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Mars posted:
kp posted:
Mars posted:
kp posted:

From what I heard you are benefiting from my charity I am funding in Guyana. If you need further assistance I can send you a cheque I pity you meager way of life don't blame me.

I'm not an uneducated  dumbass like you so I have skills and experience which are in high demand. I never depended on handouts like you when you lived on shaking down your mattee for free food and XM. 

I never asked if you completed   ABC  and if you did it shows on GNI. You cam call shake up and down  , perhaps you need hand out I don't know you I can't help go find a job.

Of course it shows that I completed ABC since I went a lot further. Sorry that you never made it past 4th standard and you had to resort to shaking down your matte for lil free food and XM. I can under why you had to resort to bribery and coercion since your low paying civil service job had you living from hand to mouth bummin and connin fuh food.

You used to panhandle by Big Market whenever you come from Bush are you catching fish to make ends . Sorry to hear life has been hard on you try not to blame me for your misfortune  and don't envy my success. 

kp posted:
Mars posted:
kp posted:
Mars posted:
kp posted:

From what I heard you are benefiting from my charity I am funding in Guyana. If you need further assistance I can send you a cheque I pity you meager way of life don't blame me.

I'm not an uneducated  dumbass like you so I have skills and experience which are in high demand. I never depended on handouts like you when you lived on shaking down your mattee for free food and XM. 

I never asked if you completed   ABC  and if you did it shows on GNI. You cam call shake up and down  , perhaps you need hand out I don't know you I can't help go find a job.

Of course it shows that I completed ABC since I went a lot further. Sorry that you never made it past 4th standard and you had to resort to shaking down your matte for lil free food and XM. I can under why you had to resort to bribery and coercion since your low paying civil service job had you living from hand to mouth bummin and connin fuh food.

You used to panhandle by Big Market whenever you come from Bush are you catching fish to make ends . Sorry to hear life has been hard on you try not to blame me for your misfortune  and don't envy my success. 

I lived in GT my entire life unlike you fishing in the Uitvlugt backdam fuh lil hassa and patwa to make up for the times when you weren't conning people for food. My family had multiple businesses in GT for decades. I never had to depend on handouts and as I grew older, I attended the best schools, got a proper education and jobs to go along with it. Can't say the same for an uneducated baboo like you shaking down business places fuh free food and XM every day. Samlall still looking fuh you to pay the tab you run up at his rum shop.  

kp posted:
Mars posted:
yuji22 posted:

This is proof that Mars and Carib are bluffing that drugs and crime are down. This is a slap in their faces. 

Ha Ha Ha

Another PNC snake oil bottle has been crushed. 

One drug bust is proof that drug trafficking and crime is on the increase? Y'all really grasping at straws to excuse the lawlessness that the PPP introduced in Guyana.

The Bauxite plant is producing drugs. The PNC is keeping the plant in operation just to save their supporters jobs.

Both plants are in foreign hands. The PPP sold those rights awhile back to the Russians and the Chinese. A Russian oligarch banned by the US is owner of one. 

yuji22 posted:

A massive drug bust, more on the way as the drug trade escalates under the PNC.

Drugs are flowing from Buxton and elsewhere as the PNC tries to peddle lies that Indos are the drug peddlers.

Ha Ha Ha

Yes you CLOWN, "businesswoman" Rose from Annandale certainly look like wan PNC person from Buxton, eh? You Clown!!!

This is the same case you opined so confidently about. LMAO

Last edited by Former Member

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