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I called you “dumbo”because you cannot differentiate between an audit and a recount.  I think the CCJ adequately addressed your nonsense.

I will call you SIR if you can produce PNC SOPs.

You cannot command respect by indulging in lies and unsubstantiated conspiracy theories.

It is unfortunate that you deleted my post then start a new topic accusing me of disrespect.

I will be more than happy to go elsewhere to kill time.

Last edited by Django
@Abu Jihad posted:

I called you “dumbo”because you cannot differentiate between an audit and a recount.  I think the CCJ adequately addressed your nonsense.

I will call you SIR if you can produce PNC SOPs.

You cannot command respect by indulging in lies and unsubstantiated conspiracy theories.

It is unfortunate that you deleted my post then start a new topic accusing me of disrespect.

I will be more than happy to go elsewhere to kill time.

Ad hominem attacks are the refuge of the intellectually bankrupt.  

Last edited by Django
@Abu Jihad posted:

I called you “dumbo”because you cannot differentiate between an audit and a recount.

 I think the CCJ adequately addressed your nonsense.

I will call you SIR if you can produce PNC SOPs.

You cannot command respect by indulging in lies and unsubstantiated conspiracy theories.

It is unfortunate that you deleted my post then start a new topic accusing me of disrespect.

I will be more than happy to go elsewhere to kill time.

Your assumption is weak . Also did you read the 2020 CCJ Judgement Report  or any Judgement Reports regarding the Elections matters ? asking to produce PNC SOPS is no-brainer .

I deleted the post because,it's an insult to the Admin. No one stopping you to be on the forum ,just be respectful ,I don't hurl insults to members .

Last edited by Django
@Abu Jihad posted:

I called you “dumbo”because you cannot differentiate between an audit and a recount.  I think the CCJ adequately addressed your nonsense.

I will call you SIR if you can produce PNC SOPs.

You cannot command respect by indulging in lies and unsubstantiated conspiracy theories.

It is unfortunate that you deleted my post then start a new topic accusing me of disrespect.

I will be more than happy to go elsewhere to kill time.

It takes a degree of knowledge to differentiate. Not dumb, just not knowledgeable, as in many others things posted. It’s not that easy concept being schooled on google. 

Last edited by Django
@Django posted:

Does that mean ,someone can use it describing an individual ?

You are answering a question with a question.  I simply ask a 'yes' or 'no' question.

Dumbo is an elephant.  An elephant is a strong animal.  He was referring to you as being a strong person. You are wrong and playing strong. He was in no way being derogatory.

Last edited by Ramakant-P

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