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Motion to reduce Berbice Bridge tolls

for Parliament Thursday – Berbicians

want return of river ferry

January 12, 2014 | By | Filed Under News 

The proposed reduction of the Berbice Bridge tolls

The main Opposition in the National Assembly is set to move a motion next Thursday to have the tolls reduced on the Berbice River Bridge.
The issue is expected to raise hackle in the Government side which has been insisting that the Berbice Bridge is privately controlled and therefore Government does not have the authority to lower tolls.
However, the Opposition has been insisting that a large part of the investments came from taxpayers’ monies and therefore Government must have some say.
According to the Order Papers issued by the Parliament Office for the sitting next Thursday, January 16th, the motion will be moved by Lt Colonel (ret’d), Joseph Harmon, a senior Parliamentarian for A Partnership For Nation Unity (APNU)
He wants it resolved that the “National Assembly calls on the Government of Guyana to instruct its representative on the Board of Directors of the Berbice Bridge Company Inc. to demand an immediate reduction in tolls charged by the Berbice Bridge Company Inc. for crossing the Berbice River.
In the motion, he argued that the bridge, commissioned in December 2008, was built with significant investment by the Government of Guyana on behalf of the People of Guyana and now managed by the Berbice Bridge Company Inc (BBCI).
Significant to note is that the Government of Guyana through its investment arm, the National Industrial and Commercial Investments Ltd (NICIL), is a preferential shareholder and a member of the Board of Directors of the Berbice Bridge Company Inc.
Since its commissioning in 2008, the Berbice Bridge has facilitated crossing of over 650,000 vehicles resulting in annual revenue of over $1.5B.
The MP stressed that when compared to the Demerara Harbour Bridge, the tolls to cross the Berbice River “are exceedingly high” and “represent a significant devolution of wealth from the people of Berbice in particular to the benefit of a private company.”
The Parliamentarian also pointed out that the Bridge’s management in recognition that the toll was too high, reduced the toll for a specific period over August 1, 2013 to August 12, 2013.
The Opposition MP noted that Berbice River Bridge Act 2006 provides for the Minister responsible for Public Works to make “Toll Orders”.
Among other things, Harmon wants the rates for sedans (normal cars) to be slashed by half with motorcycles being allowed free passage.
Apart from NICIL being the single largest shareholder, in 2011, Queens Atlantic Investment Inc (QAII) which is owned by Dr. Ranjisinghi ‘Bobby’ Ramroop, the best friend of the former president, Bharrat Jagdeo, acquired even more shares in the BBCI making him the second largest shareholder. That information was not filed in the company’s annual report.
The main providers of the finance for the bridge are the investors in ordinary share capital of $400M, preference shares of $950M and various loans amounting to $7.2B.
The holders of the ordinary shares are NIS, New GPC, QAII and Secure International Finance Company each having $80M, and Hand-in-Hand and Demerara Contractors each holding $40M.
New GPC is also owned by QAII, making Ramroop the second largest shareholder in the bridge Company behind NICIL.
Compounding the situation further is the fact that NICIL has for years waived its dividends in order to ensure that the private investors make their profits and recoup their investment.
Meanwhile, Trevor Williams, an MP for the Alliance For Change, is set to move another motion that will be affecting Berbice.
According to Williams in the proposed motion, the Berbice River Ferry previously served a number of communities from New Amsterdam to Kwakwani, providing critical and affordable transportation to hundreds of Guyanese families and their goods to and from the Berbice Coast.
“And whereas the Government of Guyana with no explanation unilaterally removed this critical service which linked the hinterland with the Coast.”
Individuals, families, organizations and institutions from communities of the Berbice river benefitted from this service in the past and now have to severely alter their way of life to the extent of relocating and abandoning their primary economic activity, Williams claimed.
Many of the communities have now become abandoned and deserted due to lack of significant economic activities.
Arguing that the ferry service remains a critical component to the development of the Berbice riverain communities, the MP argued that other far-flung areas in Guyana which remain accessible by river mainly, Northwest, Bartica and Essequibo Coast, have had the ferry services maintained, thereby providing critical support to residents and facilitating the transport of large scale commodities.
He wants the Government to restore the service “giving hope and stability to the many Guyanese who wish to venture into agricultural entrepreneurship.”

