that you know which one is worse to step on.

Prashad posted:

President Jagdeo will win between 12 to 15 percent of the Afro Guyanese vote in any election.

So please discuss how the Coalition won because you know that Indians don't vote PNC.

To the vast majority if blacks (more than 95%) the PPP is an evil racist party which they despise as much as American blacks hate the KKK.

caribny posted:
Baseman posted:

You need to join the PPP!  You wasting time with that geriatric crew!!

the Coalition is goat shit and the PPP is wet cow shit.  I think that you know which one is worse to step on.

Don’t tell me that did never stepped into wet cow shit?

caribny posted:
Prashad posted:

President Jagdeo will win between 12 to 15 percent of the Afro Guyanese vote in any election.

So please discuss how the Coalition won because you know that Indians don't vote PNC.

To the vast majority if blacks (more than 95%) the PPP is an evil racist party which they despise as much as American blacks hate the KKK.

Agreed, the blacks are Tribal, i:e racist, they were taught by their leaders not to compromise with other races. Voting blindly for your own, is racist.

Baseman posted:
Iguana posted:
Baseman posted:

Someone deep in the PPP told me there are concerns and don't be surprised of anything!

Nice to see you and Bibi on speaking terms again. Alyuh chatting as "back to back, belly to belly, ah doant give ah damn ah done dead ahready...." plays softly in the background!

You like make trouble! 

I also have contacts deep in the PNC and AFC.  

Suh we see from yuh posts today to defend Bibi "honor" and she "liardness" dat I was right. Yuh kyanting to wan side singing "back to back, belly to belly.....".

Juss doan scream out "ow bawwww barrrra, bawbra" arite?

Iguana posted:
Baseman posted:
Iguana posted:
Baseman posted:

Someone deep in the PPP told me there are concerns and don't be surprised of anything!

Nice to see you and Bibi on speaking terms again. Alyuh chatting as "back to back, belly to belly, ah doant give ah damn ah done dead ahready...." plays softly in the background!

You like make trouble! 

I also have contacts deep in the PNC and AFC.  

Suh we see from yuh posts today to defend Bibi "honor" and she "liardness" dat I was right. Yuh kyanting to wan side singing "back to back, belly to belly.....".

Juss doan scream out "ow bawwww barrrra, bawbra" arite?

Nah nah. Me juss think was not “totally” necessary.  

If you notice, I said nothing but seeking proof.  And yes, a photo does not prove she’s on staff.  So I don’t judge the diplomatic representation on one person who may not be a staff. 

I met the Honorable Consul General twice in functions and few emails on a donation. Besides that, I don’t know the lady, and I’m almost certain she don’t know me!

I just seek the truth and accept Ms Atherly’s word that this person in not on her staff!

Last edited by Former Member

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