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Do psychology now. 


I agree with Freddie


In his column of September 12, Freddie Kissoon stated Ravi Dev, Vishnu Bisram, and Annan Boodram are not psychiatrists to pronounce on his mental state of mind. I agree with Freddie. Although I took psychology courses and studied the mind and also did political psychology as part of my doctoral studies, I am not a trained a trained psychiatrist or psycho therapist, and as such, may not be the right person to pronounce on whether Freddie is insane.
But as Freddie himself penned, Marissa Lowden is a trained psychiatrist and she has pronounced “Freddie is mentally insane”.  Enough said on that subject.
But let me point out Freddie’s routine comments on Guyana’s bridges, roads, lighting, seawall, housing, culture, etc. Is he an “engineer “when he questions bridges and roads and conservancies? He is no engineer.  Freddie said he studied Guyana’s history – By his own logic, then he should stick to that subject and not comment about anything else.
I also agree with Freddie (letter Sep 12) that the dailies need a lot of proofreading for all kinds of mistakes.  But Freddie focused only on correcting “grammatical mistakes”. How about content analysis for erroneous statements, incorrect dates, misinterpretation of theories, inaccuracies, and statements that are not facts? Freddie is guilty of all of these errors.
Every written piece of Freddie has several pieces of erroneous information. Why is he blaming Adam and Nigel for these errors? Should the editor of KN be blamed for Freddie’s blunders? Adam and Nigel are doing good jobs and they trust Freddie would be honest in his comments. I applaud them for their commitment and dedication to their job; from my experience, it is not easy being an editor and publisher as I was in that shoe for many years.
Shouldn’t the writer (columnist) be held accountable for misleading readers with inaccuracies? And shouldn’t he be chastised for his errors? Freddie suggests that the proofreaders and editors be fired? Shouldn’t the columnist be fired for misleading readers with erroneous statements and unsupported claims?
Just last week (in KN) I had reason to chastise Freddie for making incorrect statements.  And in his Sept. 12 column he makes yet more errors. He claims Ravi Dev, Annan and myself commented about his “mental state of mind in Chronicle (not KN)”. Ravi’s comment did not appear in the Chronicle; it was in KN. Also, several of my comments about Freddie’s mental condition appeared in KN. Ditto Annan Boodram!
Vishnu Bisram

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Originally Posted by JB:

Do psychology now. 


I agree with Freddie



In his column of September 12, Freddie Kissoon stated Ravi Dev, Vishnu Bisram, and Annan Boodram are not psychiatrists to pronounce on his mental state of mind. I agree with Freddie. Although I took psychology courses and studied the mind and also did political psychology as part of my doctoral studies, I am not a trained a trained psychiatrist or psycho therapist, and as such, may not be the right person to pronounce on whether Freddie is insane (or not).

But as Freddie himself penned,Marissa Lowden is a trained psychiatrist and she has pronounced “Freddie is mentallyinsane.  Enough said on that subject. But let me point out Freddie’s routine comments on Guyana’s bridges, roads, lighting, seawall, housing, culture, etc. Is he an “engineer “when he questions bridges and roads and conservancies? He is no engineer.  Freddie said he studied Guyana’s history – By his own logic, then he should stick to that subject and not comment about anything else.

I also agree with Freddie (letter Sep 12) that the dailies need a lot of proofreading for all kinds of mistakes.  But Freddie focused only on correcting “grammatical mistakes”. How about content analysis for erroneous statements, incorrect dates, misinterpretation of theories, inaccuracies, and (erroneous) statements that are not facts? Freddie is guilty of all of these errors.

Every written piece of Freddie has several pieces of erroneous information. Why is he blaming Adam and Nigel for these errors? Should the editor of KN be blamed for Freddie’s blunders? Adam and Nigel are doing good jobs and they trust Freddie would be honest in his comments. I applaud them for their commitment and dedication to their job; from my experience, it is not easy being an editor and publisher as I was in that shoe for many years.

Shouldn’t the writer (columnist) be held accountable for misleading readerswith inaccuracies? And shouldn’t he be chastised for his errors? Freddie suggests that the proofreaders and editors be fired? Shouldn’t the columnist be fired for misleading readers with erroneous statements and unsupported claims? (  repeating first sentence)

Just last week (in KN) I had reason to chastise Freddie for making incorrect statements.  And in his Sept. 12 column he makes yet more errors. He claims Ravi Dev, Annan and myself commented about his “mental state of mind in(the) Chronicle (not KN)”. Ravi’s comment did not appear in the Chronicle; it was in KN. Also, several of my comments about Freddie’s mental condition appeared in KN. Ditto Annan Boodram!
Vishnu Bisram


I have read many of Freddi's works and he is clearly not insane as the good psychiatrist is claimed to to have wantonly diagnose. I presume her use of the term insane was as a metonymic tool to facilitate the delivery of her commentary.


Freddi is quite sane and is actually a successfully practicing gadfly to the PPP and its supporters inclusive of Bishram.


BTW the above kinds of errors are allowed on a forum as this where people write extemporaneously and given we have a rather flawed dictionary to this editor, often end up with unintended word substitution that makes one look silly. Bishram is writing to a newspaper and should edit.

Last edited by Former Member

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