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Colwyn Henry and Gail Johnson at the Sparendaam Police Station on Tuesday night (Photos sourced from Nigel Hughes’ Facebook page)

Colwyn Henry and Gail Johnson at the Sparendaam Police Station on Tuesday night (Photos sourced from Nigel Hughes’ Facebook page)

December 20 ,2020


Two relatives of the murdered teen cousins Joel and Isaiah Henry were on Friday faced with five charges in wake of an altercation with Guyana Police Force ranks at the Sparendaam Police Station.

Gail Johnson and her son, Colwyn Henry, who are the mother and brother of Joel Henry, were jointly charged with two counts of assaulting a peace officer, and one count of disorderly behaviour. Johnson was also separately charged with resisting a police officer and obstructing a peace officer, while Henry was separately charged with failing to produce a driver’s licence, and resisting a peace officer. Johnson and Henry, of Cotton Tree, West Coast Berbice, were each granted their release on a total of $30,000 bail for three of their charges and self-bail for the remainder.

The police said all matters have been set for continuation on January 28th, 2021.

A confrontation occurred at the station last Tuesday night after the vehicle in which Johnson and Henry were travelling was stopped at a police roadblock in front of the station. Henry, who had been driving, was unable to produce his licence, which led to an argument and ranks sought to arrest him.

The Guyana Police Force has said Henry hurled profanities at ranks and pushed away two of them during subsequent attempts to arrest him. It has also alleged that he dealt several cuffs to a constable and also bit him during a later scuffle in the station. Johnson, the police also said, also abused the police with profanities and held on to a rank and ripped his clothing.

The Guyana Human Rights Association (GHRA), at whose invitation the Henry family had travelled to Georgetown last Tuesday, subsequently called the police force’s account of what occurred “self-serving” and accused it of “unprovoked brutality” on Johnson and her son.

The GHRA has said it witnessed a chaotic scene with “Colwyn chained to the floor, the family lawyer, Nigel Hughes, protesting the treatment of his client, many police officers milling around to no evident purpose, Colwyn’s mother phasing in and out of consciousness as a result of elevated blood pressure resulting from being manhandled by the police.”

A video released by journalist Leroy Smith showed an altercation between Johnson and several police officers within the compound of the Sparendaam Police Station. Johnson can be seen screaming at the officers to stop “assaulting my son”.

“Loose my son. Colwyn, Colwyn, Colwyn,” she screamed while clinging to him.

It took at least four officers to separate the two at which point Johnson started screaming.

Henry can be heard calling for his mother as the camera briefly panned to police officers dealing him several cuffs about his body.

The family of the Henrys had travelled to Georgetown to attend a lecture by Argentine expert, Dr. Luis Fondebrider, who was invited to Guyana to determine whether his organization, the Argentine Team of Forensic Anthropologists (EAAF), could aid the police’s efforts to solve the murders.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

What a screwed up place Guyana has become.  Instead of providing counseling to families who lost three murdered young men, they get charged by the police.

The Guyana police have no idea or de-escalation training, regarding what its like to lose a family member who was murdered. 

@Tola posted:

What a screwed up place Guyana has become.  Instead of providing counseling to families who lost three murdered young men, they get charged by the police.

The Guyana police have no idea or de-escalation training, regarding what its like to lose a family member who was murdered.

Some one called the shots to harass Gail Johnson and her son, Colwyn Henry .

Colwyn said ,he will get a taxi to bring his license ,the police wasn't interested in that.

@Django posted:

Some one called the shots to harass Gail Johnson and her son, Colwyn Henry .

Colwyn said ,he will get a taxi to bring his license ,the police wasn't interested in that.

All these murders seem to be major cover up, that could reveal a bigger embarrassing fish.

THREE young men murdered in broad  daylight and for months no one is charged. What a bunch of dum ass Guyana police force !!

These GPF friggin asses, when a relative was murdered, they took valuables from the house as 'evidence', that they did not return. 

@Nehru posted:

Assaulting Police Officers is NOT accepted,

Assaulting police is a make up charge to scare off folks. Most likely  it will end in "reprimand and discharge", which is a criminal record. It's an old Police bullying tactic.

