I have a burning question related to your good judgement in the past to delete or closed a thread to satisfy members personal dislikes over another member's thread that didn't break any forum rules.
I am bringing this to your attention, hoping that outside influence will not dictate your better judgement in the future. My good friend, Vishnu M. accepted responsibility, and this issues or any future issues encountered on GNI will not affect our friendship.
Mr. Moderator, I am sure you have noticed redux behavior on GNI towards members who dislike his obnoxious and graphic language that may cause unnecessary upset to other members. Sir, if I come to you and say that redux thread offended me personally, would you delete it?
Vishnu is also a victim of redux abuse. I believe Vishnu should also see fit to make sure GNI stay clean from everyone.
Personally, I don't care if redux set this place on fire because he can't get under his my skin. One thing I know, his finger always on shit like dipping his finger in peanut butter and smelling it.
Thank you!