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Former Member

Local Government Minister Norman Whittaker Monday afternoon said that Royston King’s appointment as Town Clerk is illegal and he accused King of being “guilty of subordination”.

Speaking at a press conference this afternoon at the Ministry’s boardroom at Fort Street , Kingston , Whittaker said that King as well as City Mayor Hamilton Green , should await the outcome of appeals made by lawyers for both King and the Interim Town Clerk , Carol Sooba , before carrying out any further actions regarding the highly controversial post at City Hall.

According to Whittaker,”Mr Royston King is not the Town Clerk…..he is guilty of subordination among other things and he should re-examine himself”.


excerpts from demwaves

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Originally Posted by Conscience:

Local Government Minister Norman Whittaker Monday afternoon said that Royston King’s appointment as Town Clerk is illegal and he accused King of being “guilty of subordination”.

Speaking at a press conference this afternoon at the Ministry’s boardroom at Fort Street , Kingston , Whittaker said that King as well as City Mayor Hamilton Green , should await the outcome of appeals made by lawyers for both King and the Interim Town Clerk , Carol Sooba , before carrying out any further actions regarding the highly controversial post at City Hall.

According to Whittaker,”Mr Royston King is not the Town Clerk…..he is guilty of subordination among other things and he should re-examine himself”.


excerpts from demwaves

******* you and the ppp is the last person on this earth that should be saying what is legal and inlegal 


Investigation launched into Royston King signing off $36M in tax waivers


Royston King

Royston King

[] – The Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development has launched an investigation into the allegations that Public Relations Officer of the Mayor and City Council (M&CC), Royston King signed off on the exemption of payment of rates and taxes for Beacon Foundation in excess of $36M.

Subject Minister, Norman Whittaker said that the Ministry has written to the Auditor General’s Office and the Commissioner of Police to have the issue investigated. The Minister said that due to the present scenario at the Mayor and City Council, the Auditor General has been unable to access the records, thus far.

He said however, that the Ministry through its own investigations has determined that the letter to which King affixed his signature holding out himself as town clerk is genuine.

“That’s his signature,” the Minister said.

He said that he is also aware that there are no records at the level of the Ministry of the then Minister ever approving of King to act as a Town Clerk, and therefore the ministry remains in the dark about the source of King’s authority.

Originally Posted by Cobra:

Greene is running City Hall like a w/hore house. I hate to say but this is bullyism by a black pnc gang on one coolie woman. 


It is time that we speak out against PNC racism show towards an Indo Guyanese woman. 


It is the same old racist PNC.


Same old racist PNC.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Greene is running City Hall like a w/hore house. I hate to say but this is bullyism by a black pnc gang on one coolie woman. 


It is time that we speak out against PNC racism show towards an Indo Guyanese woman. 


It is the same old racist PNC.


Same old racist PNC.

need some Raid for cockroaches . . . they stink under my boot

Originally Posted by Conscience:


We must take note of what a racist and sexist PNC is capable of doing. We must not also forget that the AFC with it's Afro leadership is supporting a racist PNC.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

We must take note of what a racist and sexist PNC is capable of doing. We must not also forget that the AFC with it's Afro leadership is supporting a racist PNC.

need some Raid for PPP cockroaches . . . they stink under my boot

Last edited by Former Member

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