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Granger disappointed on the question of an apology for PNC excesses


Posted By Staff Writer On June 3, 2014 @ 5:05 am In Letters | 


Dear Editor,



Richmond Hill, Queens, New York has the largest concentration of Indo-Guyanese people outside of Guyana. I like to describe it as a Guyanese village in Queens. The leader of the parliamentary opposition, David Granger dropped in for a visit, on Saturday May 24. He walked the busy Liberty Avenue business district, greeting Guyanese on the avenue; did a Town Hall meeting at Richi Rich Palace; then dropped in at my house for dinner and talks on Guyanese politics.

Shock waves went through the village. One local village leader, dubbed the local Prime Minister called my house two days before the event and demanded: “Who is bringing Granger to our district?” Fearing the wrath of this ha’penny, uncrowned PM, I said I had nothing to do with it. The PM said: “Mike, I hear you hosting him to dinner.” I said “I am.”

“Where?” he demanded.

Within minutes Mr PM posted on Facebook: “Mike Persaud would be hosting Granger to dinner at his house on Saturday at 6 pm.” Another local village activist called to say: “Mike, the calls are flying fast and furious – (he mentioned several names including a most revered Pandit as being very concerned) – and people are angry and desperate to find out who is bringing Granger into this district.” (My unspoken wonder: What country and what century are we living in? Are we still shackled to that 1960’s idea, ‘Betrayal of one’s race’?)

Saturday, May 24: At 6 pm Mr Granger and his small entourage of two, Dr Terrence Simon and his Yale-educated nephew Kevin Granger arrived. Some twenty-five invited guests: several long-time personal friends, some acquaintances, and two long-time buddies I first met on the picket line going back to the 1970s (Chuck Mohan, Mel Carpen) also arrived – all took up any available berth in my living and dining rooms. Some sat on sofas, others on folding chairs squeezed in little spaces. We all shared one thing in common: Being Guyanese and harbouring a deep concern for the quality of democracy and governance as practised in our homeland.

I spoke for no more than 20 minutes, explaining my concept of a multi-racial democracy which I have enunciated in numerous letters in the independent press (KN, SN) over the last 20 years. Here is short summary: (1) Need for a sizeable pool of swing voters comprising all races; (2) need for perceived ethnic parties – PPP and PNC – to transform themselves into genuine multi-ethnic parties. (I have often called on the PPP to elect one of their loyal African long-suffering members to be their leader and the PNC to do the same as a way to create a new dynamic that would forge a new multi-racial image for both parties). (3) In a real democracy the baton of power must pass from one party to another or a coalition of parties every few election cycles, without which you cannot have accountable and responsible governments.

Dr Dolly Hassan, attorney-at-law read a four-page paper in which she called for an apology from the PNC leader for the stolen elections and many excesses during its 28-year reign. She explained that an apology should be sincere as well as serve as a strategy to help the process of reconciliation and healing between two divided racial groups, and in turn help get a conversation started with the disaffected Indian group.

Mr Granger spoke of his work as parliamentary leader and the many topical issues in Guyana: anti-money laundering bill, lack of transparency in numerous multimillion dollar construction projects – airport, Marriott hotel etc. He also said he would support the idea of a Commission of Inquiry to inquire into all aspects of “excesses” by both the PPP and PNC.

Many of us came to the table with the premise that racial voting pervades our culture. And we wanted to discuss with Mr Granger ideas on how the Guyanese people can break the spell of racial voting. In reply to questions, Mr Granger appeared to circumvent the idea that race plays any part in the thinking of voting Guyanese. We did not hear Mr Granger admit that fact – perhaps he cannot as leader of a political party. In fact, he took pains to deny that race is any factor. And, if there is no racial voting, then no need to talk about a solution. He referred to his own multi-cultural, multi-racial family and to the people he knew as “mixed.” He also referred to the fact that even in a country where there is one race, there are problems.

The racial question was tossed aside.


Mr Granger seems to believe that it is only the older population that is hung up on race. He relates a story of a young girl, who at the end of a lesson went up to the headmistress and asks, “But who is Walter Rodney?” He relates that story with relief to demonstrate that the younger generation does not remember the past. One might argue that the schoolmistress did not do her job well. That student should have been taught to recognize that Dr Walter Rodney is one Guyana’s distinguished sons, historians and political leaders. We do not have to agree with Dr Rodney’s policy to acknowledge that. As Guyanese, we should remember our history and learn from it.

