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Mr. President, on behalf of an ungrateful nation, thank you

Some points to ponder about Obama's record


WASHINGTON, D.C. - I’ve never written a column like this. Readers rarely believe it, but I am not on any political team. Generosity toward the high and mighty isn’t among my few virtues. But this needs to be said: Americans are lucky to have Barack Obama as president and we should wake up and appreciate it while we can.

President Obama will go down in history as an extraordinary president, probably a great one. He will have done this in an era that doesn’t aggrandize leaders and presidents, but shrinks them. All presidents have had profound opposition, vicious enemies and colossal failures. A few were beloved and others deeply respected in their day, but none in the modern era and certainly not Obama.

Why? Marcus Aurelius said, “Man is puny in the face of destiny.” If the stoic king were writing about modern, democratic sovereigns, he might say, “Kings are puny in a world blind to destiny, a world seen through the sacred screens of televisions and computers that can view only the puny.”

Many presidents fared better in history than in office. But it would be a morale booster and a sign of civic maturity if more Americans appreciated what an exceptional president they have right now. It could be a long wait for the next one.

One can hate Democrats, disagree with Obama on big issues, dislike his style or be disappointed the excitement of his election didn’t last. But his accomplishments, ambitious goals, dignity and honesty under tough circumstances demand admiration and appreciation.

This is, of course, perverse liberal-media propaganda to conservative Obama-haters. It’s wobbly centrism to a left-flank frustrated Obama hasn’t done more for them. And it’s naïve hot air to Washington’s political clans that think Obama doesn’t play the game well.

Changing minds with a keypad is a fool’s errand; I’m surely a fool, but not on that count. I simply offer some points for the open-minded to ponder.

1. The Iran deal: Time will reveal if the deal worked, not today’s talking/tweeting heads. What cannot be in dispute is this was a momentous initiative, a gutsy political risk, a diplomatic success and, potentially, a giant step in defusing a long-ticking time bomb.

2.  Obamacare: In the midst of the worst economy since the Great Depression, Obama delivered one of the most important domestic programs since the New Deal. Only LBJ’s Great Society laws compare. Obamacare has survived two challenges in the Supreme Court and constant, kabuki-style congressional votes to repeal. It’s now off life support. Key goals are being met. It will evolve and improve. One day it will be taken for granted and people will say, “Keep the government out of my Obamacare.”

3.  The financial meltdown: Obama inherited it, then managed the recovery to the degree possible in the global economy. The recovery has been steady, though slow. The worst-case predictions didn’t happen. He began to reverse the deregulation of the financial industry. He delivered a significant Asian trade deal. Yet few give Obama much credit.

4.  The First: Becoming the first black president is itself an epic triumph. Obama doesn’t get much good will for that any more. We properly canonize Rosa Parks, Jackie Robinson and Martin Luther King. Of Obama, we ask, “What have you done for me lately?” That’s fair, he’s president. He doesn’t ask for credit for being the first black one. He and his family are at risk every day and we take their courage for granted.

5. Dignity and honesty: Obama’s administration has been as free of corruption and, well, peccadillo as any in memory. It’s the first two-term presidency not to be derailed by scandal since Eisenhower. A few will stay in paranoid lather about Benghazi or Fast and Furious, but those pseudo-scandals don’t compare to Watergate, Iran-Contra, Bill Clinton’s carnal antics or the phony evidence used to justify attacking Iraq.

Obama has weathered a recession, invisible racism, a reckless Republican Congress, a lily-livered Democratic Party, attacks from the richest pressure groups ever (Super PACs) and a 24/7, ADHD press corps under existential pressure to deliver page views and Nielsen ratings. He has done it with the “No Drama Obama” style that befits the office.

Obama isn’t a performer like Reagan or a preacher like Clinton. He’s head over heart, cool over warm. Yet he did his pastoral duties after Sandy Hook, the Boston Marathon and Charleston. He wasn’t a catalyst for same-sex marriage, but nourished the culture that made it possible.

It is harder than ever to see the big canvas and thus find fresh perspectives. We view current events as puny rivers of Tweets, not grand chapters in the ultimate story -- history.

In that longer view, we should feel well served.  So, Mr. President, on behalf of an ungrateful nation, thank you.

[My Obama column had a mistake: Racism is not invisible]

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Prashad posted:

I don't like Obama. But I can say this. For white America Obama was a good President.

I like Obama. He always weighed his thoughts before he gave an answer to a question. Many of those who hated Obama will be crying this spring when their medical benefits are pulled out from under them. Look out for disaster in the coal belt.

RiffRaff posted:

Obama was a great President...and could have been greater, if not for the determination of the Republicans to see that a black President doesn't succeed

Why you think they named the ACA Obama Care?


Obama entered the White House being labeled every ugly thing that could have be said. He spent the 8 years there doing things that benefited the everyday person and is leaving with not even the suggestion of a scandal. America need more presidents like Obama and had the hateful Republicans cared more about the American people, Obama would have gotten even more done. Yes. Thank you President Obama. Now the shit is about to begin.


The man talked assertive, but far from it. He gave Americans the perception that white people on Capitol Hill disliked him. Everyone, treated the phrase, "they will make him a one tem President. But isn't that always the objective of theDemocrtas or the Republicans. Simply to mess up the Presidency. People just think because he is a Kenyan he had some special kind of privilize.

Lyndon Johnston declared, inorder to get bills through the Senate, it is always wise to have a good set of negotiating skills. Obama has none. Trump in abundance.

Obama whined forever,wasting 8 years. His main objective was not America. Instead, he aimed for a bigger stage, Foreign. He started off his sermon in Cairo. He din realize, those Mid_east doan take kindly tosermons. Then he admonished Americans about Tunisa diplomats, Eid and some President who had a copy of a religious book. All of that he never grasped the full context. That revelation, was the mans character. 

Just get a lil bit info and fly wid it. He has alot in common with Trump.

seignet posted:

The man talked assertive, but far from it. He gave Americans the perception that white people on Capitol Hill disliked him.

Funny you think he gave people the perception that the Republicans didn't like him because he was black. It is only of recent times that Obama has even breached the subject of racial tension regarding his presidency and he was doing it to help Clinton. For most of his two terms, he stayed away from any discussion about how the Republicans felt about him being a black president.


The people elected Obama to resolve the financial crisis and get us out of persistent wars, both of which was achieved.   He was blocked every bit of the way by a majority Republican. Whether he will be judged as a great president is yet to be determined. But him and his wife were class acts. 

RiffRaff posted:

Obama was a great President...and could have been greater, if not for the determination of the Republicans to see that a black President doesn't succeed

Obama is a two term president. His greatness relied on his performance. Republicans are white, black, Hispanic, etc it's not white people alone. Plus, Obama also failed the blacks in America. You failed to make a case of race against Obama.


History will be the judge.  I believe he did good things and fell short on others.  Net net result will be written by history!  I believe his intention was always good but he also had wicked people like Hillary in his camp.


Before Obama the world was in turmoil, Obama stepped into position and things ran smoother. What some want to see as President is for him to be an idiot and start wars, he showed them that is not what being President is about.


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