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@Mitwah posted:

So you are agreeing that the PPP don't give a shit about ordinary citizens.

How schupid can you be? Chupidness na gat cure.

Where did I agree that the PPP doesn't give a shyte about ordinary citizens? Why don't you learn how to read? The PPP is creating lots of jobs for ordinary citizens. You and your stupid buddies cursed the PPP for creating jobs in the sugar estates. You all continue to curse them for making the country prosperous. When there is an interest of overseas developers, you all go bananas. You insulted those who support the PPP and then you cry like a bytch when you are pushed back.

@Ramakant-P posted:

Granger found out that Ramjattan was using his position as a PNC minister to do just that.

PPP losing the next election? Dream on. Smile. The ordinary PPP voters are living in big houses. Thet sent their children abroad to study in prestigious Universities.

Stop talking Shyte.  You have been sliding on it since you were born.

Is it the same shyte  they give you to eat to Cove and John for intelligence ?

@alena06 posted:

Django should suspend folks for personal attacks and not sticking to the topic. πŸ˜ƒ

Way to go, build hotels and not sugar cake stands. Let the progress continue.

Btw Rama, Roy Bassoo used to work at Scotia Bank.  Not sure he was a carpenter- maybe his dad was.

I thought he went to England and joined the army after graduating from Hindu college. His father was a stoke owner at Golden Grove. He also went to England then came back and went into farming.  I lost track of Roy Bassoo. His brother Lloyd is in Florida.

@Viper posted:

That's for me to know and you to find out. You can continue to live your whoring, double life and peek and seek in other people's business. I don't care to know if you are dead or alive, or if you go to Guyana or what whoring business you engaged in.

Ow, meh buddy cussing meh out. Lol. Come leh meh carry yuh guyana. Fresh wata coconut fuh drink.πŸ˜„πŸ˜ƒ.


Guyana is on the move.  Future revenues from oil and gas has qualified the nation for billions in loans from various international financial institutions. The country has the ability to service massive amount of loans.

Very soon we will be driving our cars to spend weekend in neighboring countries. 

Very soon?  Maybe to Suriname.  Oh, Jagdeo and Ali have already spent most of the oil money.  Have you been keeping track of all the loans and commitments being announced?  Road to here, road to there, road to no where, 20,000 fly by night scholarships, food for Ali and wife etc.?


Guyana is on the move.  Future revenues from oil and gas has qualified the nation for billions in loans from various international financial institutions. The country has the ability to service massive amount of loans.

Very soon we will be driving our cars to spend weekend in neighboring countries. 

LMFAO....Ramgoat....yuh know loans is not an asset, right? You like ghetto fabulous who living large pon credit cards and telling people yuh rich. Add to these "billions in loans" the exploration costs for Exxon and the inevitable teefing that will occur (only cuz Guyanese involved) and what will you all have left?

Exxon and the "various international financial institutions" holding these "billions in loans" will be the winners here when time comes to pay the piper!

De sellout happen in 1999 and continued on. Fifty plus years of corrupt dunderheads officiating.


Now you won't be saying these things if APNU/AFC was still in power.

I see your bias and your frustration.

Nah, I'm not narrow minded and stupid like you, only "support meh own". Or as alyuh know it - apna jaat....

Maybe you missed the part where I said "Fifty plus years of corrupt dunderheads officiating". Or are you so dunce that you can't figure out that the 50 plus years includes PNC and APNU/AFC governance??????

My comments had nothing to do with the hotel. It was directed at your asinine comment that borrowing billions of dollars is a good thing. It is not. Especially when the nation becomes indebted to foreign powers, pledging their new found asset (oil) as collateral.


No country can develop or function to its full potential without borrowing  and investing.  Going into debt does not mean the nation will go broke if it is done prudently.  This is not Burnham government that turned everything into Shite.  This is the new PPP that is running Guyana. Just look at the progress this country will be making in the next five years.  The country is now building infra-structures that they could not do ages ago because of a lack of money.  We are now earning hundreds of millions in pure income from oil that can support billions in loans for decades to come.

Guyana can now invest in major infrastructures that they could only dream of doing just a decade ago.