The apology thing was a huge elephant in the room. There were a few members who urged Mr Granger not to apologize on behalf of the PNC because to apologize would mean the PNC did something wrong. Is that not the essence of an apology? One does not diminish one’s stature with an apology; one enhances it. Yet, one of those same voices would like Mr Granger to transform into the likes of Benschop and David Hinds and take to the streets. To his credit, Mr Granger, the statesman, did not take that bait. And, he wisely remained silent when one soul tried to say that the PPP rigged elections even worse than the PNC did. Mr Granger knows the truth.

Dr Tyran Ramnarine, former history lecturer at UG asked this question: If some group in the army does not like the outcome of the upcoming 2016 elections, what is the likelihood that the army would intervene? Mr Granger, being the military historian and scholar he is, said the officer corps of the army were all trained in military academies where they were taught to respect civilian rule. What about the rank and file? He said he would hope they would keep their ears close to the ground and listen to what the citizens are thinking and feeling. He also went on to praise the army of Guyana for keeping out of politics – and that Guyana was the only country in all of Latin America that has never had any sort of military intervention or coups. He also sounded very professorial when he explored the theme briefly of how several countries suffered terribly, one, Somalia disintegrated, when their armies intervened in their daily politics. (He is the author of several books on the subject.)

For the record, I will say Mr Granger possesses a very likeable personality, sounded very statesman-like at times, is very knowledgeable and is very detailed on the national issues he deals with daily as leader of the parliamentary opposition.


If he disappoints me – and he has – it is on the question of an apology for the excesses during that long reign of the PNC. (His position may be a reflection of the internal politics of his party.) A ‘political apology’ from a head of state for a war his nation waged on another 50 years ago not only brings healing but opens up conversations and opportunities for trade and better relationships. Similarly, an apology from a party leader for the “excesses” of his party which ruled 30 years ago can do the same for disaffected racial groups – promote healing, restart conversations and most importantly, win support – and much needed votes in a new round of elections.


Mr Granger and the PNC have got to face squarely the racial and political arithmetic of Guyana: Africans at 30 per cent, Indians at 44 per cent of the electorate, and the fact that the majority vote race. In New York City, a candidate running for city-wide office has to devise a hundred strategies – one for each of a hundred different ethnicities and nationalities. In Guyana the PNC needs only two – one for the Amerindians and one for the Indian-Guyanese. The PNC, to have a decent shot at any upcoming elections must set a target of winning at least 10-12 per cent of the Indian vote. And, trust me on this one – it is not in the Guyanese people’s DNA to vote race. They are no different from any other people on planet earth. Ten to fifteen to twenty per cent of the people will vote on issues. If they haven’t in the last 60-years, it is because the founder-leaders of parties stayed on until death and we the people turned them into deities – and also because of the excesses of the long reign of the PNC. You need an electoral strategy to make your candidate and party appealing to your target constituency.

One question that should have been asked: Should Mr Granger win the next election and become the next president, and assuming his prime ministerial candidate is an Indian-Guyanese, would he/she be allowed to succeed to the presidency in the event of the president becoming incapacitated for any reason? Has the culture within the PNC changed sufficiently to make this event possible? (We know what happened in the ruling PPP – twice the presidency became vacant, and the African Prime Minister could not succeed to the presidency, all because he was of the wrong race.) The window-dressing concept has become deeply embedded in our politics. And it is time end it.


Post-meeting reflection: It appears this meeting was significant not for what was discussed – but for the fact that a taboo has been broken. An African-Guyanese leader wasn’t supposed to ever to come to Richmond Hill, Queens and parley with Indo-Guyanese. If Indo-Guyanese continue to hold these views, the concept of a Guyanese nation will exist only superficially, and the idea of a genuine multi-racial democracy will never be given a chance to take shape.


Yours faithfully, 
Mike Persaud


Replies sorted oldest to newest

Why the hell Mike Persaud thinks IndoGuyanese IS AGAINST Granger's visit. These people think they are GOD and they have all the answers and the rest of us are IDIOTS. I for one welcome the opposition Leader visit. I am surely cautious since words are just that, words.  I need to see ACTION to believe that the PNC is capable of reforming. So Mike Persaud I am deeply offended by your infatile assumptions!!!!