Replies sorted oldest to newest

OH RASS, is plenty closet COMMUNISTS on GNI and in the Opposition. ONLY CUBA currently has such Policies.


I have never heard of such a move to deal with pricing. I want to Laff but this cold and headache stopping me.


A framework to progressively and systematically reduce the bridge toll is a welcome development.  It has little to do with corruption, more to do with the financial model being used.

Originally Posted by Nehru:

OH RASS, is plenty closet COMMUNISTS on GNI and in the Opposition. ONLY CUBA currently has such Policies.


I have never heard of such a move to deal with pricing. I want to Laff but this cold and headache stopping me.

Don't insult the intelligence of the Communists by lumping in ASJ with them.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

OH RASS, is plenty closet COMMUNISTS on GNI and in the Opposition. ONLY CUBA currently has such Policies.


I have never heard of such a move to deal with pricing. I want to Laff but this cold and headache stopping me.

Don't insult the intelligence of the Communists by lumping in ASJ with them.

Bhai, These low lives Snakeoil Salesmen want and are trying hard to get their hands on plenty cash and don't care Rat's Ass about the Guyanese People.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

OH RASS, is plenty closet COMMUNISTS on GNI and in the Opposition. ONLY CUBA currently has such Policies.


I have never heard of such a move to deal with pricing. I want to Laff but this cold and headache stopping me.

Don't insult the intelligence of the Communists by lumping in ASJ with them.

Bhai, These low lives Snakeoil Salesmen want and are trying hard to get their hands on plenty cash and don't care Rat's Ass about the Guyanese People.

What an ignorant old man you are.

Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

OH RASS, is plenty closet COMMUNISTS on GNI and in the Opposition. ONLY CUBA currently has such Policies.


I have never heard of such a move to deal with pricing. I want to Laff but this cold and headache stopping me.

Don't insult the intelligence of the Communists by lumping in ASJ with them.

Bhai, These low lives Snakeoil Salesmen want and are trying hard to get their hands on plenty cash and don't care Rat's Ass about the Guyanese People.

What an ignorant old man you are.

Gal, You are not in the pact, you already know how to make money.


I am far removed from the Berbice Bridge and the Ferry issue. Can government not introduce a  Ferry to take passengers who might not want to use the Bridge at a lower fare ?


This might not be a bad idea.


On the issue of tolls, I travel to the USA from Canada and I am shocked at the amount of toll that one has to pay both ways from Canada to NY. I do not see New Yorkers complaining. It is almost half the price of the gas money to take me to NY.


Let us put forward reasonable proposals rather than trying to score political points regarding this issue.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

I am far removed from the Berbice Bridge and the Ferry issue. Can government not introduce a  Ferry to take passengers who might not want to use the Bridge at a lower fare ?


This might not be a bad idea.


On the issue of tolls, I travel to the USA from Canada and I am shocked at the amount of toll that one has to pay both ways from Canada to NY. I do not see New Yorkers complaining. It is almost half the price of the gas money to take me to NY.


Let us put forward reasonable proposals rather than trying to score political points regarding this issue.

The Berbice River bridge was the best thing the PPP has done for people living on the Corentyne. I remember all those times we had to wait in line for the ferry. People paid bribes to get ahead in the line. I am not against reducing the fare. The investors expect a return on their investment.

Originally Posted by Nehru:

They should reduce the fare and let the Investor return be delayed. Not like they will not get their money back.

Nehru I agree with you for the second time in less than a day.


You see we have much in common.  You still have a heart for the working class.


I bet that the PPP with turn down the proposal to lower the rates for the ordinary man on the bridge. They're only interested in fattening their bank accounts to build their mansions.

Originally Posted by KishanB:

Back on the front burner, this Bridge thanks to Mr. Joseph Harmon from the APNU.

Aren't you ashamed, your good friend Rose stole the AFC concept and gave it to the PNC who then acted upon it and got the PPP to move on the topic.  What did that do?  Listen up, it gave credit to the PNC, please the Berbicians who will be thankful to the PNC but not vote for them.  That left the AFC out in the cold and without the credit they deserve.  This is what you get for cozying up with Afros in the AFC, many of whom had a PNC agenda.  You are a fool, and you never will learn.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

I am far removed from the Berbice Bridge and the Ferry issue. Can government not introduce a  Ferry to take passengers who might not want to use the Bridge at a lower fare ?


