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Former Member

Coming events cast their shadows beforehand.

AFC Presidential Candidate Moses Nagamootoo and his Afro-Guyanese running mate will draw a wide cross-section of voters.

The AFC as a multi-racial party will bring doomsday to racialism.

PPP Indo-supremacists and racists on GNI can heap a Roraima of slander and insult on AFC leaders. They will fail.

The AFC will take its programme to Guyanese of all ethnic origin.

The corrupt and undemocratic PPP must go.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

AFC Presidential Candidate Moses Nagamootoo and his Afro-Guyanese running mate will draw a wide cross-section of voters.

Really ???

Yes the will get more votes than anyone.....

Who the PPP got to beat Moses.....

De PNC Hydro Engineer...... & Kwame De Black House of Israel Thug


Yuh think DG & Batty Bhai


can get more votes than Moses & Cathy??????

Last edited by Former Member

DG is stuck like the rest of the PPP on the only thing they know.


Appeal to race based voting, the problem here is that this no longer has the relevance as it once did in Guyana and we have been seeing that the past 2 successive elections more and more Guyanese are willing to change their voting patterns.


There may be a still significant number that will vote PPP and or PNC etc based on race but at the end of the day that is dwindling.


The AFC and the PNC can dramatically undermine that voting pattern with some small steps of driving towards a unity government if that happens the PPP cork duck.


The PPP has one big problem which they cannot seem to overcome, the country and its people have soured against them. The PPP's race baiting agenda does not move the people in any way to change their negative opinion of the PPP.


The Country is tired of the PPP's bitterness and poor performance so nothing the PPP says has any weight to influence the people one way or another. This election is the opposition's to lose.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Coming events cast their shadows beforehand.

AFC Presidential Candidate Moses Nagamootoo and his Afro-Guyanese running mate will draw a wide cross-section of voters.

The AFC as a multi-racial party will bring doomsday to racialism.

PPP Indo-supremacists and racists on GNI can heap a Roraima of slander and insult on AFC leaders. They will fail.

The AFC will take its programme to Guyanese of all ethnic origin.

The corrupt and undemocratic PPP must go.

I have to commend you for your enthusiasm and confidence of Moses Nagamootoo, Nigel Hughes and the AFC. People from the PPP and APNU has never been more excited for their respective party. It's a great feeling and people needs to be upbeat.

Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Coming events cast their shadows beforehand.

AFC Presidential Candidate Moses Nagamootoo and his Afro-Guyanese running mate will draw a wide cross-section of voters.

The AFC as a multi-racial party will bring doomsday to racialism.

PPP Indo-supremacists and racists on GNI can heap a Roraima of slander and insult on AFC leaders. They will fail.

The AFC will take its programme to Guyanese of all ethnic origin.

The corrupt and undemocratic PPP must go.

I have to commend you for your enthusiasm and confidence of Moses Nagamootoo, Nigel Hughes and the AFC. People from the PPP and APNU has never been more excited for their respective party. It's a great feeling and people needs to be upbeat.

Hip Hip Hooray.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
This election is the opposition's to lose.

Which indeed they will lose, as in the past ones.

You were telling us the same thing in 2011 you were predicting the PPP would win by a landslide.


You already have a losing record here. You can deny it all you want but the only reason the PPP is in office today is because of the bastardized constitution Jagan put in place in any other country the PPP would be sitting on opposition benches today and guess what?


The opposition will adapt because of those same measures and work together to defeat the PPP, they have no choice those are the cards the PPP has dealt them. The PPP has altered the game in such a way that the AFC and PNC have no choice but to work together to defeat the PPP.


Once that happens they can change the constitution and return it to a pre 1980 constitution. Then we go from there. At the end of the day are already lost. 

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
This election is the opposition's to lose.

Which indeed they will lose, as in the past ones.

You were telling us the same thing in 2011 you were predicting the PPP would win by a landslide.

Which political party won in 2011 and still in power since 1992?

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
This election is the opposition's to lose.

Which indeed they will lose, as in the past ones.

You were telling us the same thing in 2011 you were predicting the PPP would win by a landslide.

Which political party won in 2011 and still in power since 1992?

D_G has dispensed a disingenuous answer here. In 2011 D_G predicted that the PPP would get 55-60 percent of votes cast. The PPP actually got 48 percent and had to form a minority government.

Anyone who says the PPP "won" doesn't know what winning is. In reality the PPP lost but is in control of the government because of Burnham's authoritarian constitution.

As for D_G's 2011 prediction, he was way off the bullseye.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
This election is the opposition's to lose.

Which indeed they will lose, as in the past ones.

You were telling us the same thing in 2011 you were predicting the PPP would win by a landslide.

Which political party won in 2011 and still in power since 1992?

D_G has dispensed a disingenuous answer here. In 2011 D_G predicted that the PPP would get 55-60 percent of votes cast. The PPP actually got 48 percent and had to form a minority government.


Anyone who says the PPP "won" doesn't know what winning is. In reality the PPP lost but is in control of the government because of Burnham's authoritarian constitution.


As for D_G's 2011 prediction, he was way off the bullseye.

1. Specific to Guyana based on the proportional representation system, PPP/C with the most votes won the election in 2011, based on a free and fair process.