These random stop and search are illegal. FK wrote about it. Back in the day when I worked in the courts, most of the charges that resulted from these stops and search were dismissed.

Last edited by Mitwah

Mits, take some time and look at videos the police have. You sound like a Trailer Trash Trump supporter who only look at Fauxnews. This is serious matter and you need to get the FACTS!!!

@Nehru posted:

Mits, take some time and look at videos the police have. You sound like a Trailer Trash Trump supporter who only look at Fauxnews. This is serious matter and you need to get the FACTS!!!

The video shows the illegal activity of the police and their lack of skills to de-escalate a confrontation. Slip a few dollars in their palm and everything is hunkey dorey.

@Nehru posted:

Mits, take some time and look at videos the police have. You sound like a Trailer Trash Trump supporter who only look at Fauxnews. This is serious matter and you need to get the FACTS!!!

The FACTs are the police is supposed to be trained to de-escalate a situation, before it becomes violent, cause dem rass in control. Especially with people who have murdered children and rightfully upset with the police, for no charges. But dem like some New York cops, shoot first.

@Nehru posted:

There should be no confrontation in the first place, Respect MUST be given to our Officers!!! In America disrespecting Police Officers can be deadly!!!

The question should be was there a need for an arrest for not having your Drivers License in possession.

What's the LAW in the US ,when an officer request for Driver License and don't have it ?

@Nehru posted:

There should be no confrontation in the first place, Respect MUST be given to our Officers!!! In America disrespecting Police Officers can be deadly!!!

What is your best option when someone is personally angry with you.  Remain and fight, or leave for a while for them to cool off ?

Do you know the reason why some customer's angry complaint takes 24 hours, or 30 days with Caribbean Airlines for a reply ? 

@Nehru posted:

Mits, take some time and look at videos the police have. You sound like a Trailer Trash Trump supporter who only look at Fauxnews. This is serious matter and you need to get the FACTS!!!

Mitwah wants to bring back the Agricola and Linden riots where police can abuse and killed for protecting the peace in Guyana. This is where AFC had to prove to the PNC that Ramjattan is blacker than black to qualify to join the PNC ranks.

@Django posted:

The question should be was there a need for an arrest for not having your Drivers License in possession.

What's the LAW in the US ,when an officer request for Driver License and don't have it ?

The fine here for wrong address on you driver's license is $800.00, but the RCMP would give 24 hours to change it and show it at the police station, to avoid the fine.

Our son was stopped for forgetting to renew his car insurance, another hefty fine. But the officer WAITED for him to call me and get new insurance, that he placed on the car, before the RCMP said for it not to happen again.

What type of training do they give to the Guyana police ? 

@Viper posted:

Mitwah wants to bring back the Agricola and Linden riots where police can abuse and killed for protecting the peace in Guyana. This is where AFC had to prove to the PNC that Ramjattan is blacker than black to qualify to join the PNC ranks.

Don't be friggin brain dead. Where is any of this political ? 

@Django posted:

The question should be was there a need for an arrest for not having your Drivers License in possession.

What's the LAW in the US ,when an officer request for Driver License and don't have it ?

First, the cop has to tell you what is your infraction or why he is stopping you. Turn on the camera on your Iphone and start filming and recording for your evidence. Unless they tell you your infraction,  you do not have to give them your license. There are many videos on YouTube on this matter.

In Guyana unless you have a witness in the car, they will break your lights and escalate the stop and ask you to drive to the police station for an inspection, which can take up to 24 hours or so to resolve. That's bullying. People will bribe just so that they don't have to go to court or waste more than a day on the illegal stops.


Merry Christmas to the families of Joel and Isaiah Henry courtesy of the Guyana Police Force.

1. $30000.00 station bail.
2. $60000.00 court bail.
3. Murders of Joel and Isaiah unsolved.
4. International forensic assistance refused.
5. $3M reward offered and no takers after 100 days after the murders.
6. No police update to the family.
7. Back to court in January 2021 for hearing of the cases the police filed against them.

The Henry family is now fully protected and served.

@Nehru posted:

Nigel needs to teach them how to behave like regular humans!!

When will the PPP government teach the Guyana police to behave like regular humans ?

Why does the PPP keep refusing overseas assistance for the Guyana police force ? 


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