This might not be a bad idea.


On the issue of tolls, I travel to the USA from Canada and I am shocked at the amount of toll that one has to pay both ways from Canada to NY. I do not see New Yorkers complaining. It is almost half the price of the gas money to take me to NY.


Let us put forward reasonable proposals rather than trying to score political points regarding this issue.

The Berbice River bridge was the best thing the PPP has done for people living on the Corentyne. I remember all those times we had to wait in line for the ferry. People paid bribes to get ahead in the line. I am not against reducing the fare. The investors expect a return on their investment.

What investors? Based on the figures published by the previous PPP regime there were no investors. The cost came out of state's funds. The so called investors are merley collecting but have put nothing in. No bankers draft exists to show that investors ploughed money into building the bridge.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

OH RASS, is plenty closet COMMUNISTS on GNI and in the Opposition. ONLY CUBA currently has such Policies.


I have never heard of such a move to deal with pricing. I want to Laff but this cold and headache stopping me.

Don't insult the intelligence of the Communists by lumping in ASJ with them.

 Living proof that man can live without a brain!


You guys, Base and Nero are not stupid, but possessed by a retarded ghost.

Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

OH RASS, is plenty closet COMMUNISTS on GNI and in the Opposition. ONLY CUBA currently has such Policies.


I have never heard of such a move to deal with pricing. I want to Laff but this cold and headache stopping me.

Don't insult the intelligence of the Communists by lumping in ASJ with them.

 Living proof that man can live without a brain!


You guys, Base and Nero are not stupid, but possessed by a retarded ghost.

Hmm, how insightful for a 72 IQ.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

Back on the front burner, this Bridge thanks to Mr. Joseph Harmon from the APNU.

Aren't you ashamed, your good friend Rose stole the AFC concept and gave it to the PNC who then acted upon it and got the PPP to move on the topic.  What did that do?  Listen up, it gave credit to the PNC, please the Berbicians who will be thankful to the PNC but not vote for them.  That left the AFC out in the cold and without the credit they deserve.  This is what you get for cozying up with Afros in the AFC, many of whom had a PNC agenda.  You are a fool, and you never will learn.

KishanB, let me hear you squeal or your buddy Rose shut you up?

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

Back on the front burner, this Bridge thanks to Mr. Joseph Harmon from the APNU.

Aren't you ashamed, your good friend Rose stole the AFC concept and gave it to the PNC who then acted upon it and got the PPP to move on the topic.  What did that do?  Listen up, it gave credit to the PNC, please the Berbicians who will be thankful to the PNC but not vote for them.  That left the AFC out in the cold and without the credit they deserve.  This is what you get for cozying up with Afros in the AFC, many of whom had a PNC agenda.  You are a fool, and you never will learn.

KishanB, let me hear you squeal or your buddy Rose shut you up?

You are a congenital racist.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

Back on the front burner, this Bridge thanks to Mr. Joseph Harmon from the APNU.

Aren't you ashamed, your good friend Rose stole the AFC concept and gave it to the PNC who then acted upon it and got the PPP to move on the topic.  What did that do?  Listen up, it gave credit to the PNC, please the Berbicians who will be thankful to the PNC but not vote for them.  That left the AFC out in the cold and without the credit they deserve.  This is what you get for cozying up with Afros in the AFC, many of whom had a PNC agenda.  You are a fool, and you never will learn.

KishanB, let me hear you squeal or your buddy Rose shut you up?

You are a congenital racist.

Ask yuh buddy KishanB about Rose's back-stab!  Now alyuh scratching alyuh balls.  Alyuh katahar khulis prapa stupid.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

Back on the front burner, this Bridge thanks to Mr. Joseph Harmon from the APNU.

Aren't you ashamed, your good friend Rose stole the AFC concept and gave it to the PNC who then acted upon it and got the PPP to move on the topic.  What did that do?  Listen up, it gave credit to the PNC, please the Berbicians who will be thankful to the PNC but not vote for them.  That left the AFC out in the cold and without the credit they deserve.  This is what you get for cozying up with Afros in the AFC, many of whom had a PNC agenda.  You are a fool, and you never will learn.

KishanB, let me hear you squeal or your buddy Rose shut you up?

