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New thinking…

…from Granger on Federalism?

One of the most intriguing utterances from David Granger, Leader of the PNC, Leader of APNU,  Leader of the Combined Parliamentary Opposition (and not so incidentally, the opponent of Carl Greenidge and sideliner of Aubrey Norton), was his take on the Budget.

No. We’re not talking about his promise to “chop the Budget viciously”…that might have something to do with fending off Greenidge, more than anything else. You think?

What intrigues us is his cry that even though the hinterland’s producing so much wealth with gold, timber, bauxite, diamonds and what not…they’re not getting a proportionate share of the budgetary allocations. Now here it is, silly us, we thought we’re an indivisible state and no matter where the revenues come from, we’re supposed to spend them to increase the “national wealth”. Emphasis on the “national”.

So, for instance, if 90 per cent of the population lives on the Coast, we oughtn’t to be surprised if most of the road-building projects are located there. But Granger, the old-time military strategist, thinks otherwise. He feels that since we’re, say, digging up so much of the gold from the Pakaraimas, the folks up there ought to be getting pitched roads also. It’s their money.

Never mind it’ll ruin that big tourist attraction we’re building for the rugged he-man tourist type – the Pakaraimas Safari, Granger’s insistent we ought to be tooling around the mountain passes with panache.

But we detect from this utterance something revolutionary from the old soldier: when you examine his thrust, the fella’s calling for federalism. Each state has first dibs on their own revenue streams and all that.

And here we thought that crackpot idea had sunk into oblivion along with its originator Ravi Dev! But like your Eyewitness said, Granger’s a strategic thinker. Didn’t he play chess with Odo himself? So what’s he up to?

Well, one theory that immediately springs to mind is he’s given up on believing he can break the PPP/C’s stranglehold on coastal politics and believes he can do better in the interior.

Then again, with Greenidge yapping at his heels (that Greenidge does remind you of a terrier, doesn’t he?), it could be that if the Pakaraimas and the other parts of the Highland Region are separate states, Greenidge won’t be able to keep up with him on the campaign trail. You don’t see Greenidge rappelling down the sheer face of Ayanganna, much less Roraima, do you?

But it’s encouraging that at his age, (he’s about 80, no?) Granger can change his thinking. Who knows? Maybe he’ll soon be calling for “balancing the forces”!!!


…on ganja

Well, Dear Readers, those of you who’ve been following this column would know your Eyewitness’ take on this legalisation of marijuana business. And it is a business. Here it is, cigarettes are a known cause of lung and laryngeal cancer and yet they are legal.

Sold everywhere:  with warnings – but sold. Making billions in profits for the cigarette makers in the First World that’re busy shipping the death sticks to Third World countries like Guyana.

And let’s not even talk about alcohol and its effect on the liver. That’s nothing compared to the damage it does to the social fabric of our country. But up to now we’ve been going along with the U.S. line on outlawing the use of marijuana – even though they’re pushing the entire trade as the largest consumers.

So we’re very happy that we’re backing the region’s efforts, led by Jamaica, to legalise the herb – especially for medicinal purposes. Not to mention its religious use. It’s irie, no?


…on “units”

The Muckraker’s fussing about Minister Rohee saying there’s a “kidnapping unit” in the Guyana Police Force versus the new Commissioner claiming there are individuals distributed within the force that perform this function.

The turds over at the Muckraker obviously think a “unit” has only a physical attribute and not also a functional one.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

This is what happens to keen minds when reduced to booth licking. The false comparison of road building on the coast as an excuse for robbing the native of their share of the national weal speaks to that. If so much wealth is taken out of the area and yet  it remains in such destitution, the relevance is their destitution compared to others and not some spurious metric to excuse the unfairness of the process. It is basic moral grounding lacking in this corrupt regime currently prattling about cuts to Amerind budget allocation when they rob Amerinds directly in instances as this.


Note Nigeria is a federalist republic and that did not stop the Ibos from removing the oil from Hausa regions with little returns there. Fairness is fairness and has little to do with the kinds of administrative systems. Further, if it is federal lands being exploited the local region would have little to do with the management of it. All non titled lands not in state parks would have to be specifically reserved to the state for the state to have control.


And why is ravi not commenting on the ridiculous constitution as he used to? After all, he commissioned one at considerable intellectual and financial investment so he knows the budget process being clung to by the PPP is a load of bunk.


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