Originally Posted by Nehru:

Why the hell Mike Persaud thinks IndoGuyanese IS AGAINST Granger's visit. These people think they are GOD and they have all the answers and the rest of us are IDIOTS. I for one welcome the opposition Leader visit. I am surely cautious since words are just that, words.  I need to see ACTION to believe that the PNC is capable of reforming. So Mike Persaud I am deeply offended by your infatile assumptions!!!!

So why you didnt invite the opposition leader to Richmond Hill? 

Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Why the hell Mike Persaud thinks IndoGuyanese IS AGAINST Granger's visit. These people think they are GOD and they have all the answers and the rest of us are IDIOTS. I for one welcome the opposition Leader visit. I am surely cautious since words are just that, words.  I need to see ACTION to believe that the PNC is capable of reforming. So Mike Persaud I am deeply offended by your infatile assumptions!!!!

So why you didnt invite the opposition leader to Richmond Hill? 

Gal, It is not my fault you dropped out at Lil ABC!!!!!

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Why the hell Mike Persaud thinks IndoGuyanese IS AGAINST Granger's visit. These people think they are GOD and they have all the answers and the rest of us are IDIOTS. I for one welcome the opposition Leader visit. I am surely cautious since words are just that, words.  I need to see ACTION to believe that the PNC is capable of reforming. So Mike Persaud I am deeply offended by your infatile assumptions!!!!

So why you didnt invite the opposition leader to Richmond Hill? 

Gal, It is not my fault you dropped out at Lil ABC!!!!!

And you fall off and hit your head?

Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Why the hell Mike Persaud thinks IndoGuyanese IS AGAINST Granger's visit. These people think they are GOD and they have all the answers and the rest of us are IDIOTS. I for one welcome the opposition Leader visit. I am surely cautious since words are just that, words.  I need to see ACTION to believe that the PNC is capable of reforming. So Mike Persaud I am deeply offended by your infatile assumptions!!!!

So why you didnt invite the opposition leader to Richmond Hill? 

Gal, It is not my fault you dropped out at Lil ABC!!!!!

And you fall off and hit your head?

Which Head???

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Why the hell Mike Persaud thinks IndoGuyanese IS AGAINST Granger's visit. These people think they are GOD and they have all the answers and the rest of us are IDIOTS. I for one welcome the opposition Leader visit. I am surely cautious since words are just that, words.  I need to see ACTION to believe that the PNC is capable of reforming. So Mike Persaud I am deeply offended by your infatile assumptions!!!!

So why you didnt invite the opposition leader to Richmond Hill? 

Gal, It is not my fault you dropped out at Lil ABC!!!!!

And you fall off and hit your head?

Which Head???

Yu empty head.

Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Why the hell Mike Persaud thinks IndoGuyanese IS AGAINST Granger's visit. These people think they are GOD and they have all the answers and the rest of us are IDIOTS. I for one welcome the opposition Leader visit. I am surely cautious since words are just that, words.  I need to see ACTION to believe that the PNC is capable of reforming. So Mike Persaud I am deeply offended by your infatile assumptions!!!!

So why you didnt invite the opposition leader to Richmond Hill? 

Gal, It is not my fault you dropped out at Lil ABC!!!!!

And you fall off and hit your head?

Which Head???

Yu empty head.

Well at least I did not hurt the loaded one.  You are one lucky Gal.


Granger has nothing to apologize for. What are these US citizens with faint memories of Guyana smoking? Jim Jones caused the death of far more Guyanese citizens than anyone in the PNC or PPP. I don't hear the US apologizing to Guyana.

Originally Posted by Mr.T:

Granger has nothing to apologize for. What are these US citizens with faint memories of Guyana smoking? Jim Jones caused the death of far more Guyanese citizens than anyone in the PNC or PPP. I don't hear the US apologizing to Guyana.

Is yuh Papa Burnham brought Jim Jones there, gave him FREE Guyanese Land and TOTAL CONTROL of the AREA. Put Dat in yuh Pipe and SMOKE it.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:

Granger has nothing to apologize for. What are these US citizens with faint memories of Guyana smoking? Jim Jones caused the death of far more Guyanese citizens than anyone in the PNC or PPP. I don't hear the US apologizing to Guyana.

Is yuh Papa Burnham brought Jim Jones there, gave him FREE Guyanese Land and TOTAL CONTROL of the AREA. Put Dat in yuh Pipe and SMOKE it.