You are a congenital racist.

Ask yuh buddy KishanB about Rose's back-stab!  Now alyuh scratching alyuh balls.  Alyuh katahar khulis prapa stupid.




You have dem AFC stooges spinning.


Their limited vocabulary will turn to vulgarity, indecency and "Dem Boys Seh". Mitwah's vocabulary is his collection of Newspaper clippings from Toilet Paper KN.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

Back on the front burner, this Bridge thanks to Mr. Joseph Harmon from the APNU.

Aren't you ashamed, your good friend Rose stole the AFC concept and gave it to the PNC who then acted upon it and got the PPP to move on the topic.  What did that do?  Listen up, it gave credit to the PNC, please the Berbicians who will be thankful to the PNC but not vote for them.  That left the AFC out in the cold and without the credit they deserve.  This is what you get for cozying up with Afros in the AFC, many of whom had a PNC agenda.  You are a fool, and you never will learn.

KishanB, let me hear you squeal or your buddy Rose shut you up?

You are a congenital racist.

Ask yuh buddy KishanB about Rose's back-stab!  Now alyuh scratching alyuh balls.  Alyuh katahar khulis prapa stupid.




You have dem AFC stooges spinning.


Their limited vocabulary will turn to vulgarity, indecency and "Dem Boys Seh". Mitwah's vocabulary is his collection of Newspaper clippings from Toilet Paper KN.

You are an incorrigible liar. Did you ever finish high school?

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

Back on the front burner, this Bridge thanks to Mr. Joseph Harmon from the APNU.

Aren't you ashamed, your good friend Rose stole the AFC concept and gave it to the PNC who then acted upon it and got the PPP to move on the topic.  What did that do?  Listen up, it gave credit to the PNC, please the Berbicians who will be thankful to the PNC but not vote for them.  That left the AFC out in the cold and without the credit they deserve.  This is what you get for cozying up with Afros in the AFC, many of whom had a PNC agenda.  You are a fool, and you never will learn.

KishanB, let me hear you squeal or your buddy Rose shut you up?

You are a congenital racist.

Ask yuh buddy KishanB about Rose's back-stab!  Now alyuh scratching alyuh balls.  Alyuh katahar khulis prapa stupid.




You have dem AFC stooges spinning.


Their limited vocabulary will turn to vulgarity, indecency and "Dem Boys Seh". Mitwah's vocabulary is his collection of Newspaper clippings from Toilet Paper KN.

You are an incorrigible liar. Did you ever finish high school?


It that the limit to your vocabulary or to your intelligence ? 

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

Back on the front burner, this Bridge thanks to Mr. Joseph Harmon from the APNU.

Aren't you ashamed, your good friend Rose stole the AFC concept and gave it to the PNC who then acted upon it and got the PPP to move on the topic.  What did that do?  Listen up, it gave credit to the PNC, please the Berbicians who will be thankful to the PNC but not vote for them.  That left the AFC out in the cold and without the credit they deserve.  This is what you get for cozying up with Afros in the AFC, many of whom had a PNC agenda.  You are a fool, and you never will learn.

KishanB, let me hear you squeal or your buddy Rose shut you up?

You are a congenital racist.

Ask yuh buddy KishanB about Rose's back-stab!  Now alyuh scratching alyuh balls.  Alyuh katahar khulis prapa stupid.

Too bad you don't have any balls. We know that you are a katahar khuli.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

Back on the front burner, this Bridge thanks to Mr. Joseph Harmon from the APNU.

Aren't you ashamed, your good friend Rose stole the AFC concept and gave it to the PNC who then acted upon it and got the PPP to move on the topic.  What did that do?  Listen up, it gave credit to the PNC, please the Berbicians who will be thankful to the PNC but not vote for them.  That left the AFC out in the cold and without the credit they deserve.  This is what you get for cozying up with Afros in the AFC, many of whom had a PNC agenda.  You are a fool, and you never will learn.

KishanB, let me hear you squeal or your buddy Rose shut you up?

You are a congenital racist.

Ask yuh buddy KishanB about Rose's back-stab!  Now alyuh scratching alyuh balls.  Alyuh katahar khulis prapa stupid.




You have dem AFC stooges spinning.