2. It requires, at least, sixty-six percent of the elected MPs to amend the constitution, and for practical purposes, PPP/C had fifty percent. What has the PNC and AFC done, since 1992, to publicly present in parliament needed changes to the constitution?


you can attempt to deflect and justify your bullshit above all you want. The fact is the majority of the electorate voted against the PPP government. The numbers clearly show that and this is why the Opposition can for the first time in the history of Guyana call a no confidence vote and depose of the government.


You comprehend dat senor?

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
The PPP has altered the game in such a way that the AFC and PNC have no choice but to work together to defeat the PPP.

Since before and quite clearly after the election, PNC and AFC have always been working as a unified unit.

Old Fool, why don't you tell your corrupted PPP/C dictators to learn to compromise and reach out to the other side? PPP/C will continue on it's downward slop as can be seen from the results of the past 3 GE.



DG is repeating the dumb PPP talking points and it shows quite clearly that he is a repeater and lacks basic common sense.


1. The AFC voted for Amalia falls the PNC did not.

2. The PNC was not supportive of the AFC's calls to link the establishing of the procurement to the AML Bill. The PNC later acquiesced due to intense pressure from the public due to the AFC raising awareness in this regard.


3. The PNC was not supportive of a No Confidence vote as a matter of fact Mr. Granger spoke loudly against a no confidence vote. Again due to pressure from the AFC APNU had no choice but to join the AFC on this issue because APNU's own base wants the no confidence vote.


4. The PNC negotiated a deal with the PPP to raise electricity Rates in linden. The AFC violently was opposed to any such deal and created hell on wheels by doing so which eventually led to the PPP murdering 3 protesters in Linden.


So when you look at the facts DG is repeating PPP bullshit propaganda which has its basis in a covert racist message the PPP is trying to communicate to the people of Guyana, the problem DG and the PPP has is no one is buying this pure unfiltered Horse shit.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
This election is the opposition's to lose.

Which indeed they will lose, as in the past ones.

You were telling us the same thing in 2011 you were predicting the PPP would win by a landslide.

Which political party won in 2011 and still in power since 1992?

Old Fool, how come you don't know this?


Moses does not have good health to complete any political campaign. He appears very sickley.


According to one poster here he suffers from Diabetes and High Blood Pressure and when one take his age into consideration, it spells disaster. 


Hope he does not kick the bucket due to health issues during the campaign:









Images (1)
  • Unknown
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Moses does not have good health to complete any political campaign. He appears very sickley.


According to one poster here he suffers from Diabetes and High Blood Pressure and when one take his age into consideration, it spells disaster. 


Hope he does not kick the bucket due to health issues during the campaign:








Come on yuji, this is distasteful to me much less to other. I can't tell you what to post, but I can give you my opinion. We don't wish this on our own enemies.

Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Moses does not have good health to complete any political campaign. He appears very sickley.


According to one poster here he suffers from Diabetes and High Blood Pressure and when one take his age into consideration, it spells disaster. 


Hope he does not kick the bucket due to health issues during the campaign:








Come on yuji, this is distasteful to me much less to other. I can't tell you what to post, but I can give you my opinion. We don't wish this on our own enemies.




I did not wish anything on my opponents. I am not emotional when it comes to politics but age combined with many diseases are a prelude to disaster. I am being realistic and my post did not wish death on anyone.


Remember, Nigel ?


He almost died and the PPP handed him a lifeline and he turned around and spit on the PPP.


Question: Considering all the facts, is the AFC not a party of Neemakharams ?

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
This election is the opposition's to lose.

Which indeed they will lose, as in the past ones.

You were telling us the same thing in 2011 you were predicting the PPP would win by a landslide.

Which political party won in 2011 and still in power since 1992?

D_G has dispensed a disingenuous answer here. In 2011 D_G predicted that the PPP would get 55-60 percent of votes cast. The PPP actually got 48 percent and had to form a minority government.


Anyone who says the PPP "won" doesn't know what winning is. In reality the PPP lost but is in control of the government because of Burnham's authoritarian constitution.


As for D_G's 2011 prediction, he was way off the bullseye.

1. Specific to Guyana based on the proportional representation system, PPP/C with the most votes won the election in 2011, based on a free and fair process.


2. It requires, at least, sixty-six percent of the elected MPs to amend the constitution, and for practical purposes, PPP/C had fifty percent. What has the PNC and AFC done, since 1992, to publicly present in parliament needed changes to the constitution?

D_G's twisted logic, semantics and word play are intended to prove that the PPP won the 2011 elections. In reality, the PPP only scored a Pyrrhic victory.

Originally Posted by Cobra:

You made your point and I am not in disagreement with you personally. I just state my opinion. I hope you would understand. No hard feelings!

Cobra, don't let yuji's reckless and slanderous posts discompose you.

Hundreds of guests visiting this GNI forum are seeing this little self-important man called yuji22 for what he is.

The English dictionary has a word to describe this man:Cockalorum. Check it out yourself.


Originally Posted by Cobra:

There are some of us who will encourage members of our camp to be sensitive to certain language or picture that describe a dreadful meaning.  


Who is brave enough to do the same in their camps?


I call upon all GNI members to eschew unwholesome texts and images. Let's focus on issues and not reckless rumours, slander and vulgarity.


When Naga came onboard the AFC it was very very late. The PPP did not have the scandals that seem to be oozing daily out of Guyana.


The 200 Million dollar a year pension was not in effect yet...........the people have had a chance to see the PPP in action with the failures at GuySuCo and elsewhere.


The PPP is in deep shit, anyone telling you different is lying to themselves.


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