Billy Ram Balgobin

No country can develop or function to its full potential without borrowing  and investing.  Going into debt does not mean the nation will go broke if it is done prudently.  This is not Burnham government that turned everything into Shite.  This is the new PPP that is running Guyana. Just look at the progress this country will be making in the next five years.  The country is now building infra-structures that they could not do ages ago because of a lack of money.  We are now earning hundreds of millions in pure income from oil that can support billions in loans for decades to come.

Guyana can now invest in major infrastructures that they could only dream of doing just a decade ago.

How come you are still hiding out in RH? Go back nuh!


No country can develop or function to its full potential without borrowing  and investing.  Going into debt does not mean the nation will go broke if it is done prudently.  This is not Burnham government that turned everything into Shite.  This is the new PPP that is running Guyana. Just look at the progress this country will be making in the next five years.  The country is now building infra-structures that they could not do ages ago because of a lack of money.  We are now earning hundreds of millions in pure income from oil that can support billions in loans for decades to come.

Guyana can now invest in major infrastructures that they could only dream of doing just a decade ago.

You are simply expressing aspirations but doing it as if it is fait accompli.  It would be more convincing to wait for five years and then point to accomplishments , if any.  My earliest exposure to politics was listening to Cheddi Jagan explain why countries like Guyana were underdeveloped.  One of the things he emphasized was that the capitalist powers never gave loans for the productive sector.  He would have pointed to the loans for hotels, roads, casinos etc. as support for his argument.  Which of the loans recently announced by the current or previous government was for the development of the productive sector? 


No country can develop or function to its full potential without borrowing  and investing. ........

Going into debt does not mean the nation will go broke if it is done prudently.

Guyana can now invest in major infrastructures that they could only dream of doing just a decade ago.

Your ignorance is astounding.

a. Yes, nations borrow and invest. Invest into what is the question. You are lauding spending on non productive elements (see Totaram's post) with no real ROE. Where are the investments into increasing the skills and productivity of the population beyond Edhill's 100 "weed man wuk"??????

b. The word "prudence" does not belong in the same conversation with the PPP. These are the idiots that gave us the Berbice River bridge that sucked the life out of ordinary people for tolls and was not sustainable. Alyuh "champeen" Rat Man gave you the big white elephant Skeldon sugar factory. In 23+ years of governance the sugar industry collapsed, an industry with THEIR supporters.

Banna, tek a seat. These are the "prudent" people you trust with borrowing and spending billions of dollars?

You assume the oil is there and "hundreds of millions in pure income" will be there for eternity. Maybe you haven't noticed the switch to green energy, EV, etc. lowering demand. Maybe you are unaware of the Saudis flooding the world with oil, and the emergence of the US as the world's largest exporter of nat gas etc, driving the Saudis into fits.

Here's a hint for you...borrowing and spending billions on fancy buildings doesn't build a country.


Guyana is on the move.  Future revenues from oil and gas has qualified the nation for billions in loans from various international financial institutions. The country has the ability to service massive amount of loans.

Very soon we will be driving our cars to spend weekend in neighboring countries. 

Billy, I cannot agree with you more. The country is moving in the right direction under the PPP despite what some people think.


No country can develop or function to its full potential without borrowing  and investing.  Going into debt does not mean the nation will go broke if it is done prudently.  This is not Burnham government that turned everything into Shite.  This is the new PPP that is running Guyana. Just look at the progress this country will be making in the next five years.  The country is now building infra-structures that they could not do ages ago because of a lack of money.  We are now earning hundreds of millions in pure income from oil that can support billions in loans for decades to come.

Guyana can now invest in major infrastructures that they could only dream of doing just a decade ago.

That's right billy. The progress that is being made is tremendous. Everywhere you go you see the difference in managing the economy.

This thread deals with tourism.  There is a number of hotels and resorts that are being built. There are planes coming and going bringing with them lots of tourists and migrants. The cynics do not believe that can happen. We just have to ignore them.

@Ramakant-P posted:

That's right billy. The progress that is being made is tremendous. Everywhere you go you see the difference in managing the economy.

This thread deals with tourism.  There is a number of hotels and resorts that are being built. There are planes coming and going bringing with them lots of tourists and migrants. The cynics do not believe that can happen. We just have to ignore them.

Tourists alright !! Their tour guide will be bandits like Rama Kant Pee. 


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