Their limited vocabulary will turn to vulgarity, indecency and "Dem Boys Seh". Mitwah's vocabulary is his collection of Newspaper clippings from Toilet Paper KN.

You are an incorrigible liar. Did you ever finish high school?


It that the limit to your vocabulary or to your intelligence ? 

Ask the one that gave birth to you.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

Back on the front burner, this Bridge thanks to Mr. Joseph Harmon from the APNU.

Aren't you ashamed, your good friend Rose stole the AFC concept and gave it to the PNC who then acted upon it and got the PPP to move on the topic.  What did that do?  Listen up, it gave credit to the PNC, please the Berbicians who will be thankful to the PNC but not vote for them.  That left the AFC out in the cold and without the credit they deserve.  This is what you get for cozying up with Afros in the AFC, many of whom had a PNC agenda.  You are a fool, and you never will learn.

KishanB, let me hear you squeal or your buddy Rose shut you up?

You are a congenital racist.

Ask yuh buddy KishanB about Rose's back-stab!  Now alyuh scratching alyuh balls.  Alyuh katahar khulis prapa stupid.




You have dem AFC stooges spinning.


Their limited vocabulary will turn to vulgarity, indecency and "Dem Boys Seh". Mitwah's vocabulary is his collection of Newspaper clippings from Toilet Paper KN.

You are an incorrigible liar. Did you ever finish high school?


It that the limit to your vocabulary or to your intelligence ? 

Ask the one that gave birth to you.

Hmm, I see your intelligence runs a narrow corridor.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

Back on the front burner, this Bridge thanks to Mr. Joseph Harmon from the APNU.

Aren't you ashamed, your good friend Rose stole the AFC concept and gave it to the PNC who then acted upon it and got the PPP to move on the topic.  What did that do?  Listen up, it gave credit to the PNC, please the Berbicians who will be thankful to the PNC but not vote for them.  That left the AFC out in the cold and without the credit they deserve.  This is what you get for cozying up with Afros in the AFC, many of whom had a PNC agenda.  You are a fool, and you never will learn.

KishanB, let me hear you squeal or your buddy Rose shut you up?

You are a congenital racist.

Ask yuh buddy KishanB about Rose's back-stab!  Now alyuh scratching alyuh balls.  Alyuh katahar khulis prapa stupid.




You have dem AFC stooges spinning.


Their limited vocabulary will turn to vulgarity, indecency and "Dem Boys Seh". Mitwah's vocabulary is his collection of Newspaper clippings from Toilet Paper KN.

You are an incorrigible liar. Did you ever finish high school?


It that the limit to your vocabulary or to your intelligence ? 

Ask the one that gave birth to you.


Is that the limit to your vocabulary or your intelligence ?

Now run and grab some more "Dem Boys Seh" clippings from Toilet Paper KN. 

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

Back on the front burner, this Bridge thanks to Mr. Joseph Harmon from the APNU.

Aren't you ashamed, your good friend Rose stole the AFC concept and gave it to the PNC who then acted upon it and got the PPP to move on the topic.  What did that do?  Listen up, it gave credit to the PNC, please the Berbicians who will be thankful to the PNC but not vote for them.  That left the AFC out in the cold and without the credit they deserve.  This is what you get for cozying up with Afros in the AFC, many of whom had a PNC agenda.  You are a fool, and you never will learn.

KishanB, let me hear you squeal or your buddy Rose shut you up?

You are a congenital racist.

Ask yuh buddy KishanB about Rose's back-stab!  Now alyuh scratching alyuh balls.  Alyuh katahar khulis prapa stupid.




You have dem AFC stooges spinning.


Their limited vocabulary will turn to vulgarity, indecency and "Dem Boys Seh". Mitwah's vocabulary is his collection of Newspaper clippings from Toilet Paper KN.

You are an incorrigible liar. Did you ever finish high school?


It that the limit to your vocabulary or to your intelligence ? 

Ask the one that gave birth to you.

Hmm, I see your intelligence runs a narrow corridor.

You are a sissy and a cry baby. Go run to admin.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

Back on the front burner, this Bridge thanks to Mr. Joseph Harmon from the APNU.