Bai Pavi maybe you are under the impression that I am black. But I am in fact even lighter skinned than you. So your notion about Burnham being my father is ill judged. As a matter of fact, Burnham alleged that my family tried to assassinate him by blowing up his pleasure cruiser in Linden. So be a lot more respectful of the efforts we put into trying to depose Burnham.

Originally Posted by Mr.T:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:

Granger has nothing to apologize for. What are these US citizens with faint memories of Guyana smoking? Jim Jones caused the death of far more Guyanese citizens than anyone in the PNC or PPP. I don't hear the US apologizing to Guyana.

Is yuh Papa Burnham brought Jim Jones there, gave him FREE Guyanese Land and TOTAL CONTROL of the AREA. Put Dat in yuh Pipe and SMOKE it.

Bai Pavi maybe you are under the impression that I am black. But I am in fact even lighter skinned than you. So your notion about Burnham being my father is ill judged. As a matter of fact, Burnham alleged that my family tried to assassinate him by blowing up his pleasure cruiser in Linden. So be a lot more respectful of the efforts we put into trying to depose Burnham.

Whether you are black, blue, green or yellow Is of No concern to me. Why dont you TRY to address what I stated.


What you are stating are figments of your imagination. The fact remains that the US did not apologize to Guyana as far as Jim Jones goes. So no Guyanese owes a single US passport holder an apology. Those in Queens demanding an apology are are alleged holders of a US passport. Is that true or not?

Originally Posted by Mr.T:

What you are stating are figments of your imagination. The fact remains that the US did not apologize to Guyana as far as Jim Jones goes. So no Guyanese owes a single US passport holder an apology. Those in Queens demanding an apology are are alleged holders of a US passport. Is that true or not?

Why  should the US apologize??? Are you Nuts???  Bunham got money, weapons and Sex to give away Guyana's Territory to a FOREIGNER, who had FULL CONTROL of the Area.  Guyanese were NOT ALLOWED there!!!

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:

What you are stating are figments of your imagination. The fact remains that the US did not apologize to Guyana as far as Jim Jones goes. So no Guyanese owes a single US passport holder an apology. Those in Queens demanding an apology are are alleged holders of a US passport. Is that true or not?

Why  should the US apologize??? Are you Nuts???  Bunham got money, weapons and Sex to give away Guyana's Territory to a FOREIGNER, who had FULL CONTROL of the Area.  Guyanese were NOT ALLOWED there!!!

But Jagdeo and Ramoutar have been doing the same. The Chinese,Indians, and God knows who else have been granted rights to land in Guyana by the PPP. You ever heard of Brassington?

Originally Posted by Mr.T:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:

What you are stating are figments of your imagination. The fact remains that the US did not apologize to Guyana as far as Jim Jones goes. So no Guyanese owes a single US passport holder an apology. Those in Queens demanding an apology are are alleged holders of a US passport. Is that true or not?

Why  should the US apologize??? Are you Nuts???  Bunham got money, weapons and Sex to give away Guyana's Territory to a FOREIGNER, who had FULL CONTROL of the Area.  Guyanese were NOT ALLOWED there!!!

But Jagdeo and Ramoutar have been doing the same. The Chinese,Indians, and God knows who else have been granted rights to land in Guyana by the PPP. You ever heard of Brassington?

You mean like Marriot, Gold Mining and things, right???

Originally Posted by Mr.T:

I see you got a list. Is why is only three you picked? Why not post the whole list?

Yuh think Guyanese will be able to go to the Marriot and in the Gold mining Districts???

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:

I see you got a list. Is why is only three you picked? Why not post the whole list?

Yuh think Guyanese will be able to go to the Marriot and in the Gold mining Districts???

There are Guyanese who will use the Marriot as a save haven for illegal activities. But are you implying that the Marriot is going to be empty since Guyanese won't be able to fill it? Or are you suggesting that foreign visitors would do so instead/ Let's look at the number of non_Guyanese who have entered to country via our national airport and make use of that kind of hotel facility. There are more rooms in the Marriot than there were monthly foreign visitors.


