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October 2,2016 Source

A family in Crabwood Creek has been plunged into mourning at the loss of not one but two family members to suicide last week.

Two Thursdays ago, a 55-year-old woman and her 17-year-old daughter consumed a poisonous substance which landed them as patients in the Skeldon Public Hospital for a short period before they both succumbed.

Dead are Madojri Sawh and Diana Sawh of Grant 1802 Crabwood Creek. While the family refused to speak with Stabroek News, a neighbour related that on the day in question the woman’s son was informed by his now dead sister that their mother had consumed a poisonous substance. The mother was rushed to the hospital and it was while they were there that it was discovered that the teen had also consumed the same substance.

Diana Sawh [left) and Madojri Sawh
Diana Sawh (left) and Madojri Sawh

The mother succumbed the following day, while the teen died on Friday last.

According to information gathered, the teen had borrowed a sum of cash and pawned some of her mother valuables to help her boyfriend financially. The money was expected to be paid back two Thursdays ago, the day on which the act was committed. However, apparently this was not done.

A neighbour close to the family said, β€œShe na had the money to pay back and she pawn she mother thing to help she boyfriend fix he car so all a dah stress out the lady.”

Madojri Sawh was laid to rest on Wednesday last.

Diana Sawh was a past student at the Skeldon Line Path Secondary School.

Suicide in Guyana is a serious social problem as according to a PAHO/WHO report, Guyana has the highest rate of suicide in the world. If you, or anyone you know is experiencing suicidal thoughts, you can contact the suicide helpline to receive assistance.

The Inter Agency Suicide Prevention Help Line can be accessed through the following:

Telephone: 223-0818, 223-0009 and 223-0001

Mobile: 600-7896 or 623-4444

Email: moc.oohay@ycnegayug

BBM: 2BE55649 or 2BE56020

Twitter: @guyanaagency

Whatsapp: 600-7896 or 623-4444

Facebook: Guyana Interagency Suicide Prevention Help Line

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Cobra posted:

This is sad, indeed. If the woman took stress to kill herself, it means her lost valuables was her life savings. Mother and daughter are now dead and the money couldn't save them. 

Chief, come in. This is your village in Guyana. 

Crabwoodcreek is adjoining to our Town, Corriverton.

Suicide is definitely out of control in Guyana and a lot of work need to be done to try to prevent this epidemic. The last official figures that was released on suicide some years ago indicated that the majority of victims are Indians who are Hindus.

I spoke with Pandit Suresh Sugrim who along with his brother Dr Sugrim were running a shelter at Port Mourant, he mentioned that suicide prevention is a topic they regularly lecture about.


Amral posted:

This has nothing to do with politics. [Correct]  

These people are mentally disturbed[Not quite so. I think the mother felt desperate and helpless and rashly reached for the poison. The daughter probably got a panic attack which, coupled with guilt, made her drink the remainder of the poison. Of course, I'm just speculating and could be wrong. Not mental illness though.] 



When white people want to commit suicide, they take a whole bottle of pain killer or go in a garage, start the car and close the door. Guyanese people love rope and poison. Does these people care who will foot the expense to bury them? 

I know a con man and a con woman who threatened suicide on many occasions when they want overseas money. One day the old lady fed up and told them to buy their coffins before committing suicide. That was the last time they ever bother the old lady for money. 


Amral posted:

Stop blaming the govt Drugb. Even under the PPP Indians were drinking poison.  It is useless to try and educate some of these people. They have their own mentality about life

You miss the point, under PPP there was hope for bouncing back from financial ruin. Today under the PNC there is no hope.  The mother saw no hope of rebounding from the financial loss. 

Chief posted:
Drugb posted:

Clearly the Indians in Guyana don't feel that life is worthwhile living under the PNC. After losing corn and husk, they killed themselves as there is no hope of climbing out of this hole under the Granger administration and its destructive economic policies that target Indians for harassment. 

Sheer nonsense.

Sure, it wasn't nonsense when you folks blamed the PPP for suicide during 23 years of rule. Now you give Granger et al a free ride, no accountability. 

Chief posted:
Amral posted:

This has nothing to do with politics.  These people are mentally disturbed 

Yugi seems mentally disturbed to make such a foolish statement.

Go back and read the posts RIGHT HERE ON GNI when the AFC/PNC were pinning suicides on the PPP.

You appear the suffer from short term memory loss. Please have a check up soon.

Last edited by Former Member
Chief posted:
Drugb posted:

Clearly the Indians in Guyana don't feel that life is worthwhile living under the PNC. After losing corn and husk, they killed themselves as there is no hope of climbing out of this hole under the Granger administration and its destructive economic policies that target Indians for harassment. 

Sheer nonsense.

Folks, I don't usually agree with Chief, but I agree with him on this one. Suicide is a social issue. Government may tend to blame each other to gain political mileage, but suicide remains social a issue. Stop throwing water on duck's back. 

Prince posted:
Chief posted:
Drugb posted:

Clearly the Indians in Guyana don't feel that life is worthwhile living under the PNC. After losing corn and husk, they killed themselves as there is no hope of climbing out of this hole under the Granger administration and its destructive economic policies that target Indians for harassment. 

Sheer nonsense.

Folks, I don't usually agree with Chief, but I agree with him on this one. Suicide is a social issue. Government may tend to blame each other to gain political mileage, but suicide remains social a issue. Stop throwing water on duck's back. 

Why don't you address the claims of the afc/pnc when in opposition that the PPP was responsible for suicides? You giving Chiefy a free pass here as amnesia steps in on many of you. 


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