Aren't you ashamed, your good friend Rose stole the AFC concept and gave it to the PNC who then acted upon it and got the PPP to move on the topic.  What did that do?  Listen up, it gave credit to the PNC, please the Berbicians who will be thankful to the PNC but not vote for them.  That left the AFC out in the cold and without the credit they deserve.  This is what you get for cozying up with Afros in the AFC, many of whom had a PNC agenda.  You are a fool, and you never will learn.

KishanB, let me hear you squeal or your buddy Rose shut you up?

You are a congenital racist.

Ask yuh buddy KishanB about Rose's back-stab!  Now alyuh scratching alyuh balls.  Alyuh katahar khulis prapa stupid.




You have dem AFC stooges spinning.


Their limited vocabulary will turn to vulgarity, indecency and "Dem Boys Seh". Mitwah's vocabulary is his collection of Newspaper clippings from Toilet Paper KN.

You are an incorrigible liar. Did you ever finish high school?


It that the limit to your vocabulary or to your intelligence ? 

Ask the one that gave birth to you.

Hmm, I see your intelligence runs a narrow corridor.

You are a sissy and a cry baby. Go run to admin.


It that the limit to your vocabulary or to your intelligence ?

Now scoot off grab some more Toilet Paper Clippings from KN. 

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

Back on the front burner, this Bridge thanks to Mr. Joseph Harmon from the APNU.

Aren't you ashamed, your good friend Rose stole the AFC concept and gave it to the PNC who then acted upon it and got the PPP to move on the topic.  What did that do?  Listen up, it gave credit to the PNC, please the Berbicians who will be thankful to the PNC but not vote for them.  That left the AFC out in the cold and without the credit they deserve.  This is what you get for cozying up with Afros in the AFC, many of whom had a PNC agenda.  You are a fool, and you never will learn.

KishanB, let me hear you squeal or your buddy Rose shut you up?

You are a congenital racist.

Ask yuh buddy KishanB about Rose's back-stab!  Now alyuh scratching alyuh balls.  Alyuh katahar khulis prapa stupid.




You have dem AFC stooges spinning.


Their limited vocabulary will turn to vulgarity, indecency and "Dem Boys Seh". Mitwah's vocabulary is his collection of Newspaper clippings from Toilet Paper KN.

You are an incorrigible liar. Did you ever finish high school?


It that the limit to your vocabulary or to your intelligence ? 

Ask the one that gave birth to you.

Hmm, I see your intelligence runs a narrow corridor.

You are a sissy and a cry baby. Go run to admin.

Never did, you do yourself in.  Come, give it another shot let me clap lash pon your stupid katahar ass.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

Back on the front burner, this Bridge thanks to Mr. Joseph Harmon from the APNU.

Aren't you ashamed, your good friend Rose stole the AFC concept and gave it to the PNC who then acted upon it and got the PPP to move on the topic.  What did that do?  Listen up, it gave credit to the PNC, please the Berbicians who will be thankful to the PNC but not vote for them.  That left the AFC out in the cold and without the credit they deserve.  This is what you get for cozying up with Afros in the AFC, many of whom had a PNC agenda.  You are a fool, and you never will learn.

KishanB, let me hear you squeal or your buddy Rose shut you up?

You are a congenital racist.

Ask yuh buddy KishanB about Rose's back-stab!  Now alyuh scratching alyuh balls.  Alyuh katahar khulis prapa stupid.




You have dem AFC stooges spinning.


Their limited vocabulary will turn to vulgarity, indecency and "Dem Boys Seh". Mitwah's vocabulary is his collection of Newspaper clippings from Toilet Paper KN.

You are an incorrigible liar. Did you ever finish high school?


It that the limit to your vocabulary or to your intelligence ? 

Ask the one that gave birth to you.

Hmm, I see your intelligence runs a narrow corridor.

You are a sissy and a cry baby. Go run to admin.

Never did, you do yourself in.  Come, give it another shot let me clap lash pon your stupid katahar ass.

LOL! Sissy Yugi, hiding behind her key board. hahahahahah!

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

Back on the front burner, this Bridge thanks to Mr. Joseph Harmon from the APNU.

Aren't you ashamed, your good friend Rose stole the AFC concept and gave it to the PNC who then acted upon it and got the PPP to move on the topic.  What did that do?  Listen up, it gave credit to the PNC, please the Berbicians who will be thankful to the PNC but not vote for them.  That left the AFC out in the cold and without the credit they deserve.  This is what you get for cozying up with Afros in the AFC, many of whom had a PNC agenda.  You are a fool, and you never will learn.