On Afro Guyanese, they will give serious considerations to any indo who speaks fairly about the situations in Guyana. They will even endorse any decent minded indo at the helm of the PNC/ APNU. They are a reasonable ppl. If they had emerged as a beligerent ppl, that is because the man who took up the mantle to rid the Limeys from Guyana operated on the precept of dismantling all the pillars of the Colonial Society. That is why we are in a mess with the very basic principles in Guyana. By the time Forbes came to the helm, the ignorance that went on before his ascent were racism, undemocratic People's Progressive Party politics with rigging, boycott of due process, failure to honour member decisions, the Split of 1955, inciting the police force to be dis-obedient to orders to quell the 1953 suspension of the constitution, the labelling of decent minded public servant as Colonial Stooges. In short, total disrespect for the rule of law. That was the communist operandi. And CBJ headed the goon squad. Forbes picked it from right there-and it matured as the nation's curse.



On Indo Guyanese, dem backward no razz on the principles of goverance. Too sentimental. Dis how dey think. Every Indo MUST be President. So far, Nagamootoo, Ralph RamKarran and lately, the Retired Ambassador. Their thinking will never allowed an Afro at the helm. That is why CBJ got Sam and he tried wid Rodney. Roger runs the country but not in the public domain. Maybe CBJ knew kullie ppl are racist and he handled the sitaution to meet their prejudices. Is no wonder, those who have heard CBJ speaking to low class indoes, heard his spoken contempt for them. In today lingo, it is talking down to them. When they mentioned about bribery, he would reasoned it to be Racist, because they complain against an Afro. He nutured racism in disguise as a Class struggle.


It is not surprising that those in Queens think it is a taboo to entertain an Afro of a Guyanese nation.    


A few things were learnt from the opposition leader at Mike Persaud’s home

Posted By Staff Writer On June 5, 2014 @ 5:05 am In Letters | 

Dear Editor,


Please allow me to share my thoughts with respect to Brigadier David Granger’s visit to Richmond Hill over the weekend of May 24. First let me take the opportunity to thank Mr Mike Persaud for hosting Mr Granger and several individuals from the PNC who were not mentioned in his original letter. It appears that this is the first time a PNC leader of the opposition was hosted in Richmond Hill, an old PPP stamping ground. I would also like to commend the PNC’s North American chapter for hosting a town hall meeting in Richmond Hill earlier in the day. This was a thoughtful act on the part of the PNC. In the future, I am certain the PNC will think more about how it positions its head table in terms of gender and racial balance. It is unfortunate that it took so many years for a sitting PNC opposition leader to be hosted in the PPP’s backyard.

Nevertheless, I have learned a few things from the opposition leader at Mike’s home.


Firstly, Mr Granger told the gathering that Guyana is the only country in South America where a military coup has not displaced the elected government. This is a crucial point since after a military coup it is difficult for democracy, peace and human rights to consolidate as so many examples have shown. Take for example the India-Pakistan conflict. The civilian elected governments might have the will to bring rapprochement, but the Pakistan military would not be too keen for peace. Secondly, some East Indians present raised the issue of a PNC apology for rigged elections and some thought it was not necessary. One astute contributor puts it this way in an excellent write-up that he did: “The truth is I do not believe in political apologies. I believe in being correct, not politically correct, just as I believe there can be no remission of sin without repentance – a complete turnaround, a reformation, so to speak. To me, an apology without restitution serves no useful purpose, just as an apology for slavery is meaningless without reparation. Furthermore, I do believe the PNC no more owes the Guyanese people an apology than does the PPP. If the PNC is guilty of rigging, the PPP is equally guilty of racially manipulating the Indo-Guyanese into voting for them.”


Thirdly, another person asked why APNU and PNC are not protesting more on the streets. Mr Granger responded that no political party has more hours of street protests than the PNC. Moreover, he said that protest actions have to be sharp and effective; they cannot be a blunt instrument. Fourthly, the opposition leader outlined a five-point policy proposal for improving the economy. At the centre of the proposal are security and a reactivation of the British project to professionalize the police. With sound economic underpinning, he emphasized that the underground economy is a tax on the official one and therefore has to be stamped out. Education and gender issues are also at the core of his plan.

The parliamentary opposition leader mentioned other points that were already raised in the media and some I might have missed. The ones I have given above reflect my professional and academic interests, therefore they stood out in my memory.


Yours faithfully,
Tarron Khemraj


"The truth is I do not believe in political apologies. I believe in being correct, not politically correct, just as I believe there can be no remission of sin without repentance – a complete turnaround, a reformation, so to speak. To me, an apology without restitution serves no useful purpose, just as an apology for slavery is meaningless without reparation. Furthermore, I do believe the PNC no more owes the Guyanese people an apology than does the PPP. If the PNC is guilty of rigging, the PPP is equally guilty of racially manipulating the Indo-Guyanese into voting for them.”


