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Former Member

Dear Editor,


On 21st December 2018 the APNU+AFC Coalition government lost a no-confidence motion in the National Assembly.  Article 106(6) of the Constitution of Guyana states:

“The Cabinet including the President shall resign if the Government is defeated by a vote of the majority of all the elected members of the National Assembly on a vote of confidence.”

The Caribbean Court of Justice held that Article 106(6) “immediately became engaged” when the no-confidence motion was passed.


Therefore from 21st December 2018 Guyana did not have a president or any ministers.

 The Court of Appeal and the CCJ have both held that all that remained was a ‘caretaker’ government with limited powers and an obligation to call elections within 3 months.

 There is not a single person in Guyana who is entitled to be called ‘president’, ‘prime minister’, ‘minister’ or ‘Attorney-General. Mr Granger, Mr Nagamootoo and all persons who held ministerial appointments in the APNU+AFC Coalition government must respect the Constitution and stop claiming titles such as ‘president’, ‘minister’, ‘prime minister’ or ‘Attorney-General.’


 We ask all diplomatic missions and their respective governments, international organisations, all Guyanese citizens and organisations and entities, all national and international media, to refer to  ‘former president’, ‘former PM’, ‘former minister’ or to use the political party designations (e.g. leader, deputy leader.) We are happy to see that Kaieteur News is already doing this.

The caretaker government failed to call elections by 18th September 2019 or to get an extension. This is a serious violation of the Constitution that means they stopped being a constitutional ‘caretaker’ government and became an unconstitutional illegitimate de facto administration.

It is now almost 16 months since the no-confidence motion and in all that time Guyana has not had a lawful president or cabinet. It is urgent to install a new government based on the will of the people.


Irrespective of any political agreement between Mr Granger and Mr Jagdeo, we insist that GECOM immediately obeys the laws of Guyana, finishes the verification and tabulation of the official statements of poll for the region 4 electoral district and makes a valid declaration in compliance with the instructions of the Chief Justice.

Yours faithfully,

Nigel Hinds


Marcel Gaskin

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Someone is running the show in Guyana and it is not Jranjir.  When Gaddafi overthrew the king of Libya he hid being several people for a long period before emerging as the real leader of the coup. I hope that is not happening in Guyana.


After the PNC fortified their positions, both Carl and Cummings will be back in the fold. Some body has to take the blame for the Commonwealth disrespecting. The leader of the coup, thinking tidying up will avoid sanctions. I doan tink anybody in the PNC worry about eating fancy canned foods, driving fancy cars and dressing up. 


What did Grander do for Guyana within the last two years? Can anyone list his achievements in the last 5 years?  I have posted Jagdeo's achievements  five years ago. Jagdeo and the PPP have completed over 3500 Projects.  


Indeed Esteemed Bibi Haniffa, indeed ....

Joseph Harmon is his massa.


@Prashad, Jranjiir is not under house arrest. He was instructed to fire Carl and Cummings after they insulted the international observers at GECOM.  He has a massa you know.


Nobody listens to Granger or Moses and Ramjattan any more. The country is at a standstill.  Now that cargo boats are not going to Guyana, there will definitely be a food shortage in that country. Whom would you blame?

Bibi Haniffa posted:

A lot of the food in Guyana is imported from Trinidad. Now Trinidad is having their own food shortage.  But Guyanese can feed, clothe, and house themselves since 1976.

They definitely can't clothe themselves.

Labba posted:

Hey hey hey...we bai TK is call he communal leader of blackman and five coolie who want prado...hey hey hey. 

TK is home laughing his head off listening to you guys make a mockery of his one time mentor (MOSES).


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