KishanB, let me hear you squeal or your buddy Rose shut you up?

You are a congenital racist.

Ask yuh buddy KishanB about Rose's back-stab!  Now alyuh scratching alyuh balls.  Alyuh katahar khulis prapa stupid.




You have dem AFC stooges spinning.


Their limited vocabulary will turn to vulgarity, indecency and "Dem Boys Seh". Mitwah's vocabulary is his collection of Newspaper clippings from Toilet Paper KN.

You are an incorrigible liar. Did you ever finish high school?


It that the limit to your vocabulary or to your intelligence ? 

Ask the one that gave birth to you.

Hmm, I see your intelligence runs a narrow corridor.

You are a sissy and a cry baby. Go run to admin.

Never did, you do yourself in.  Come, give it another shot let me clap lash pon your stupid katahar ass.

LOL! Sissy Yugi, hiding behind her key board. hahahahahah!


Is that the limit to your intelligence ? Or is it your vocabulary ?


Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

Back on the front burner, this Bridge thanks to Mr. Joseph Harmon from the APNU.

Aren't you ashamed, your good friend Rose stole the AFC concept and gave it to the PNC who then acted upon it and got the PPP to move on the topic.  What did that do?  Listen up, it gave credit to the PNC, please the Berbicians who will be thankful to the PNC but not vote for them.  That left the AFC out in the cold and without the credit they deserve.  This is what you get for cozying up with Afros in the AFC, many of whom had a PNC agenda.  You are a fool, and you never will learn.

KishanB, let me hear you squeal or your buddy Rose shut you up?

You are a congenital racist.

Ask yuh buddy KishanB about Rose's back-stab!  Now alyuh scratching alyuh balls.  Alyuh katahar khulis prapa stupid.




You have dem AFC stooges spinning.


Their limited vocabulary will turn to vulgarity, indecency and "Dem Boys Seh". Mitwah's vocabulary is his collection of Newspaper clippings from Toilet Paper KN.

You are an incorrigible liar. Did you ever finish high school?


It that the limit to your vocabulary or to your intelligence ? 

Ask the one that gave birth to you.

Hmm, I see your intelligence runs a narrow corridor.

You are a sissy and a cry baby. Go run to admin.

Never did, you do yourself in.  Come, give it another shot let me clap lash pon your stupid katahar ass.

LOL! Sissy Yugi, hiding behind her key board. hahahahahah!


Is that the limit to your intelligence ? Or is it your vocabulary ?


Ask the one that brought into this world.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

Back on the front burner, this Bridge thanks to Mr. Joseph Harmon from the APNU.

Aren't you ashamed, your good friend Rose stole the AFC concept and gave it to the PNC who then acted upon it and got the PPP to move on the topic.  What did that do?  Listen up, it gave credit to the PNC, please the Berbicians who will be thankful to the PNC but not vote for them.  That left the AFC out in the cold and without the credit they deserve.  This is what you get for cozying up with Afros in the AFC, many of whom had a PNC agenda.  You are a fool, and you never will learn.

KishanB, let me hear you squeal or your buddy Rose shut you up?

You are a congenital racist.

Ask yuh buddy KishanB about Rose's back-stab!  Now alyuh scratching alyuh balls.  Alyuh katahar khulis prapa stupid.




You have dem AFC stooges spinning.


Their limited vocabulary will turn to vulgarity, indecency and "Dem Boys Seh". Mitwah's vocabulary is his collection of Newspaper clippings from Toilet Paper KN.

You are an incorrigible liar. Did you ever finish high school?


It that the limit to your vocabulary or to your intelligence ? 

Ask the one that gave birth to you.

Hmm, I see your intelligence runs a narrow corridor.

You are a sissy and a cry baby. Go run to admin.

Never did, you do yourself in.  Come, give it another shot let me clap lash pon your stupid katahar ass.

LOL! Sissy Yugi, hiding behind her key board. hahahahahah!


Is that the limit to your intelligence ? Or is it your vocabulary ?


Ask the one that brought into this world.

 Your intelligence is limited, no wonder the AFC appointed you their Newspaper Clipping Boy. 


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