This whole apology thing has really been taken out of context. It is a marketing phenomenon. I had mentioned it's a "brand" and "branding" issue. The PNC has to ask itself "how can I make my product more appealing" to a target market - the ones other than the 42% that vote for it?



Why slice and dice  and goatey and puknee and daboo the whole thing? JB's highlight to pump her  chest as to some revelation by the author of the excerpt does what? Just go out and get another 9% and the job will be done or rip that 9% even if it goes to GUMP.

Originally Posted by Kari:

This whole apology thing has really been taken out of context. It is a marketing phenomenon. I had mentioned it's a "brand" and "branding" issue. The PNC has to ask itself "how can I make my product more appealing" to a target market - the ones other than the 42% that vote for it?



Why slice and dice  and goatey and puknee and daboo the whole thing? JB's highlight to pump her  chest as to some revelation by the author of the excerpt does what? Just go out and get another 9% and the job will be done or rip that 9% even if it goes to GUMP.

And your point is?

Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by JB:

And your point is?

Answer this:


JB's highlight to pump her  chest as to some revelation by the author of   the excerpt does what?

Men have chests. Women have breasts.


Granger did a good job in New York


Posted By Staff Writer On June 12, 2014 @ 5:01 am In Letters | 

Dear Editor,


I was delighted when I met David Granger for the first time in Richmond Hill Queens, New York. It was Tony Jones who first informed me of his coming and invited me to meet with him in Brooklyn to discuss the political situation in Guyana. Unfortunately that meeting didn’t come off. Malcolm Harripaul later informed me that Granger was having a meeting in Richmond Hill at Richie Rich Palace and would be walking through on the famous Liberty Avenue in Richmond Hill, followed by dinner at Mike Persaud’s place.

I met Granger on Liberty Ave and 125 Street where Malcolm introduced me to him. The walk through was wonderful for an African opposition leader in an Indo-dominated community. It was a great master stroke for Granger and APNU. It reminded me of Cheddi Jagan going into Buxton. As his bodyguard and closeman I was told that picketers were waiting but we went in nevertheless. When word got to Malcolm that PPP picketers were waiting at Richie Rich Palace he advised that we would go through the picket line, shake hands with the picketers, and invite them to come to the meeting. Granger agreed. The PPP protestors looked surprised to see Granger approaching them. Some of them shook hands with him and expressed their concerns. Granger had a short discussion with them. That was unlike the PPP leaders who usually scurry through the back door and hide from picketers. They rarely entertain questions from the audience.

Granger did a good job answering questions from the audience. He dealt nicely with the Amaila Falls project, the airport ripoff, the PPP propaganda machines NCN and GINA, and the budget cuts. I am praying for the videotape to reach safely to Freedom House so that Uncle Donald and the PPP Secretary and crew would have a nice look at how David Granger the ex-Brigadier outshone them in their own backyard.


The old PPP diehards were there. One interrupted Colin Moore who was talking about the killing of about 400 black men done by Roger Khan, saying, “Colin yuh a talk bout Raja Khan, what about Blackie.” Granger answered that Blackie was shot and killed in Guyana but Roger Khan was allowed to flee the country only to be intercepted in Trinidad by the DEA.

The question of apologizing for the wrongs the PNC did in the past was raised. I beg Granger not to apologize because he wasn’t the leader of the PNC at that time. If for argument’s sake he apologizes, then the PPP would say, ‘See, that’s what we were saying all the time. Granger was pressured in Richmond Hill after he met with the Indian community there and said he is sorry for what the PNC did to Indo-Guyanese. See this man has blood on his hands. Remember the ballot box martyrs in Berbice? It was Granger who led that operation.’ To apologise would cause his downfall and affect his popularity as leader of APNU and would score a political coup for the PPP.

Never mind those old timers who are calling for apologies. The Guyanese youth nowadays don’t care about Burnham and the PNC. They hardly know about the sixties and who did what to whom. Most don’t even know about Walter Rodney. They want jobs, nice cellphone, car, money, they want crime to stop, blackouts to stop, police harassment to stop – they want a good life. They want a president who can deliver the goods to them. They see the PPP as corrupt but they have no choice. Now David Granger has to show them he can deliver, and that when he becomes president he would be a president for all Guyana. Good luck to David and I hope he continues to bridge the divide.


Yours faithfully,
S Harald


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